I've been thinking / writing about propaganda in the media and exactly how brainwashing works. How it's different from Lying, and the ways in which even normies can see it. One day I will make a good documentary about it.
It has got me thinking… about what our real enemy is.
That Tree with 1000 limbs and one Root which no one hacks away at…
We've all seen the Limbs before – all pretending to be the Roots of the Problem:
There's the Illuminati, the Bilderburgs, the CFR, the Fed, George Soros, BLM, the Kebab Invasion, The Burrito Invasion, the Death of Manliness, the Rise of Trannies, Feminists, and Social Justice Warriors. Cultural Marxism, Communism, Socialism, Democrats, Republicans, (stupid people), the Welfare State, Hyper Inflation, Wall Street, Bankers, Corrupt Politicians, Wars for Oil… & God lets not forget Jews.
Yes, The Jews are the Limbs
When I Learned the Jews were behind Everything. EVERYTHING… I knew I had hit that Final Redpill. The BOTTOM of the Rabbit Hole. FINALLY. The hardest pill to swallow.
Naturally, like everyone else, I thought the Root of the Tree was the Jews.
Surely, if I could find a way to phrase facts about the Jews, I would Kill It!
Hasn't worked so Far…
Then I saw the Alt-Right, and I was proud of the intelligent men in it. But then THEY painted it falsely as a hate group. & it is likely, that this media onslaught won't stop until the Alt-Right is dead. Unfortunately, the alt-right Took the culture which 4 pol and 8 pol had built, and associated the two. This… probably won't go well.
When I first came to 8 pol, I didn't label myself as being part of anything, b/c I still wasn't sure of everything around me.
& 8 pol did the exact same thing… but you did it b/c you knew exactly what would happen. & this is why you never labeled yourselves.
The Alt Right made that mistake. Now, It did gain a few followers - but at the end of the day, it will probably be killed.
Regardless – all of this, has made me realize.
The Root is Organized Media.
That brain parasite which has taken over the World…
ITS THE FUCKING MEDIA (don't fling poo at me yet).
Three - Four hundred years ago, people got their news from other people in their village / town. It was ALL by WORD of MOUTH. & they TRUSTED each other. As a result, the intelligent men of each village, were very important.
What do we have today? Information that comes from 10 or so men who run almost every media outlet in the world. They hire the biggest fucking idiots who will do whatever they are told. & if someone speaks out, they are axed without thought.
Organized Media has destroyed our social interaction, and infected the minds of the youth.
The structures of the Chans are the brilliant, new take on media (which we need to endorse). Pol posters as a community, have become their own media - carrying ideas and news to each other, and respecting the board like it was their home. We are a Virtual Village
So, we are stuck in a dilemma. If we name ourselves as a group, it will be labeled as a hate group (no matter what). & any group which fought for what it true, has already been axed.
& if we don't make a group… We may never spread our ideology (in time)…
The Organizations of the Media, (((as "Fair and Balanced" reporters of the world))), are outside the attack being made. They can be the guys stepping in to defend [insert a Limb] against big bad evil racists.
We've been making a mistake. Every time we form a group. The Media just says the name and adds the words "conspiracy theorists" or "racists", and ignores all of our points.
Truther Movement? Attacked Obama.
The Libertarian Movement? Attacked the Welfare State / Socialism. The Liberty Movement? Attacked large government.
National Socialism? and the Alt Right? These are just attacks on Democrats and Republicans (respectively).
Fascism? Attacks Degenerates.
1488 Movement? Its attacks the Mudvasion, Kebab Invasion, and the Jews. The Neo-Nazi Movement? Attacks the Jews. The Forth Reich? Jews again.
These all attack the Limbs…
I think there may be a way to kill the Root.
What if our very name itself, was a Clever attack on Organized Media? If the name attacked the Media, the Media would have a much harder time attacking the group.
It would no longer be the outsider looking in at the struggle between Us and [insert Limb]
Can you imagine the News? "A new hate-group is on the rise, and they call themselves, "The Media Lies"… (← dogshit name)
What if we created a movement whose name directly assaults the organized (corporate) media? The attack cannot be in a manifesto or tenant. The name itself must be the attack.