Have you been scarred permanently by the kikes?

have you been scarred permanently by the kikes?


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What in the everloving fuck is up with that pic? Isn't a circumcision when they remove just the frenulum and not the whole fucking dick protection?

No, it's everything.

Why are these threads being repeated now?

No. Because my parents actually loved me more than their god.

my foreskin will only be recovered when every last rabbi on earth has their entire penis and testicles removed.

bump because people dont hate jews enough for conspiring to circumcise every goy on earth.

although you shouldve made more effort in your post.

save my pics and come back again with a better thread with more information.


If you're cut, sorry to inform you of how much is actually missing. Frenulum isn't always removed, but usually is. Frenulum is what pulls the skin over the glans. Cut men who still have their frenulum will say it is the most sensitive part, uncut men it usually doesn't make the top 5.

Doctors remove as much as they can get away with because they sell foreskins to medical/cosmetic companies, price will obviously be by weight.

My parents were christian
So no, I don't have a foreskin.

My son has his, at least.

Jew who works for Israel Bonds married my sister. Only good news is that they don't intend to have children.

That's so stupid. Gentile Christians aren't meant to have their foreskin cut: it's a sacrifice by Jews in return for God's blessing. If you're not a Jew then it's a huge waste.


Never forgive.

Nope, I'm 100% white, I believe my father's grandparents came to the US from Italy. They just fell for Christianity and like all good Christians believed that circumcision should be done on all of your sons.

Yes and I want to get back at the kikes by having a ton of white children and ensuring they don't let this happen again.

Man, i'm a Christian, and I tell you, this is not a Biblical teaching. Only Jews are meant to be circumcised, because it's the sign and sacrifice for their tribe.

Paul said regarding the gentiles:
"Galatians 5:2-11 - Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing."

I guess that's the price I pay for my parents choice to be part of abrahamic religions.

But they seriously weren't following the teachings of the Bible. Have you asked them about this? I think they were doing it out of peer pressure, since mass circumcision is a fad in the USA. My parents are Christians too but i'm British, and like all Christian Brits, we don't circumcise our kids.

tribals, amirite

Too late to tell them that user, they started going to church and I lost half of my penis as a result. Can't change the past.


my gf was grossed out by those pics

Good, it means she is at least somewhat normal.

waiting for le dick cheese arguments
apparently burgers don't have running water

did you know that your hands can get dirty too?
maybe you should cut them off
pointless shit thread we've already have 500 times tho

Daaaaaaaaaaaaamn dat nigga be jewin his disciples n' shieeeeeeeeet

Yes,and if I ever find who did it,he's a fucking dead man.

has any fellow burgergoyim looked in to foreskin restoration?

I was circumcised because my dad thought an uncut dick would be gross to women. If college is anything to go by, he's right, because I've heard girls talk about uncut dicks being gross multiple times, and I'm a sophomore. I hate normalfags.

Fuck. This line brought a tear to my eye.

That's the most beta thing I read today. brb cutting my left arm off because bitches dig that in the current year

Beta on my dad's part? Eh, he didn't know anything about it except that most people are cut in the US at least. I can't really blame him much.

Classic sheep mentality. That being said, what's been done has been done. I hope you don't do the same to your children if you ever plan to breed

yes, but I would not do it to my kid

Not by the kikes, but infection.

In fact, it's rare as fuck in my country.


My mom said no (1964) and it's fucking great.


Nope but I feel for my cut brothers.

I was insecure about it for a long time, because of the Jewish propaganda, but, boy am I happy to have my foreskin. When you get older you realize how retarded it is, to cut a piece of your body off.

You made me realize how sad it is that the Jews managed to convince people that being mutilated is normal.

Nope, and it feels great. So much sensitive tissue and no lube required.

Any parent who lets a skeevy dickchopping kike near his son is a piece of shit.

yeah we just had this thread but it's a good topic

it's a religion based on defacing males.

what moor ya need 2 know?

Yes, unfortunately. If I ever meet a girl and have a kid, I'll murder any kike fucker that tries to do that to my infant son.

Christianity has nothing to do with having a rabbi bite your dick off.
In fact only the mudslimes and the jewish nations like Israel and clappistan rip off their dicks. Not christians.

If you ever meet that girl and think about having kids with her, please make sure she understands how you're a victim and what happened to your dick should never happen to anyone. I'm not American but I'm sure that a lot of women over there think that mutilated genitals are normal. They need to learn that it's not.

Well sadly for me I had (((Christian))) parents. The mangled state of my penis will never be healed by your no true scotsman fallacies.

Me mum told me I was circumcised for medical reasons, but I dunno it does not look like a porn dick sure the head is more visible when I get a hard-on but that's about it.

Also I don't look Jewish so I can't be a kike and me mum does not look like a kike either.

its not a god thing if you arent jewish, its a culture thing (or at least it is in the US)

I wasn't defending christcucks, it's just that you're the 2nd user now who said he's cut because he's christian which makes no fucking sense.


I've read an obscure theory in some russian conspiracy forums that the semites circumscize the boys at birth, because all of them would've had phimosis, so they wouldn't be able to reproduce normally.

That's a nice way of putting it. It's essentially what it is, but it's been put into the heads of millions that it's normal and more sanitary. Sure, in a 3rd world country, but not in modern times. Short of being behind enemy lines in the military, I can't think of a single place where it would be normal to not shower for a long period of time except maybe the basement dwelling NEETs.

circumcision isnt a christian thing, its an american christian thing

it began in the early 20th century in America
some puritan doctor started preaching that circumcised boys couldnt masturbate without the natural lubrication provided by the foreskin
so american puritans started paying doctors to circumcise their kids to ensure 'their souls remain clean'
over time thanks to americas cultural exportation around the globe they started offering penis cutting to europeans, japanese and anywhere america owned through debt bondage or invasion,
these places where people historically never engaged in the practice now either do it without permission for 'hygiene' reasons or offer it to the parents when the babies are born
luckily my parents didnt believe in the practice so I'm intact and i dont need a sock filled with store bought lube to rub one out

I'm fairly sure Kellogg started that theory along with all of his other kooky stuff.

Even worse, my circumcision was botched, and 99% of my Frenulum removed, I can't feel shit. There's basically a 'notch' in bottom of my dick where it's supposed to be.
If you're wondering, the only way for me to get off really well is prostate stimulation.On the upside I discovered how to have endless prostate orgasms that can last for a really long timeMy record so far is 38 minutes of orgasm without ejaculating.I don't understand why people would ever do drugs when you can stick toys up your ass, but both are still extremely degenerate if you have a working penisI still have extreme difficulty trying to procreate with women and it pisses me off

Something that really needs to be noted is that the vast majority of circumcisions made are because nobody wants to talk about it, so a metric fuckton of people in the US still believe a bunch of old wives' tales about how it'll always stink, or constantly get infected, or for some really fucking ridiculous reason, these guys >>7271440 who were circumcised despite their parents being Christian.

I have a hypothesis, the amount of people in the US that go to Christian churches that don't actually read the bible for the past 100 years seems to be astronomical. Resulting in them believing in (((propaganda))) in the past about the aforementioned old wives' tales, at this point in time it's basically information that's just not being contested due to investigation being illegal.
Someone posted the real reason here, consider my explanation a retarded observation.

No sane person in the civilized western world voluntarily cuts except burgers, jews and the mentally ill.

Fuck Kellogg.
I'm trying to fix my parents' mistake, but it'll never be the same.

yeah maybe
but just once again american christians ruining it for everybody

i know some feminists circumcise their sons because they want to 'punish' them for being male
genital cutting is a practice associated with semitic religions, the most extreme ones being Ishtar and Cybele though Cybele was Ukrainian where they'd cut the dick and balls have an have an axe wound
but this was usually done when they were adults and you had to do it to yourself instead of when you're a baby and have no choice

Same. The first kike fucked it up, so they had to bring in another guy to fix it up. At least I was born with an unusually sensitive dick to compensate for it.

Why the fuck did I have this image saved still?

i'm italian and my family is very religious.

sorry to tell you that circumcision is not normal among yuro christians.

Nah I haven't but my dad was. Hates em to this day, several years ( over a decade) paramilitary experience to back up the hate. I'm on board too.

Funnily enough gays are one of the big push groups for the return of foreskin in America
Gays love foreskin and uncut penis and convince their female friends and females through their media that they shouldnt cut their children

It's a meme that started to promote cleanliness and prevent masturbation. My dick may be clean, but their other purpose failed miserably.

Fucking kikes!

the jews got me and my parents.

They won't get my children.

American Christian (Baptist, with ties to some German Mennonites), uncut. We're not fucking Jews and the old testament covenant doesn't apply to us. Or at least that's what I was told was the reason, because the act of circumcision is a covenant with God for the Jews, nothing more. Any christian who says otherwise hasn't really read the bible enough to have a solid understanding of this concept that the old covenant isn't for Christians but is for the Jews, who did not accept the new covenant.

Also, the doctor that delivered me was like "It's just a religious thing, I don't care one way or the other, up to you." So my parents said "See ya" and brought me home.

How long ago is "Recent" to this?

A look. Another D&C thread for samefags.

What has this place turned into?

Even though I had phimosis, my parents never considered to cut me like a dead pig

For all you uncut bros out there, heres the deal it only feels good when u cum, thats it. Fuck my mudslime dad he was a piece of shit he even made fun me for being cut

The sad part is everyone's gonna buy this shit hook, line, and sinker.

You want proof that circumcision threads are D&C, then look no further than this fag's post.

D&C between whom? Cut and uncut anons? This is the weirdest bait i've seen today.

Found the faggot who performs circumcision and who is now afraid for his shekels.

Am I the only guy with a circumsized cock that doesn't use lube or lotion to fap?

Well have u had your dick cut off doc?

Awesome for you. Can I see the underside of yours? It looksarousing.That sack is pretty great too.Class action for mutilating beautiful dicks fucking when?
Unfortunately I am missing a very large portion of my penis, to the point that the scar tissue definitely inhibited my growth. Will post pics later, imagine you put my dick on a lathe and shed off 1/5 of it.
Am I still a degenerate if I want a purely monogamous relationship with a man that will have sex with me and only me?All the fags in gay bars could die a horrible death as long as I have a guy that understands my condition and won't cheat on mebut you'd think I was asking for Jesus himself to come give me an infinite amount of moneyI have myself a giant dilemma, on one hand, I want to make white children to preserve the west as best I can, on the other, it will be nearly impossible for me to get off while I do it.

Can confirm, a gay friend convinced my mother that it was a huge mistake, and slapped her when she got all uppity about it.

Fuck off Shlomo the only D&C in this thread is you, everyone else is talking about why their parents got them circumcised, or how they're lucky/unlucky that they did/didn't get circumcised. Also the reasons why circumcision came about popularity in the US are definitely political discussion on account of the fact that many men feel as if they've been robbed a great deal of sexual pleasure because (((they))) still want it done and everyone still refuses to talk about it. Personally, I'd like to discuss ways that you could educate the populous on why it's harmful to children, and will continue to harm them throughout their lives.
What he's described is exactly what it feels like for me, and it is not supposed to feel that way according to any uncut man I have ever talked to about this.

Same here.
Apparently i got an infection when i was a few months old and it had to be removed.

>Asking this on Holla Forums
Are you just a masochist or something?

So, do you guys think there might be a treatment for our "condition" at some point in the future? Doesn't sounds like it would TOO hard.

Nah were fuck for life, but it could be worse. My real question is for u uncut bros what is it supossed to feel like?

dont know about cut bros but when i fuck a woman raw in her cunt i can feel everything
like every little contraction and it feels like its sucking you dry
cant compare, only someone who hasnt been cut and has sex then gets circumcised and has sex again can draw comparisons

That first pic might have something to do with the mental illness of Jews.

Is foreskin restoration actually a thing? If so, are there any good guides on it? The kikes took my foreskin before I was old enough to fight back and I want to undo the damage they have done.

About every two weeks someone makes this exact thread. It's a demoralization shill.

The kikes mutilated me, and my parents are both atheists. The doctor convinced them to do it by telling them how embarrassed I would be in school, when I looked different in the locker room. My stupid mother actually had them do it, and THEN FUCKING HOME-SCHOOLED ME. Gee, thanks, mom.

By the time my last brother was born (I was 15 at the time), I convinced her not to have them mutilate him, at least.

I've heard that limited restoration is possible. I'm afraid however that full restoration is impossible.

However, a class action lawsuit would be fantastic. If a large enough number of non-jewish men brought lawsuits against the medical establishment for violation of their right to the integrity of their bodies, we could shut down the entire industry and expose the jewish practice for its barbarity.

It was some of the same since they don't cut dicks in Norway without reason. But I dunno maybe my Polish mother is an askhenazi Jew but a hidden Jew that is now a catholic?

Well.. at least Hitler got one thing right.

Yea I have and sex still feels great, although I imagine it'd feel even better if half my dick's surface area wasn't sliced

Real talk in the USA circumcision has nothing to do with religion. Babies of every color and creed have their dicks sliced by doctors. Its a (((medical))) practice

If you dont specifically opt out they'll go ahead and slice your boy anyway

There is a procedure in development that can restore your foreskin and nerve endings

>Am I still a degenerate if I want a purely monogamous relationship with a man that will have sex with me and only me?
I guess not?

It's my fault for being born at a Jewish Hospital.

I still have skin I can pull over my glans, but it doesn't naturally droop over and the end of my foreskin ends in a thick brown ring I later found out to be a scar.

Nobody even told me, I had to find out for myself that I wasn't normal.

hey rachposter, whatcha doing?

I'm not circumcised but I did get my head scalped later in life.

youtube.com/watch?v=VYWkA6DV3DI (embed)


In fact i think most Christian parents that did circumcise their children will go to hell. Remember that it is the jews that killed our lord, imitating them or using their rituals means you disagree with jesus

Sad to say that I'm cut, but the arguments about having no sexual feeling seems a little silly, but I'll never know for sure. How could you test the feeling parameters via the scientific method? This seems like a d/c thread. But to be honest, when I have kids, I'll never mutilate them.

hello 4chan

Jew doctors convinced millions of Americans that circumcision is healthy in am attempt to cover up their obsession with sucking baby dick.

A lot of white Christians are going to hell apparently, all because they fell for more than one a kosher meme.


I won't rest until every kike is similarly scarred.
Oh, wait.

I think the point he's trying to make is that Christianity is a product of Jewry, and thus is something to be avoided. He's a victim in all this.

Why is your father such a degenerate?

Dr. Paul Tinari is interested in redoing the study. Lets get crowdfunding going