Done, hasn't worked this evening. We're with friends (two women) who recently got engaged. The best part is that I'm talking consumer credit markets with one and the other wants to go halvsies on a few thousand rounds of sealed ammo for The Happening. Yeah, Holla Forums lesbian friends of hers with talk of race war, economic collapse, and all. Literally, we hung out by the pool discussing defensibility and supplies.
Call it degenerate but it's my life and I adore those two girls, more power to both for their upcoming marriage. These are the GF's friends BEFORE me!
I just want her to know that I'm naturally pissed she treats all my digital communications, including applications for part-time lab jobs as though they're grave omissions or sins. Yeah! I make most of my money from day trading but I want extra to pay for my app's advertising. Is that a sin? Is it some mortal problem? M
She can check/read shit I even post to Holla Forums and not flinch but I get a little peeved while drunk that she monitors everything and she throws a switch and gets pissy? I'm ALLOWED to be upset that she monitors everything, right? She has reasons but there are limits here, right?
Great chance. We'll provide equipment and advisors at minimum. It won't be cheap in dollar terms but lives will be lower than Iraq, at least so long as it doesn't go full blown Syria style civil war. If it does and Hillary wins, expect intimate involvement to keep the US' chosen "horse" in power.
A good analogy is from an oft-linked paper seen in threads like these and I think it's even linked here. It's called "Why Arabs Lose Wars" and the standard is approximately that a colonel in an Arab military has equivalent authority to act independently as a Firsr Sergeant in the US military. The Generals, unless members of the House of Saud or very close to it, have effectively ZERO authority.
She hasn't cheated but she's mortally fearful of me cheating. Exes, man. I get the Holla Forums narrative about women but I like kinky, experienced, redpilled, and fiercely intelligent women and she is one, THE one for me. She just has ex-related baggage and thus I'm in my car, laying back, and posting to Holla Forums about it.