"Childfree movement"

This is possibly one of the most cancerous things to have ever hit our people.
These individuals do not care for the mateniance of our community's and do not deserve to be invested in.
Who sponsored this, who supported this?
Everywhere I go I see how this cancer has manifested itself.


Either can't get laid at all, can't afford to move out of parents out and don't want to put a bigger burden on them. They see the world going to shit and don't want to make their offspring suffer for it. Shitty reasoning really but this is always what I thought on the whole ordeal.

I've personally turned around on the idea but these issues are still a huge problem for me. My bloodline is likely to die with me as I was the only male born out of something like 20 kids from my fathers side. I hated being around those cunts so much I wanted nothing to do with kids.

OP never mentioned christianity so it's strange that you're bringing that up.

Shitting on christianity is one of the shill's most favourite tactics. Just ignore it.

It's not though, any respectable white man hates christcuckery.


Let's put it simply.

I replied to your post, does that mean you're a shill?

Europe turned to shit because of jewish influence, not because we turned away from christkikery. Also, Europe used to be pagan, it only became christian through force, kind of what Arabs did to the middle-east with islam.
Literally no one likes you christkikes on here, just fuck off already.

The main push behind jewish influence was to turn away from christian values and embrace short-sighted materialism.

Childfree and loving it.

Fuck off leddit.

Filter both christcucks and anti-christcucks. We're talking about childfree here, not sand religions

When wages don't raise in 40 years, the price of homes and the rent triple and taxes keep going up, people have to cost costs somewhere.

Don't blame them, free them from their overlords and you will see families again.

Nice try, Salomon.

Lol, even when kikes try to sound objective, they can't help but show their true colors.
We already know you want all discussion of Christianity excised from Holla Forums. You've been shilling hard for the past few weeks over this. You've found a fracture point and are working it to the bone.
But Holla Forums is more resilient than that kike.

As long as Holla Forums lives, it will gladly welcome both Christians and pagans.

That's pretty much it. You fix the economic stranglehold designed to discourage procreation and you'll get another baby boom when nature takes its course.

I'm not saying have less babies. If that's how you find fulfillment then more power to you. But I don't buy the narrative and I find it suspicious that this 'we need to have babies asap' narrative fuels the kike's needs for more bodies.

Maybe I'll have children some day. But I'll do it on my time, responsibly.

More white babies is not a merchant narrative, it is our own.
The merchant think there is not a single difference between a white and a shitskin. If he need more people, he will import them.

Daily reminder that leftypol is trying to create d&c by posing as christians

Read my post again kike, your nose is showing

I've never even seen one on the internet. Can't you just bring up how feeding starving African children and giving food and shelter to rapefugees is against their moral imperative?

OP, I agree. Note how it`s never blacks or mexicans in these movements, it`s educated (yes, maybe shit degrees, but educated) white men and women.

Just check out /r/childfree for a bit
where else are race traitors going to be?

Childfree Holla Forumsack here. By no means do I think that was should let niggers and etc. outnumber us but IMO, if we do that by breeding like cockroaches ourselves, we only prove ourselves to be no better. Of course there needs to be white children - but I'd prefer to do it with fewer, better kids with more job security and human decency, raised by humble, sensible folk, rather than every libcuck and his findom coalburner "SO" pumping out problems.

I don't at all think whites shouldn't breed or somesuch shit, but I think that if we can take some effective measures at controlling and minimizing minorities, then we'd do well to reduce our own population - it makes life better for the children who DO make it.

As a side note, the reason I chose this personally, for myself, ideology aside, is because children are disgusting, sociopathic, wet, inconsiderate, loud, rambunctious, clumsy little animals. I have not found any reaction or instinct in me to look past this - All I can feel about them is that I do not want a chimpanzee in my home, be it syrian or children, thank you very much.

You literally used the term "Christcuck" you blatant kike. Only shills use that term when they want to sow DC.

of course there is. Whites together are strong and represent people who would oppose jewish control

Fuck, wrong file. Well, either way - communism is terrifying, but Russia's white, so I guess it's kinda related? Idk, doesn't matter.

Make 3 or 4 kids, invest time and money in them and the race is saved.

That is not breeding like rabbits, having 12 kids and not even knowing where they are is.

Your idea is good, but it could work only if immigration laws were both reasonable and enforced. We are not Japan.

>DId not deign to check their own spelling and grammar before posting low energy.


Why are you sliding?!?

I'd answer your arguments but, as you didn't make any, you're a faggot,

Normalizing white pride definitely throws a kink in their ultimate plans.

But I doubt the possibility of out breeding non-whites. It's considered normal for these subhumans to go around knocking up random women and then disappearing from their lives entirely. Competing with their breeding rate is not practical, and maybe unhealthy to society.

The only thing that will stop the muddy tide is to build a big wall and burn everyone outside of it.

You are right. I still will discourage shitty people from breeding, and cannot personally make the choice to subject myself to parenthood, but by no means do I think we're in a place where potentially decent parents can be traded for higher quality of life on a demographic statistics kind of scale.

We can be a white, more laid back Japan eventually, but I know we're not yet and have much bigger issues to do away with before we can worry about this.

Children aren't changing anything. The only thing people spamming muh children are accomplishing is delaying the much needed downfall of the west and feeding the kike more ammo to indoctrinate.

Unless you aren't taking up arms and fighting in your lifetime, children will be nothing more than a genetic ball for the Jews to manipulate and enslave.

I'm tired of this fucking stormfag meme. Right wing faggots telling people to spam kids since 70 years and where did it get us? Nowhere.

genetic survival is the biological imperative

childlessness is genetic death, voluntarily is genetic suicide.


Contradict much?

This is not strictly true, although what you're getting at is.

There are important reasons why creatures like ants, bees, mole rats, etc. are mostly made up of populations of sterile, genetic dead end individuals. Biologically, a creature's success is determined by how it spreads it's own genes, but every creature shares a vast majority of it's genetics with it's siblings, parents, etc. Some with it's population, less with it's species, so on and so forth. Having children is a straightforward, simple, and usually most effective way to help your genetics succeed, but helping your family and your people also count for something in that regard.

Plus, now we have things like ideology and behavior to leave behind in an almost genetic fashion. White isn't going to mean anything if all we're left with is pic related.

These faggots need to stop arguing that kids are expensive. I remember my school system used this "a kid will cost 100,000 dollarydoos!" bullshit to kike all the whites out of reproduction. Funny, doesn't affect niggers, they shit out ten kids while working a mcjob just fine. Fact is, a kid is a small thing, it doesn't eat that much, and it can live just fine in a two bedroom apartment. You don't need a mansion, you don't need special baby food. If it's not having teeth yet just make veg pulp for him in your smoothie maker. Better than that kiked up gerber shit anyway. Cloth nappies are also a thing, no worse than your own shart stained skivvies. At least a baby doesn't have ballsweat.

Another reason folk don't want to have kids is the extent big gummint reaches into your life to force you to raise your kid their way. From education to what kind of punishment to lifestyle and everything else. Remember that swedish couple who got their kids taken away because they were raising 'em christian? In the states it's better but still pretty bad. You can't even spank a kid anymore, and by god I remember being a kid, spanking was the only punishment I actually feared and it got me in line right quick. If used properly it isn't abuse. I was spanked all of two times in my entire life.

Personally I'm still not having kids because I simply don't like them and never have. I hated kids when I was a kid for chrissake, I always hung out with the adults because kids were annoying little shits. If anything I would adopt a kid that's already like 8 or 10 so they're not as big of a retard, but I have little desire for it tbh. But for most people, their natural reaction around a kid is to gush and coddle it, and those people should naturally have kids, and if they don't it was kike brainwashing. There's a difference between honest to god hating kids and having been convinced away from your natural impulse by your television.

I remember being told about the Exorbitant cost to have children, never questioned and just assumed it true

Yet poor mexicans can somehow have five before they`re thirty

Do you have any resources on how to save money with children?

If you don't want your kids to become a parody of an human and want them to actually build a country, yes, it cost.

He was stating it as a timeline you dumb knob.

library is free, retard. Bring them books. Spend some time with them. WOW.

Just general frugality and not being a fucking retard. Did you know the US is like 3% of the global population but our kids have 40% of the global toys? Kids have so many fucking toys they can't even play with 'em all. Just give the fuck a soccer ball and some building blocks and he's good. Oh, and a kid doesn't need a fucking smartphone and ipad. Shit's retarded. Give him a secondhand lenovo thinkpad at age 8 and bookmark some healthy websites.

Aww did I hurt your feefees by insulting christianity ?

Nice strawman. I never said that though, I said:

You're getting way too assmad over me using a specific word. I too welcome both christians and pagans on this board, I'm just saying we need to stop the discussion of religion and focus on the topic at hand

Sage for off-topic

things that might be possible in the near future
Why would someone want to bring a new human into the world just for them to have to live through this shit? And wouldn't raising a child be immensely more difficult in such trying times?

This combined with how much of a fool you have to be to engage in such a long term relationship with a woman to raise the child correctly.

People choosing not to have children seems like a natural choice considering the circumstances.

Calm down, folks. We can discuss this civilly. Be polite to prove us right.

kill yourself kike

Go back to your hugbox. On chans we say faggot and retard just to spice up the cooking, it isn't indicative of any anger or whatever. You fundamentally misunderstand the nature of bantz here and thus must be new. Please go back to reddit.

Going purely by statistics atheism is actually the most threatening thing to Judaism

I'm no oldfag, but I've been around for a few years. I understand you funky hippin' hoppin' kiddo's lingo's, your e-bonics, and your fams, but no really, you're just falling back into a cesspool of wild, pointless shit-slinging. Insults accompany points, using them on their own only hurts the image of your points.

And manipulating nature and biology is what humans do

Good thing arguments can stand on their own logic and truth without needing to be painted pretty colors to be accepted.

Fuck off fag.

I wonder (((who))) is behind this childless movement.

You know not every wants the same standard of living as Tyrone the frycook…

I'm not saying either of you are wrong, all I am saying is that you should actually argue.

These are not arguments that stand on their own logic and truth. They may, in fact, actually be true, but you're not going to convince anybody of that if you just leave it at that.

People who realized they couldn't/shouldn't continue their genetics and you're complaining? It's a good thing.

Oh yes let's force people who can't get a good paying job to have lots of kids, what could go wrong? If we add that these guys will have to choose from the most disgusting whores who are available to poor men I understand why they don't want to have kids.

Anti white!

The fuck are you on about, read IDs. I never said a word about cuckstains.

I don't need to pander to morons. Seriously please leave and go back to reddit.

Even your mannerism of speaking is weird.

I think that breeders are a vital part of any civilization, and there always needs to be a place for them. I encourage everyone to have their own children, but I will make my own decision not to, because I am decidedly not father material and have no wish to be so. But no worries, I'm not asking you to invest in me. I don't ask for gibs like social security, and plan on living on my own income, no welfare.

probably has to do with the jewish myth that raising a child is "too hard".
others are just lazy virgins that need an excuse.

yes goy don't marry you're only a fool if you do.



It's simply justification for the social pressures on whites as an ethnic group

Job prospects are slim, Society is becoming more multicultural which has a subconscious effect on people's trust, and future planning and generally speaking both spouses are going to end up working, marriage is taking place later, and if you do have a solid job, you're expected to switch every 5 years or so to remain competitive, not to mention that both halves of the marriage unit are likely drowning in student loan debt, and will accumulate further debt when they buy a car or a house, plus there's the other aspect that the society we live in is completely and utterly rotten
This uncertainty generally is going to lead to fewer or no children

You really have to fix society, then the economy and you'll have people wanting children again




Because a Chad never worries about paying alimony m8. That's how I know you're a cuck.


Have fun being a beta provider sucked dry, don't let me stop you.
And fun fact, only someone who is in a relationship or gives a fuck about a relationship in the first place can be a cuckold, that is, if you even know the meaning of the buzzwords you're spouting.

It's probably not a great reason, but I don't want a kid because my father was a drug-abusing degenerate and fucked me up for years, like his did to him, and his to him. I don't want to pass that on. I can still contribute in other ways.