What is your opinion on Islam?
Can Islamig Gommunizm actually work, or will it just become another Libya under Gaddafi?
What is your opinion on Islam?
Can Islamig Gommunizm actually work, or will it just become another Libya under Gaddafi?
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down the chamber they shall go. we dont have space for religious fanatics, be them christians or muslims
Islam will dominate the world. If you disagree you're a euro centrist imperialist.
>>>Holla Forums
Islam is compatible with Communism for much the same ways that Christianity is.
Opium of the people.
so its not?
Come with me:
good job comrade.
time to stop this pro-islam non-sense
Muslim here. Left-pilling a lot of my Muslim friends by drawing parallels between Muhammad's taxation, the Quranic preference of the poor over the rich, how the corrupt rich will burn in Hell for exploiting the poor etc. etc. with Marxism, class consciousness, so forth. Whatever you edgy alt-righter apologists might say, a lot of Muslims are already class conscious to a degree because of religion; they just need a little push to the left.
You simply need to double le meme arrow it my man. No need for a full link.
Whatever you edgy mudslime apologists might say, a lot of leftists are already not retarded to a degree because of ISIS; they just need a little push to stop sympathizing with the religion of piss
Hurr durr cherry picked lines, because Christianity doesn't also have a just war doctrine
funny how i dont think "o shite its a christian" when a terrorist attack happened tho.
If the media bashed them like they do Muslims then you'd best but that sentiment would exist.
show me an article where they openly bashes muslims in the mainstream media?
liberals took over and now mudslimes are portrayed as the god-given people to enrich our culture.
forgot ahmed the cockboi?
Because Christian terrorism doesn't happen in Africa all the time. Don't blame the ideology, blame the people who kill in the name of it
No, they're not.
They have NATIONAL consciousness, not a class consciousness.
Qur'anic preference for poor over rich does not entail worker control of the means of production or the DoP. If anything, it could imply God/Allah favors those who live ascetically over those who live lavishly (which is also the case in Judaism, hence why the followers of Luria and early Hasidic sects lived in such a way).
The Arab Spring is another example of why "Islam promotes communism" should be looked at with a great deal of skepticism: AS resulted in liberal democracy which a little bit of theocracy thrown in, not in socialism.
kill yourself, mudslime sympathizer. you'll be in gulag after the revolution happens
There is no such thing as revolutionary taxation.
Let's do proof by contradiction kids.
Let's say Islam, as an ideology, is inherently bad and causes violence. That would imply that Islam always has, and always will, cause violence.
However, there's this period called the Golden Age of Islam that happened for hundreds of years. During this time Christianity was murdering people left and right, and Islam was the progressive society.
Weird, that doesn't fit our hypothesis that Islam as an ideology is evil. Must be because the assumption is wrong.
Because they had the texts of the Greeks as well as the Persians and Indians.
To even suggest that Islam during its "Golden Age" (which is NOT a term most Muslims use to describe the Abbasid period; rather, they refer to the true Islamic Golden Age as the time when Muhammad was alive) was "uncorrupted" is an absolute joke. That was the time when Islamic theology began inserting Platonist and Aristotelian paradigms into the religion left and right. It was also not a time when the average Muslim peasant was doing all that well. The progressivism was really only limited to the elites, as it is today in the modern West.
proof that mudslime literally has no self-awareness.
so christianity moved on from it's violent elements and you monkeys havent?
More like, 1,000 years ago.
It would be like judging today's Roman Catholicism by what it was during the Renaissance.
And once again, that progressivism was limited to the elite classes only.
i dont like christianity either, but it and buddhism is a lot more compatible with socialism than the monkey religion mudslimes and dune coons are having.
It's a paradox.
Which one is it? No one says.
You do realise that the majority of the impetus behind the Arab Spring lay in liberal democratic sympathies rather than any kind of Islamic ideology? Take Tunisia, the poster child of the Arab Spring, for example.
Again, I'm not defending Islamism or ISIS, etc. etc. I'm simply saying that Muslims are relatively likely to have economically leftist views.
Top kek.
Nice assumption. Truth has a nice way of supporting you if you don't bother looking anything up.
Nazi "Nazbol" sympathiser pls go. I'll tell you what's less revolutionary than taxation. Nationalism.
Sunni Islam has leftist elements,
islam should me removed from this earth. we dont have another 500 years for it to reform.
taxation. Nationalism.
liberal scum please go
Social democracy, which seems to be far more in-line with Islamonomics, is very anti-socialist and is always used as a means of offsetting class struggle by pacifying the oppressed classes.
So, had tw00 Muslims participated, the AS would have turned into a Marxist revolution? Please.
Leftist, or socialist?
Do any Sunni hadith promote the following?:
We are opposed to national enmity and discord, to national exclusiveness. We are internationalists." Lenin 1919
Apologist revisionist trash please leave.
Better a social democracy that ameliorates the condition of the worker in the short term than some accelerationist dystopia. It's easy for intellectuals to sit back and talk about how "evil" socdem is, but as someone who's actually had to put mortar to brick to feed myself and my family for twenty-five years, I'll tell you which I prefer.
Bolshevik revolution didn't ensure worker's utopia, therefore Bolshevism isn't leftist.
Whatever a skilled propagandist makes it.
No, but it doesn't forbid most of above. Again, I'm not saying that Islam = Communism, but that the former can be used to advance the cause of the latter.
Let me ask you then: what exactly from orthodox Sunni Islam can Marxism learn from?
Why does Marxism need to take on Islamic characteristics, or vice-versa, especially when the Islamic World seems to have very little radical leftism going on?
kill yourself nazi fucktard
jesus christ how much of a fucking retard are you?
socialism is internationalism, but is internationalism suitable in this current world situation, with islamic terrorists threatening the lives of people world wide?
also still
This is why we keep failing you Holla Forums tier fags, if we use Islam with socialism and so on we can finally DO SOMETHING
"Use Islam" in what way?
If you're going to shitpost then at least make it look believable
why do we keep having this fucking topic. Muslims can be commies, fine. don't be special snowflakey about it please.
post-colonialism and socialism are not and never will be allies.
Holy shit yes. 90% of PoCo consists of throwing bones to the national bourgeoisie.
Islam has a left and a right wing.
Left Wing / Revolutionaries:
Shi'ism and certain Sunni sects. Shi'ism's foundation is in the revolutions of Ali, Hasan and Hussein, who revolted against the corrupt usurping of the Caliphate by the Umayyad dynasty. Started to become more distinct after the Battle of Karbala, and was originally a political designation rather than a theological one.
E.g. Iran, Hezbollah, Houthis, Hamas, Popular Mobilization, Gaddafi, YPG, etc.
Right Wing / Reactionaries:
Wahhabism and certain Sunni sects. Wahhabism, the main ideology of Islamic terrorism was founded in 1744 when Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab was invited by the Saudi family to the town they ruled. An agreement was made that Ibn Saud would protect and propagate the doctrines of the Wahhabi mission, while ibn Abdul Wahhab "would support the ruler, supplying him with 'glory and power.'"Whoever championed his message, ibn Abdul Wahhab promised, "will, by means of it, rule the lands and men."
E.g. Saudi Arabia, DAESH/ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Al-Nusra, etc.