One month left

Reminder that we are nearing the completion of the Jubilee Year

Shemitah is the sabbatical year occurring every seventh year. Debts must be settled before the end of the sabbatical year, which ends in late September, which is why we see a huge hickup in the economy at that interval.

Yovel is the jubilee year occurring the year after every seventh sabbatical year. It is the year when every man shall return to the house of his fathers.

Shemitah, the Sabbatical Year, the year of rest and release:

Yovel, the Jubilee Year, the year of return:

The plan for the Greater Israel is about to be set in motion. Are you prepared?

"Rabbi" Johnathan Cahn is a fraud, his book is a fraud, and the shemitah is a load of shite.



Wasn't this supposed to be last year?

Nothing happened last September. Nothing will happen this September.

If you're actually worried, then get saved and make peace with God. Anything else that happens is irrelevant.

The jubilee year began September 2015 and ends this September.

If mods actually banned for frivilous reporting this place would be so much better.

Pull your head out of your ass. This is not about the will of any god, it's about kikes forcing events to coincide with their numerology. Why do you think they pulled 9/11 in September 2001?

I thought that they were suppose to let those in debt off the hook after the 7th year? That's Torah law anyway.

If mods actually banned tor this place would be so much better.

Because it was 33 years after the completion of the WTC and 33 is a special number according to freemasons. Duh.

The happening will be in October.

It's one of the first things in the OP if you'd read it.

>Every creditor that lendeth ought unto his neighbour shall release it
>Of a foreigner thou mayest exact it again: but that which is thine with thy brother thine hand shall release

On a related note this is why killing and stealing in the ten commandments only applies when it comes to other kikes, as that is what "neighbor" refers to.

Seems like this topic makes the kikes really mad.

Get ready. Some mega happening that crashes the US dollar, keeps Trump out of office because of martial law and keeps the plan moving along. Even if Trump gets in, their going to crash it with no survivors and blame it on him.

Yep. Seems like they are thinking of just invading Syria as well just to get things rolling. We have the Turkish tanks and the latest chemical weapons hoax.

Their measures are getting ever more desperate as their grip just keeps on slipping. Neither Syria, EU hegemony or the US election has turned out the way they planned.

So it will be around the time of the October surprise?


The whole world economy((USA+EU+Nippon) has been running on 0% interest rates since september(start of the shemitah).
For an approx. example: It's like driving a car full throttle in the 1st gear into a (now) horizontal hill. Eventually, the engine will blow up if you keep at it.
The only option will be shifting gears and reducing the gas(jacking up the interest rates).
That will also nuke the economy since it is so fragile due to 6 million bubbles that sprung up after 2009. Not to mention 1,2 quadrillion derivates waiting to burst.

Their plan was probably for Hillary to use the rapefugee and war with Russia to destroy the constitution, kill as many white men as possible and get the economy running with the help of war industry.
The kikes are basically using the same plan as before WW1 and WW2 to create WW3.

1. Make giant depression which is bad, but not unmanagable
2. Execerpate it by manipulation so it gets much worse with another dip
4. Present the options of war or general rebellion
6. Profit!

they'll start a war regardless of the election in november - hillary in = jewish war with america at the helm
trump in = jewish war against america

Notice the desperate jew shills trying to push the narrative of "NOTHING HAPPENED LAST YEAR GOY THIS IS ALL FAKE", despite the fact that nothing was supposed to happen last September beyond the cycle STARTING.
This is also why there was so many retards going ITS HABBENING LOL all over the fucking board last year, it was their preemptive measure to discredit it this year

Are we really going to do this shit again

You can fucking say that again!

Will Holla Forums ever learn the moral of the "/X/ that cried happening" story

Was Hillary dying halfway through the campaign part of their plan though or did they just fuck up.

They sure are.

So when is it going to happen now?

Well you were clearly in the minority with that line of thought

But the economy did start to slump again in September. The Shmitya was in full effect, it's just that Holla Forumstards expected an unrealistically spectacular disaster.

wake me up (i can't wake up)

Is a slump a economic collapse? Also how long did you have to survive on canned beans in your bunker?

Retard, the faggots claiming it was happening right then were shills full of shit


i reckon trump sent her into meltdown
they were planning on jeb! being the lame rival and hillary coasting in but trump is melting her brain

Are you saying every single post in in that almost 4mb collage is from me? Now that's some real paranoia

Before October 4 because that's when the Jewish year ends this year.

During the 1917-1918 year of return they jewed the Balfour declaration out of Britain in return for betraying Germany by causing the munitions strike and communist revolution that made Germany collapse.

During the 1966-1967 year of return they provoked the six days war and with all the backing from the US seized Jerusalem and large swatches of modern day Israel.

Our best guess is that during the 2015-2016 they will try to set in motion events that will let them take a step towards establishing Greater Israel. This time however the time is almost up and their attempt to stir up shit in Syria hasn't worked as well as they had hoped.

We have just seen them get Turkey to invade Syria while re-launching the chemical weapons hoax so it seems this is going to be their final push for an invasion, where they also move in and seize part of the land north they deem promised to them by god.

If they fail it means their meme magic is broken and the age of Kek has dawned, hence the attempts by kikes to sabotage this thread and stop people being vigilant against Jewish tricks these final five weeks.

That's a nice little escape clause you buried in there. If you guys did that last year maybe you wouldn't look so embarrassing right now

If just some random guy on an image board knows this, then why don't world leadersI'm looking at you Putin assasinate the goddamn kikes? It would surely be better than to suffer a nuclear war?

200 retards saying it's going to end exactly on the day does not discount the 15 who knew the entire coming year was the Jubilee year. Nice try though.

Protestant detected.

I have never claimed, not now and not last year, that this is divine will and must happen. It was always about you kikes pulling kike tricks to force prophecy.

You need to lurk more.

Look at this fucking propaganda piece. It's not an operation, it's an unlawful invasion! I want to puke my fucking guts out.

I'm not protesting the Catholic Church. I want nothing to do with that pagan cancer.

isnt imf meeting in october and china becoming new reserve currency or some shit? this economy gets worse everyday so i suppose a happening could occur.

Probably for the same reasons as why Putin, Trump, Assange (even if Assange is Limited Hangout), Farage, Le Pen, etc are still alive: Killswitches.

However, if one looks at history, empires so big don't just fall in a single day. It took the Roman Empire many decades to finally collapse, in which many interesting and strange events popped up, such as the Barbarian Kings.



You know you're posting on Holla Forums right now, right?
That makes you one of us "Holla Forumstards", retard.
Unless of course you're not from here, faggot shill

Probably. And it will probably ALSO come to nothing.

This time, I'll keep my mouth shut, though. I loaded up on stuff just in case, last year, and when nothing happened, the wife tucked it away for the next time we had a discussion about redpill things.

Speaking only for myself, my greatest Holla Forums-related fear is the one time we don't get hype for something, that's when (((they'll))) actually do something.

Nice image there, goon.

Side note: Holla Forums didn't go full autism with the date, i.e "SHMITA 2016 COLLAPSE", thus it failed.

Pick one, retard.

Have you bothered creating a board and trying out the mod panel for yourself? It is enlightening.

Watch vid related, it explains the situation quite accurately, all of the predictions based on the Jewish calendar instead of actual economics are stupid, but the fact is that since 2008, the global economy had been running on fumes and held together by endless QE, ZIRP, etc. and that is not sustainable at all but they will kick the can down the road as far as they can to postpone the collapse. It is like an avalanche, even if you cannot predict the exact day it will happen and even if you cannot predict the event which will trigger it you can still be certain of an inevitable collapse, and the current monetary policy of the Fed means that global meltdown is uncertain, for all we know it could happen tommorow, or it could happen sometime in 2017, but I seriously doubt it will last longer than 2-3 more years before you see serious happening level economic repercussions.

I'm thinking October-November, close to the election honestly. Things are going to get hairy here, there is escalating violence, and with that level of uncertainty coupled with QE, Deutsche Bank, rate raises, and the 6 gorillion bubbles in the economy, we're in for a bumby ride.

Holy shit, I need to bump this! September is just around the bend.

Trump is a retard and a meme you fucking faggot he wouldn't have changed anything


MODS need to stop being faggots and stop helping shill ruin this board.

I think that the only solution in this case is to increase the gas.

Oy vey, the goyim mustn't know!

No one took it seriously you autistic tool, it was just a dank meme.

I'll be alone each and every night
While you're away, don't forget to write

Bye-bye, so long, farewell
Bye-bye, so long

See you in September
See you when the summer's through
Here we are (bye, baby, goodbye)
Saying goodbye at the station
(Bye, baby, goodbye)
Summer vacation (bye, baby, bye, baby)
Is taking you away (bye, baby, goodbye)

Have a good time but remember
There is danger in the summer moon above
Will I see you in September
Or lose you to a summer love
(Counting the days 'til I'll be with you)
(Counting the hours and the minutes, too)

Bye, baby, goodbye
Bye, baby, goodbye
Bye, baby, goodbye
(Bye-bye, so long, farewell)
Bye, baby, goodbye
(Bye-bye, so long)

Have a good time but remember
There is danger in the summer moon above
Will I see you in September
Or lose you to a summer love
(I'll be alone each and every night)
(While you're away, don't forget to write)

See you (bye-bye, so long, farewell)
In September (bye-bye, so long, farewell)
I'm hopin' I'll
See you (bye-bye, so long, farewell)
In September (bye-bye, so long, farewell)
Well, maybe I'll
See you (bye-bye, so long, farewell)
In September (bye-bye, so long, farewell)

As his name implies, he is a "con" man.

He speaks about Christ yet has satanic Jewish symbolism of a lamb in front of a six pointed star.

I've had a feeling that their plans have been delayed somewhat substantially. This is just my opinion though. I'll bet 9/11 was supposed to get them their goals, but it didn't.

nearing the completion of the Jubilee Year the Jew will introduce the Goyum to negative Interest Rates

Everything is OK goy, best time to invest in the stock market or real estate is right now at its peak!

negative interest rates? prepare for the chimpouts boys, she's a comin'

Hillary will die withing the 2 next years.
What will happen next?
You'll get Bernie and communism.

she'll probably have a fatal seizure during her first debate with The Don.

Don`t you mean a load of semite?

But is this the reason RT is talking about an economic nuclear winter?

I've seen enough people at her stage last 5-15 years to say you're wrong.
(((modern medicine))) will keep her ticking like Cheney.



Of course they know. Well most of them. And peope in politics are generally not supid. Just pandering.
But they can do anything about becouse USA sucking Israeli cock 24/7. And whole cultural marxism thing.

Plus Holla Forums has very good snooping and news aggregation abilities. Along with a long redpilling reading list.
Males in their 20' are always the most politically active.

You mean more QE? Shit's already fucked. IF foreign reserves come back, hyperinflation will follow.
It has to be a medium speed. Not NOS tier afterburner that we have now.

this is what happens when your groups theologians throw out all the apocryphal books.

that is only according to the Talmudic interpretation.

if they went any slower the stock market would collapse.

ah yes it's shmita time again

who /comfy/?

>The shalt thou casue the trump of the jubilee to sound on the eighth day of the eleventh month, in the day of reckoning shall ye make the trump' sound throughout all your land.


No. These verses makes it clearly defines neighbor is "thy brother", meaning other kikes.



What does wearing the white towel with blue stripes mean?

What is it symbolic/ritual use?

Feels good to be noticed :^)

This. I really hope this meme finally dies. I wasn't and still am not a "shemitah fag", but anyonewho still doubts after last September that some kind of strange super-cycles exist, is a rube or a shill. It was financial as well as migratory.

Exactly which is why several genocides take place in the old testament that are blessed by yahweh and they still don't break the commandment thou shalt not kill. In reality the commandment is more like thou shalt not murder jews.

except that's when the rapefugee crisis hit the MSM and we were forced to pick a sideā€¦
stay woke fam




The kikes are brewing a nasty soup in Syria. This will be their last chance before the time is up.

How desperate are they? Are they willing to start a full on war that could draw in multiple nations right on their border just to get their prophecy?

Jews tells you the secret how the world is stacked, just tells you to your face their fifty-seven year blood sacrifice ritual. Fuck.