Yesterday i was watching on youtube Hillary Clinton speach, and there was a lot of discussion of "alt-right" in that. I was wondering pol, what is this alt right that she is talking about?
Are you guys nazis? cos thats kind-of lame.
Or something else?
Hi pol
Other urls found in this thread:
Why? that isn't an argument. Self bump you faggot.
nice bait thread
obvious bait/slide thread
that means that you posted twice which means that you have nothing better to do than to destroy legit discussion
I'm going to give the you benefit of the doubt that this isn't just some shitty bait thread. If you want to find out what we're all about then fucking lurk more, you can't understand it without experiencing it, all you get by asking is some anons perspective.
global mods only remove cp and bot spam
Why are you so upset by this thread? Perhaps you are the shill wanting to discourage new comers, hmmm that probably is it, CTR?
This thread is cancer for sure but OP stick around and find out we are all about, don't let these fuck wits put you off finding your connection to the European Spirit. The neo-renaissance is coming.
Oh yeah I can follow that train of logic.
i really dont understand all the hate that is comming here. Why ban? Why are you "sage"ing this thread?
I literally wanted to discuss topics regarding the alt right, anarcho capitalism and etc
New comers trigger the 4cuck cancer this hard. Go back to your cesspool already.
Then post in QTDTOD or similar thread, don't just come here expecting to be spoon fed. As I said before lurk more and get to know us. Summer isn't the best time though, it's full of little kids who think they are super fucking edgy and of course recently we've had a flood from 4chan which has brought the level of discussion down to pretty much just shit posting. Most of the non-Summer fags will back a bit later for now we've migrated to other places.
You clearly don't know how sage works. Way to out yourself as a shill.
There is no alt-right. It doesn't real.
there were probably at least 1 million jews that died at auschwitz alone. when you combine that with the 3-4 million that were gassed in the other death camps that had swimming pools and hospitals, and the 2+ million that were gassed and shot by the einsatzgruppen, we're looking at MORE than 6 million jews that hitler personally killed. after that he burned all the documents.
are you sereously saying that there were swimming pools and hospitals at concentration camps?
yes, there were orchestras and organized sporting events and other entertainment and leisure activities too. the sick bastards liked to lull the jews into a false sense of security before gassing them in chambers with wooden doors before skinning them alive to make lampshades and soap.
Lurk moar before you post again.
If you were murdering millions of people, why the fuck would you boher to waist the precious fuel to cremate and transport them? Have you heard of any other mass killings where teu didn't just shoot them on the spot?
Also, you can see the Auschwitz swimming pool on google Earth for godssake.
being that new
lurk more famalamafaggot
Hes fucking with you newfriend
Unfortunately, Hitler burned every document that would have contained those reasons. He also burned the documents that contained the orders to burn the documents. And then he ALSO burned the orders for the order to burn the order to gas jews.
Sadly the truth will never be known.
Yes. Here are some pictures. The holocaust is a hoax. There were deaths in the prison/labor camps, but they were caused by an epidemic of Typhus exacerbated by starvation and allied destruction of supply routes. Typhus is spread by lice, and Zyklon B is a de-lousing agent. At the concentration required to kill a person, the gas chambers by design would not have even been able to contain the gas successfully. Ovens were used to destroy the clothing, sheets, etc of Typhus victims in an effort to halt the epidemic, and possibly to cremate those who died from the disease. The ovens could not possibly have been used in a mass extermination. Even modern ovens running 24/7 can't reach anywhere near the supposed rate of cremation that supposedly occurred at Auschwitz. No mass graves were ever discovered. Nazis at the Nuremberg Trials showed signs of torture, and the Jewish man who 'interrogated' the head of Auschwitz later admitted in his published book that he tortured a confession from him. Germans kept no details whatsoever of any plan to get rid of Jews, and much of their documentation of the prison camps contradicts the myth of the holocaust. The only evidence for the holocaust is testimonies from supposed survivors of supposed death camps. Several other hoaxes (like Jew soap and skin lampshades) were just recently proven to be false. Likewise, the showers and gas chambers are simply products of equal parts hysteria and propaganda. In the past century, elite Jews have profited enormously from the myth of the holocaust, and holocaust denial is illegal in several European countries. Truth does not fear investigation. The holocaust is a lie.
at least spam something useful
somehow i feel like you are kidding me.
This is… i don;t know what to say. I never thought of it that way.
But… six million was a lot how can anybody deny that?
They won't because they're trying to make sure we don't redpill anyone.
I strongly recommend giving
Alt-right is a response to the anti-white, anti-nationalist tendencies of the left and their jewish masters.
6 million? Try 6 TRILLION.
Thats a lot of big guys
That was a pitiful response.
Napalm sage this shit
Yeah nazis, sorry if that's not extreme enough for you
Never forget that this isn't just about complaining and hating, there are bigger issues here, a desire to return to greater time for the European people.
It's not just about being white, we need more than that.
it need to be more CYBER NAZI to be gud
but apparently it didn't work because all of the sage :(
(checking it)
you done?