Saudis getting BTFO hard by Houthis

Remember the Saudi intervention in Yemen to get rid of Houthi insurgency? Turns out the war is not going well for oil crypto-jews.

The operation has failed miserably and now Houthis are advancing on Saudi town of Najran on border with Yemen.

Saudis are desperately throwing in their salafist cannon fodder but it's no use, Houthis have the firm support of Iran.

Wonder why no one is reporting about this. Probably because western media and politicians are being showered with Saudi paychecks.

Here are the recent news and current situation on the map.

Some videos:

Other urls found in this thread:–Yemen_relations

More info. They're getting their asses kicked.

Proof of kike mercenaries in Yemen fighting for Saudis.

Don't let this one slide. Houthis are on our side.

With how the situation is evolving, i could easily see this post becoming reality.

Persian empire of the ME when?

More videos.

This is just embarrassing. Fall of House of Saudi when?

I'm curious who that is. Like, is that a collection of PMCs or a single PMC who is able to field such a force? Who? What nation?

fug :DDDD

That post was sexually stimulating

Saudis are shit at fighting. Also they're rich and dumb as a rock at the same time, they think that just throwing their oil money at everything will fix problems.

Pic related is their "special" forces. Note the ebin ISIS Toyotas.

But the Saudi Army should be able to easily outgun these guys.
Even if they are completely incompetent, which they evidently are, the Saudi Army is fielding the latest US military tech. How is it possible to fuck up this badly?

I can't wait for that shithole to burn. PMC vs PMC. I wonder when Metal Gears start getting produced


I assume they like to take their time. They also like to be paid. Just a guess.


Also Houthis are hardcore motherfuckers. They've been BTFO'ing Yemeni government forces for years before the Saudis joined in.

Jesus christ, glad I'm not the only one who thought this. Makes you wonder if Kojima is a time traveler or some shit by how well he understood and predicted a variety of shit to occur; not exacts, but still notable.

All I could think of with the mention of a civil war in the middle east would be a war economy.

Where's that news/science/bio health article about how soldiers are getting nanomachines or some shit injected in them to start suppressing emotions for being more effective on the battlefield?

Greed and stupidity are both one hell of a drug.

Totchka missiles are deadly, and apparently the Yemenis have a lot of them. The Saudis never imagined Yemen would extend the war into Saudi territory.

I've come to realisation that a huge amount of the countries today have populations that are unnatural and unsustainable. Majority of countries these days rely heavily on imported food to sustain their populace. If a huge crash ever happens we'll see Human death on a scale unimaginable and unequal to any point in human history, and it should happen.

Colombia. Plenty of ex-military soldiers there willing to be paid a salary to fight in Yemen. I'm sure they didn't expect as much resistance as they got from the Houthis.

Who did they get them from?

A good overview of why Arabs cannot into modern warfare. This is also exactly why the Saudis have to rely on mercs and contractors to operate their shiny new hardware.

The USSR. They used them back in the 90s too.

Isn't that one of EUs prime goals? EU wouldn't tolerate "distortion of competition", after all…

saudis are not much different from niggers

Iran most likely. Syria used them last year.

North America and Australia producea surplus, Europe has to import, but not so much that it would cause a major crysis.

Only Asia, the middle East and Africa are pretty much fucked without steady imports and i don't see that being a problem to be honest.

Goddamn Mercenaries 3 shouldve been set in Saudi Arabia, it wouldve been fucking perfect!

It depends on how hard the line hits. If they are like lemmings when the food absolutely stops, they will try to swarm areas with resources, before dying.

Major, artificial famines will launch multiple wars and.. "our national interest says we need to take care of (insert CIA/Mossad created group here) in (insert 3rd world shithole here). Oh, and Russia/China have the opposite side as their interest…"
Shortsighted wishful thinking is what got us into this mess.

Looks like a photoshop of a video game with the jumping guy on the right.

Not even tactical nukes can defeat the Houthis.

Well yeah they made them, but was asking who gave them to Yemen.

Based Iran strikes again

The USSR–Yemen_relations

So will the Houthis be able to invade Saudi Arabia?

You're right, the closest thing to an article about the Saudi/Yemen problem I could find was this, written a day ago:

It's not exactly mainstream. It makes it sound like the Saudis are swatting ineffectively at an annoying mosquito rather than losing ground to the Houthis. The article definitely understates the danger to the Saudis.

It's still a fairly decent article, if a little slanted. It makes the interesting point that the Saudis, by bombing Yemen, have damaged the official Yemeni military capabilities to the point that if a real government managed to take power, they wouldn't be able to get the Houthis and Al Qaeda under control with what they have left.


too funny

Smallest Nuke is 6 kilotons btw.
This blast is like 6 tons-ish.

I do Love how Arabs always yell "HOLLAAAAAA" all the time though

How, how do you fuck up that badly?

Armies, man… The only thing they are good for is propaganda.

You have no fucking clue how much I want this to happen.

Hm, I always wondered how Israel would take over Saudi Arabia, but I guess they'd just buy themselves a piece of land.

It'd be interesting if the same countries that are backing Assad in Syria (China, Iran, Russia) would start backing the Houthis as well.

this, 90% of armies in history have been nothing but oversized mobs lead by a retard who has no clue what he's doing, probably 99% before the 1700's

Holy Christ…..

This is pretty funny

Daily reminder that any type of semite is shit at fighting. Look a Turk campaigns in Eastern Europe

Wrong. Tactical weapons can have yields as low as 10 tons.

It's a shit photoshop, look at the ground, do you see any shadows for the guys standing/jumping

You know sometimes it feels good to be an American. We have so much fucking food that we export it to other countries and it's only 2% of our economy. Also the great plains are the best agricultural land on the fucking planet.

At least my burgers are safe.

That wasn't a nuke, it was just an airstrike that hit an ammo dump.

I suppose, It's just so laughable, yes their people are utterly shit but you could do better than only nearly 300 rebels killed.

Can carry 482 kg (1,063 lb) of conventional HE.

Yeah, that would ruin your day.

"just buy themselves a piece of land."
Israel plans on laying siege to saudi arabia with a bunch of schoolgirls armed with pointed sticks.

What about about all the regimented European armies that worked in perfect unison?

could it carry things like Phosgene gas?

Turks aren't semites m8.

They're Turkic central asains.

They have been decimating (((Saudi))) military hardware and outposts for the last 18 months to absolute zero media hype which 'Syrian Rebels' get enjoy when they merely capture an SAA flag

Europeans are what percentage of the global population?

Shadows look fine.

I remember lots of commotion surrounding this video on Holla Forums some time ago.

Nice save

28% at our height in the earth 20'th century and around 10% now that we started to feed the shitskin countries.

Yes of course.

More Saudi faggots removed

What for? WW1 reenactment?

Great read so far. Thanks.

Yes, i would like to make a WW1 reenactment…. but the Sauds don't get gas masks.

Phosgene is a bit outdated.
At least use a G-series agent.

How long until Americans get involved?

Good, Saudi Arabia is as bad, if not worse than Israel.
They deserve everything bad coming to them.

this happened 2 hours ago

say goodbye to saudi arabia

Saudi fucking sucks

I recall a thread from a few months ago that explained how Saudi Arabia's army is mostly mercs.

Didn't save anything because I'm a dumb-ass. Hopefully other anons remember that thread.

Say hello to ISIS: Saudi Arabia Edition.

On 4 September 2015 Yemeni Republican Guard fired a Tochka at Safir base in Marib killing over 100 Saudi-led coalition personnel [11][12][13][14]
On 14 December 2015 Yemeni Republican Guard fired a Tochka at Bab Al Mandab base killing over 150 of the Saudi-led coalition personnel [15][16][17][18]
On 16 January 2016 Yemeni Republican Guard fired a Tochka at Al Bairaq base in Marib killing dozens of Saudi-led coalition personnel [19] [20]
On 31 January 2016 Yemeni Republican Guard fired a Tochka at Al Anad base in Lahj killing over 140 Saudi-led coalition personnel [21][22][23][24]

dont underestimate them fgt.
houthi fags have enthusiasm in their fighting, saudi fags and mercs dont have.

let us compare them to yemeni losses.

I'm shocked they aren't already there.

Ask Jeb, right?

And this is something we can actually judge Trump on BTW. Say he wins, does he abandon the Saudis or act like they are some indivisble part of our faction? Because the Bush family acts that way. Leave them out to their own problems and it will take care of itself.


he'll be in a snuff vid in no time.

Can't wait to these those giant towers they build with our money, our technology, our engineers and a boatload of foreign labour fall to the ground.

That kind of shit is why Britons lost the Revolutionary War

Thanks lad, they're interesting to watch. Considering what Saudi has done to Europe with it's build a mosque programme, I say fuck 'em. They are paying for a new mosque to be built every week in Germany to 'help integrate the new muslim population' they'll do that but won't take in a single 'refugee'
I really do want to see them btfo.

what is that big scoped rifle?

A bazooka

Ok if shit does hit the fan in Saudi Arabia, how will this effect oil production and distribution?

Saudi arabia is the definition of a facade. Cant wait to see it fall. I wonder how deep the yemenis will go, if they manage to operate 10+ miles inside SA i can imagine their top brass shitting themselves and doing something wreckless.

OP left out something important
mainly the reason why I should care?


Spotted the shitskin.

Anyway, hope you kids kick Saudi ass.

As ever, Holla Forums delivers.

Live in an economy that relies on Saudi oil? You should care.

guess I don't care then
dead brown people either way

Most likely a giant spike in oil prices leading to an increase of Russian influence and a desperate attemp to move away from fossil fuels by yurop and usa.

this is bullshit, just the netherlands alone produces a quarter of Europe's market idiot

"The Netherlands is the world's second largest exporter of agricultural products, after the USA. Together with the USA and Spain, the Netherlands is one of the world's three leading producers of vegetables and fruit. "

lets hope so


Lets thank the USSR for their 60/70/80's tech that is so effective against sandniggers

a hundred years from now we will still be seeing soviet weaponry.

Holy Fugg, that was my thread!

Good catch. The Saudis will lose SO MUCH FACE if Najran falls to the Houthis. Extremists and opponents of the Saudi Regime will sense weakness and smell the proverbial blood in the water.

What do you think the chance will be that this Houthis rebel attack might spark a civil war inside saudi soil?

Low, because the Saudi state still has the SANG, secret police, religious police, and international support.

That said, it's likely to be a domino. It won't lead to immediate civil war or uprising, but it WILL tip off a lot of groups that the regime is weak.

The Saudis are unlikely to deploy their most effective forces (the SANG) to combat the Houthis because the SANG is set up to fight internal threats- and it'll be busy monitoring and preemptively striking at said internal threats.

Expect the Saudis to throw more useless troops and hire more "meaningful" mercs to deal with the problem as swiftly and silently as possible. Also expect continued lack of media coverage.

SANG have the most bizarre mishmash of weaponry.

Read this if you want to know more about WHY Soviet equipment is what it is. Really fascinating stuff from design philosophy, engineering project management, weapons usage philosophy, and process management perspectives.

not the guy you quoted, But thanks man.

isn't najran the biggest southern city in saudi arabia?



based midwest will finally get the respect it deserves in the happening

But why?

It is a tenet of Islam to conquer everything and everyone. Sadly the original sand kike forgot to account for the sheer incompetence of his own people when he wrote that part

it means everybody will have a embassy in Iran and they will be the next oil crypto jews

Saudis manifest destiny. They believe since they own Mecca that they should own all Islamic countries, their leaders even think they're descended from Mohammed.

By the way the fight between Saudis and Yemen is like if US fought Nicaragua. Imagine getting invaded by Nicaragua, and they take Arizona or something.

but the best thing that could happen is that since saudis get buttblasted, then all other middle-east countries will get nuclear, so there will be no more lebensraum for israkikehell.

Just Imagine Egypt, Iran, Syria and who knows what another islamic country get nuclear, forming an alliance like NATO but with a religion tie, more powerful than multicultishit brainwashing.

Because Yemen had a puppet sunni government friendly to Saudis. The houthis are strongly supported (and trained, armed…) by Iran (and Russia). If the Houthis take over Yemen will become to the Saudi what Ukraine is right now to the Russians. That is a big problem for them. For instance, In case of a war with Iran the Saudis would be attacked on multiple fronts and surely perish. This would be an enormous shift of the regional balance of power.

every second arab does think this

saudis are probably cryptokikes

considering the amount of rape in the islamic conquests, a significant percentage of the arab population is probably descended from him

exponential growth is powerful

i doubt
had many wives
but he didnt have too many children

all his legit offspring are known

you know how much arabs love this guy, they kept track of his line over the years

ofc only direct male line counts

Anti slide bump


God that read was indeed orgasmic as mentioned. How do we help israel get fucked in that mess?


Friendly trick to tell if it is a nuke (strategic or tactical) or a conventional attack. A nuke will ALWAYS have a flash of extremely bright / blinding white light before the explosion is visible. A conventional weapon will NEVER have a flash of bright / blinding white light before the explosion is visible.



Whatever it hits is gone.

And to reiterate from the last time that video was posted: Glass does not lens neutron radiation like light. White 'sparks' around the explosion does not signify neutron radiation striking the camera sensor since neutron radiation will fill the whole field of the camera, not just the area over the explosion.

Let the brown hordes eradicate themselves for all I care. Mmmh-whaah-haahaahaa!

Would the US intervene?

Dagestan 2.0 when?

Anyone descended from Abraham is trouble.

I feel like there is one religious group missing from that picture….


Take your pick from one of the 2 dozen D&C threads about it to voice that opinion.

Yes. The US has been helping the Arab coalition openly until very recently and the Houthis are very much against the US, Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Saudi Arabia, and Israel.

Pic related is the Houthi flag. It reads (according to kikepedia; I don't read doon coon runes):

fug :D

Voicing your honest opinion about people that worship a jew is not D&C, retard.
Also, those threads are already gone.

holy shit the mods woke up.

The fuck?

expires 2013

the anti religion/anti christianity stuff is cancer

really hope it goes away soon

Spam and meme that Israel must open its borders to the massive hordes of Arabs that will guaranteed be on the run from that all-out war.

Not a single one must go to Europe, all of them must head for Pissrael.

Christians do not worship a jew.

Though i'll agree that mainstream Christianity has long since been subverted by Der Jude.

Salary administrator here, i get that shit all the time. 2013 is not even that old of a card compared to what i get on a regular basis.

I don't hate Christianity. I just don't like Catholicism like any other Protestant. Catholicism is dead and essentially the religion of untermensch country's. Just take a look at a map of which European country's are catholic vs Protestant and you will see that Catholics are pretty much untermensch. Cry all you want about how Jews have been the main enemy of the church but it still doesn't make up for the rest of it

this is the equivalent of ISIS invading the US and actually BEATING the fucking military.
granted, the Saudi military was always a paper tiger, they just beefed themselves up by buying shit-tons of american hardware.

>friendly fire

Really makes me think

I can tell you had a lot of debates with morons insisting this to be a nuke.

Thanks for the good work.

Hate to break it to you, bud but if you are just realizing that SA and al-Qaeda are joined at the hip you might be retarded.

Random people on the street know this. My dad knows this. The fucking guy at the gas station knows this.

Where the fuck have you been?

How the fuck do you friendly fire so many of your own soldiers?

Did they launch a missile at the wrong coordinates or something?

Well, at least he's come around. Better late than never.

"really makes you think" is a Holla Forums meme

Poorly trained soldiers panic while holding unto equipment designed for incredibly well drilled and capable Western soldiers?

The EU is trying to make Europe pagan Rome again, removing God from government, so you can't really call them Protestant, not that it matters. I don't think your opinion on the subject is adding any value at all.

i cant help but look at the second picture and see peepee poopoo pepe's outstretch sphincter about to drop a dookie.

Did not the Yemeni also recently BTFO of some Blackwater race-traitors cooperating with the Saudikikes along with some tens of millions worth of their equipment including some Apaches?

Even the paper of the money is wasted.

and that's how our taxpayer money went to worthy and virtuous causes

Have any more?




So this is a case of a slightly not as incompetent military force fighting against an incompetent force? Or is more of a demoralized slave army vs one which fervently believes in the cause it is fighting for?

A very interesting read. Wasn't aware of their "Second Formation" system. (pgs 75-78)

No there is an equipment disparity but that doesn't mean shit if the Saudi's don't want to use them and prefer to run away. They don't have any real concept of state over there anyway, just tribe.


I'm starting to wonder how Arabs actually manged to win anything at any time. Was it always zerg and terror tactics and nothing more?

This incompetence must be genetic. Fucking first pic reminded me off this. Shitskins are the ones that would invade Grenada and lose.

you might think this is the USA kind of friendly fire
it is the vietnam nigger kind of friendly fire

they are all cousins and hate each other

realize they have families with like 4-6 brothers so
"friendly fire" might happen a lot more than you'd expect

get rekt monobrow

race, religion, typical Arab "coup-proofing" (nobody trusts anyone, so the head of the regime purposely makes lots of overlapping agencies to ensure infighting, the entire command chain is trying to ensure lower ranks are incompetent so they can't get promoted, etc.), and the Houthis have way more combat experience because Yemen hosted proxy wars during the entire length of the Cold War - Yemen is the second most heavily armed country per capita, after USA NUMBER ONE

Were the soldiers dissolving too?

If he's active military, it's still a valid license.

do you think this is a clever response?

Desert warfare involved skirmishing and raiding and waring the opponent down which the arabs have been good at going back to before islam. The problem is that doesn't translate the modern battlefield and they simply don't have the cultural habits to organise a modern military. There's a good essay on it.

That is a real shitty meme, holy fuck.

That doesn't explain how they would manage to crawl their way up a mountainous and hilly shitfest that would be Spain and past the Pyrenees before being stopped by the French.

theres a big difference between north africans and arabs from the arab peninsula

Actually meant for if it wasn't obvious enough

Berbers arn't Arabs and are desperately trying to reclaim the culture erased by Arab conversion.

why are you leaving out the most important part kike shill?

thaths what i'm saying

huge differences genetically too

Also you have to take into various historical facters relative organisation and uniformity between forces politics and economics there are lots of variables to consider.

Damn you sure showed them.

Any updates on how this battle is progressing? The obvious place for the Houthis to go are the hospital and school marked on the map, any livestreams?

Once again proving an armed population is one in control of its destiny.

Adding to the others to say thanks for the link.

It's not a meme, it's an MS paint comic.

Welcome to Holla Forums, now fuck off.


Yeah, it seems it was Berber cavalry that won the day and forced Spain to stew in Muslims till 1600 when they finally expelled the last of them.

and reading about the expulsions gives hope that it can be done again across all Europe

It's hilarious. All of the high tech weaponry they can wish for, and they get their ass kicked by half niggers.

If the West gets their heads put on straight they'll occupy coastal cities, enforce a no-fly-zone, and force the competing princes to heel from lack of water and food.

Split up Arabia into the fiefdoms (each one named after the prince or whatever that controls it). Have Mecca become a Vatican City look-alike, and take away all their pretty toys and replace them with Vietnam war-era tanks, jets, etc.

Splitting the country into various warring tribes is not suitable for maximum oil production. As much I wish the place would fragment and lock the Arabs down for a few centuries of bloody infighting.

The fuck were you doing, Mehmet? Were the Armenian forces chasing you and stampeded over their women and children while running in panic?

A man motivated mby the need to protect his home is worth more that a million dollars worth of JDAM's.

Remember not a genocide to them they were all combat casualty as far as they were concerned.

Oil fields can be privately owned and protected. If Saudi Arabia does fracture that'll most likely happen.

What if we simply kept the major oil fields under Western control and let the shitskins fight over the rest?

Do you think you know how to sage?

And be under constant raiding by tribal militias? Oil would have to be back up to a 100 dollars a barrel to make that profitable.

Stop pretending like you know what you're talking about, because you are just going to make yourself look like a fucking dingus.

getting triggered chaim?

You think the Saudi government (if there is one) is going to impose any rules of engagement? Even so that would sure up Russia and ensure contined blocks to Israeli-American foreign policy.

do you know what a cookie is?


try something new Izak

Turks have a central Asian language, but they're not genetically from that area.

As you wish, efenti. Fresh OC.

nice try chaim
but thats not doing it for me

do you have more, or is it sleeping time in tel aviv?

What the fuck? So you do actually like it? Sick fuck Mehmet

no i'm mocking you
because you seem to like it,
considering your stash of roach pictures

You type like a Turk.
You post like a Turk.
You think like a Turk.
You dont know what IDs are (typical Turk move).

So are you a Turk?

The translation is correct.
-study arabic

I want to support the houthies but they dont really seem fans of america either…
I hate the saudis, and all news of this war are being covered up and probably will be until half of saudi arabia is annexed by qat chewing goat herders

You dont have to support anyone here. And you shouldnt, anyways. Two factions of shitskins blowing each other up? Win win.

also i think saudi Arabia falling apart really would be the start of ww3, and it will be a giant cluster fuck of china, russia, america, nato, isis, al queda, houthies, iran, saudi princes, tribes, and your mom fighting each other for control of the oil, he who controls the oil controls the universe.

I dunno fam. I just hope they destroy mecca on accident and some malevolent and otherworldly erupts from that black cube.

Russia already has fucktons of oil, and the market for oil is actually at a low point.

you got rekt
go download more roach pictures low iq rat


Same story with Ahmed every damn time from when he first stumbled on full/pol/ with the Roach Coup. He can't even sage properly either.

There are so many Iranian and Syrian sand niggers on Holla Forums who cares about some border raid?

That's what Houthis do cross the border into Saudi Arabia and attack border guards.

Houthis are losing the war in Yemen, look at the front lines.

Turns out the coup was a battle over who gets to lay their egg sac under that nice damp newspaper behind the dumpster.

Have you seen this thread?

How do you lose 20 Abrams against dune coons?

There are different levels of dune coons. You see some dune coons are lower in the foodchain than other dune coons. Saudi happens to have the lowest on the food chain, or somewhere near that i assume. It must be a competition , who has less sub-saharan blood in his veins.

Who has less sub-saharan blood in his veins, that's the one who wins*

Some rich bitch sitting in his blinged out tank got carjacked by a old mud farmer with a unloaded rifle.

I'd wager it was a combination of some late model anti-tank missiles and IED's.

In this case the Yemenis would be more nig. They are right across from Africa, more so than Saudi Arabia is.

Any geneticist over here ?

the saudis are scum who funded terror and extremism who think they can use money to make their problems go away, unfortunately for them they are now stuck in a quagmire in yemen fighting against houthies with nothing to lose with an incompetent cowardly army.
the media doesnt report on this, maybe the saudis payed them off.
they will probably ignore things till they cant.

the saudis have lots of shiny toys, but the saudi people are very incompetent and unloyal

In the end the more dead sand nigs the better i guess.

First thing you can do is take a look at a map and then open up some history books.

If you're too lazy to do that go Google pics of Yemenis. They are fucking dark.

Saudis would have imported more female slaves from Zanzibar though. Yemenis might have Ethiopian blood but they're not sub-Saharan but something else.

The history of Arabia and Africa is long. They went all the way past Mozambique. They are nigged. When we are talking 1000+ years of history you have to realize that ethnic groups have moved, mixed and changed. Especially given the nature of niggers and Arabs.

oh, and on paper mercenaries sounds smart, but they have no loyalty to the nation, they just do it for the money.
So any mercenaries the Saudis hire can just run off if they want.


what i noticed about yemenis i have seen in videos is they seem to be very fashionable for people in poverty and ancient yemni architecture looks interesting, also the men are always chewing that drug qat.
They are loyal to iran and chant death to american and death to Israel all the time.
They will most likely win because they use guerrilla tactics, and are battle hardened while the saudi military are lazy rich boys and mercs.
Another thing is the topographical map of yemen is very important, nothing but mountains and deserts, egypt had a war there in the past and it was called their vietnam.

Arabs are notorious for sucking at war in the first place, but if the saudis turn tail and run they will look weak.
They really are fucked.

woah thats unique in the region

a couple famous Yemenis for comparison, the second guy is their ex-president

-13th century slave market in Yemen

-Queen Elizabeth II holding a sword prepared to knight subjects in Aden in 1954

Idiots dont know how nukes work, and EMP would go off and all electrical things would stop working.
The tinfoil tards who keep talking about tactical nukes should end themselves tbh

In the ancient middle east African woman were taken as sex slaves and African men were castrated and forced to be body guards and soldiers.
Nigger slaves int he west were used mostly for agricultural and economic reasons, although they were raped from time to time as well by slave masters with jungle fever

Two likely scenarios

1) Tank broke down because they don't maintain their shit. Had to flee for safety.

2) Undisciplined faggots flee and abandon the tank at the first chance of something actually killing them

i'm banking on 2, these sauds don't seem to know anything about conflict at all.
12 year olds playing call of duty know more about warfare than sauds do.

Assuming WW3 doesn't happen and the internet is still up the Holla Forums threads will be so much fun if that happens.

M1 guro

i thought bin laden was saudi ?

The Houthi forces, backed by the Yemeni Republican Guard, imposed full control over the Shabakah Region of the Najran Province on Saturday afternoon, causing the Saudi Army to retreat towards the provincial capital.

According to Yemeni activists, the Houthi forces and their allies overran the Saudi Army’s defenses at the northern part of the Shabakah Region, killing a large number of enemy combatants in the process.

As of Saturday, the Houthi forces and their allies are steadily advancing in the Najran Valley, as the Saudi Army continues to retreat across their own territory.

source btw

His father was from Yemen and his mother from Syria, so really he was half Yemeni. The family is close with the Sauds via business but originated in Yemen.

Happy to enlighten.

The GF might be right, I might be an autist.

No joke, I'm fighting with a woman I love and my "safe space" is on Holla Forums discussing Saudi collapse and weapons design/procurement management policies

The Iranian-built antitank missile "Toophan". Lethal, and ridiculously cheap compared to the TOW.
The Toophan also can't be fooled by optical countermeasures which the Russians have given to the Syrians, making TOW missiles ineffective.

You really should keep your politics and understanding of history to yourself if you want to keep her happy.

and a Toophan is much, much cheaper than the Abrams it will melt.

What would these be?

Seriously, help a Holla Forumsack out. I was the OP of the age-old and excellent Saudi civil war/collapse thread but this shit is getting to me.

It's not my comfort zone. She's mad because I lied to her about a non-cheating(meeting for lunch after canvassing to hire contract programmers for my business) thing. I admit my fault in that. We're with friends and now she's wildly separated from me, refuses to be touched. We've been dating for a year. She has a point but I feel like I'll never be forgiven my sin.

This isn't the thread for it at all but I'm drunk and desperate. Holla Forums is my safe space. It's a comfort zone available on my phone.

I just need kind words or even distraction. Talk about the various princes like Bandar or others! Either engage me in beautifully distracting geopolitics or help me repair my relationship with my NSA-level phone, email, and search history reading girlfriend. Don't judge her for that, she's quite "redpilled" and thoroughly amazing, just has a hard time trusting my autistic ass.

was Osama born in Saudi Arabia ?

The Russians exploited a weakness in the TOW's optical system. They created a cluster of special infrared emitters you put on top of a tank and it makes a TOW missile fly wildly out of control. Its quite a cheap system and the Syrians have lost far fewer tanks now because of these countermeasures.

Absolutely wonderful.

Won't happen but it would be great to see the US, UK and France stop providing support to SA.


Tell her how much you love her. And really mean it.

Have saudis operate them. I am more surprised the tanks survived long enough to see combat.

And let me guess, every Russian tank now has them?

OK, if things go to shit in Saudi Arabia what is the chance that america will be forced into another conflict?

Could Yemen possibly end up becoming

*another Syria?

You could say they were asfucked.

My wife is surprisingly forgiving and has a short memory for most stuff. I realize how lucky I am. Why did you lie though dude? Is this your first big fight?

are Saudi generals actually generals or are they just rich bitch saudi princes who have bought that rank and if that is the case what authority do these fake-generals actually have.

Can they give orders? or are they just window dressing?

And who gives orders to the PMCs?

No because nobody fucking cares about Yemen.

That second image…


user, their soldiers (not the mercs) are rich bitch saudis who can buy things you cannot imagine. Their generals are much higher than that.


Yes, in Riyadh

Sry to tell this to you bro, but this is the kind of thing a woman who has cheated on you will do. Unless you've cheated on her before, in which case it's a totally valid response and you need to man up and stop lying/cheating. Either way real men don't need to lie. That's something kikes do.

Mercenaries 3: Money In The Sand when?

I'm not a holocaust denying retard, but how come that officer has what looks like a S&W? interesting pic though.

I thought it was a pic from The Pianist or some other movie tbh

Start lurking, anytime

back to reddit

Pick one, you fucking idiot.

my eyes are opened

you have to go back to where you came from

Here's some more real™ pictures for you, Chaim.

Done, hasn't worked this evening. We're with friends (two women) who recently got engaged. The best part is that I'm talking consumer credit markets with one and the other wants to go halvsies on a few thousand rounds of sealed ammo for The Happening. Yeah, Holla Forums lesbian friends of hers with talk of race war, economic collapse, and all. Literally, we hung out by the pool discussing defensibility and supplies.

Call it degenerate but it's my life and I adore those two girls, more power to both for their upcoming marriage. These are the GF's friends BEFORE me!

I just want her to know that I'm naturally pissed she treats all my digital communications, including applications for part-time lab jobs as though they're grave omissions or sins. Yeah! I make most of my money from day trading but I want extra to pay for my app's advertising. Is that a sin? Is it some mortal problem? M

She can check/read shit I even post to Holla Forums and not flinch but I get a little peeved while drunk that she monitors everything and she throws a switch and gets pissy? I'm ALLOWED to be upset that she monitors everything, right? She has reasons but there are limits here, right?


Great chance. We'll provide equipment and advisors at minimum. It won't be cheap in dollar terms but lives will be lower than Iraq, at least so long as it doesn't go full blown Syria style civil war. If it does and Hillary wins, expect intimate involvement to keep the US' chosen "horse" in power.

A good analogy is from an oft-linked paper seen in threads like these and I think it's even linked here. It's called "Why Arabs Lose Wars" and the standard is approximately that a colonel in an Arab military has equivalent authority to act independently as a Firsr Sergeant in the US military. The Generals, unless members of the House of Saud or very close to it, have effectively ZERO authority.

She hasn't cheated but she's mortally fearful of me cheating. Exes, man. I get the Holla Forums narrative about women but I like kinky, experienced, redpilled, and fiercely intelligent women and she is one, THE one for me. She just has ex-related baggage and thus I'm in my car, laying back, and posting to Holla Forums about it.

w0ah truly groundbreaking evidence, the world will be shocked. those dumb normalfag sheeple will never understand.

Shut the fuck up and watch the video I posted you piece of shit. Don't post again about the topic until you've watched all 4 fucking hours.

lol yeah, I know right lmao XD

You just told me she has. It's her own guilt that's making her lash out at you. Stop being a trusting fool.

Isis is fighting hoth specie now?
Wampa wampa


Keep shitposting, cocksucker.


You're either very new or a very bad shill

Do it somewhere else, this isn't the thread for it.

Back to Saudis getting btfo lads.

Fuck off cunt. Someone says stupid shit like the holocaust happened, they get corrected. Polite saging all the while. You know how this works

It's like I've stepped out of the matrix (w0w)

So you really believe the holocaust happened?


Which leads to derailing the thread in which a couple of generous anons have given quite a bit of useful information towards the topic of the thread. You're either being played, letting yourself be played, or playing each other for whatever reason and it lowers the overall quality of the thread.

Post your dance when Mecca, Jeddah, or Riyadh is nuked by Houthi rebels.

You're right.

You mean the kikes and letting kikes into our white nations is what got us into every mess.

I've been saying it for a long ass time, we need to get pebble bed nuclear reactors running to support the amount of electric demand we'll need from a mass transition of gas cars to electric.


Probably get Hezbollah to ally with one of the factions in Saudi Arabia that gets a shit ton of tanks and air power.

Only happens if Iran is pulled into the conflict and Russia defends them, while a USA thinks to stomp on Iran not realizing Russia has their back.

Or Israel goes full retard and begins nuking around the ME.

oh shit that's some dangerous doge tech


Yeah, I thought she looked quite elegant in that image. If only the West still had the balls to subjugate their inferiors. Sigh. when?



russian women also wear this too

Mein negro.

Very nice, haven't seen that one.

You take a 16 year old and add 70 years, that's how. And it's just a head scarf, not a hijab.

I know, I'm just exaggerating.

That is from the movie "Schindler's List"

What is true. Watched it growing up with my own mother, and sister.

She's cheated on you, likely her two Oh so not Degenerate lesbian friends know this as well. You best bet is just turn around, call it a loss, and go looking for someone better. You deserve not having someone, whom says they love you yet does not trust you enough for a business "date" with a woman anyways.

Not sure how this got derailed from sandniggers battling it out on the Arabian Peninsula to "muh woman is giving me shit what do I do?".

"Don't like it? There's the fucking door" always works for me.

I don't mean to be a broken record man, but I've been where you're at, and it's not easy, but when they start getting unapologetically uppity and break relations over nothing shit like what you just did, it's time to end it. I know that'll be hard, since you are emotional and drunk, just sober up, look at this through the cold hard view of reason, and see that none of what you presented makes any sense. And it's eating into your soul, which is something someone who "loves" you should never do to you. You can find something better, and even if you don't find anything, I've found in my life I'm happier alone than being emotionally exploited and made to live on edge by someone who's supposed to be supporting me.

My two cents at least. I've fallen in love and wanted to settle twice, and I've been single for a year without even wanting to go out dating again. I'm happier now that I can study, work, lift, and shoot in peace. And I miss her often, but I know she doesn't miss me and really never cared too much anyway. Otherwise she wouldn't have pushed me away.

It is always both more fun, and productive, to help an user out.

Sure the board is made up of nothing but, SJW crybabies, Nat-Soc Larpers, Nationalists, Globalist Defense Force AKA CTR , the ever lovable JIDF, the occasional lost negro, paid shills of a variety of NGOs, LLCs, actual Govvie Agents, five guys trying hard to have rational and factual debates over some burgers and fries, but we all love helping out someone with relationship trouble.



Man I hope Turkey also destroys themselves through civil war

It's official the situation in Yemen is now a FarCry game.


lurk more you fucking faggot.

Antislide bamp with vid related of 12 fleeing Saudis crammed into one pick up.

She was always ugly, that's just a really good picture of her

But aren't Houthis muslims? Why would they destroy Mecca?

They're Shiites not Sunni.

isn't mecca important to all muzzies?

Fields can be, pipelines are not near as easy to protect.

was that the thread that talked about the royal line of succession, and how its fucked by one dude skipping line?

As well as possible whole South African merc armys being deployed?

They might start destroying all of the secular/commercialistic bullshit that the Saudis built there, though. They've basically turned it into another Las Vegas; it's the prostitution capital of the Arab world.

read this in one sitting before coming back to the thread. Fascinating.
A surprising amount is relevant to modern software engineering – modern successful products tend to use the iterative model and the principle of "only machining to perfection the parts that actually need it"

if it'll help you distract yourself I could really use additional sources like that NWC AdPub 409 on Soviet era R&D and production.
I have no useful advice for you re: women.

trajectory mathematics gives me an erection

o.k. you got me, I laughed at that

That was a particularly well written piece. I'll also join you in requesting more like it or a source link.

That's the one!

It might be commie management but damned if it isn't intriguing and I KNOW it has applicability to software development. I use my partner/CTO like the Soviets used their chief engineers- to both do work and lead a team. It helps cut down on micromanagement and keeps managers familiar with the work they're supposed to oversee. I really want to find, but haven't found yet, papers or books on Soviet management strategies/styles in various industries.

Even more interesting, if any user has links, I'd love some Nazi tracts on management.

Happy to provide. I don't have much more and I'm on my phone. I'll get things when I'm on my laptop

you mean this post

That was interesting stuff. Stilling waiting for it to happen tho.





appreciate it, no rush.
i'm in software development and we're no stranger to things that are hideously overengineered for no purpose.

This is going to be a fun war isn't it?

And has anyone else noticed that the Russians have been outplaying NATO consistently lately? I mean first they warn Erdogan of the coup and now Turkey is in Russias sphere of influence and now a bunch of tribal retards threatens to destabilize Saudi fucking Arabia.

If Trump wins it's fucking over.

No, its a copy of the first generation TOW. its garbage compared to the newer TOWs. Sand niggers from iran cannot maintain F-14's and still build copies of US WW1 Jeeps and you think they can build superior optics and missiles?

Umm you're an idiot? It uses a older inferior TOW sight. The Iranian's cannot produce anything superior to what the US can.

You really don't know what you're talking about do you?

the shtora is a piece of shit that cannot detect a TOW anyways.

It works by detecting an IR laser, older TOW optics and missiles, the ones the rebels use cannot be detected by it.

T-90 hit by a TOW right on the front where the system should detect or at least fool the optics by shining brighter than the flare.

T-90 destroyed after being hit by two TOW's.

Now let me explain why else the shtora is a piece of shit. First off its two giant glass covered light emitting thing, it lights up and shows a bluish glow.

It overheats very easily, so it mostly is left in passive mode where it turns itself on if it detects a threat, it detects IR lasers in newer ATGMS and turns on. The two light emitting things have to point at the ATGM optic to hopefully fool the the flare tacker. the turret has to rotate to do that.

Since its two giant glass covered things they are fragile and easy to damage.

Well that explains the sand nigs winning

Nazi books on anything financial or economic are like a purple unicorn. Most would have been in German and they would have gotten purged hard by the invading jews. We've went over this on /pdfs/ and even they were getting smoked. Might be worth it to get some Bros from deutschpol to root around in their library stacks for some primo pre-war books, will be tough though, as I imagine most of that is hiding out in private collections.

It's going to be a bitch to find but will probably be in someones uncle's private study room or some shit. I'm willing to toss in some bitcoin to help pay bounties on books and get them translated, it's gotta be one of the most useful fields ever, and all covered up now.

Reddit, it's time to leave.

That sounds autistic as fuck said IRL, but srangely enough very interesting as well.


Just posted up my ad on deutschpol, hope it gets a response. They don't seem as busy as brit pol but at least it's not pure shill activity.

God is Great.
Death to America.
Death to Israel.
Curse on the Jews.
Victory to Islam.

t. Houthis


Iran has a competent army and is fighting them via proxy war. Also they don't just have latest technology have have american soldiers via mercenaries to

i wish the saudis would use their own soldiers

isnt half as fun knowing most guys killed are not arabshits

try to make sense retard

Oy vey it's totally anuddah shoah, American spoils in the hands of baaaad GOYIM

forgot this part

by beating the saudis
these arabs in sandals get the finest us military hardware

Going to read this in the next days.

Europe actually has to pay their farmers to underproduce.

Oh but they do. In vid related a whole unit of actual saudis are holed up in Najran region by one Houthi sniper. Their 'commander' has to call out 4 times to one them who is in his own lala land probably realising he won't be drifting no more, look at the fear on all their faces hahah and these dogs have advanced air support too.

I'm no expert but the answer is something along the line of what said.

I wish i'd remember anything from that Yemen conference i listened to, but the Yemen is like the Afghanistan or Ethiopia, in the sense that it's one of those area of the world that has earned a reputations for being very hard to conquer, if not impossible.

Also the ideology of Saudi Arabia is wahhabbism (a radical islamic heresy). It is pretty much hostile to every other form of Islam since it consider itself more pure than the other forms (that's what an heresy does) and it practice proselytism by violence, and not by persuasion or discussion, hence why they are so prone to violence.

Reminder that Saudi Arabia will never be allowed to fall. The United States will invade Yemen to “save” our “ally” before anyone gets anywhere near Mecca.

being in this shithole
fighting the shittier arab version of yourself
meanwhile the rich saudis paryting up on coke in london

what makes you so sure

The Saudis destroys muslim 'holy' places and monuments, because they say it is to stop the workshiping of graves and certain places, so they destroyed ruins of the house of Mahomet for exemple, but at the same time they snort coke, watch porn, construct giant buildings, ally with Israel, etc…

So truely, the Saudis are working against the muslims and it is really obvious.


"Russia has developed an active protection system used on its new generation of battle tank, the T-14. It uses a millimeter-wavelength radar to detect, track and intercept incoming anti-tank munitions. The Russians claim the technology confuses the guidance systems of TOW and other anti-tank missiles. "

Fucking red-pilled.

The last time Saudi Arabia almost fell, the USA send 497,000 soldiers to protect them from Saddam Hussein.
Even Osama Bin Laden offered to bring his entire Al-Qaeda force from Afghanistan to defend SA from the Iraqi army, but he was rebuffed because the USA had offered half a million smiling young christian fools to defend extremist islam from destruction.

It's pretty much "death to everyone who isn't us". I can't blame them for it since I want the RaHoWa to happen, too.

there was a north yemen / south yemen during the cold war and one of them was a soviet client state

look at these guys,
the look more retarded than your average saudi arab

they are fighting saudis sandals



Back in 1991 the first enemies we encountered after clearing the berm were Kurdish conscripts. They had zero training, and abysmally low morale. They were grabbed, had an AK shoved in their, then dropped into a foxhole.

Things were different after the breakout and push towards Al Basra. The Iraqi Republic Guard actually stood and fought in spite of heavy losses, utilized effective tactics, and had high morale.

Saudi should have responded to this Houthi incursion, but maybe they have nothing to respond with. If an American "advisor" was assigned to this outpost to babysit a bunch of conscripts, and was promptly KIA, there is not much incentive for others to sign up. No amount of cash can overcome certain defeat.

inb4 welfare queen

inb4 imperialist

tl;dr Saudi is good and fucked.