Holy shit, I never knew Trump was a fuckin' racist.
Who here's #mentallyHill now?
Holy shit, I never knew Trump was a fuckin' racist.
Who here's #mentallyHill now?
Someone edit in some hip hop beats and slap a trump 2016 on the end and release it.
This video made Trump look likeable and hilarious.
What the fuck are the Hilldawgs even doing?
Lmao, niggers complain about having it worse than whitey all the time, but when Trump actually tells them they're right, they suddenly get angry?
They're not the brightest bunch. I honestly think they are scared as fuck, especially if they have to make an ad like this.
That's it
#CruzMissile from now on
>be ((((((((((((((((((((THEM))))))))))))))))))))
This video has reached levels of coincidences I never thought were possible.
RACIST TRUMP is implying these super-predators don't have access to enough jobs WHAT A FUCKING RACIST Vote Hillary #ImWithher
Trump is offering ghetto niggers salvation from their lifestyle = discrimination?
"Yeah, let's just avoid the deaths caused in black neighbourhoods and the lack of education distributed in them, just so we won't be called racist!"
They're dumb but not that dumb, they know he's gonna make them get jobs. Then they have no excuse not to work. That's really why they're pissed. Their entire lifestyle is based around dependence and irresponsibility.
is that the apex twin guy?
We have something like that.
There's no way this will backfire massively
is it trending?
if not, can we get it trending?
Edited version
Spread it
Wow what a cunt
Good shit, user
This. We need to do this.
I never thought that Hillary would be genuinely afraid of losing the nigger vote to Trump. This is good news lads.
He is 100% right, they have nothing to lose because they have nothing. They are like pets that leech on to the state and government, just like communism to an extent. Take that away and they are helpless.
Welfare would be my first guess.
This fucking retard is amazing, does she REALLY still not get how hard all of these idiotic ads have backfired on her?
Hillary is going to join JEB! in the cuckshed where Trump put him.
what is a racist?
Damn fine work, if that's your OC. I've seen that trump rap before, I have the webm somewhere, but your edit has high production value.
welp I am a #hilldo now
Another pro-trump commercial.
Also this is why Trump isn't popular among niggas:
But if Trump gets the house niggas, that'll be enough.
Excellent work if this is OC. If anything, it could get some nogs to vote for Trump.
It really is. This bigger than Holla Forums is realizing.
i know hes a jew and all, but that show is hilarious, its like the life of bernie sanders if he started having internal conflicts about the left.
I remember earlier in the election there were predictions that Trump would have the highest black vote turnout of any Republican candidate in history
I didn't see that part of the DNC, did they really have Hillary come after and have Nickelback play or was that edited in as well?
Die, newfag.
Daily reminder that kek is with us.
that right there is almost a perfect storm of fuckups. The irony is thick enough to beat a man to death with.
if you look at his face there at the end you can tell he's trying very hard not to laugh.
I for one am now #OvertheHill
So now we have our Nazi Frogs, Stereotypical Badgers, and the Grinch wearing a ski mask?
ok wtf is this pro trump, niggers have nothing to lose.
what the hell?
No. Fucking. Way.
What fucking year is this?
Top Kek. Tweet it to the Emperor.
I'm crying, user. Holy shit.
This all is being capped for posterity, right?
What song is that when Trump comes up on the screen?
That's fantastic.
Reminds me of this, which is actually real.
Pic related is OC
And another ad targeting nogs. This one from Ben Carson.
Hillary Template
You're doing Kek's work, user.
My sides would get gassed if Trump's master plan is to air these sorts of videos 2 weeks before the election.
I thought this was one of your lulzy edits, but then I realized it was actually real.
More OC
Really well done.
I feel like the leftist media's video people really hate them. CNN also has issues like this from time to time.
This is some funny shit. Hillary approves what Trump says, in this shitty add? Do they have trump trolls making propaganda for this brain dead bitch. Lmfao
Either one of us is in the inside, or the universe clearly favors us.
Most cities with African American majorities have probably not been under Republican control for a very long time, they don't know if it'll get better under Republican but they don't want to take the chance (due to thinking "sure it sucks under the Dems, but it'll be worse under the Racists!")
Illary's got balls to be attacking Trump for allegedly "breaking Federal Law"
You like how all they have on him is vague hunches and the fact that he was "charged with discriminating against african americans and violating federal law" Banking on the fact that her mongoloid voterbase doesn't distinguish between "charged" and "convicted."
I love this fucking election
Turn Hillary into a
Bumping to spread this.
I'm with H-Bomb.