Mind-soul-control and music

Explain what was the agenda behind rock'n'roll/rock/pop music from after the ww2 until present days.

It is obvious that music plays part in programming people. It is known and on the surface that The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Eagles were into the occult.

my dad (european and knew very little of English in his your set aside cultural context) listened to all that. he never went deep, but anyway he exposed himself to the influence of musical .. harmonies. Not very smart of him. Becayse musician is a priest in some sense, he enchants with his music. So you have to be careful what do you put in your soul.

Maybe anyone have articulated thoughts to help your Aryan brothers to conceptualize the subject? I'll throw one suggestion: it was necessary to make a gap between generation of those who expereinced war and the newly born. To create of out them a new man.

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Image thousand year kingdom where mixed-race people playing pokemon-go and smoking weed under the strict guidance of highly developed elites of satanists drinking their blood.


sweet surrender, eh? how about no. what If I'll tell you that aryan aliens are already flying to this realm to crack open the demiurge's illusion and bring white souls free so that we could all go to stellar Whiteopia/Hyperborea where dank grows on trees and you don't need food, because you have no physical bodies you just feed on good vibes coming from fucking tight cherry pussy of your white gf and creating comedy with your aryan brothers.


Not everything is a government program OP. The occult came in from a drug dealer who introduced them all to it. He was a Crowley fan. But even before that groups like Zepplin were exposed to Aryanism through Hitler and really into the Lord of the Rings and stuff.

It was LSD that really change reality. LSD was actually formed from a crop fungus that made people go insane in the middle ages, everything thought they were demon possesed until someone smart came along and figured out it was in the wheat or whatever.

A Dr. synthesized it and thought it would help with mental disorders. The CIA got ahold of it… And Timothy Leary was a volunteer student-aid who wanted to get high. The rest is history. People lost their minds and Rock n Roll, originally hillbilly music mixed with white jazz and black rythm/blues ended up becoming something really fucking weird thanks to drugs.

Cultural Marxism started around to really infect the West around 1975, but before that it was more for the psuedo-intellectual Marxist fags.

Jon Lennon hated Marxists

Listen to some Tupac interviews.

Kill yourself newfag.
Tu Pac was a brainwashed faggot. Like every youtube watching douchebag we have to deprogrammed that comes here after listening to Alex Jones

You know nothing.

I know everything… And it hurts

Ignorance is bliss, I know all about it, like many others on this board(hopefully). But you have never delved into old school rap, you only have a predispositioned opinion about black people which is skewing important KNOWLEDGE. So get the fuck off your high throne and learn something from someone who was real. He might not have known what was going on, but I think we would all be clueless in the 1990s with no internet.

it's great to have knowledgable people.

who are the goodguys in our story? there must be an Aryan Conspiracy Agenda that is deep, frightening, but ultimately bizzarely dope.

also, share info and experience how to battle mind-control.

wtf are u doing normie? Its really obvious that you dont know exactly whats going on so your filling the blanks lol.

You're just saying I dont know things that i do know because "us is waysict!" But you're not saying anything that you know. I saw all the Pac interviews, he's an idiot and I didn't learn shit from the internet like you did pleb. I'm a higher level of redpill than you and Holla Forums never got me there either.

Huh? why you mad, friend. I don't have a whole picture yet. and my brain is foggy right now.

If you know something - share it with tha white brothers. Help them/US to learn. We need to stop hating each other and start sharing love instead. Love and knowledge.

I guess you need to lurk more faggot. And you keep saying you're redpilled af, but why dont you drop some bombs then?

Also what if I told you that pac was planning a revolution, and got killed by the feds.

this. But watch out for the shills, with all these newfags coming in its hard to set the newfags apart from the shills.

And tbh, we already know tv-shows and tv in general is blue pilled as fuck, but I guess thats just a coincidence.

I don't even know wtf you just said, haha. You're brand new here. You're in for a wild ride.

99% of mind control and government funding that goes into any kind of espionage has always been dedicated to mass propaganda. The James Bond and X-Files shit is mostly fiction or just a small meaningless part. You're going to see a lot of government shills on here trying to take you down an endless path of conspiracy ("Illuminati!") but Holla Forums has to deal with them from time to time (especially when we gets media attention).
Point being:
Mind control is 99% media and has been since the Pharaohs were building massive pictures of themselves on their future tombs.

Dude, shut up. You're some spic that came here from 4chan. Tu Pac was a fucking spoiled brat and his mom was a druggy black panther. He thought he was being a revolutionary but like BlackLivesMatter he was a tool for the Jews spreading degeneracy and filth and self destruction to his own people


Agree on that. I'd say that governments are merely mediums for other subjects. Gods/Archetypes/Ideas/Principles/Grand Plans. Which are linked with race/persons breed. His vibe.

So the musical scene of 60ies is not unified. it was a battleground of ideas and spiritual currents.

Trust me I'm not new. Just been off the train for some time. Trying to learn anew how to communicate with people.

Yeah, info-spam is one version of mind-control. It's secondary. More important are toxins that fuck your awareness (fluoride, bromide etc). Plus I really believe it is possible to fuck you with %waves%. so maybe Holla Forums has got some kind of a sticky where it is written how to avoid being dumbed down. If not - we could possibly do that .


Take this:

someone post that screencap from a thread on 70s music that showed links to cia, mkultra, etc

had a bunch of sources

oh shit yo. nice, thanks. to my mind_control.txt it goes

Other common knowledge sources of mind-control: tap water, shampoos/soap (propylene glycol), tooth fillings (from my research the only safe fillings are porcelain. but 2expensive), also check your 'silver amalgams' they leak mercury and neurodegenerate you.

See Laurel Canyon. It was a gigantic pop/rock music psyop that goes on even today. All the big names were there. Most had daddies in .gov/military spookville.

Pic related.

Classical music is obviously superior. If you plan on listening to music for a lengthy period of time you absolutely should not listen to rock, hip-hop, or techno.
Having said that, you can't exactly bump Vivaldi when your friends are in the whip.

I try to stay away from degenerate beats and main a playlist that's 100% non-kosher. That's why I listen to 3pac(RIP).
He lifted, he laughed, he loved.

3pac>2pac RIP

wait. w-why did he died so young?

He was based and pro-white and starting to lift so the jewish hip-hop mafia had him assassinated.
Next time you're about to give a hoot, don't give it. For 3pac.

i didnt know this was a preschool playground

Look, he's wearing a t-shirt with crossed-out owl.

Owl are associated with goddess Ishtar/Isis. and illuminati

The only possible escape from this nightmare is to take arms, eliminate them all one by one or go castle bravo nuclear.

Another possibility is to keep spreading pills all around the world thanks to internet, to go further to the right, at a point of radicalism, no moderation, no more civilism, but the time is running out.

We are in a war and for that matter we need to take weapons.

War.. war never ends. Only pseudonyms change.

Who was directing the installment of communism? There must be somesort of a sinister organization. Communist international. Comintern. it is a pseudonym, right. but what are the characteristics of what he is signifying? - materialism, denial of spirit for masses, internationalism. Vampiric Pyramid - only its head has access to the G-nosis while others keep it stable. "goyim". Comintern = The Left.

In another age the same war was going on. same ideas were promoted by the illuminati: materialistic enlightenment. which led to French Revolution and Red Terror. however, 'enlightened' illuminati were critiqued by the counter-enlightenment of aryan romanticism. now look here

SunMan motherfucker and his mother ISIS/Ishtar!

YOU SEE? I"M ASKING YOU! do you see now?!
We should avenge 3pac.

btw, Mozart's Zauberflote - it is about an aryan hero that fucks Queen's of the Night(Ishtar/Isis) dusty old pussy and with the help of Zoroaster/Zaratusthra/Hermes/Wotan=M O O N - rescues the princess of white cherry pussy juice.

again, SunMan killed 3pac. but Winter is coming so listen, brothers. and listen well, we need to avenge 3pac.

Modern music has to be used to manipulate people. Look at EDM and festival culture, where young people do hard drugs and listen to overproduced "We are the world" tracks. Or how American country music went from sad love songs written by cowboys to glorifying alcohol abuse and hook-up culture.

I also wonder if there are connections between the 1990s heroin/meth epidemic, Nirvana and the rest of the "alternative rock" bands, as with Jefferson Airplane and that Laurel Canyon business…

Why (((scientists))) think your boss should play music while you (((work)))


How much more can we take?

I came by an older article from the Gaydian today listing The ten right-wing rockers

The meeting of the King and the President at the White House on 21 December 1970 was initiated by Elvis himself. Presley wrote a long, rambling six-page letter to Nixon, expressing his concern for the country and suggesting he could use his position to help as 'the drug culture, the hippie elements, the SDS, Black Panthers etc do not consider me as their enemy'. Presley also suggested he be made a 'Federal Agent-at-Large' in the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs. In their face-to-face meeting, Presley stressed his love of his country and told Nixon he was 'on your side'. He also said he had been studying 'communist brainwashing' and that the Beatles had been 'a real force for anti-American spirit'. This picture is the most requested item from the US National Archive, more so than the Bill of Rights or the Constitution of the United States.

2. Tony Hadley

The Spandau Ballet singer, a long-standing Conservative, is said to be in the hunt for a Tory seat. At this month's party conference he was talking tough on crime: 'The fabric of society is torn. We need Cameron to be more like Thatcher, to say enough is enough.'

3. Ted Nugent

The hard rocker is renowned for his conservative views and anti-drug/alcohol stances. At the National Rifle Association's 2005 convention he told delegates he wanted rapists, burglars and child molesters 'dead'. On Iraq: 'Our failure has been not to Nagasaki them.'

4. Eric Clapton

A drunk Clapton spoke out in support of Enoch Powell at a gig in Birmingham in 1976. 'I think Enoch's right … we should send them all back. Throw the wogs out! Keep Britain white!'. His reported remarks were a factor in the creation of Rock Against Racism.

5. 50 Cent

In 2005, Fiddy told GQ he thought Dubya was 'incredible … a gangsta'. He revealed he would vote for Bush if his felony conviction didn't prevent him from voting. 'I wanna meet George Bush, just shake his hand and tell him how much of me I see in him.'

6. Geri Halliwell

At the height of Girl Power, in 1996, the Spice Girls gave a Christmas interview to The Spectator , in which Geri revealed their true inspiration 'We are true Thatcherites,' she explained. 'Thatcher was the first Spice Girl, the pioneer of our ideology.'

7. Kid Rock

The rock rapper, ex-husband of Pamela Anderson and MTV's one-time Sluttiest Male Celebrity is also a big Republican. Rock was pencilled in to headline a youth concert organised by Bush daughters Jenna and Barbara in 2005 until various family groups protested.

8. Johnny Ramone

On induction to the Rock'n'Roll Hall of Fame in 2002, the Republican declared, 'God bless President Bush.' Johnny, who died in 2004, once said: 'People drift towards liberalism at a young age, and I always hope they change when they see how the world really is.'

9. Phil Collins

The drummer famously promised to leave the UK if Labour were elected in 1997, and did indeed move to Switzerland. Prior to the 2005 election, Noel Gallagher urged: 'Vote Labour. If you don't and the Tories get in, Phil is threatening to come back.'

10. Ian Curtis

The lead singer of Joy Divison - who is currently depicted in Anton Corbijn's biopic Control - helped Margaret Thatcher into power by voting Conservative in 1979, reportedly as a protest against the Labour government of James Callaghan.
