Why are religions so hard to believe in? They just all seem false to me.
paganism is only true religion of europe tbh
Because most of them are false.
But I don't care what religion belongs to what region, just what is true
So there are some that aren't?
Define religion faggot.
Belief in a supernatural diety?
religion can also be atheistic
Ok, no jokes, i read that as Deity, then according to you chamanism, animism, voodoo, buddhism, etc arent religions…
This, but extreme autists cant get what a religion is, no, i am not trolling, its like asking a psychopath what love is.
I no joke have no idea what love is, should I just neck myself?
No, just be a decent person and keep looking for God.
what did Coldplay mean by this?
Sorry for self checking, but what a weird numbers.
Any band with a producer behind them isnt just a band anymore.
pls tell me you aren't a christkike :(
Yes, i am.
pls tell me you aren't australian :(
everything - all endeavor - the one thing all life has in common, is the search for and consumption of resources which allow said life to continue living…
in humans, this paradigm has manifested culturally as the accumulation of (what we think of as) wealth
all of human history can be boiled down to this;
an individual, or small group of people convincing, provoking, or forcing a larger, less informed group of people to provide said individual or small group with wealth…
wars and religion have, for thousands of years been the 2 most effective ways of accomplishing this - and man, when you combine the two…
"cash4heaven scam" is honestly about the most succinct assessment of all religion that I've heard…
no im a spic tbh
what do you mean?
Are you serious? producers create and cut contracts, they add and remove things, if you dont like it then go back to your dad's garage.
but how does that make them "not just a band"?
Makes sense to me.
tbh im an atheist and even i think pic 1 is fucking gay
okay, but that's not a very useful thing to say. kinda like saying 1+1 > 1. true, but doesn't add anything to a conversation.
The first one is funny as fuck, remove the word religion, replace it with science and the stones will be nukes on africa and faggots, the second is even better, berserks became christians.
Communism is even worse with music, but both agree on launching free shit to christianity.
See this or ask the fith beatle
Because you dont need suramin, you are just edgy.
Its relative, "dude, need moni, do a song about this and no about this, here is a dozen of prostitutes, half of them have a pennis and are waiting in your manor, do you want them or not?" "sure, but load and reload are really shitty names".
how tbh
rambling incoherent non-arguments have the whiff of idiot woman…
filthy pussy detected…
hi, today I'm trying to explain:
once I got rid of all the garbage between myself and god, I felt much closer to god.
I'm not exactly shitting on everything the bible or every religion says, since you can clearly see me using the bible as a source. just remember that most if not all religions are mostly if not all wrong- but most if not all religions have small pieces of truth, if you are willing to sift through the corruption. believing everything you read or experience in life as perfect, that's the problem.
Basically the best advice I can give you is this, and I will try to stay on topic and not derail too far unless it's slightly important to know or be aware of:
this is because they believe themselves to be greater than God and want to become God or make humanity into God. see the story of the tower of babel. look up "the singularity" and do research on what kind of people are always pushing "singularity" speak, and technological transcendance. also everyone pushing "the internet of things" and trying to unite us all in bad ways so they can attempt to control us and spy on us by sneaking in bluetooth and wifi into toilets and salt shakers.
remember jesus and satan are both "the morning star" and jesus is "the son of man" and was also obsessed with trying to convince everyone that he was "god" which is one of the reasons I believe jesus was a globalist.
also note the obsession with zodiac signs. jesus talks about "the man with the pitcher of water" and that's supposedly aquarius. alot of people say "we are not the (jesus)fish we are actually the (ocean)water!" this is connected to how we know water is a sacred creation of God (great flood, waters above and below the earth) and these people equate hijacking the meaning of the current great awakening to mean that "humanity is the water" (hey did you know the human body is a large percentage of water?!?!?? but lets totally ignore all the other things we are made out of, and disregard the fact that we are souls, and we have bodies and not the other way around.)
so that in essence they are implying that "humanity is God" also there are many connections between jesus, satan "lucifer the light bringer" and the sun we see in the sky every day. they also want to hijack that because they want to worship the sun as another one of their many false idols. notice a theme? they enjoy taking the creations of God and worshipping them or claiming to be them.
these same decievers throughout history made up lies like:
"the greatest trick the devil ever did was convince us he didn't exist"
which pyschologically tempts your mind to consider that you are worried that you are being fooled, and thus tricking a non-devil believer (since the devil isn't real but idiots worship that) into worrying that you are making a mistake by being unaware of a possible threat and then believing again in an attempt to "bring yourself up to speed" and protect yourself.
"the path to hell is paved with good intentions"
so what may I ask Is the path to heaven paved with? bad intentions?
>there is no hell, other than the very earth we live on. when God made the earth, the sun and the moon, and the stars and said "and it was good" it was not good for humanity, but good for the purpose God has for humanity.
>some thoughts come up so that you can think "No! that's stupid, that's totally bad, lets not do that." because it can make you aware of what Not to do.
>many religions are designed to trick people into thinking they need to go to a special building to worship God so that they don't feel as if they are being heard by God as well as if they were praying in the (((approved place of worship))) like churches, synagoges, and mosqs.
Exodus 20
Deuteronomy 5
remember people, I'm talking about the one and only God here. the infinite, beyond infinite. eternal
huh… you were really clickity-clacking on that for a while, werent you schlomo?
They're not for most of the world population, it's just very hard for people of high intelligence to let go and accept a higher intelligence because they've had to be constantly cynical their whole lives because humans suck. Tl;dr: You need to start with the basic tenants of a religion before you get into specific rules otherwise the ideas you currently hold will tend to get in the way
I recommend Islam
religion is a set of rules and rituals. They dont have to be centered around a god - they just need to be nonsense
insult me, deny me credit, but take the truth and run. as long as you learn.
Because you're a fool too lazy to do research for yourself.
Stop trying to figure God out. You cannot forcefully find God, moral man.
God will reveal Himself to you as you purity your body, mind, and soul.
Step one: REPENT
Step two: SEEK GOD
Its stupid to try to figure out God or religious interpretations therof when blind and deaf to the spiritual world. Christianity or Paganism are just interesting and ancient memes for the polluted and corrupted being.
Wisdom herself teaches a Righteous and Penitent man many secrets. She is God's first daughter and she is a pure waifu you must not drive her away with your filthyness. Angelic sisters are many and would love to act as a muse. There are so many desiring to know men, receptive to higher realms of mind and soul.
Please brothers (sister) purify your being and receive knowledge of God.
meant to say mortal wow forget I even tried to post
ok thanks for clearing that up but where's your evidence?
Sometimes things come in pairs, like lesbians and violence, faggots and aids or edgyness and atheism, i dont know the reason but you can notice that they come togheter like niggers and poverty.
Are you talking about "music and money" or science saying that bugchasers are bioterrorists? and i am not even quoting Watson.
what the fuck do you mean? legitimately confused at your last reply.
Wait you're for real? Hahaha
Because we no longer value faith as a means of understanding our world, which I feel is tragically ironic because we will never be able to understand all things.
its no reason to not try, though and every step brings us closer to understanding anything
Marx's personal motto
Marx thought of communism as a fictional story when he wrote about it. It was something unattainable, like some made up fantasy that could never be. Then a bunch of retarded faggots decided to embrace it. It's basically like Scientology.
If God is real why is there entropy and decay?
that still leaves all his analyses about, for example, value as complete bullshit that he claimed was real
What's the best religion, and why is it Mormon?
because almost everything here is supposed to be really bad and imperfect, and then when we go naturally or whatever, then we go to heaven and everything is nice forever.
It's a modern reboot of the Bible that makes sense given how much we learned about geography. Also having Jesus visit the Americas just makes him seem like a nicer guy.
This plus Joseph Smith was assasinated for being an anti-slavery activist.
t. Mormon
>founded by some guy named Moroni who claimed to be an angel
sounds legit
It was founded by a man named Joseph Smith who claimed to have spoken to an angel named Moroni.
Is American education so bad they don't know about their own religion?
Hello fellow Mormon
Most Americans still think we practice polygamy
why would public schools teach about moronism
why would public schools teach about any religious ideology? They should teach about objective facts.
they don't. your point?
People shouls be aware of other people's ideologies. It's not that the schools should promote them, but saying mormons exist seems preety important if you live in a country that's home to them.
Yes they do. They teach the religious dogma of progressionism. If you think the left isn't dogmatic, you are incorrect. Being a progressive is aligning yourself with a distinct ideology. There are even schools that hold atheist ideologies, these are still dogmatic. Atheists are very religious whether they like to believe it or not. Schools should teach about facts that have been proven to exist in the past. Things that are based on statistics, not dogma.
you said religious ideology. don't be shifting the goalposts now.
Unlike catholics they don't lie when they claim to have been persecuted in the past en.wikipedia.org
I'm not shifting goalposts. I'm saying that the left relies on dogma and are heavily religious. Just because they haven't identified as a religious movement doesn't mean that they aren't religious. If you choose to become a progressive, you are forced to believe in certain things like "white privilege". That's a dogmatic structure. If you disagree with it then you are shunned.
I bet in under 20 years, progressives will be seen as a religious movement.
Is this bait?
The klan hung catholics tho
Progressives are religious in their own practice. They define certain principles and denounce all those who go against it.
Yes, I'm literally saying that progressivism acts like a religion. It will be one in your lifetime, I guarantee it.
is mathematics a religion by your criteria?
That's a religion
No, mathematics is based on a number system, it isn't based on an ideological structure. It's based on a reduction of numbers that forms a pattern. It's not based on a opinion.
So are most political movement religions to you? Were the nazis religious? Was Lenin a religious leader? Was Martin Luther King somehow a Christian preacher yet had his own religion in the form of a movement? After all, if you said black people don't deserve equal rights he wouldn't like you!
is skateboarding a religion?
Never mind, you're one of those.
>>>Holla Forums
but Pythagoras thought different and surely he knows more wbout numbers than you
No, learn to read.
I'm pretty sure Hitler claimed to be a christian but his political policies were based on benefiting his own country based on the populous. He still allowed other countries to do the same, therefore he wasn't pushing dogma on everyone.
Yes, because he used religious dogma (some might call it kike tactics) to control an entire population of people and turn them into a collective. While allowing outsiders into his little bubble, as long as they obeyed by the rules.
No, it's a sub-culture. You are trying to compare political ideology with something teens do in their spare time as a hobby.
fuck off, fag.
Holla Forums confirmed.
but user, thats the pervasive mentality/values/beliefs held by skateboarders. doesnt that meet the criteria you just posted? a group with preset convictions pressured onto new members?
Nice of you to skip the Martin Luther King part.
You seem to really like Hitler.
I used to go to skateparks a few years ago. There were niggers and mexicans riding next to whites. Being a skateboarder isn't "holding an ideology", it's just being a kid that likes to skate.
Martin Luther King was against affirmative action and treating blacks like they have some sort of extra talent. Martin Luther King basically said that blacks should be treated as whites. Then he got shot.
Hitler wasn't as bad as people say. At least he was fighting for his own culture. As the Soviets (kike bolsheviks) fought to overtake whites.
so a system of ideals is not an ideology if it doesnt involve race?
(the rollerbladers are the parallel group to race in this instance. as well as bmx'ers)
I like how Holla Forums's ideology revolves around race so much they just have to lie to maintain the narrative. I'll play along.
See this crowd? Looks white to me. Unless you mean "wasn't racist" as being "anti-white", wouldn't be the first time.
Sorry to break your bubble, not everyone is racist Holla Forumstard. I know, surprising, but some people just don't care about skin colour.
No, I'm saying that skateboarders don't have an ideology, you fucking idiot. Skateboarders do it because they like it. They aren't doing it for pushing a political ideology. That's like saying pool players engage in pool only to push their political stance. They are doing it because they like it.
see above comment
Yeah, I see a jewish man trying to control eurasians.
Yeah, I know. By the way I don't even browse Holla Forums.
People who care about genetics realize that there is a difference between racist. It's not just about skin color.
Why does communism always manage to accidentally make the most nationalist countries in the modern world?
That's just a lie. A lot of poor Jews supported him because they were discriminated against by the monarchy be abolished.
difference between races. Sorry, your buzzwords are affecting me.
I can't even deconstruct that sentence. Please explain.
so you are implying that all races are the same? I don't get it.
but that is their ideology, user. i thought we werent getting into specific type of ideologies? since by your standards, a political ideology is somehow religious..is it not now that the accepted system of ideals of skateboarders concerning other subgroups of people is not an ideology?
i think youre just being intellectually dishonest at this point cuz you realized youre retarded and dont wanna have to accept it
you guys let the shills turn it into a racism and bullshit discussion, you let them derail it you fucking retards
all religion discussion went down the drain.
you all took the bait
fucking idiots.
I'm mad.
their ideology being influenced by their hobby. just like im sure you have a natural predilection towards natsoc or whatever you are influenced by other areas of your life
Do you watch this "show" or did you just google something about North Korea and posted it here without watching it?
To answer your question tankies were a mistake, read Rosa Luxemburg's "Marxism or Leninism?"
Even then, North Korea is an outliner and China is very anti-nationalistic. North Korea's movement was seized by opportunities very early on so they didn't even bother.
Yes, because it's not political. Do you get it yet? Skateboarders aren't a political group.
but an ideology doesnt have to be political, user
Nah the original was flagged by Holla Forums because Holla Forums BTFO their youtube "comrades"
Also, why don't you tell me in your own words why communism never abolishes the state after their revolution instead of directing me to read a whole fucking book? Surely you know this thread will be gone by the time I'm finished reading it don't you?
Daily reminder that discordians are just fedoras.
Daily reminder that talmudists are just fedoras.
I thought China was "shtate crapitalism hurr"
daily reminder that non-fedoras are just fedoras in disguise
Because it just creates a new ruling class.
I'm curious to know what your "ideology" is? As a skateboarder, which policies do you collectively hold? Do you all go behind a school and smoke weed and talk about how much you hate the establishment. Trump is a gayfag and you must destroy him by implementing your gay leftist ideologies? Or do you shave your head and start killing random hew in the street? Or do you take a neutral ground and just accept everything around you and try to change it? Do you do something else like become a Greenie? Or do you just skate in your skatepark and enjoy the ramps and brag about how you are so politicaly aware? Or maybe you are ancap (ohhh, that would be mysterious). Maybe you are an atheist fag who is pro-Israel 100%, or you might be a satanist?
Sounds like the theory needs to be revised if every communist revolution just ends up with super-capitalism tbh
weve already established an ideology doesnt have to be political, user. insert 25 cents to try again
I meand "jew" btw, not "hew"
No we haven't, that's exactly why I keep making these responses. Being a skateboarder and traveling over ramps isn't an ideology.
What did he mean by this?
weve already established a mutual interest in a hobby can have influence over an accompanying ideology shared by the group. insert 50 cents to try again.
Thats explain pagans and commies.
That actually makes no sense. Can you please name the principles that define your ideology? You sound like some kid trying to make a sandwich out of a piece of dogshit. I grew up in the 90s and I was born in California. The skater scene was a bunch of young dipshit pot smoking teens breaking into private property and skating in empty pools. It wasn't an ideology. It was a hobby. I have nothing wrong with that though, if you want to skate around pools and skateparks, fine. It isn't a fucking ideology though. I like working on car engines on my off time, I don't consider that to be an ideology.
weve already established that people born in California do not have an instrinsic value whatsoever. insert $1.00 to ckme up with a better background or i will be forced to have to ignore you due to my personal ideology
No we didn't. I have been establishing this and you keep denying it. I moved out of California 20 years ago and I realize how shitty it is now. I'm basically telling you that you are a cuck over and over again and you keep trying to claim that we are the same.
show me an atheistic doctrine mandating genocide
protip: u cant, cuz atheism doesnt have doctrines, just like playing solitare doesnt
weve already established this doesnt make you any less of a californian. go back to your shit state or be forcibly removed by the hand of god
It doesn't forbid it, unlike christianity. They have no morals.
atheism isnt a religion so that comment makes no sense
Kierkegaard absolutely hates you with your group self-righteous virtue signals. You are not a real christian
yes, solitare doesnt forbid it either. Neither does skiing.
Smells very jewish. I wonder if God has the same feeling about the Talmud / Torah?
Fuck you nigger.
But buddhism is… stay mad.