They're starting to admit it, but why can't (won't) they tell us why?
Jews Finally Admit they Hate Whites
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fuck off joshy
fuck off joshy, I won't tell you again, cunt.
Nothing we don't already know. You must be new here.
Its easy to log that away as out of context or just "some crazy jew", but to have an actual jew acknowledge it and admit to it….its like i've been told by everyone and everything that im crazy, and the very person i was paranoid about openly admitted i was right all along.
We knew that. What makes me more uncomfortable it the hashtag #altjew that's attached to his Twitter account.
That's the next step, isn't it? "Hey goys, not all Jews are bad, let us be a part of your movement. #notallJews #hellofellowgoyim"
But then, on the other hand, the more exclusionary we are, the easier it is to D&C, hence the "ZOMG TRUMPS ACCOUNTANT IS JEWISH GUESS IM A #MENTALLYHILLSHILL4HILL" threads we're more than familiar with by now.
God damn it, I fucking hate kikes. The best way to deal with them is to ignore them while excluding them.
Like Milo hasn't been doing that for the better part of a year.
You couldn't be more of a goy if you tried
Oh, he has, definitely. I didn't expect them to amp it up, though.
At least you posted a nice example of how kiked the aut-right is.
I wouldn't worry about this too much. Once they have enough jews in positions in the so-called "alt-right" which is just a group of e-celeb bloggers who tweet all day and do zero heavy lifting, they'll feel safe and start saying, "Come on, guys. Stop being racist and anti-semitic. The AltRight™ isn't about that. Remember to visit my etsy and patreon page!" and the meme-smithers will turn on them.
Kek can be a cruel master, as these lukewarm faggots will soon discover.
How do we stop them? I am sure their intentions are for self preservation and anti white
See, that's just it. He did tell us why. Most kikes see us as a threat.
The amount of remedial threads filtering through the catalog the last six months is getting tiresome.
lel, they say that shit about every white country. The reality is, no claim on land matters without the force to back it up, and there are tons of people with no "legitimacy" whatsoever who are perfectly happy to infest our homes as long as we don't remove them.
Any sort of "American nationalism" that isn't explicitly racial is Jewish by default.
No, the best way is to exterminate them to the last man.
they're a minority.
empowering minorities empowers themselves.
disempowering majorities empowers themselves.
other variables make them very motivated and tribalistic.
Fixed. It truly is the only way.
Fuck this kike piece of shit. Whites are the only race with any claim to America. It This nation was built from the ground up by whites, for whites, and it will remain that way. It was our people who built America from the ground up, and it is our civilization that defines America. There is no race on this planet that has any right whatsoever to call themselves American other than whites. "Cultural nationalism" doesn't exist, because a nation is not defined by culture alone. "Cultural nationalism" as a concept is entirely self-contradictory, since a nation is intrinsically linked with the race that produced it. Without this fundamental racial element, the entire country simply degenerates into soulless state-worship where a bunch of worthless economic and political policies are held above blood and race - a total bastardization of the entire concept of nationhood. It is no different from leftist liberalism in that it still relies on racial egalitarianistic principles, and assumes that the state "creates" the people instead of the other way around. There is no such thing as a multiracial culture and never will be. Hang this kike.
Like a typical Jew, he is trying to promote civic cuckolded "nationalism" in an attempt to cover his own ass. He is no different from any other non-white scum trying to secure themselves a piece of the nation and civilization whites have produced and refined. It always makes me laugh when shitskins and kikes try to promote race-blind civic "nationalism", because they end up proving to us whites exactly why they all need to be eradicated. Their loyalty does not lie with our race - the race that produced the civilization and nation they reside in and benefit from, and they do not give a single shit about our preservation. They out themselves as a threat to our race's survival even when they try to hide under the guise of being "allies" or "one of us", while simultaneously promoting an ideology that harm our people.
No non-white will ever be our ally for the simple reason that their survival strategy is opposed to our own. No non-white will touch anything explicitly pro-white in fear that they will bite off the hand that feeds them and be told to GTFO of a white nation or die. Unlike whites who support self-destructive policies of multiracialism and egalitarianism out of extensive brainwashing, non-whites promote these things because it is their racial imperative to do so. It is in their survival interests to see the white majority's power and influence in our own nations decline, because it elevates their own stature in relation to our own.
In other words, kill this kike and eradicate all non-whites.
Pretty much. Remove the ein volk part and you might as well not bother with the rest.
Careful OP there is a kike mod banning posts criticizing kikedom.
What does Cucktianity have to do with criticizing kikes? Both Semite gutter religions.
lad he's telling you to go to >>>/christian/ to post that because Holla Forums isn't a board for religion.
kek, in that case air is fucking entrapping you into breathing it.
I don't mind that Jews embrace Cultural Nationalism. It's better than Internationalism pure. Maybe I'm wrong but it's a narrative shift that we need in order to stop the flood. It's better than Libertarians at least
Die kike, DIE!
What does Christianity have to do with it?
You should. "cultural nationalism" is a kike lie. It simply doesn't exist. The very fact that this kike is promoting it should set off alarm bells in your head. See
can anybody tell me what's up with this banner?
same thing as cultural nationalism, what makes you think theres an american race? the amount of fucking mutts from 200 years ago all through to today until too many choco chips in the pot? where the fuck do you draw that line? when we let the filthy fucking irish in? the retarded poles? the loud fucking italians? the moors, err- spanish?
lurk more
been here forever
Then lurk for another forever since you missed it the first time apparently.
I could just keep bumping the thread with useless bullshit if that's what you like
Yeah, I think the only way to prevent being co-opted is to demand total and absolute jew hate and an unwavering commitment to removing jews.
That will keep most jews away, but there are some that will try to convince people to commit violence and terrorist attacks like Joshua Goldberg. Who, ironically enough, was actually easy to spot because he would write about so ridiculously over the top violent acts.
So don't fall for that either.
I don't know what it is either and I've been here since the exodus.
Also do people like Sam Hyde or not?
Well you're rather retarded it seems.
Cultural nationalism simply doesn't exist, because a nation and culture are defined and bound together by a common race. One cannot exist without the other. A nigger will never culturally integrate on any spiritual or deeper level with the white race, nor will they have any connection to the white civilization that forms the foundation of our society.
What makes you think I claimed there was? I never said there was an "American race". There is a European race, which was the race that built and defined America.
95% of white Americans are 100% European, and the other 5% have a tiny amount of either injun or nigger blood. Get off your Euroshit high-horse, because much of Europe is full of "mutts" from the countless wars and border-shifts that have happened over the millennia. America, regardless of the amount of "mutt" whites, is still intrinsically linked to the European people and the unique civilization we have produced.
At the racial boundary, you fucking retard. When someone mixes with a nigger, they cease to be white. A half-breed mongrel is no longer white.
I like your take on this.
Lord Kek decides who is "in" the real current of things.
While what you say is true, it doesn't hurt to have the info put out there for newfags to get up to speed of the seriousness of the situation.
I know where you live and I have done work for you, you think that stuff I put down is for the silver fish? Think again.
Damn, that Bobby Fischer video was pretty fucking cool. I've always looked for insight into his anti-semitism on jewtube but haven't come up with much. The fact that such a renowned genius hated the jewish people was the first thing that made me think about jews critically, before I ever came to Holla Forums. Thank you Mr. FIscher for setting me down the path.
They have no fucking idea.
Is that pic true? I find it hard to believe since I've been around for a while now and I've never heard that.
It was a concert at a gay nightclub that sprayed paint or silly string or something everywhere, not realizing it was flammable. Something sparked, and the whole place went up like napalm.
Now do you make a Taiwanese girl go "woof"?
It's the Formosa Fun Coast club fire in 2014. Coloured powder spray mixed with bad wiring. (The related file is footage, but mistitled)
Westerners worked out the cause of grain elevator explosions 100 years ago. Those niggers tried to replicate one and were successful.
The Jews that ran the slave trade…
Hell is forever!
(((goldstein))) every fucking time.
They've been mentioning virtually all non-cuckservative places on the internet for the last month non-stop. Of course that's going to happen.
That music must have been added. Here's the version I have.
Because they'd know it would cause blowback.
They hate us because they need us. Jews are like Schroedinger's white. Any time they get caught with their hand in the cookie jar, the culprit becomes white so the rest can say "Oh, white people! They are so bad! Look at the horrible things they do!" but when they want something, they become Jewish so they can say "but muh shoah! you owe us!"
How would you go about that when talking about a nation that doesn't have a single majority "race"?
Italy for example has R1b and J2, Germany has R1a and R1b, etc.
Unless you lump in different haplogroups into a single "race" (which would be scientifically incorrect), you'd need one state that includes half Germany, half Italy, France and half England.
But those countries don't have common history and culture so they can't be a nation according to that pic.
Most countries would have to split or to deport something like half their population.
I used to beat up faggots just for looking gay and talking with a lisp. Why is it that no one else followed these measures and whooped the ass of any faggot that acts like this?
You realize none of these homosexuals and kikes would exist if more than 1 person acted on it.
This haploautism is retarded. People belonging to the European/White race cluster closely together on a genetic level despite the variations in haplogroups across the continent. People belonging to our race also look very similar to each other, making seamless and cohesive integration perfectly functional.
Germans and Italians aren't separate races entirely, they are sub-ethnicities of the same greater European race.
Also, claiming that Europeans have no shared history is idiotic. Each respective European nation has contributed to the development and refinement of European/Western civilisation, and belongs to the common European struggle that stretches back millennia.
Notice how it only needs the middle pillar to stand.
Most Jews believe in the Holocaust. And even if they didn't, they have enough historic material of goy being pissed off.
So long as they see themselves as Jews and they believe others see them as Jews, they will feel in danger.
Seriously, put yourself in their shoes. You'd do anything to pacify and dumb down the goy. Even if you liked the goy's mindset, culture etc. more, you'd never know whether the goy will see you as Jew or not - and turn on you. Not only that, you'd be betraying your species should the goyim realize the gravity of the situation.
What a surprise fellow true whites in here. As you see, this Jew vermin that's calling himself part of the Alt-Right, is promoting CIVIC-NATIONALISM.
Haha, they are infiltrating us and destroying the core of the Alt-Right, which is us! We're not the crust, which is the infiltrators such as kikebart & Alex Jonestein ect..
They should have fucked off, but they kept following us like leeches. We kicked them out, but they kept pestering us.
They think they are too good for laboring, so we should do the work. That's literally what their religion teaches.
I just fail to see how they'll accomplish this if they eradicate white people. It's not like mud races are known for their work ethic. How will the jews convince the niggers to work for them?
Jews have fucked everything up for themselves and niggers will consume them if they wipe us out. They literally can't win. That's why they push (((alt-right))) and inflitrate it, so they can stay in the shadows until they have control of the internet so redpills can be stopped.
They'll pretend to be nationalist "whites" if that's what it takes to buy time.
Robotics and AI are about to take over, which is why "cull the world population by 90%" bit.
It does not. A US citizen must be subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, which means only subject to the jurisdiction of the U.S., so there is no such thing as a dual American citizen.
Seriously, these kikes …
The info i found says:
view park is 80% nig
the violent crime rate is 247 per 100k.
The median income for a household in the CDP was $90,876
Beattyville is:
98.99% white
and in 2015 had 0 violent crimes.
The overall crime rate was 31.8 per 100k (consisting of 4 burglaries).
The median income for a household in the city was $12,336
So sort of? I dunno if those are the richest nigs or poorest whites. But it is a pretty lulzy observation all the same.
That's what the whites on Easter Island tried to do. There are no longer any whites on Easter Island.
Low crime among white poor is not unusual, everybody knows each other, they have a strong sense of community and the little crime they do have is usually one guy who just can't keep out of jail, so he's already well known by the police.
Its a white thing, you woudn't understand.
Jews are demons. Simple as that. Talmudic satanists
The Planned Annihilation of the Gentile Races
Jewish Rabbi Openly Threatens To Kill Us For Daring To Uncover The New World Order
In essence, he is saying that we are no longer free to resist their tyranny in our own countries, for fear of secret reprisal.
How is this not terrorism?
4:10 "We used our wits to survive and when we were successful at it, we were klobbered and hated for it."
By "using our wits to survive" he of course means screwing over the host populations they encountered through usury, political conspiracy and fraud, by "we were klobbered", he means the anti-Jewish pogroms which were the consequences of screwing over host populations and by "successful" he means killing or subjugating people who resisted the illicit and often criminal activities of organized Jewry.
Quick History Lesson:
When Western Europe industrialized and the old aristocracy which Jewry had serviced for so long collapsed, anti-Jewish sentiment in Europe outside of the Russian Empire abated and Jews were eventually welcomed and valued in new modern states like pre-WWI Imperial Germany, but that didn't stop International Jewry from betraying the Central Powers (Germany, Austro-Hungary, Bulgaria & Turkey), by directing their agents to ferment social unrest in Germany (the strongest Central Power) and to bring the USA into WWI, simply in order to cause the Central Powers to lose WWI, so that Palestine could be extracted as a concession from Turkey through Great Britain.
If this were not bad enough, organized Jewry then descended upon post-WWI Germany in order to literally carpet bag the entire Nation and actually attempted to establish a German Bolshevik Revolution, in order to liquidate the entire middle and upper classes.
Great Britain is of course now being flooded with immigrants from the Third World thanks to the same banking cartels which originally sponsored the Balfour Declaration, (the document which effectively ceded Palestine to International Jewry and ended World War One against Germany).
At about 0:43 he starts pontificating about how Jews can do no wrong because of the "holocaust", (watch David Cole's documentary on Auschwitz for more on the holocaust, or Google Ernst Zundel).
Then he openly threatens Whites with murder if they try to expose Jewish crimes in any numbers.
He even admits that quote "Jewish special forces", kill Muslims and Jihadists yearly in the hundreds (of course it's probably more and by "kills" he's not talking about regular military operations, he's talking about the assassination of often peaceful political dissidents in neutral third party countries by mossad agents).
Oh and he says that he is a poor rabbi from Farminton Hills Michigan?! - That's is one of the richest counties in the World!
SATANS GENARAL TELLS THE TRUTH Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein HD