Brit/pol/ #1173 - Don't fall for the d/c tactics edition

Flooded with wogs the quality fell low but we know their tricks

Thank you

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Alright enough of the spam, lets talk politics. Don't fall for the bait, and filter those that want to D/C.

courtesy bump

Reminder for anons that the BBC did a 30 minute segment on the alt-right specifically naming Holla Forums/pol/ board. It was that faggot Milo on claiming he's a figure head of the 'movement' I wish he'd really fuck off. If someone has the link please be kind and post it. rogrammes/b07pjb9y
Focking news orgs naming us it's out of hand I bet daddy knows I'm a racist now


Thanks lad.
It's worth while listening, just for how triggered and obvious the Jews are who are talking. Especially the 'OY VEY' one.


OP, you are preaching falsehood.
The world will never know peace until this blight on European soil is eradicated.
Germans truly are, as proven by history time and time again, incapable of civilization.
They are savages to the core and have relentlessy, from the beginning, made it their mission to bring chaos and destruction to Europe.
It was German barbarians that caused the fall of the Roman Empire.
It was the German king, Charlemagne, that conquered Pagan lands and enslaved all.
It was Germans that caused the Thirty Years' war, the first world war, the second world war.
They brought the deaths of millions upon millions of people.
And in this day, they still have not learnt their lesson.
Now they are the flagbearers of the EU, the people behind the migrant invasion into Europe.
They will be responsible for the final downfall of the West.
They are a den of barbarians on the continent, a scorn of savagery.
We, the British, and all other peaceful civilizations in the world, must put a stop to this savagery and destruction.
The peoples of France and Poland are our most important allies in this regard.
They have known what it is to be tyrannized by these unruly people, and they have shown the greatest resistance against the cancer known as Germany.
We must never give in to their shilling.
We must never give in to their baiting us with false ideas of "friendship", that we are "brother nations" or other such myths.
All the world must unite to get rid of this scorn, once and for all. Then, and only then, will we finally have peace.


What good has ever come out of Germany?
It was them who brought us the teaching of Marxism.
They are behind the Frankfurt School.
And by their invasion of the Soviet Union, they have enabled Communism to spread across the world and enslave half of Europe.
So you do not only have to thank Germans for Globalism and Eurocracy, but the rise and spread of Communism aswell.

What good has ever come out of Chile?

Pinochet and helicopter memes

Give it a rest.

I really don't understand jerrycucks tbh

Also, morning lads

Nothing I have said is incorrect.
If you wanna shill for Germany this isn't the place.

reminder to ID+ filter d5c

No one here is shilling for Germany, you dense twat.

Nothing you've said is blowing anyone's minds, you can play this game with any major European nation.

All it's going to do is ruin more threads by attracting autistic Yanks and Continentals like flies to shit.

At least the Germans are more civilized than the Irish tbh


Do you even Pinochet?

Can someone post the Pinochet Pepe where le smug frog has the cool collar uniform and a commie is being thrown out of a helicopter in the background? Actually please post whatever Pinochet memes you have.

That's not really hard mate

Even the aborigines of Australia can compete with the Irish

All of you crying "D&C! D&C!" have no clue about the nation we are dealing with.
Millions of people have fallen victim to it's savagery, and you are cucking yourself for it.
Such as?
No other country has caused this much destruction, really give me an example of a nation that comes even close to the barbarism of Germany.
Fuck off lad.

How do we make brit/pol/ great again?


South America has the same problems as we have. Cities are hubs of filth and socialism.

Went into my (15 year old) brothers room to ask him where the fuck he put my copy of Motorstorm Apocalypse and caught him looking at porn with his cock out. I'm not sure who the girl was or the specific video since I GTFO of there pretty quickly. All I know for sure is that I am absolutely positively 100% certain that I saw the logo.

Read his past history. And check "temp" folder if he uses windows.

Does gamergate still exist lads?

Tbh even when I was a lefty and watched porn I always felt disgusted by interracial scenes

It exists as reddit liberal group that cares about ethics only. Did you forget they started from donation to feminists?

Is her expression shopped? What the fuck is up with her eye and eyebrow?

Of course its shopped. Humans don't have goat eyes.

It's shopped lad the real thing is more dead eyed

Tell your parents and put filter on at the ISP

Based mummy will fix this
Tbh I don't care about censorship.
Stop porn by all means.


So what will happen now with Brexit? I heard that Merkel said, that you can't cancel your contracts with EU, because it would cost you the equivalent of half of the commonwealth?

Is purging communists from my church hypocrisy or irony?
don't care tbh MARXISTS OUT

Bish bash bosh

Daily reminder that in times like these true Christians have the duty and responsibility to abandon the church that activley works towards our destruction.

David Davis is working with a bunch of people waiting to trigger article 50.

They're waiting until the inevitable Eurozone crash to come so the Europeans end up on the back foot of negotiations when they start.

The Europeans will talk big now but when their precious Eurozone's collapsing again they'll bend over backwards to accommodate what we want.

Lol kys Chilean shit poster

We all know it's you posting the d/c

Daily reminder that GAFCON will win

Nah fam I'm the Chilean tbh


Was it good?

Mate it was fucking amazing, they loved him

It was pretty amazing tbh



Fucking nice, going to watch it without apprehension now.

You're right, it's worse now

That's the point.

We would have lost Waterloo without 'em though.

Better v

Good man, I was quite worried as well tbh I thought they wouldn't be able to connect with his British manner but it seemed to have helped

f i l t e r e d : ^ )

The Germans/Austrians were our allies for a long time tbqh

Austrians don't like Germans though.

Austrians are Germans, lad





Contribute to the future Islamic Republic you fucking NEET parasite.



What's that mean? It was a conflict between two different parts of Germany for leadership of Germany. Any pre-1871 (at the very earliest) distinction between Austria and Germany is anachronistic, since it was just another region of Germany.

tbh I'm surprised how NEETs can tolerate living with their parents. As soon as I finished school I was happy to finally move away and start my own life

The use of "Germany" the state before 1871 is incorrect


Dat accent bro.

Lets illegally migrate to Montana and impregnate blonde American women. They want us m8.

Black dicks are so popular on cuckchan now that they freely spam completely unrelated threads with interracial porn and mods and most users are perfectly happy with it.

Just wanted to have a quick fap like old times lads, don't make my mistake in going back there.


Morning lads

link to thread pls

he should have carried on with that supermarket job then he could afford a decent PC

What's up with all the people on youtube with letters with a coloured background for avatars?

If Gordon does a let's play of Skyrim (god forbid) we should troll him for being an imperial faggot.

No, you really don't want that lad.

New standard lad. It's the one you get when you don't have an avatar

And every one of them seems to be anti-fag kikes btw

Look at the comments here

yeah i do

think i found it anyway this it?

I'm not clicking that lad, I've had more than enough of that shite for one lifetime.

Morning m8

Oh right thanks so they're just fresh that makes sense. Most seem like shills it's weird


Good morning lad.

This getting a bit tired of it now

I love this billboard.

I just don't understand it

Are there any successful gamblers that use your shop?
Or are they all hopeless cases escaping whatever shit home life they have?

Germany didn't exist.
It's far more complex than that.

Then after the war the Austrians turned round and claimed they were the victims of Nazism and that they'd never supported Hitler.

So they were treated as a Nazi occupied country and allowed to reunify whilst the Germans had to wait another 40 years.

It's breddy bad, you aren't wrong, user. I just find it almost impossible to justify living alone in a flat share or something.

Halfchan mods are completely worthless. The porn spam killed most boards for me.

Saw one of these yesterday and tried to work out what the fuck it is. Presumably some sort of viral campaign

Of course it did, just not as a political entity.

People still referred to 'the German nation' and 'Germany' for hundreds of years before that

That's some good revisionist history mate

BBC wrote about it:

This sounds like our version of the yank 'sovereign citizen' think

Ta for the link

Legal name is capitalized, making you a corporation or something like that. Basically the whole sending you a bill for anything is built on legally challengeable ground, if you fancy taking on the entire establishment. Of course any information given to you by the msm or even a practicing solicitor is going to say that's bs. But there have been some interesting cases, people presenting their birth certificate in court and then representing it as a McKenzie friend.

Read these:

You will make it lad

So what because Austria was annexed (to most of the citizens joy) they were treated as victims and after the war Austrians didn't want to get the short end of the stick so they said they didn't want it after all so they could avoid more occupation and denazification brainwashing?

Hopeless degenerates mostly tbh

top kek watch this from here, little kid describing how to identify a jew

Who's better lads?

Virginia. I love her


They've both fucked niggers haven't they?

I've had boney spinners like the one on the left, tbh they're a mannequin. Look better with clothes on. You can feel the actual skeleton when you have sex, it's revolting.

More than that.

The modern equivalent to what Hitler did in Austria would be if, after seeing that they'd lose the Brexit referendum, the EU commission cancelled Britain's referendum and rescheduled it several months later whilst in the meantime suppressing Brexit voices and pumping as much money as possible into the UK to throw a big party for everyone with EU flags plastered everywhere.

No free people would ever vote to give up their independence or sovereignty without coercion.

fuck off, it's reasons like tis why the thread why bump locked last night and brit/pol/ almost nuked completely.

nobody's taking your bate

Is that a dick bulge?

What 'bate' you mong

That's a terrible comparison

Then go be a fucking Chilean elsewhere lad.



The equivalent would be if we had a nationalist leader that wanted to reunite us with our kin and annex Australia and drop union jacks in the sky, the Aussies would have a rekindled patriotism and welcome us with open arms just as the Austrians did and it would be a great thing

Not really.

Would you accepted pic related as the ballot paper if it'd been the EU referendum?

Australia's never been part of the UK and some 30 to 40% of Australians aren't even of British heritage.

turning the thread into some nazis vs jerrycucks vs harrisposter shite

Fucking electric went out

Morning News

Brexit NOW: Theresa May to trigger Article 50 WITHOUT Commons vote

New move for instant EU exit: Tory MPs pile on pressure to ditch Brussels for good

UK could remain in 'looser' EU - Lord O'Donnell

Theresa May launches race audit of public services

SPIDER WARNING: New BITING arachnid that can pierce human FLESH invading UK homes

'We have a right to be here' Squatters refuse to move, citing human rights laws to police

Next Harris poster I see is getting reported.

This has gone beyond banter lads. Actually sick of you cunts sperging out during the night shift and causing a lot of shite over nothing. Want to trigger yanks? just go on twitter and call them fat burger eating fucks.

This sounds about right for what is happening in the world
Have we reached peak Pathocracy lads?
Is every "ruler" a raving psychopath?
"Political Ponerology: science on the nature of evil adjusted for political purposes"
Andrew M. Lobaczewski

Really not. That started when ce606a claimed Austrians don't like Germans and that the Anshluss wasn't welcomed.

Yes, it's a terrible comparison. For one we aren't the same as the Germans or speak German like the Austrians are and do.

Australia was part of the empire though. If we fixed our shit completely in a matter of a decade and decided we wanted to reunite with the Aussies, they'd welcome us I know it. The 40% can go fuck themselves Australia is British

Is Iain Duncan Smith on our side lads?

Sounds like Lizzie still has the right to tax you for using your own name :^)

nobody gives a fuck though


I feel like David Davis and IDS are completely legit on bringing about a full break with the EU, or something close enough to that. Haven't they been Eurosceptics well before it was the 'cool' thing for a lot of the top tories to do?

Whoever wrote this is exactly correct about Tripfags, how many did we go through last year?

Why are flintlocks legal, lads? Doesn't the government know their calibers are giant?

Don't let my sacrifice be in vain lads, make Brit/pol/ great again.

What kind of calibre are they usually?

You can own .50's or a broadside cannon if you want to, the restrictions here are more to do with restricting concealable weapons and full auto weapons.
There was a thread on 4ch/k/ some time back where they'd found a light cannon that, due to the barrel or summat, you could legally own on just the shotgun licence.

Modern bows are better these days.

And here are two that it seems you can purchase without getting any sort of certificate.


Kek it's going to be fun fighting the race war with centuries old weaponry vs ak47s

Austrians speak a different dialect of German.
Calling them German at this point would be like calling the Irish British.

They're pretty no nonsense.

I reckon if anyone proposed they give up even an inch of their sovereignty to the UK they'd probably laugh in our faces.
I doubt they'd even support freedom of movement by a meaningful majority since Australian nationalists tend not to be fond of Britain in the first place.


It was me.
I made the ED page. Having a bit of an edit war with one of the site mods but we've reached a detante now and it looks like an OK page.

I think if Trump didn't introduce him with talking about Brexit as well the crowd might've went "who the fuck is this guy, whats a brexit?"

b-b-but they're ILLEGAL!…..
The cities would go to shit, the dindus and kebabs would off themselves inside, whilst the countryside would be filled with shotguns and rifles and remain rather defended.
Race war in Britain would just be urban chimpouts that'd destroy themselves due to being cut off from the supplies in the countryside, after which a handful of armed chaps could waltz in and retake the cities.


Get on it lad.


kek yeah probably will go down like that. Wonder what side the cucks will choose.

Every region speaks a different dialect of german. Austrian is one of the easiest to understand even. Just saying

I wanna eat May's bum bum lads

They'd all just die off.
Pic related, whilst covering the Yanks, still applies to us, albeit on a lesser scale with less guns and more sharpened spoons.

What is he thinking, lads?


can you lads suggest a good email that isn't gonna ask for any bullshit?



Why does every Anime that I've watched have an absolutely unsatisfactory ending after being otherwise enjoyable?

SMH Japs.

He's not actually thinking anything. His mind is clear of all distracting thoughts. He has become true Muslim, an Avatar of peace.

I'm breddy sure that first quote isn't real. Doubly ironic since the Second Amendment stems almost word for word from the Bill of Rights 1689.

What is he doing there? he doesnt seem to be a shitskin

It's there just to make a comparison for the then and now bit.

He's a British lad, lad


He's there because mummy took away his pocket money after Christmas.

emokiddeh what are u doin..

Hmmmm how odd

I saw this on the way home from a shopping trip lads. Really reminded me that we've managed to elect a Muslim mayor!

Thank God. Wanting to become a minority makes us great people.

I kekked when Khan banned pictures of scantily clad women and everyone praised it as some feminist policy.

I think the word "designed" is a bit of a stretch tbh.

What do I know though, eh?


8million hours in paint


Underclass pride tbh

NEET pride tbh

Anyone have any good music to post?

Read vaporwave





fuck off Jerrycucks


Err no m8. I was requesting good music.

Me too

Really makes me think

Crossposting pride tbh

Are you going to marry her, lad?

tbh if you don't cross post, you're doing it wrong.
Brit/pol/ is my home but I post on Holla Forums sometimes on the rest of Holla Forums rarely on Holla Forums the I'll lurk on /cow/ sometimes to see how the Gordon thread is going. But it's always a laugh to look at /r9k/ and get the best Louis recordings.

He's not wrong you know

Yes and we will make several white British children.

Lad, don't let them hold you back

Thank God. When are you going to do it?

nick lowles, gerry gable, hope not hate, searchlight magazine, ttpw

Britain comes first.
If you have a problem with that, go ahead and filter me.

Wew lad, fuck off tbh

Not sure if you are mocking Joe or not lad…

England comes first.
If you have a problem with that go ahead and filter me.

I-I'll try not to let them lad…

Give it a rest

Its like standing next to a Chinese person and making squinty eyes

I thought the finger was a sign of 'one nation under Islam' their equivalent of our seig heil?

Nah mate fuck off to Based NA

I know, having sat and thought about it for a while the BNP were doing great with Griffin until Griffin started going to court over stupid causes he chose to fight instead of sticking to tackling the wider main issues such as the EU, corrupt politicians, immigration and draconian hate speech laws. Having stupid people who were standing for candidacy and then burning korans didn't help either put a yarmulke on and burn a mosque on a friday instead

If Griffin and the BNP stuck to the main issues they'd have probably been further than UKIP are today. The BNP from 2000-2008 were the UKIP with teeth that Joe talks about.

I kek'd.


They're probably football/sport cucks.

"He's just as British as you or me mate he scores goals for X"or "He got an Olympic gold for Britain, what have you done for this country?"

nice badge

kek cry more

His catchphrases are warming on me, it's just common sense stuff.

Some nerd evaluated Joe's position and then someone on the opposite side of Joe's tactics. It's for once a relevant read for today's political landscape (the author gives props to national autism a bit too much for my liking towards the end of the article though).


Ironic from the guy who lost


More what lad?

hitler is love


Link to article?

White people don't Luke talking about race
Its an icky topic
UKIP did a better job by talking about Britishness


You can be part of Dickie Spence's Phallanx

viral loads come as standard


Why are women so fucking useless, lads?

We just want to British. Germany can be German. We're not really going to bomb you, just kick out our German royal family and bring back an absolute Saxon monarchy.



but i thought it was just a right wing conspiracy

I dedicate this song to UKIP

kek there's a brass band on a lorry driving through the street where I am

I used to have to suppress a boner when my pretty blond dentist was pressing against me.

Now it's some 40 year old bloke. No boners anymore, unless he's gay and suppressing one himself.

Maybe it was just my area then, but during this time period nobody gave a shit about being "racist" and were always bad mouthing pakis and blacks sometimes but not as often.

Now people tend to be a bit more quiet about it because there've been no major terror attacks in THIS country or any chimp outs like in 2011.

Nobody can deny BNP had great success during the early millenial period. UKIP weren't even taken seriously until Farage resumed leadership.

Not knocking UKIP and Farage at all, I like them. I wish Griffin would have been a bit smarter though, he listened to all of the wrong people.

Get a blood screening lad. Might be some deficiency or another. Like vit D, iron or vit b12

Women don't understand men.

She should have told you to get exercise and eat better

based nhs



That's funny, before the General Election Ed Miliband said there would never ever be an EU army, he said told me on national Television, along with many other 'celebrity' politicians on question time. Just another lie they said that Nigel Farage was using to scare people.

You're right.
I should have said "middle class white people" since politics is catered for them anyway

I eat healthy and go for runs and the gym almost every day i'm in perfect condition. Think it might be something to do with low test or something.

She did book me a blood test but only after giving me shitty irrelevent 'advice' for ages.

Took a dog for a walk, found some interesting things.

Firstly, a hippy house flying the EU flag with more EU flags in the window.

Ask if it's gonna be a full blood test. Don't know how it's in bongland but they might just test you for some basic stuff instead of the full program

She should have gave you a blowjob, would have done better than that shit advice.

sorry for being immoral

can we just leave already?

Secondly, a grave for a Freemason who died in 1867.

Its like putting ((( ))) around their house


thanks for the advice lad

Checks out lad.

fucking disgusting tbh

wew take a sledgehammer to it what a disgrace

Well at least he's warm
in hell

Fucking race traitor!
Reported for being anti-white.

This tbh

Thats what you get for expecting a free service to be any good tbh lad

>""""free"""" service


umm its free at the point of delivery so that means its free over all idiot

who cares if you lose half your paycheck? its paying for the free nhs

Afternoon lads, you watching footy today?

Had my fill of footy, watched the Rangers game yesterday,


Free for everyone but the people who fucking fund it.

that cognitive dissonance


You aren't forgetting the 96 million are you lad?


jesus christ look at that thing

lads lads lads it's called TAXES, everyone in the world pays them! it just means ours are going to something that can help us aha

These leftist globalist traitors in the civil service need fucking purging tbh
The government need to root these fuckers out and hang them out to dry
It is this unelected largely public school elite - civil servants - that run this country and it's time an end was put to their shit


Freemasonry is inherently connected to Judaism as it has roots in King Solomon's temple. Im also pretty sure we have a lion as a British symbol in reference to the lion of Judah. Ancient trade roots gave the British isles a connection to the antiquity and mysteries of the Mediterranean.

How do I handle this better lads?

all britbongs are cucks tbqh


pick one lad

i love it tbh

She wasted a free degree on art.


It isnt free mate it costs us £116 billion per year to run.

Lad hes taking the piss, how can you not see that?

its free because u can go there and get free health care idiot

I don't see what could go wrong.

Seems like a fool proof plan to me



This is legit what my History lecturer told me when I was studying A levels, we were discussing the founding of the NHS and the Bevan plan.
I kept reminding her, it's not free it's paid through compulsory taxation even if you want to opt out and use a private service you're still forced to pay for it.
Everyone in the class just nodded along with her.


Why cant i have an asmr gf tbh lads

But lads, conscription is great.
Just like Based Hitler!


Wish our grandparents had died tbh

Ginne is a mongrel

I hate you

mid-low tier ASMRfu m8

Top tier:
Victoria Sponge

Reminder : The Mayor of London is a fucking hypocrite

I love her

Based Allies tbh

If you spackas keep shitposting and don't talk politics. The thread and brit/pol/ itself is going to end it like it did last night, nuked and bumplocked.
Seriously lads, enough of this
Politics or go somewhere else.

Get the fuck out you anti-white shill!

What? I thought you supported the Allies too?

who cares about the taxpayers lol fuck them just print loads of money

Victoria is my no1 atm
Whitewinterwhispers is lovely too
But i aslo live friv because she has a cute face that i want to lick tbh

Dont like the other two you mentioned



ID+ f49 to get rid of the nazi bait

No you dont

The audacity of these taigs

OK lad



Nah its not

I just want to eat her ass for a day

yeah, her degree didn't cost her anything

She has a face that should be ugly but isn't.





Yeah thats why i like it, its very odd but not ugly at all


Please educate yourself?



Is a racewar/civil war an inevitability unless current trends are stopped and reversed?

Right now the UK is probably the strongest, largest economy of Europe (barring maybe Germany). We have yet to experience the same levels of civil unrest and violence that seem to happen periodically in France and our unemployment rates are much better than much of the continent.

So how long will it take to reach a state where civil unrest is the order of the day?

what is that picture of? is that a naked person shoved halfway in an oven?

CHAOS ON THE M20 Bridge collapses on M20 motorway in Kent crushing cars and lorries as thousands hit the roads for Bank Holiday

well if we had a racewar in the UK it would be over and done with too quickly to call a war
if parliament doesnt do what they've been told to they will suffer the fate of all tyrants


Pleb, that's obviously Sylvia Plath.

dat nose, oh my

Why live, lads?




hold me


I think it's more likely a class war would be on the cards within the U.K. than a race war. For some reason the differences between the underclass, chavs, the ones who live all their lives off benefits, jeremy kyle scum working class, middle class and upper class are much more stark than colours in this country.

I was brought up in a working class family but dragged myself into the middle class by going through University, working and operating in business in Hong Kong and south East Asia. e.t.c. I lost my regional accent, after a few years away I came back met a few of my old 'friends' from school days, they all turned their noses up at me saying
They then made their excuses and left, I even offered to buy them drinks. Their problem I guess.

The differences of class in England are far more likely to be a cause of future conflict than race for us.

cable street round 2 right there

Angry dad destroys his daughter's $13,000 Audi with a digger because he caught her 'fooling around with a boy inside'

do you think it was a boy of colour?

Might wanna get that checked out


perfect for NA tbh

You sound like a race traitor lad.

there is a race war in this country, it is just currently happening in slow motion. it hasn't hit its stride yet.

look at videos from calais and tell me we aren't at war. terror raids in birmingham yesterday.. everyone in their 'communities' knew who these people were but stayed silent.

the first shots of our civil war were fired long ago

You're just making fun of her so you can get free (you)s from me. This is the last one you'll get. And if you trick one out of me later, don't bully me for it.

They died before they met Europeans tbh. Probably couldn't compete with other predators. smh



Drag to woods single shot to neck

Only joking GCJEWQ

When in Rome lad.





Why not a race and class war?


Nice pepe, lad.
Mind if I save it?

The BBC have seen us posting this

Had to be, I can imagine him being extremely angry if it was a boy, but a wog or paki. I can see the rage behind this

But it was me all along!

Because class wars are for beaners. Race hwars are for Aryans.

Oh, thank God. So you were only joking, right?

tbh helping crash Germany's economy (WITH NO SHURVIVORS) is probably the best thing we can do for them so that confidence in the mainstream parties hits rockbottom faster and AfD get more votes.

does mosley qualify as a jerrycuck or are these videos still allowed?

I just don't get the ginnie fascination when Isabel Hardman exists tbh


'fooling around'
The slag deserves all she gets if she's having sex in a car with a random. Little slag.
I'm not against car sex, I've done it before in the lake district, but I was in a long term relationship, not just with some randomer. Some people are disgusting in how they just surrender to their instincts.

hear about Merkel secretly flying in 100,000s of migrants to avoid bad visuals for the news?

Err, yeah.
Totally doing it for their long-term benefit, right.

the last time germans began starving and feeling dispossessed and disenfranchised they created the Third Reich so we are definitely doing them a favour if history does as we say repeat itself

I'm loyal, lad.

Urge to bomber harris post intensifies

I find it fucking hilarious tbh lads and it triggers non-brits so hard

literally half of these "blind dates" are gay or lesbian

I think I caught a glimpse of that on the kraut/pol/ briefly. Does anyone have a link or source on this?

Set triggers to stun lads

I know lad they really should develop thicker skins

We need a fresh face. For now.


ooooh what a daring film!

Yes I did, crazy shit. I feel like Germans are waking up faster than we are but then again, what Merkel's been doing is so fucking egregious that its little wonder.

oh gee I wonder if they'll be showing this film in Israel :^)


what is this shit
is this king of the zulus?
this is total bullshit
we had 11yo whores rotting to death from syphilis in the slums of whitechapel
noone would care for one coalburning disgrace to her family tbh

it also conveniently ignores most mixed race couples in africa are white man / black woman

I know about 10 mixed race people
All of them come from homes where the parents split

Shame tbh

Was Churchill a tragic figure?

He basically fucked up his whole life. Fucked up in WW1. Fucked up in Norway. Fucked up in Dunkirk and France. Fucked up in North Africa. And then he finally got to be the hero by defeating Hitler. But it was too late, the Empire was destroyed. He hated the Soviet Union but he just made them a world superpower. He loved the Empire and shed blood on several continents in the name of it, but there was nothing he could do to save it. He campaigned to make England white and the people rejected him.

Thanks lad. It's amazing how Germans haven't ousted Merkel for what she's done to their country. But, that being said would our own people oust our government if they were to do the same? We're already along the same path in many respects.

Lad churchill would have gotten rid of the empire even if there wasn't a war.


Churchill was a kike, not even a jerrycuck


It's all yours friend

Would he though lad?

I think I read somewhere that he wanted to give India independence and ignored Powell for example, when Powell gave him the blueprints for how many Divisions Britain would need to keep India, but India was a powder keg waiting to burst.

I find it kind of hard to believe someone who fought several wars in the name of the Empire, and was a white nationalist, and knew Britain's history well, would have given up the Empire.

Then again he did sign the Atlantic Charter which sounded our death knell, didn't he? But otherwise we might be a German province…

yeah he fucked up
i sort of see him as a possible long term yank plant tbh
his mother was american, he was pro american, pro democracy and pro israel and he helped destroy the empire
The Atlantic Charter did more to destroy our Empire than communism did, because unlike the yanks we were pretty successful at rooting commies out of an asiatic jungle

I think that's why he ended the last part of his life just painting. Because it's quite a nice stress reliever, but considering the things he'd have to live with, being the prime minister who destroyed our Empire, the failure at Gallipole, the failure to secure the channel Islands from occupation, the list goes on and on.




oh god.
the woman's voice at 16 minutes


Can we get away with blaming this on Polish builders or Russian concrete???

I always found that woman to be cute. Shame the movie is old, and so is she. smh

George V died a gibbering wreck because he was the king who reigned when we lost India and Ireland
poor mans last words were 'how goes the Empire?' and the kings physician would whisper into his ear 'It is well Your Majesty' and he'd reply with 'Good, good' and pass out again for more catatonic sleep and febrile convulsions

Same tbh kinda ruined it though when she shagged the old man main character

Then his daughter took over and became the most useless Monarch we've ever had.

Fucking hell…

That's extremely sad. Even when dying he just wanted to save the Empire. Smh lads. Something in my eye tbh.


Why didn't mummy just throw me off a clip like the Spartans did when she saw my cock? smh

And her being a degenerate also ruined it further tbh

I can not begin to imagine or comprehend his feels


Gus O'Donnell in a nutshell

dat symbolism


God had smitten us…

no then a man who could have steered Britain onto the right path, a strong charasmatic king who knew what was best for us was led astray by an american whore, he chose yank whore sloppy seconds, abdicated and handed the throne to stuttering bertie who died in a decade from stress

Aye but thats how a king must be

Noone can tbh
lord on high and Emperor of the largest Empire in the world and all time and you were the man who held the sceptre when it fell to barbarian hordes, communists and republican demagogues

now thats fucking symbolism

As long as there are Englishmen the Empire has never truly fallen. The spirit is still within us all. We were great once and can be again.

Who /walkingsticks/ here? Ignore this post, GCHQ

This is pretty nice, could do with some grass.

on a side note heres George as a young lad at the age of 5
fuck he looks suave even then

It has no soul, it doesn't elicit any feeling of God through Aesthetics in me at all. Just looks dirty and cheap.


Better than my toddler pictures at least.

I was talking about the inside of the original cathedral still being used without a roof. The modernist bit can get bombed.

His American mother fucked niggers and he was only 60% white as the result of having that abomination of a whore as a parent

lad its not just Englishmen
it was the Romans that first separated us we were once all sacred Albion, our 'White Heaven'

The only empire you should care about is the coming Fourth Reich, you anti-white inselaffe.

Yeah it looks like something out of Dark Souls. Very cool, although the lack of a roof triggers me somewhat, still quite pretty. Could look good.

True, we have the Scots, Welsh, Cornish and Ulstermen too, and numerous other groups. England is synonymous with the Empire though. Makes me feel proud when you go through the Nazi commanders discussions and they always refer to the Empire as "England" or "The Anglo-Saxons"

Lad. Britain was a conglomeration of warring tribes that hated each other even until the very end and post-roman period.

Assuming we ever get peace in Syria again, how is the media going to excuse rapefugees not wanting to go back?



What do you lads think of Commando?


WHY LIVE??!?!!

They're temporary guest workers now, lad

Used to get them at Smiths.
Got some anthologies, too.

Pretty based lad

lad i dont hate the Romans but the celts of Britain, Caledonia and Hibernia all called their land Albion so to them the British Isles were Albion
it was the Romans that first started separating us into groups based on geographical range

I visited Coventry Cathedral two years ago.
I spent about an hour walking around it's ruins

I looked at the door of the modern one next to it, but couldn't bring myself to go in.

Basil Spence, burn in hell.

No way, it looks disrespectful… Put a roof on it, or take it down.

Christ these people really will never get over it will they.

As I lay on my death bed beguiling my great grandchildren with stories about the days when you could buy Freddos for 50p, I'll still hear a faint whisper on the wind. "Non legally binding…" it'll echo as I drift away into the cold abyss.

I fucking hate Scandis.

I don't know if we have the Romans to thank or blame. The nordic countries centralised into qasi nation-ethnostate kingdoms through christianity and they never were part of the Roman Empire. (Although arguably the Catholic church was an extension of the Roman Empire.)

Scotland, England and Ireland coming together seems like an accident of Stuart inheritance almost.

Whatever it is it was a match made in heaven though. Worked out extremely well.

Anyone who was part of the Britisch Freundschaft was a fucking cuckold.

Even if the nazis were better than the jewish elite that eventually fucked our nation, if your country goes to war, and you cuck out and join the other side, you are a piece of shit.



There is a rival to twitter
I just saw this
>If you've signed up for and are waiting for your invite - tweet #IwannaGab to @torbahax

I like both for different reasons, I like our woodlands because it feels like home. I would like to visit some Scandinavian woodlands, they seem quite unique.



Wish we had more untouched nature and less farmland tbh.

I love England so much. It's honestly the best feeling in the world to be born somewhere your ancestors have lived since forever, which feels exactly like home, and caters to your sensibilities perfectly. It's like the country was made for me, because it was. Even down to the way walls and fences are built looks pretty and 'English'.

Is Master Brew welcome here again lads?

What did he even do again, i remember it was cucky.

geopolitics and the British Isles were always a nightmare tbh
there was that point where Charles I was garnering support from his newly sponsored Irish Confederacy that had pledged allegiance to the Crown of England in order to wage war against Cromwells Republic of England
Utter chaos tbh
the Romans did a lot of bad shit to us tbh, like killing all the druids

I'd rather be speaking German now than Arabic in 50 years. This d&c bollocks is pointless. Though if German continues on its current path we could annex it and remove the mixed race "german" muslims and have our own colony on the continent, it might be nice.

He's a conservative

Do JFs know this feel?


Anyone want to do a Cuckswell on Labour?

They might say they do but then they say things like "I'm Muslim but not a radical or anything I'm fully assimilated and see myself as British." When they reject the religion we've had and developed for over 1000 years.

I'm fairly sure it was countryside walks that turned me into a fascist tbh. I just can't stand to see something so quaint and beautiful be raped by a bunch of pencil-pushing cunts with a fetish for brown skin.

Non-intensive farming adds to the comfiness sometimes, but yeah I agree.

I'd rather just speak English, Jose.

German Identitarian members on top of Brandenburg gate with flares

We're all f***ing white males tbh lad, no chance of us winning against for instance a Muslim or a tranny.

never in a million years will I ever want to set foot on continental soil again

Iktf. When I see people dumping in the countryside old prams, plastic, trash and rubbish and glass bottles, that reminds me of the English people who need to be taught a lesson too.

I really meant in their homelands.

We lost the empire because we betrayed God giving Palestine to the Jews tbh and rightly so

get your sisters//mothers/gfs makeup bag out, slap on a dress and get that council position lad

That might no be an option if we don't do something about the muslims, Aftab.

I thoroughly hate that camera men are told to find anyone who isn't white to film at football matches.

Oh I imagine some do. Imagine being a Moroccan and living in a country where Maghrebi/Berber Muslims have lived for like 1500 years, smoking hookah and eating tasty cheap food. Sounds comfy. If I was a Moroccan in Britain i'd self deport once I got some cash. I think my half-Moroccan friend intends to do that. A nice loaf of bread if something ridiculous like 10p there. And you can smoke weed and be a layabout Arab all ye want.

German's a pretty ugly language.

Prefer romance languages like Spanish.
German reads and sounds like orc speak.



“Enough of the mass immigration, asylum, terror, violence and lack of safety.
Here is our plan: instead of financing the entire world and the people we do not want here, we give our money back to the common Dutch person.
This is what the PVV [ed: name of Geert Wilders’ party or “Party for Freedom” in English] will do:
1) de-islamize the Netherlands
- Zero asylum seekers and no more immigrants from Muslim countries: we are closing our borders.
- Withdrawal of all residence permits already granted to asylum seekers; asylum seeker centers closed down.
- No more Muslim veils in public functions
- Ban of overall Muslim expressions that are against the public order
- Preventive incarceration of radical Muslims
- Criminals with double nationality stripped of their Dutch citizenship and deported
- Syrian fighters not allowed back in The Netherlands
- All Mosques and Muslim schools are to be closed and the Koran banned.
2) The Netherlands will reclaim its independence. Therefore, we leave the EU.
3) Direct democracy: binding referendums, citizens have the power.
4) Deductible/excess in healthcare insurance is eliminated
5) Rents to be lowered
6) Age of retirement back to 65 years old. Pensions for everyone.
7) No more money for foreign aid, windmills, art, innovation, public broadcasters, etc.
8) Past budget cuts involving care will be reversed.
9) Plenty extra funds for defense and police
10) Lower income taxes
11) 50% reduction for vehicle ownership taxes
Financial benefits per point [ED: the savings for the Dutch State that each of his points will provide]
1. + 7.2 billion Euro
2. to be calculated at a later date
3. to be calculated at a later date
4. — 3.7 billion Euro
5. — 1 billion Euro
6. — 3.5 billion Euro
7. + 10 billion Euro
8. — 2 billion Euro
9. — 2 billion Euro
10. — 3 billion Euro
11. — 2 billion Euro


Mexicans has ruined Spanish for me. I'm sure I'd like it more if it was only associated with Spain.

Great. We should do something similar.

Dropping a few things that bring my piss to a boil here. Firstly we've got the aftermath of the 'Swedish' School that was attacked by that White swedish guy last year with a sword because he was against immigration.

Modern women, self-explanatory. Sad thing is, most 'men' would just watch them an cheer on like apes in the wild than be disgusted by their behaviour.

Modern, art what needs to be said?

Modern intellectualism, the basis on which the left stands. When you see who the left hold as as their idols of worship you realise how empty shelled their existence and vapid their thinking is.

That's fucking amazing, I'd love that, we need UKIP to do that


Madness, when I was trying think of JFs that might now this feeling I though of Moroccans, maybe cause my last gf was Moroccan.

wew, they should invest in some hills, that country is flat as fuck.

sounds pretty shitty tbh




kys freedom of religion is destroying us

Spaniards are just as bad as Mexicans really.

Most of Spain, especially the South, is a dump. No infrastructure, massive unemployment, high crime and a culture of lethargy.
Ugly commie block architecture too.

Hispanic culture just seems pretty stagnant, which is why I like it. Makes a change from life in Northern Europe.

Actually, fuck it.
Ban porn too.

Just back from Spain, you're completely right

^ this tbh.

We can hardly move en masse to the middle east nor would we want to, it's a shithole as whites and open up hundreds of Churches, that would undermine their state religion in their eyes.
Yet somehow it's perfectly fine for them build hundreds in our nations to undermine our way of life and culture.

Has Trump gone too far?

dunno if you're messing but I agree


I think porn has gone way too far. You know, it wasn't even a widespread thing until about 15 years ago.
It's just another reason for the breakdown of relationships, the stability that leads to childbirth and the continuation of our way of life.

Its fun reading their outrage below

This is a video from a Tunisian explaining the origins of North Africans

absolute and porn banned at ISP level.
Or at least able to be blocked at ISP level

the whole conversation about porn being free speech happened before the internet.

The proponents of porn still assumed there would be some barrier to it falling into the hands of children (being asked for ID at the shop counter for example).

They never envisaged a world where 12 year olds learn about sex by watching double anal on their phones in their bedrooms

Exactly their goal is total domination and conversion of the country to Islam and our laws allow and welcome it

Actual european spanish I hope… not that mongrelized shit they speak in south america.

* I absolutely want porn banned at ISP level

English is 25% German

Fuck off Jose



He's clearly been grand for Fife!


Socialism, not even once.

It's a pidgin language developed from old german and old french

But, ignoring that, what's your point?

You lads watched this?

His point is that Britain was always multicultural.

Jesus lad that's grim.


oh course we have lad.
e michael jones is life

wow i'm /thinking/

This is the cunt that has the first reply to that Donald tweet

Such a lovely human being isn't she?

All immigration is bad.

This video is truly genocide-inducing.


Hello Mother Theresa May



If you ban porn, whats next, its a slippery slope lad. Plus its pretty fucking easy to get past ISP blocking, look at when the aussies did it.

Limmy is a total cuck, ampaigned against Scottish Independence, called farage a cuck.

It's sad because I love Limmy's work. I'm Canadian and have been watching him for years. Love that Doric accent stuff.

My point is you have to stay in Mexico innit Jose


Get a girlfriend you degenerate

That's a very slappable face.

Get out of this thread, foreigner and never come back you're probably from Quebec, aren't you?

Eh hes better than most of the cucks, hes only a lefty economically, hes pretty based in other terms.

Lad i don't like porn either, but we've got to be realistic, you can't exactly ban porn nowadays.

hold onto it lad you'll need it one day

I don't give a fuck about your slope this is about the morality of our people, porn is incredibly destructive

Ban porn, what next, the government uses these powers to also ban hatespewing websites, as those also effect our children.


He's actually wrong, Limmy supported independence at the time, he no longer does now.

La reconquista es real!

Nah but really the border states are getting colonised fast.
Its gonna take some serious civic shitposting to integrate all those latinas

Why was he so civic?

Right then lad, tell me how'd you'd stop people getting past the ISP blocks. Tell me you actually trust our government and Sharia May to stop at just porn.

The fuck is wrong with this bitches eyebrows? they look like shit!

Come back with an argument.


mummy will save you

the way out is through

nothing. just ban porn.
look, we're neve going to stop porn. I just wish it were easier for parents to control their children seeing it. once yo have kids you will understand.

And isp blocking has worked in Australia, broadly. People dodge it, but not that many.

He was from the Balkans, they all look like that.

Someone post the benjamin pepe

We need to ban porn, i agree. But i don't trust this government at all to ban JUST PORN.

Modernity is afraid of me…I have seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"… and I'll look down and whisper "No." They had a choice, all of them. They could have followed in the footsteps of good men. Decent men who believed in a day's work for a day's pay. Instead they followed the droppings of lechers and communists and didn't realize that the trail led over a precipice until it was too late. Don't tell me they didn't have a choice. Now the whole world stands on the brink, staring down into bloody Hell, all those liberals and intellectuals and smooth-talkers… and all of a sudden nobody can think of anything to say.


That was made hundreds of years after his death and in Italy, lad. I meant why did he love everyone in the East so much?

kek thanks

The vast majority of people don't use or aren't aware of ways to get around it. But its irrelevant, you shouldn't not have a law because people will try and break it.


I just don't trust Sharia May and our government to just stop at porn, theres no way they wouldn't abuse these powers.

it really hasnt
australia has porn laws but they only apply to video and dvd stuff
anything goes except cp and snuff porn in australia as long as its online

Thats fair enough.

Based Corbyn teaching cucks their place

same here, but this was ages ago.

They have a lot more on their plate than shitposters on brit/pol/, their biggest issue now is Islam and they know it and we know it. If they're going to ban hatespewing websites they'll be ISIS forums and other radicalisation stuff




Good lad are Jus


Literally listening to that right now lad.

how I feel as well t b h

Band is English too right.

I can dream…



I mean, kind of.


Why did people go through the trouble of conquering Britain throughout the ages? You'd think it'd be easier to just go east instead of crossing the sea tbh. no bullies

Don't forget Richard Desmond also gave UKIP a million pounds for one of their election campaigns.

What happened?

The fact is, its not decent English people. We all know the type, screeching beeb 'comediennes', Footlights mongs, and cucked 'goofy' Russell Howardesque faggots.

our farmland is fertile as fuck and crops rarely failed on our shores
compare that to the frost killing everything occasionally and causing famine in northern and eastern europe and you can see why

Basically, the only English people who come up to Scotland are tradesmen or cucks.

Because he was promised a peerage if UKIP won. They do nothing for free.



Have my shitty OC

You seen them live lad?


By keeping your kids off the internet for as long as possible, and even then, having a content filter installed on a family PC.

Just generally being an attentive parent tbh

And not nearly enough blacks.

That's the problem with our generation really, parents aren't good with tech at all, not understanding what happens or how to stop it. I think the next generation will be a little better,


He said English though lad.

It's assertive and K selected, unlike cucked r selected romance languages.

doubt it, my teenage cousins are all fucking useless.


I meant the next as in born just now lad.

Every one of their friends will have a smartphone
Every smart phone will be full of porn
you can give your kids dumbphones thanks, nokia
but your system relies on all parents being observant at all time.

A bit of help would be nice.

idk my kids aren't old enough to have phones yet but christ I'm panicking tbh

What'd you do if you daughter brought back a nigger?

There really isn't anything you can do in modern parenting, it isn't like when we grew up. The shit is fucking everywhere.

Do you guys use porn?

Kill them both, then you.

I wank but not too porn.

At least the generation posting here will have a good idea what to do and how to prevent them getting sucked in

Fuckin hell. That's always an issue if you don't even let them have one I guess
They'll probably end up resenting their parents for it it'd be hard to explain why you won't too

Well lad people who are teenagers now will be the next generation of parents. Kids born now will be even more useless with technology that doesn't involve taking pictures of themselves.


Failing that, I would have no qualms with homeschooling until necessary provisions were in place

or a young Sonja Kristina

yes and it's destructively addictive.

Lovely webm lad, looking forward to it

The term "hate crime" is also ambiguous.

When i imagine our parents i always imagine my dad, the old guy went mad when i bought him a tablet, he thought it was like something out starwars, being able to watch his shows while lying down in bed.

Sitting in the station waiting for the train lads, whats the good word?

Isn't there parental options on these

A BNP type party is always doomed to fail tbh, either by infighting because no one is catering to their specific ideology or government infiltration. UKIP played the establishment at their own game and won in the end. Stealing votes from Tories does make a world of difference.

does it cost money to go hunting(outside of rifle and ammunition)?

Homeschooling is the best if you know what you are doing and not some hippy cunt

Schools crush kids spirits and brainwash them into conforming and only gets more effective as time goes on it's not just some edgy meme, look at "educated" people they're all slaves to multikulti and the zog

t. varg

Some clubs go for £160 a year

6 hours a day of sitting in a classroom will do that.

Yes, hunting is very expensive in Britain

WHICH type of schools don't have kids with phone full of porn?

like drugs, right?
Should we legalise heroin because kids can still get it illegally?

Aren't there. And, yes, but none of their friends will have them turned on.

not if you know a landowner who will let you hunt on his land

is doom metal the most popular metal genre for brit/pol?

Varg is always right.


I just like any kind of metal which isn't screaming or grunting in a low voice.

Just raise your kids to think porn is degenerate. Shouldn't be hard tbh and if they're going throughout he rebellious teenage years they'll grow out of it.

It is literally the reason state schools were invented. To build allegiance to the State from a young age.

It's quite amazing that this was forgotten through time.

doom metal>early metal>black metal>every other kind of metal

Doom, Drone and Black are the only acceptable forms tbh.

In addition to that average internet porn became more extreme in the last years. When I was in my teens I looked at softcore model pictures. And one of the hottest things was a video of a girl dancing in a short skirt tbh

djent :^)

That's all? An annual cost? No cost per animal killed or cost to hunt in certain areas?

What costs?

Maybe daddy knows someone.

Why do you think that's what I want to do, lad? I'm asking about cost because I am interested in saving some money on getting my own meat, but from what I hear it's actually way more expensive to do that than just buy it in the shop. Which is kind of discouraging if true.

But what are dumb people supposed to do?

Varg is a pagan and thus a degenerate.


Well I think you have to join a club in order to go hunting.

Knew this would pop-up, look just because he's a LARPagan doesn't mean everything he says is bullshit. Just ignore that part if you don't like it, his videos are really informative.

Schools in nice areas lad.


I never said that, but keep in mind that he looks at these horse fucking gods as examples to live by.

Yeah schools in "nice" areas ;^)


Although i did slack very hard and fuck around, having a good time in school. Felt bad at the time because i thought i would never get a job. But now that I've grown up i know i made the right choice tbh.

Scandics are most well known for their black/viking/pagan stuff


What? Doom is quintessentially British, ignoring Iron Claw, it's pretty much English in origin.

motherfucker can't even pronounce jutes, christ

top kek well spotted for my euphemism my friend.

Are domes Holla Forums approved?

Is mayonaise racist?

Thanks for sharing that with the class, Cenk!

what is the purpose of it?

Why do cities attract diversity lads?

Like all great men Churchill knew victory and he knew defeat.

But I dont think you can place the collapse of the empire at his feet.
He was one of the only people trying.

Imagine if your country was being over run by nigger migrants.
Do you blame the person trying to stop the migrants and failing?
Or do you blame the person who doesnt even try to stop them?

Only when not mixed with tomato sauce.

Based aryan Turks tbh

Mary Jane is god tier waifu material

As a home.

Convenience and cheap/government housing.

Tomato Sauce is quintessentially British, got to watch out for the brown sauce.

Nigger tier tbh

Looks like a nightmare to keep warm.

It looks like something a new-age hippie would dream up on tabs.


pls no

degenerate tbh

I can't even tbh

When the government advertises jobs overseas, they're all city jobs.

Only comfy cottages are Brit/pol/ approved tbh.

diversity is our strength lad.

You'd think so but no.

It really was.

Are those even walls? they look like tent flaps

what are you looking to hunt lad?


And I've been keeping my windows open at night because it's hot and I thought the UK was safe from man eating bully spiders.


Someone slashing your walls is one of the problems.

heating is for pussies tbh

Not british fam

and hobbit holes



deer and birds. I don't really know much about hunting tbh.

Nice tbh lad


embrace your hobbit heritage

Too much work, it's easy to bolt a few poles together then cover it with fabric.

I feel you could combine both with domes.


Why? Domes are bland, modern and sterile. I understand you're trying to create a new meme here but still.

kek one storm and your house is blown away, not to mention that flammable as fuck

Why no comfy tiny cubicle homes like the Chinese has? It's 2016 tbh. Native Brits don't really need houses since they don't have kids.

Domes are comfy, cheap and comfy. No memes just domes.

They're bolted down, I think.


well for deer and the like you are going to need to get a firearms license for the rifle,and that comes with buying safes for the weapon and another for the ammo.
you are also going to need to find places to hunt said deer, and most places like that charge you for it.

for birds, rabbits and other small game you can do that with an air rifle and all it will cost is the rifle and the pellets.
no license needed up to a certain power.
also no gunsafes need to be bought.
things like wood pidgeons and rabbits are considered pests to farmers so they will likely give you permission to hunt them on their land.

crossbows are very powerful,and you don't need a license for those either, but idk if you are allowed to hunt with them legally.


Is it legal to buy a patch of land, live in a tent or some other movable dwelling on it and not have to pay council tax?


Yes, people put perfectly normal houses on semi buried trailers.

it looks so postmodern it hurts
id rather live in a cave tbh

They will let me buy the house I'm living in for 30K, yay right to buy scheme.

So it's just a license and then the cost of hunting on someone's land, no cost for the animals? How many deers can I shoot?


Don't they have to pay council tax for them?

reee, domes now.

Cave is good, but you are free to decorate dome however you want. Signup&utm_campaign=a75ff538c2-Daily 26/8&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_146710a7a1-a75ff538c2-105096981

Things are looking up scotanons

Was Loki the first shitposter?

You must live in a fucking dump lad.

lol, people are careful lad.

in the olden days people were smaller and slimmer not morbidly obese NEETs

does your house have a roof or just tarp nailed down with tent pegs?

It's amazing how much right to buy changes an area of town.

A couple of downtrodden council estates from the 80s have turned into quintessentially english towns.


Naa the romans were doing it first.

It should be 180k ish, but you get a massive discount, I honestly think its intended for pakis or blacks to get on the housing ladder, they never do though. The area isn't that great, but i can't complain.

have you looked into how expensive gunsafes are?
you should also look into the requirements of actually getting a gun license too.

as for hunting deer it depends on who you know, places in scotland charge you to take you out and hunt deer.

if you happen to know a very wealthy land owner they might let you go hunting with them i suppose.

Not sure.

Max you get off is 100 in London, 80 out.

When I was young they still used to say "council estate" in a derogatory way. Now ex-council houses are more spacious and well proportioned with proper gardens and driveways while new builds are little more than cramped slave boxes.

New builds are also built like shit.

Well I am more interesting in the cost of hunting, as the safe and rifles are more of a one time payment.

Ahh so it is, dunno then. Still a lot cheaper than it otherwise would be.

First three words that come to mind

Women and children

big brown dick




I would sooner live on the street than pay for a disgusting newbuild house



Future crop fertilizer


That's a tent, lad

muselman mudskin mudslide

don't forget who calls the shots airstrip one

pinochet was a CIA asset he was a faggot who was a frontman for neo-liberalism which is basically fucking you dirty spics up the ass with the IMF, literally neocolonialism tbh

falklands memes tbh


Leftists out

He looks Scottish to me tbh lad

What will you be wearing in the race war, lads?

How many stabbings are there going to be at Nigging Hill this year?

Cardigan from Zara tbh

pew pew pew

new tbh

a trenchcoat to hide my katana lad

this and this


My jimjams.

Kek he posted this under Sarcucks video rebuttal to a video computing forever made about Sarcuck.

It was definitely aimed at both of them which is great because I thought both videos were pretty shit.



does anyone actually say "tee-ul dee-er"? I always thought it sounded retarded, and he was a faggot. But nice to see the left eating itself.

Say what you want about Pinochet, but when it came to economic freedom he was anything but a dictator. I wonder where his grave is located, because i am pretty sure that the whole cremation thing was a total ruse.

He's pretty ok m8. Someone made what was basically an anti race realist video and he highlighted what was incorrect in the video saying something to the effect of "genetics obviously do not determine if someone will become part of an ideology or not but cultures can form from distinct genetic traits" and he gave the example of Ethiopians having a culture more focused on racing due to them being fast runners.

Purple pills are good for the normies.

Why does he sound retarded, lad? Isn't he a pretty smart lad with good arguments? I just recall him being against racialism and nationalism which I disagree with.

TL;DR sounds underage or low test like Gordo tbh.

TL;DR pls leave, you're not fooling anyone with your "lad". But seriously, sounds retarded, as in his voice, not his arguments. His videos were admittedly often interesting, but the irritating smugliberal style is particularly offputting.

I don't follow his stuff. First thing I saw of his was the age play video dissection recently. That sounds interesting though. Link?

I agree. Wasn't there something else he said recently against other similar youtubers?

Religion of poor taste tbh.

I don't know, I haven't watched him in nearly a year.


David Lammy. You have to go back to Africa
This is a democracy and you don't understand the word you nigger

wanna know something funny?
minarets were originally towers used to capture wind at higher altitudes that could then be funneled down into subterranean wells of cool water which would cause a cool breeze updraft through the building
the Persians invented it, the muslims conquered Persia and copied the minaret air tower style of building but couldnt into primitive air conditioning

Why aren't there any British pony youtubers?

Hitchens BTFOs someone in the replies

Both have their different atmosphere but I do prefer deciduous more.

Why are there any pony youtubers in the first place?


Literally who.

deciduous has more life to it, with its seasonal moults and springing to life
pine forests are pretty cold and sterile just like the scandis themselves

Thank you, Telegram. I would not have known what to think otherwise.

coniferous is nice and open with that consistent pine needle floor.
It's really nice for just wandering around and looking up.
Deciduous can be pretty loud cause leaves on the floor and holly blocking your way etc.
I just find it depends on mood.

In general deciduous looks better.

"Don't upset the hairy legged, hariy armpitted members of the 'Sisterhood.' They're a vicious breed."

they sound like werevaginas tbh

RIP gardens.

vagina dentata with legs, or something

That looks better than a real vagina.

I wanted to forget that movie exists.


Or will I?



reminds me of some jap porn i once saw where they fucked in a mess of animal guts, puke and blood on an abbatoir floor
like the girl was being fucked with a pigs leg bone in her snatch while the guy fucked her in the ass while choking her with cows intestines


Filtered. D&C Harris cuckery is cancer tbh.

Yes, this is because privately built homes didn't need to conform to certain agreed living standard sizes so they can shit out row after row of cramped houses on our green and pleasant land.

There's a point where state interference can be bad but minimum housing sizes, designed for family life are not one of them.


Story time lads

Never in my life have I been so tempted to butt in and call the muzzie a fucking idiot and the boy a cuck. They were pretty /fit/ as well so it was sad seeing that these are the types of lads that are considered alpha in our society. Amazing this was in Aberdeen as well.

If you lads in england get this on a daily basis I feel sorry for you.

Divert more hatred of krauts towards taigs, no one likes taigs.








