National Socialism


I'm currently reading "Hitler's War" by David Irving and holy shit is it good. I'm only 4 chapters in but it really gives you a balanced and objective view of the man. It also discusses many of the people that surrounded Hitler, in short I recommend anyone interested in the Third Reich to read this book.

In the meantime I'm gonna dump my NatSoc folder so stay tuned for some volksich pics.

Other urls found in this thread:



Fuck off Sandkike.

Let me check those digits you didn't get

Also natsoc is impossible in 21 century. Only as much as civic nationalism.

No, you fuck off. Socialism as practiced by NatSoc Germany gave everyone an equal chance at becoming something great.

Socialism is the prequel to communism. Fuck off you filthy freedom hating commie.

Explain, tard.

It's only a prequel to Communism if you're a faggot Marxist. Gas yourself.

So what do you believe in, Schlomo ?


no thanks
Only a strong authoritarian nationalist government can defeat jewry

Nah, fuck off shill.

You took me for a ride matey.
Nice ruse.



well played d33515

Mandatory reading for anyone interested in National Socialism:


There's a thread about The Myth of 20th Century: A very good book written by brilliant ideolog of NSDAP.

NatSoc is ideology based on the laws of nature, it will always be possible.

I'm glad I'm not the only one that saw through the kike tactics.

There's nothing wrong with Nationalism, except when you kike it up with socialism. Fuck off jew.

Nationalism is fine, but there's a lot of us who don't believe in socialism. The problem with socialism is that people are inherently corrupt, and therefore the administration in a socialist system will be corrupt.

Kind of a blogpost but I have no one else to tell this to and I'm pretty happy about it: After trying time and time again to read Mein Kampf on a computer screen, I have finally purchased a physical copy. It was a print on demand hardcover of the Stalag Edition. Very good quality. Reminds me of why I loved reading in my younger days before electronic screens replaced everything.

Nationalism is collective ideology, therefore Socialism will always be present. You're thinking of International and Egalitarian Socialism of class warfare presented by kikes to take control of the countries away from Gentile ruling class.

People aren't all corrupt, that's just the demoralization talking after years of shitty rulers. People can be brought together for a common cause but only if's REAL and not abstract shit like MUH EQUALITY and SHITSKINS. There's nothing realer than blood.

Holy shit I can't tell if you guys are shills or just retarded.

Here, have some basic knowledge:

Welcome to Holla Forums, btw.

I will probably print my own copy and soft bind it.
Reading it on the screen takes away the magic.

Libertarian Nationalism. Of course many here would have you believe that Libertarianism and Nationalism are mutually exclusive, however they are not.

The point is most of them will become corrupt if they aren't already. If you're going to design a system of government, you don't assume the people in government are altruistic and design the system, you assume the most corrupt mother fuckers on the planet are seeking power and design the system. Working under the assumption of altruism is literally fucking retarded.

I also prefer physical versions of books. I have a copy of Mein Kampf and some other history books. I sometimes download a PDF to see if something is worth buying and in the case of the book I mentioned in the OP, I'll look for a physical copy soon as well.

I seriously wish all these "Libertarians" would actually do their homework once and read Evola because I'm tired of explaining whi libertarianism is a shit ideology

You don't know what National Socialism actually means. Read a fucking book, lolberg.

We know why Libertarianism is a shit ideology, I'm tired of having to explain why Libertarian Nationalism corrects all the problems inherent in Libertarianism because you're a bunch of stupid fucks.

Why not just say you're retarded before I go through the trouble of reading your lost?

Oh boy, a retard.

Not to shill, but the source I used provided very good service and an even better product, should you or any others decide you're interested:

I've plenty about "socialism", and yet the NatSoc fags swear "socialism" doesn't mean "socialism". Perhaps you should rebrand the "socialism".

I dislike buying anything like that online, even with a prepaid and a decoy address.

This link is calling to you, user:

Why not prove to us that you're capable of basic reading comprehension?

Meant to reply to this post

This is why you should be gassed

NatSoc socialism is kind of hard to brand, let's agree on that. It isn't red socialism, whose goal is communism via the parliamentary democracy, its more like pre-Marx socialism. That's not to say we should precisely follow everything Hitler said of course

Can't really blame you. I was much the same until recently. Figured if they're paying any attention they already have me on every list imaginable so there's no harm.

How much control would the government have over people? It would certainly be quite extensive yes? And to enforce that amount control would require a significant operational size right?

It's really quite easy to brand the differences when you use the proper metrics.

George Rockwell from the American Nazi Party simply said they the socialist part simply means equal social responsibility.

Have some more pics fam

It really isn't, it's just Socialism of class cooperation inside the boundaries of a Nation, the problem is that kikes artificially divorced Socialism from Nationalism in order to achieve their dream of ruling over non-Jews.
Read the literature of NSDAP members to get into their mindset. It is confusing though, since Socialism nowadays means egalitarian garbage, which is why I think Tribalism would be a better term for NatSoc.


Tribalism would be good, but you should brand it as family-tribalism and national-tribalism. Family-tribalism because the nuclear family is essentially a small tribe inside the larger tribe of the state. The state is li8ke a federation of many small closely knit familiy-tribes. The family would get destroyed by outsiders without the protection from the tribal federation-state, while the state cannot exist without the many little families making it up


It's the only prequel to Communism if Jews are the ones pushing it.

How would a National Socialist government handle the internet?
It's a cesspool of degenerate and Marxist content, without management, it could slither into the populations, like it did with SJW's and feminists.
Also, take your National Flag, and make Nat Soc.

Well this is what needs to be done, NatSoc as a modern term is absolutely dead in the water. I still don't agree with giving any government significant control over people, but NatSoc isn't going anywhere with its current name.

That's a good question user. I'm personally against censoring the Internet because I believe NatSoc is the truth, and the truth always prevails if given enough time.

That being said, the Internet can undoubtedly be used as a subversive tool by our enemies, so this should be given much thought.

Leave it I guess, If they try and censor it they would been as the enemy by people in and outside the nation.

Adults can handle the degenerate shit I think. But as long as the school sytem keeps kids productive and gives them proper idols to look up to then it should be fine.

As long as degenerate shit is kept off mainstream media then people will have to seek out the degenerate stuff on the internet. Rather then be exposed to it in their daily lives.

Complete waste of time.

Not really. If the system is designed to minimize the influence people have over government while eliminating the potential for corruption in government, then "enemies" will have no power to subvert jack shit.

I swear you people don't give any consideration to system design to eliminate these problems.

no faggot, the Danish flag should stay as it is and has been for 100s of years.

Unless they're (((somehow))) able to afford legions of shills.

I don't want to minimize the influence people have over their government because I view the people and the state as one and the same, which they are. Take your "Libertarian" Nationalism and shove it up your ass faggot.

Seig Heil from Großbritannien

The system design can negate any "shills". The reason the jews have so much power is because they rig the system to benefit themselves, central banks and fiat monetary policy being the #1 mechanism to control a country.


Dont heil brits until everyone on britpol is permabanned for the bomber harris shit.
fuck them


People are fucking stupid as a mass. Allowing them to have influence over a government is going to lead to degradation over time, and eventually societal collapse.

System needs to be designed to assume:

1) People are inherently corrupt
2) People are stupid

That would solve most of the problems in any government.

not him

But if the system doesnt let any jews into the country then it should be alright ;)

You must understand that the Bomber Harris shit is from one maybe two posters who do it constantly just to divide and conquer. The majority of us are very much against it. It's classic D/C mate and it works well.

I know the damage can't be repaired from how constantly it has been posted but take the last thread for example, the OP who posted that shit made the thread and then didn't post once. Classic shilling.

I feel solidarity with my German brothers

Lion flags are best flags

If we enumerate the functions of government, any additional functions would become ONEROUS to add no matter the amount of "shills". This simple enumeration of powers (which the Constitution did, but was entirely ignored by government expansion) solves a shit ton of problems.


Welp, fug man, forgot to scrub outline

Here comes the AIVD

How do I delete posts dammit


confirmed for retard

hitler a cute

A NatSoc government isn't hindered by stupid people, all of the leadership roles were filled by people who knew what they were doing. Hitler never took a decision to appoint someone lightly, as can be read from the book in the OP.

Nigger I needed to make some quick OC

I think the internet should be allowed to exist, but it should be heavily managed, so that certain websites don't enforce degenerate values, like porn and fetish sites.

That depends what you refer to when you say adults.
25+ would properly have moved on with their lives, and wouldn't give the internet too much thought.
Young adults, who have yet to seek a proper wife, would be very susceptible to the internets vast content, but as they grow up and find a mate, they would leave it behind.
It would be children that would have have to be blocked off the internet at all costs, their teenage years, would bring with it puberty, which would make seek out degenerate content.
It could be fixed if parents, and the educational system, enforced a strict website management, but this assumes all schools are dedicated to cause of doing so.
It could also be fixed by teachers and schools teaching the importance of marriage and finding a mate, but I feel like this could create more problems.

I didn't say 'Make a flag you would replace your national flag with' I said make your flag National Socialist.

Hitler fucking lost, clearly he didn't know what he was doing and none of his leadership was able to prevent him from overextending his military to the point he was completely fucking owned.

Yea Hitler was a great example of leadership if you discount the fact he got his ass kicked in the end.

It was him vs the world nearly

And that expansion came from within the framework of that system. How would you use that system to prevent the same expansion from happening again?


Try to read Hitler's second book before you read Hitler's War. It will give you a deeper understanding of Hitler's decision making and overall elevate Irvings book to a new level.

That was his fault for overextending his push. He was a fucking moron no matter how you slice it. Attacking Russia to open up another front was pure retard. Allowing Japan to attack the US was pure retard.

At the end of the day Hitler made way too many mistakes and piss poor decisions and paid the price for them.

Russia would have attacked Germany if he didn't, they were mobilising on the border

It's not like he had complete control over Japan. America shut of all their oil supply and enticed the attack and it's even been said America knew about the coming attack but did nothing as it would provide enough reason and anger in the American people to go to another war

There was going to be war with Russia whether he wanted it or not, he decided to attack so the Russians would at least have less time to prepare. He made the right decision under the (very difficult) circumstances. Name one libertarian leader that had half the balls Hitler had.

You can't, because Lolbertertains only care about their own authority being challenged by the State, which is why they are so adamant about limiting what the State can/cannot do.

It is widely known that Stalin was building an army to overthrow Europe, to establish a communist regime.
If Hitler hadn't acted fast enough, a soviet invasion of Europe could, and would occur.
If Hitler hadn't attacked first, they would be in the same situation as they were at the end of the war.

Thanks for the recommendation user.

So what, Hitler could have fortified to easily keep his gains and wait to push when the timing was right. You can try to justify all his decisions, but history is 20/20, Hitler fucking lost. That's what happened. The accumulation of all his shit decisions = lost. So then you can argue, well he was never going to win anyway, and I'll say then he was stupid enough to not see he couldn't win under his constraints to begin with.

Either way, Hitler was just a man, he was fallible and failed like many before him.

Kids are fine in a nationalist education system, as long as we get rid of this fucking ipad babysitting bullshit

Hopefully when those kids grow older they will have been raised to be proactive people rather then pewdiepie watching slackers.

The way to defeat internet degeneracy is simply getting people off the couch.

Well maybe in some parallel dimension or alternate timeline that happened, but it didn't happen. In fact, I would even argue that with the current state of Germany, backed by the rest of Europe + England, Soviets would have been obliterated.

The soviets were never ready for a full scale war you faggots.

I know he lost. He made mistakes, yes. But Operation Barbossa was justified. Do you have any idea how many tanks the USSR was churning out at that time? It was ridiculous, they were preparing for a total war and to conquer as much of Europe as they could, and hey look they did.

Nobody is ever "ready" for war you mongoloid, but they were planning to invade Europe and spew their Marxist venom all over the continent. I guess it won't bother you too much if you're used to Marxist cock in your throat but for the rest of us the taste isn't as good.

Is that how the Iron Curtain formed? Because they weren't prepared, yea?


USSR was a complete fucking mess the entire war. I mean like > 10% of the entire population died defending their country. If they had all these magical tanks they wouldn't have gotten their asses stomped into the ground for so long.

Of course they would.
But that didn't happen, because Churchill was a kike.

Hitler could have had any woman he wanted in Germany, do any of you think he had children that were kept secret?

Yes, but he only truly loved one.

They were shit but their power was in numbers, this applies to both the soldiers and the tanks. Their tanks were fucking arse but they kept making so fucking many it didn't matter. That was their whole philoiphy, they didn't give a fuck about human life.

her was a pure angelic being of light
he was too good for this world

Well whatever, no point in arguing about shit that already happened.

I meant it in the sense that he was a very very good goyim.
Hitler never wanted wanted a war with the British, he always thought them and the Germans were very similar.
Churchill on the other hand, was completely dedicated to war, because he thought the poor poor French goyim dindu nuffin.

So would it be fair to say Churchill was a francophile? I admit I haven't read much on the man.

Yea, it's not like Hitler bombing the shit out of Britain had anything to do with it.

Yeah remember when the Nazis bombed Britain before they declared war? wait


Reminder that Hitler let the British armies escape at the battle of Dunkirk, even though he had the full ability to defeat it.

What is this shit you're linking?

(((they))) made a list for us. You have problem with having a list of known jews at your disposal?


Properly not in the fullest sense of the word, but it is known that he wanted to avenge the French, because he thought they were being oppressed by Germans.

Also, why was the Luftwaffer such a failue?

Germans always excelled at land warfare, not sea or air

That's precisely what they did on Twitter when they found out about the ((( ))). The older cunning jews may hide their jewness, but the younger jews are stupid as fuck.

Adam Smith was of the same opinion as you are, and he was proven wrong spectacularly on a global level. Over time, not a single merchant elite has chosen its own nationality over liberalism.



I'm starting my dump


Postan cuties too

Great book indeed, OP. I'm halfway through.

As I said in some other thread, it's obvious that the only reason Jewish lobbies wants it gone is because of the Holocaust thing.

The book itself is somewhat objective. If you loved Hitler, you'll love him less - if you hated him, you'll hate him less.
He's painted as a magnificent person, but a person non the less, neither a devil to hate, nor a saint to worship.




I'm at the Kiev chapter (i have the millennium edition) and so far my "love" for Hitler has only increased.

Are you of Germanic/Brit origins?


oh so youre arabic then… ;^)

Well, you can relate yourself directly to the cause. In a way, he is the champion of your people, albeit not as directly as of Germans.

Those who were on his line of expansion to the east will hold a degree of antagonism towards him, even if they read the book, would you not agree?
Granted, they are a different breed of people - and they might have had it better than they did under the alternative - or than they now. But his direct entitlement over them, which is very much founded in my opinion would hardly make them see him as preferable to being left to their own devices. Poles I suppose would garner a massive inferiority complex.

My country Croatia did indeed went full fascism, but in the end it was Hitler's battle for his people. Everyone else just went along for the ride, recognizing an opportunity for their own goals.

My point being - if you reviled Hitler as this man who fought for the best of all Europeans, you will figure out that is not exactly the case.
But it does provide a formula for ideal leadership - he was after all a leader of German people, not anyone else.

Who would that be? There is no proof NSDAP wanted to conquer Eastern Europe, Hitler didn't even want war to begin with. It's all commie propaganda where they were the ones who wanted to conquer the whole Europe.
Germany would however become a central European super power if they would won the war, so the rest of Europe would definitely be influenced by it.

I'm referring to the book of this thread. If you have read it, you'd know who I'm referring to.

It doesn't work like that m8, you'll explain exactly at what you're reffering to. I'm not saying that they were angels when they, for example, burned whole villages to remove commie guerilla threat, but there is nothing that implies Germany wanted to expand towards the east, they had no interest to do so besides removing the Communist threat that was coming from there.
You could argue that they would keep those countries strictly under their control if they were to win the war, but that's pure speculation at this point and again, WW2 was in no way in the interest of Germany, and no NSDAP member wanted it.
The only official "expansion" policy of NSDAP was to regain the land they lost after WW1.

If you havent read the book dont post in this thread.


And I'm not saying that he's a shit historian, but to think you know everything about NatSoc and history of WW2 by reading Hitler's War is pretty dumb, Sven.
I'm still waiting for proof of this supposed NSDAP expansion policy to conquer the east or whatever he was reffering to. If you can't construct a valid argument it's you who probably should stop posting.

There is no assumption of altruism, only the assumtion they will obey the law to the letter, wich national socialism enforces for political officials, and since ns laws are based on objective pragmatism, instead of abstract concepts, it works quite well. Unlike in our current system, any politician caught in nazi germany was rapidly and swiftly punished for his crimes. The whole point of ns was to create legal mechansims in wich (( politicians )) could and did rig the system.

Yes it literally does. I am discussing the book as it is. Maybe Irving is liar who doesn't know shit, but I am talking about what the book claims.

Read my posts again, I am speaking of the effects of the book on the reader.

But as to your claims of giving shit back, pics related.

could NOT rig and exploit the system, a typo

ITT: "National Socialism iz socialism becuz the word socialism iz there" newfags strait from Crowderville and the "libertarian nationalism" guy.

Lurk for a while before posting, fucktards.

I am well aware of this, Himmler also wanted to isolate Russia from Europe until it collapses, so that Germany could restore order there easier, though I'm usually very sceptical of letters used as historic facts,
in this instance Himmler was most likely planning for eugenics program in Eastern Europe, to slowly get rid or separate Europeans from mongrels (don't mean to D&C but East Slavs are pretty mixed) there which can be evident in his Der Untermensch.
The problem that I have with Irving is that he a lot of times constructs a story out of clues that don't necessary imply that, for example in that part of the text where it says that German men would settle the Eastern lands is not actually
a correct translation. A letter from which this is taken says that SS veterans will be given land and other means from the Reich to settle there and farm and also to form a ruling elite from high ranking SS soldiers.
However, this was happening in WW2 when these countries were occupied, I did say in my previous posts that Germany would be a central influence to other European countries and a main superpower if they would win the war, just like US and Russia were after the war.
And there's no denying the hatred between these ethnicities which existed from long before WW2 even happened btw.

What I understand as 'expansion towards the East' is conquering the EE countries and proclaim them to be part of the Reich for undefined time, for which there's no real proof and just speculations that also reek of allied propaganda which includes a lot of fake letters and diaries btw.

The only part of your post that I quoted and wanted to debate was the supposed expansion towards the East, I apologise if you didn't mean to present it as a fact.

I might also add that David Irving's mother is Jewish and he never really denied the supposed Holocaust except that the numbers of dead Jews are exaggerated, he also blamed Himmler doing it in secret, which is why I question his story of Himmler wanting to make a factory out of the whole EE since it seems that Himmler is a big meanie head in his book.

Just so everyone doesn't jump on me for not taking everything he wrote as a fact.

Well, yes. When you listen Irving speaking live he's much less definitive about meaning of some documents, where in the book he's more prone to delivering conclusions.

But in either case, Hitler's takeover of Rhineland, Bohemia and Moravia - then whole of Czech, then that part of Latvia ?, then Poland, then deciding to keep Generalgovernment, then deciding to annex some other parts of France as parts of German territory - To Victor belong the spoils clearly was his credo.

I do not include here Scandinavia, Belgium and Netherlands because I believe he would've given them some semblance of independence

Judging also by his Second Book and what happened, his stance is very much clear to me. The man is too pragmatic in function of well-being of his people to not be understandable. He knew damn well that there would be war for what he was to achieve - even before he got into office. War with France for certain, Britain maybe. The latter was his weakness IMO.

By the time Poland come on the line, he was especially sure about the French - he did it anyway. So, no - he was not trying to avoid war.

Don't get me wrong, I do not object to it. In the end, Britain fucked itself over and it has Churchill to thank for it. What was once an Empire is now nothing in comparison. European of today could've been the master of the world, now great hardships await us instead.

War was coming to Hitler either way, and precisely because of that fact he went for the expansion, both onto the territories of ethnic Germans and some historic territories.
In my view "historic territories" is no divine right - my country once possessed much more than it does today - but in the end different people live there now. Virtually every European country could claim chunks of the other, from different eras. If I was German, I'd be proud of him. But I'm not German.


Top fucking kek


He promised Germans to return the territories they lost because of Versailles Treaty, he was actually the one who called the Munich conference to peacfully resolve the problem with the artificially created state of Czechoslovakia while Churchill screamed for war.
These territories were large majority German and only lost for ~20 years. He most certainly did expect war, but he wanted to avoid it as much as possible which is evident by his numerous peace proposals to Poland, France and Britain.
He also had a good relationship with Pilsudski with who he already made a "deal" to peacefully resolve the matter, but than he died and Smigly came to power who was an arrogant, dumb pawn of Britain and who actually did hunger for extra European land,
see Polish annexation of Lithunia. And even if he wouldn't invade Poland, international Jewry would find a way to force the war on him. Because I trust you do know that the reason for WW2 is economic one, kikes couldn't let a powerful country like Germany to free itself
from international finance, because other countries would follow which was already happening with the rise of Fascist parties all over Europe.

The countries Germany occupied when WW2 broke for strategic purpouses doesn't necessarily imply that it was Hitler's intention to conquer them. Enforcing absolute German authority during occupation? Sure, every smart leader would do that,
it would be very naive to loosen up control of occupied land in the middle of a world war, where Communists and British agents could easily take control of them and use them for their own interests, this is best seen in Kingdom of Yugoslavia where Communists
with the help of British agents overthrew king Peter II in order to break up the trade alliance between Yugoslavia and Germany and open up the way for invasion from the south, thus German occupation followed.

National Socialism is predominately a form of spiritual awakening/perspective in my opinion, which sets it far apart from all the other political ideologies that are mainly materialistic and individualistic.

For example, I have a younger white friend I play sports with. He is depressed. He is soft, weak, and afraid to express himself. But I don't want him to be like that. I want him to be great. I see his thoughtful intelligence in his eyes and his potential. I want him to become his very best he can be. So, therefore, I provide myself as a model of relative strength and use all the resources I can to get him to be inspired for self-improvement and for him to want it for himself, for him to want to become heroic in his spirit. If my friend doesn't accept these offerings and continues to wallow in weakness, then I will find it a shame but drop him.

NS, to me, is just this feeling applied to the state-level: only help those that want to help themselves, improving the overall quality of the state and the individuals that abide in it.


Also i read Irving for the military history so i dont really care if he believes in the holohoax.


I can confirm that particular phenotype of nigger in the pic is one of the more docile, intelligent variants. Note the high cheek bones and, more importantly, facial symmetry approaching that of the other Aryan races.

will contribute

I really hope this stops once the election is over.
Can't even tell if shills or new people anymore.

I'm getting cancer.

hitler with blondebrown hair not raven black
well whatya know

So the Waffen SS is the most compelling and interesting part of National Socialism as a whole to me. Particularly by 1943 when it was becoming a pan-European organization, does anyone have good material on that ideology? Preferably primary sources to be honest, but anything well written would be appreciated.

Am I wrong in thinking that the extreme racialism was disappearing in favor of a strange "leveling elitism" for lack of a better term? Particularly among the frontline officers and men, it seems like the SS was brewing an ideology that disappeared with their defeat before it fully matured.

I wish I was in the SS :/




Rolf Hochhuth (Irving's buddy and a coward) said in German newspaper, Junge Freiheit No. 08/2005 from 18 Feb. 2005 that Beryl Irene Irving (Newington), Irving's mother is Jewish, when he was defending him from accussations of anti-semitism.
David confirmed it. I can't find the pic of the article, so you'll need to do your own research.

That's nothing though, there are plenty inconsistencies in his works and other claims, like claim that there were plenty foreign armies in UK after the war with Germany started.
That's a pretty dumb or at least very confusing statement for a supposed master historian of WW2. It's also funny that only he somehow managed to find all these documents and letters and knew exactly where to search while he was working in steel industry in Germany.
Smells a little like a con to me if I'm honest. He did get a lot of shekels from it after all.

He talk about the whole pan-European SS phenomena and if you want the primary source they are all at the end of the book.

And if these Trans Nazis did they would have been executed for being traitors serving the Jews.

What do National Socialists think about Strasserism?

I'll let the night of the long knives answer your question.


Oh look, Commie infiltrators

I may as well look into Strasser himself
>Otto Johann Maximilian Strasser (also German: Straßer, see ß; 10 September 1897 – 27 August 1974) was a German politician and member of the Nazi Party. Otto Strasser, together with his brother Gregor Strasser, was a leading member of the party's left-wing faction, and broke from the party due to disputes with the ‘Hitlerite’ faction. He formed the Black Front, a group intended to split the Nazi Party and take it from the grasp of Hitler. This group also functioned during his exile and World War II as a secret opposition group. The text "secret opposition group" is a link to an article called "German resistance to Nazism"

That motorcycle and pupper photo shows a postwar (((West German))) traffic cop.

Still a nice picture though.

Strasserism is basically what lolbergs think NatSoc is.

Pretty much this. What libertarians fail to notice is that Hitler actually privatised a lot of government services on top of reducing restrictions on gun ownership and drastic tax reductions. It was the reason why Nazis despised nationalistic Communists even though the title of the party would suggest.

even though the party title would suggest otherwise*

I tried and failed at creating a new flag for Australia based off the 2nd pic.

Seconded. Im British and I fucking hate 'bomber harris' D&C bullshit.

Kill yourself.

I made it a long while ago, hence why I said it failed horribly.

Know any good methods?

Was pic related the last hope for a natsoc America? Reading White Power was a major redpill for me in understanding why America is shit now. It showed me just how degenerate America really was back in the 60s after I went my whole life thinking white americans back then were all racist and conservative. Now I know that the opposite was the case but I'm not sure if we can even recover from the demographics we have.

The Black Sun IS a swastika you uncultured shit.

No, a Swastika is a Swastika, le blagg sunn :DDD is a shitty LARPagan imitation you retard

Swastika is "larpagan" symbol as well, christcuck.

It doesn't have the same meaning.

He wasn't a National-Socialist. Rockwell was more of an extreme form of conservatism.

I would have loved to have known George Rockwell.
He was such a charismatic guy.

Leon Degrelle I think is my favorite, from the beginning to the end he was a true believer and did everything he could for Europe, he proved Goebbels fucking wrong and was given the iron cross by Hitler personally. He was such a naturally gifted leader and people fucking loved him.

I don't know much about him, but his speeches show otherwise.

spotted the kike

WEW, fuck off.

They don't have the same surface level meaning, but their are tons of variations of the Swastika. Swastika isn't even a German word.
The ultimate meaning is as a focal point for truth.


People have always been attacking christianity on Holla Forums.
I just want the DnC between Pagans and Christians to stop as I'm in neither camp and just want the fucking truth.

To add to this, the very fact the kikes are called such is because they hate Jesus so much, that the illiterate ones refused to sign with an X at ellis island instead using a circle,kikel (keekehl) in hebrew, thus kikes.

He was a National Socialist just without the socialist part.
Basically he thought socialism was just incompatible with American culture so his "socialism" in his party was pretty much just equal social responsibility, i.e. help people cross the street type stuff.

Swastika still isn't a Christian symbol, faggot.

Black Sun represents constancy and order of mind. Swastika's general and literal meaning is rebirth-life-dying-death, basically a cyle of life

Fuck off faggot.


Which is why it's so ironic they would try to push "le kike on a stick" meme.

Where can I read about that?

Well generally people who get butthurt over European symbols used in ancestral religions are Christians.
Even if you both aren't Christian, he still made a retarded statement and you're dumb for defending it.

I can't point you to a definitive source because there are plenty interpretations, from which a lot of them don't make any sense, but from what I gathered it's suppose to represent your consciousness on an individual level, your journey towards a higher man that's based on your ideals. Which in short is constancy and order of your mind.

Start with books about ancient european history and religion and avoid retards that think Waffen SS was some kind of mage guild.

It is usually the atheists.

rockwell was pretty based. there are a few groups in america who carry on the torch.


Not accepting other peoples cultural interpretation of the universal truth makes you just as bad as the materialist atheists, especially when these interpretations are truly European.

I will agree that Satanism is bad as it's in fact the opposite of a spirituality

Satanism enforces pursuing self-improvement. It also teaches that soft manipulation of people for your own personal goals. But also warns that doing so with the compromise of the manipulated's harm is a zero-sum action in long terms.

Dont enforce atheism. Encourage everyone to learn and take what is best from all religions (yes, even Islam). Thats the only way you can live spiritually well.

It's as corrupt, inefficient and soul-crushing as real communism. Only difference is no kike involvement.

Just how jealous or retarded do you have to be to not believe in economic competition and a private sector, especially today when we know how every example ended up?

Just watched this vid by ramzpaul giving a good, non-sensationalist talk on national socialism


Sad. It feels good, man.

Kill yourself.

every time

I'm really, really racist

There is nothing wrong with National Socialism and it's not really like "muh socialism" at all.

We're easily eroded under the most free system of government that ever existed

Is going to make your nation and folk better and stronger. If you don't care about that, why the fuck are you even here? Go live off the grid.

All that being said, I agree with Hitler that national socialism only worked in that time and place. I'm an American of founding stock. I've seen how lazy and selfish my "fellow countrymen" (read: people who came here for an easy ride AFTER my ancestors did all the heavy lifting for them) are. We need something different and new here but we can certainly borrow some principals from German National Socialism, if we're able to smoothly make them fit.

I can't really speak on any other country. I don't know enough about them. Maybe it would still work in some places in Europe.


Nice, this should be able to silence all the dumb lolbergs.