Who is Our REAL Enemy?

I've been thinking / writing about propaganda in the media and exactly how brainwashing works. How it's different from Lying, and the ways in which even normies can see it. One day I will make a good documentary about it.

It has got me thinking… about what our real enemy is.
That Tree with 1000 limbs and one Root which no one hacks away at…

We've all seen the Limbs before – all pretending to be the Roots of the Problem:
There's the Illuminati, the Bilderburgs, the CFR, the Fed, George Soros, BLM, the Kebab Invasion, The Burrito Invasion, the Death of Manliness, the Rise of Trannies, Feminists, and Social Justice Warriors. Cultural Marxism, Communism, Socialism, Democrats, Republicans, (stupid people), the Welfare State, Hyper Inflation, Wall Street, Bankers, Corrupt Politicians, Wars for Oil… & God lets not forget Jews.
Yes, The Jews are the Limbs

When I Learned the Jews were behind Everything. EVERYTHING… I knew I had hit that Final Redpill. The BOTTOM of the Rabbit Hole. FINALLY. The hardest pill to swallow.

Naturally, like everyone else, I thought the Root of the Tree was the Jews.
Surely, if I could find a way to phrase facts about the Jews, I would Kill It!
Hasn't worked so Far…

Then I saw the Alt-Right, and I was proud of the intelligent men in it. But then THEY painted it falsely as a hate group. & it is likely, that this media onslaught won't stop until the Alt-Right is dead. Unfortunately, the alt-right Took the culture which 4 pol and 8 pol had built, and associated the two. This… probably won't go well.

When I first came to 8 pol, I didn't label myself as being part of anything, b/c I still wasn't sure of everything around me.
& 8 pol did the exact same thing… but you did it b/c you knew exactly what would happen. & this is why you never labeled yourselves.
The Alt Right made that mistake. Now, It did gain a few followers - but at the end of the day, it will probably be killed.

Regardless – all of this, has made me realize.
The Root is Organized Media.
That brain parasite which has taken over the World…
ITS THE FUCKING MEDIA (don't fling poo at me yet).
Three - Four hundred years ago, people got their news from other people in their village / town. It was ALL by WORD of MOUTH. & they TRUSTED each other. As a result, the intelligent men of each village, were very important.
What do we have today? Information that comes from 10 or so men who run almost every media outlet in the world. They hire the biggest fucking idiots who will do whatever they are told. & if someone speaks out, they are axed without thought.
Organized Media has destroyed our social interaction, and infected the minds of the youth.
The structures of the Chans are the brilliant, new take on media (which we need to endorse). Pol posters as a community, have become their own media - carrying ideas and news to each other, and respecting the board like it was their home. We are a Virtual Village

So, we are stuck in a dilemma. If we name ourselves as a group, it will be labeled as a hate group (no matter what). & any group which fought for what it true, has already been axed.
& if we don't make a group… We may never spread our ideology (in time)…

The Organizations of the Media, (((as "Fair and Balanced" reporters of the world))), are outside the attack being made. They can be the guys stepping in to defend [insert a Limb] against big bad evil racists.

We've been making a mistake. Every time we form a group. The Media just says the name and adds the words "conspiracy theorists" or "racists", and ignores all of our points.
Truther Movement? Attacked Obama.
The Libertarian Movement? Attacked the Welfare State / Socialism. The Liberty Movement? Attacked large government.
National Socialism? and the Alt Right? These are just attacks on Democrats and Republicans (respectively).
Fascism? Attacks Degenerates.
1488 Movement? Its attacks the Mudvasion, Kebab Invasion, and the Jews. The Neo-Nazi Movement? Attacks the Jews. The Forth Reich? Jews again.
These all attack the Limbs…

I think there may be a way to kill the Root.
What if our very name itself, was a Clever attack on Organized Media? If the name attacked the Media, the Media would have a much harder time attacking the group.
It would no longer be the outsider looking in at the struggle between Us and [insert Limb]
Can you imagine the News? "A new hate-group is on the rise, and they call themselves, "The Media Lies"… (← dogshit name)

What if we created a movement whose name directly assaults the organized (corporate) media? The attack cannot be in a manifesto or tenant. The name itself must be the attack.


Other urls found in this thread:


Can you anons help me think of a few names with good acronyms? Or make a meme worthy name?
The only thing I've thought of in 30 minutes, is Death to Organized Media (DOM). I'm very bad at making names.
What do you guys think?


It turns out it's just another Jew behind the curtain. What the fuck did you really expect?

I can't read all this boring shit, give me tldr

All the media does is pretend to be outside observers, mentions our group's name, and then call us conspiracy theorists or racists.
There is no discussion of our talking points or what we believe.

The media enjoys a comfy position, because they are only the reporters. They are just the observers.
All they need to do, is step in to defend whichever Limb of the Tree we are attacking.
This includes the Jews. Even though they are running the Media.

Since they only mention our group's name, and then say racist. Maybe we should make a Clever group name which attacks the media itself.

I'm not good at making names. But maybe theres a meme magician who could make a clever group name.
Can you imagine how they'd have to report it? "A new hate-group is on the rise, and they call themselves, "The Media Lies"… (← dogshit name)


I don't think you understand, OP, that it isn't just the media that causes groups to fail. Groups get infiltrated & burned down from within or co-opted then de-fanged & controlled.

The media is but one tool of ZOG.

I disagree. The Media is their only tool.
& the Banks are how they buy up complete control.
The only thing bringing us new members are events like the stock market crash, the bailouts, a failing economy, and intermediary redpillers like Molyneux.

Groups can and do work. & this is why they smash them.
What is so bad about trying what worked for the Nazis?

Literally means, Liar Press.

Cmon man. You guys can come up with MUCH better names. Could it be memed?

There is no one "real enemy" - just a pack of multiple real enemies (Judaism being one of them) that have decided that western civilization sucks and should be torn down.
You should look into the concept of a "Schelling point", it'll help you understand.

So they are just going to call us Nazi's and make comparisons to Lugenpresse.

Seriously, god fucking damnit.

Wait Wait Wait

What if we name ourselves "Importing Votes is Illegal"
Or something similar?
What if the main thrust of the name attacks that?
Has anyone done that before?

cmon man, help me unrustle my jimmies, it has to work :(

then insert a half ounze of lead into your skull at a high velocity.

I knew the cunt in chiefs speech would flood us, but i guess i wasnt really prepared for the reality


sage for autism
sage because Holla Forums will never be labeled under a tent like atl-right. anonymity is our force and every anons who come here asking for a better name or why alt-right is good/bad is a fucking shill, a fucking jew, a fucking nigger or a fucking kikenigger faggot.


On the 'who are our ennemy' part.

this is not the media like you said. medias are a vector of a pathogene. the virus is the jews. no arguing with that. period.

now gtfo this board or learn to LURK MORE - which is the #1 rule.

wtf kind of reddit tier bullshit meme is that shit

I hope KEK strikes your faggot ass down

[Late Latin, feminine of medius; from the voiced stops' being regarded as intermediate between the tenues and the aspirates] : a voiced stop

The Medius Movement


What about
=Jibber Jabber?==
"Jewish International Banking Behind Every Recession"
"Jewish Atheist Bolsheviks Behind Every Revolution"

Then the media would be forced to tell people to "quit yo jibber jabber"

that's good too

Globalists who are coincidentally a very high percentage jewish

The memea


Try sucking less cocks next time.

What does the surname Pepe mean?
I leave you to find the answer alone.


Wow. So most all of 8 pol and 4 pol are Jews?
& the Pepe meme is just a Jewish Joke?

Goddamn… LOL

What other memes are just jewish tricks?

More questions:
Was Christianity just another trick? Like to tame the goyim?
What actually happened between the Aryans and the Neanderthals?
What was the world like before the Great Flood?
Did the God's actually build the Pyramid?
What time is it in Tel Aviv?

You must tell me these things. I will learn them eventually.

I assume this thread is yours too?

Also. Were Neanderthals actually smarter, but just weaker? What proofs do you have?

Name it "Extranationals Voting Isn't Legal".
That way we become Trump's Dark Army of E.V.I.L.

It's basically PRcuck: the post.

I haven't seen any.

LOL, so this is why you hate the Alt-Right?
& why you hate dennis wise.
I wonder how many people know this.
You. Find the questions just about.
Tell me more.

You won't tell me. That's Fine. I will find out on my own. The internet is very big.
LOL I am the most Learned Goyim.
Too bad I will have to abandon you kikes. I will miss you guys. The lulz were good.

me? I hate the alt-right because they are created labels to deflect from what it really is. Alt-media.

Everyone who creates content for free with no intent other than making people laugh while swallowing the uncomfortable truth, is Alt-media.

But why create this meme culture for the goyim?
B/c shitposting the truth will only correlate the truth with shitposting?
& now that there is a mini-army of shitposters…
You can tie shitposting the truth to "hate-groups" ??

yes… Actually it was based off of characters who were major players in the Jewish (Zealot) Wars against Rome. It was an attempt at Hellenization of Jews, or some kind of parody (a joke) no one really knows. But it turned into a massive proto-Communist slave cult that 300yrs later would destroy Rome and eventually the white race which had not race mixed for 30,000 years in Europe before that… but they lost their history/mythology/philosophy. And most of it was never recovered.

Probably happened before the Dinosaurs
God is a Germanic word for Godin. The son's of Odin did not but probably some distant relatives.

size of skull isn't as important as frontal lobe development


Our real enemy is the Sun. (fuck its kind) hence the 'land of the dead' Egyptian Civilization with its cult of RA.

She blinds us.

When Esoteric Hitlerist raise his hand he doesn't 'salute the sun'. he withdraws blinding rays of the profanic Sun.

You have no idea how close you are to the truth.
You have no idea at all.

I know you are just being sarc
If only you knew what really happens in the solar system. The Jews will die, I assure you that. But I don't think you will like how it happens.

Not being sarcastic. I've cometh to that through multiple synchronicities. Though I'm now sleeping, so yeah I don't even know~

But when I'm awake I feel like I'm an Aryan Moses that ought to help his Aryan brethren to flee away from this Egyptian prison we're living in.

for those who are repelled with 'jewish aesthetics' it's just a design yo. look what is beyond and above.

Guys the black sun is not exactly taboo here. No need to whisper as if it was some super seekrit thing

the real enemy if there is such a thing and it's not a collection of enemies is
the (((merchant meme)))
why is an hour of my time worth any more or any less than yours?
If I need to build a wall an hour of a bricklayer's time is worth more than a surgeon's.
We've all been brainwashed into believing that greed is a virtue.
We all want to be happy and we've been brainwashed into believing that money can buy happiness.


Still I haven't seen anyone mentioning Egypt being a vampiric civilization and a foundation for our modern world. New Atlantis?..

my aryan senses tell me that Egypt inherited mechanisms from Atlantis. also I've met sources that told Atlantis=Hyperborea, I don't think so

There must be two meta-civilizations. just as we have two arms.


We have more than one enemy.

have you read Foucault's Pendulum?

While Jews are the main insular coterie behind the curtain, all too often the wizard pulling the strings, they are not the only ones involved, nor are all Jews involved. Indeed, that would be too easy, too convenient. I would be among the first to say it's most easily stated as 'Jews', but that's just not accurate enough. Instead a subset of Jews is heavily involved, as are people of other religions, and people of no religion.

A better handle on it is globalists. But that's also not the best encapsulation, because some problem are best dealt with from a global perspective. For example, we need a global police force, such as Interpol, to deal with global criminals. We need global relations mediators, such as what the UN would constitute if it weren't corrupted. Some environmental problems, global climate change (which is happening, you idiots…), need to be dealt with globally. Global (and regional) overpopulation is one mankind's largest challenges, as are the destructive impacts of miscegenation upon subsequent generations; a global body needs to work on this. Global direction of sciences and technology, lest we miss some needed development, or worse, develop some technique for manipulation/destruction that we would be better off without. And space developments need to be dealt with globally. So, not all 'globalists' are evil; some are actually working for mankind's betterment.

Instead it's the bankers, the financiers, who are driving our world to misery and ruin. And the big-money capitalists. The defense industry plays role, but many are simply making/selling products internationally. But again, not all of these people are evil or don't give a damn about the quality of human life, just some.

To narrow it down, then, it's those who have zero respect for borders, for traditions, for races and sexes, for any boundaries of any kind, which is why so many of them are Jewish. But that's not completely true, is it? Because that philosophy is founded on a certain sense of wisdom, too. Sometimes our boundaries are silly, but at others they are absolutely necessary. I don't know a way to accurately and succinctly name these people. I don't even always know them when I see them. The 'enemy' is just like the people of Holla Forums - not easily definable in political terms.

There are some elements that I do know, though. Anyone who calls for war against a non-aggressive State (such as Russia and Syria) is definitely evil. Anyone who tries to disrupt other people's lives for personal gain, who is sowing discord, is not playing by the fair rulebook. Taking freedoms without good reason, promoting unhealthy race mixing, devaluing and casually destroying the environment, these things are instinctively evil for their longer-term impacts. We have such people, right now, running around our society, maybe even posting unopposed on Holla Forums. And there are many other egregious aspects to building a better world.

IMHO, mankind is not yet wise enough to recognize it's own problems, much less work to fix those problems. At this point, the game is still whack-a-mole, going after the most blatant offenders, such as those who would lead us to a World War for fun and profit. It would be nice to build a wisdom school, to engender wiser leadership in subsequent generations… but getting the masses of superstitious and paranoid mankind to follow their lead would be a near-impossible task. No, instead, in my opinion, we're fucked.

My question to you is, how do we wake the braindead ?

When we label our enemy as jews it leaves the oblivious minded to search why this is the case since the dawn of history, why the jews. Are they evil or are they victimised ? He will eventually find out.
It's unimportant that the large majority will reject this idea, what is important is to educate only a few, even though it might be too late.

Another question is, how is it possible that our historians haven't spilled the beans yet ?
I know its tied to the medias and journalists, but historians can and have a lot more power, so why is there no 'great revelation' debunking all the lies since at least the late 18th revolutions.
Even scientists, there sure might be clinics, hospitals or studies done by researchers that are aware of the white genocidetm ? aware and fighting against this replacement, not aware and fighting for by the way.
There must be something already working on that matter.

In any cases, jews are the one inciting this madness, they are also the one sponsoring it by a large majority.
They have to be dealt with.


You overestimate the """zog"""

No, it's something they've been trying to destroy for years now.

Shock and awe

The way to alter the culture of a people in one fell swoop, is shock and awe. It's what the Bush administration semi-effectively tried to do with bombing Iraq, but ideally less destructively. With shock and awe, the way groups of people see the world and live their lives can be changed, permanently.

An example of a creative, non-destructive event that shocks people would be some new technology or new technique that fundamentally changes how people live - for example genetically extending our lifespan to 2-300 years, dispensing with large-scale industrial agriculture, developing a new source of 'free' energy generated at the individual level, and developing new traveling modalities. Examples of even more fundamental identity-melting programs can broadscale immigration, race-mixing, gender dissociation, etc.: in effect the (((Marxist machinations))). A third leg that can be altered is the environment - this can leave a culture open to accepting new ways to see the world.

However, getting people to drop their unreasonable ways of thinking is more difficult. Insane people can be briefly woken up, but they will soon enough fall back into some other set of insane beliefs. There is a degree of self-discipline involved in getting people to adopt reason in the face of insistent myths, such as the religions. People have to be willing to do the internal math, we have to WANT to adopt reason at any cost, and for that, we need to see some personal gain in that struggle.

Perhaps when we learn of extraterrestrial people's, and their cultures, worldviews, technologies and sciences, then we will want to be more reasoned in our collective approaches to configuring our societies. For right now, that circumstance is still the stuff of science fiction, but still, it would fulfill they requirements of shock and awe.

More predictably, if we can just keep from blowing ourselves up in a world war for the next 50 or so years, then Western Civilization may have progressed to the point where it's much less likely. But in the more immediate sense, world war is all too possible, and the horrible consequences of it, should mankind not die off completely, would take us several millennia to recover from.

The most pressing challenges mankind faces, as I see it, are the spiteful corruption of the Zionists (mostly Jews), global overpop, immigration, and miscegenation which inevitably wears down Western Civ., and the threat of a globalist-driven war. Islam is a threat to world stability and progress. Additionally, planetary carbon cascade is a real threat which is already starting to make itself known. And finally, the decriers of these threats, from the false humanists, to the armchair experts, help matters not-a-wit.

here is the list
free our economy
free to make our own laws
everything then on will fall into place.

What is strange is over a century ago the "jewish global conspiracy" was common place. People knew of them and they had to operate covertly(woodrow wilson's secret meetings). Now they've grown into so many sectors that it's impossible to denounce them without being punished and they flaunt themselves openly.

owl lady and her fuckbudy son/sun

Not going to read all that. You have a complex web of degenerates leading up to the Vatican and also the workings of various breakaway civilizations that are abusing high technology and haven't even given you a catgirl clone.

I forgot to mention AI, which is a very key part of this. Places like this degenerate chan are more susceptible to that, even though it is everywhere through nanites and tesla tech. Poor shills, their minds were never their own.

we should wake ourselves before waking the braindead. Fuck them anyway.

We should concentrate on how to build our own Aryan Temple. you dig? so we could bring to this world the new-stuff. Temple = ressurecting the Dream, the Mythos.

Who do you think owns the media you fucking misdirection kike?

This might add some spice to the pot.

Jesus Christ, newfags. Someone please dump their "jews control the media" folder.

what is with this wicca red hair?





So what?
better to think how to create our own media.

You win not by fighting the system, but by going your own way. Creating your own system.


no it fucking isnt. Propaganda is a lie repeated. It is the reason that propaganda isnt as powerful as memes. All it is is a lie, given funding and manpower to spread that lie. Memes are the truth, you have to pay people to lie but not to speak the truth and the truth always beats a lie.

Sage because fuck you shills

Jews are the root of all evil m9

I think it is Soros pulling the strings to all this bullshit.
The head kike in charge.
He's always got his hands in something .

The real enemy is the person that cannot write a logically ordered opening argument


The real enemy is the left, the marxists.

Right-wing Jews exist, and they are bro-tier.

But there is nothing redeeming about a leftist, all leftists are of no value.




Hi fellow civic redditor we are waitinf for you at the >>>/oven/

sage for calling Holla Forums muh "alt-right"

Holla Forums was never, and will never be alt-right faggotry.

Holla Forums is anonymous. Anonymity is critical to discussion.

Sage because OP is part of a concerted shill attack from a group funded by (((Gyorgy Schwartz))) aka (((George Soros))),

OP has no idea how Holla Forums is by the God of Memes, Kek (may His name be praised) and Rain Man levels of weaponized autism.


You know, hitler had the right idea and if you implemented the final solution, we'd all be living in a (((mass media))) free country
I think you are a shill trying to deflect from the synogauge of satan and divert the truth like a real fucking kike
Hitler was right.

For the 'right-wing' Jews to be bro-tier, they would have to obviate the ideological split between themselves and their genocidal loxist breathren, to swear it off, to work against it. Until then, they are cowards.

you should not call God an enemy
you should try to be on God's side

organized media's unnecessary with open internet.

And who sold it to them?