Triggered kike who interviewed Sam Hyde getting salty after Adult Swim aired the latest episode of World Peace where Sam namedrops Moonman and David Duke is kindly asking for retweets if you think jokes about Jew's fingers being cut off is funny.
Triggered kike who interviewed Sam Hyde getting salty after Adult Swim aired the latest episode of World Peace where...
Other urls found in this thread:
Holy shit. This idiot is easy as fuck to b8
It's up to 52 retweets
this is what started it
What did he mean by this?
I wonder who sent him that message
Must have missed that part, did that really happen?
I think I'm shadowb&
Did my part lel
Not on the actual show, on twitter.
It could be a hoax to gain sympathy points. That Sam Hyde interview really fucked up his ego.
I think we might have found a new CWC
Kek the asshurt is real
It's like he gets off being victimized. What a pussy
Top Kek.
But wait!
that tweet got Reich dubs
Well he *is* part of the tribe.
I forgot pic related.
>bern stein
stein got berned
Somebody must retweet with the "if ioy desable the hand, Zog cannot Shill" meme
i actually found this video of Charles manson of all people explaining jew psychology a week ago.
Basically jews need hitler because his hate makes them exist
hes a 31 year old failure
expect nothing more from a socjus buzzfuck
sam btfo this pathetic numale mangina
I think he's actually autistic.
Daily reminder that his dad was a "Nazi hunter" who got shoah'd in Pan Am 103.
Seriously though, suicide livestream when?
Tweeted him pic related, I'm doing my part.
Not quite, Joe.
we should send him shooped pics of his dead father
someone shop his dead jew father into the Trump-gas chamber template
OOSH savage
All that kike had to do during the interview was call Sam out on his bullshit. He was an unbelievably pussy and should've learned a lesson (he didn't.)
This kike don't even know what he started.
How many Jews has Sam holocausted so far?
No, OP is the kike. He's garnering attention like kikes do.
Did my part. Praise kek
This. Tweet this to him.
Exploitable of his mom.
Somebody shop the plane crash into this and tweet it at him.
This is too far tbh
all shills
honorary aryan
fuck off Kike
Just fucking spread the retweet don't get off center with this Holla Forums shit
You know I'm right nigger
Sam knows we're doing this too.
only kikes capitalize kike
This jew was going to cry and play victim regardless of whether we fucked with him or not; it's in their nature.
I Kek'd so suddenly that coffee launched out of my mouth.
Thanks a lot faggots.
oyyy veeey
He didn't fly so good
Couldn't think up anything better.
Holy shit kek
Congrats Bernstein I didn't think you'd do it yourself
You know he's itching to rt the jew fingers tweet
go back to Reddit prcuck
Grow a pair, you fucking pussy
Go back to cuckchan.
No such thing against someone who is
I do think the MAGA hat may be tasteless. Should at least be red, or people should just tweet as per
Because that's funny as fuck.
I genuinely fucking lost it at goatse
I like it!
[spoiler]the alleged bomber
Such is life on steroids
Observe all the content prepared ahead of time, this has only been full swing for 8 minutes
Did you just read some kind of general overview of chan language given to you by your (((bosses)))?
I haven't seen so much newfaggotry in a single post.
We should report him to twitter for spreading anti-semitism and watch him lose it.
you are gonna see horrible things in this world mr. newfag but you got to keep that light inside, seems like everywhere I look nowadays its orcs and goblins, nothing bright like lothlorien or the shire, even the men around here are as cruel as orcs. the old gaffer used to say, be of this world but not in it, I think that best thing to do is to keep on mr. newfag, its rightly terrible and low, downright orcish to be honest, but its happened and there is no turnin back till its through. we see it all the way to the end, and before its over this small evil may seem like tramplin on a flower im afraid mr. newfag
lol what a queer
This kike just triggered a meme avalanche
Was it Milo? Sounds like something that homo would do
Literal scrubshits
Spoiler is easier if you just do double asterisk
On topic, it just occurred to me that this kike's name is Bernstein. I can't think of a last name more jewish than that; is there such a thing?
I think we all know how Joe's father really died.
Is anyone actually tweeting these to him? Twitter just shoahed my account, but I will make another one if no one is going to post them.
This is some of the funniest OC I've seen in a coons age fam
It was an user from the Sam Hyde interview thread.
This is brilliant, lets do it.
You are quite possibly the gayest faggot to ever wander onto the internet, congrats.
Not linking known mass murderer to the bombings, what are you even doing?
Stop being retarded and report the OP twitter account for antisemitism and get his dumb ass fired.
This is how real men work, not off of dumb emotions, but real, physical things. If he loses his job he loses his house etc. We're all experienced here, why send him dickpicks when we can ruin his life?
Oh fuck I didn't see Sam…. I'm retarded
Report him for the tweet everyone!
Lets keep our reporting uniform, select these options while reporting.
1. It's abusive or harmful.
2. It's disrespectful or offensive.
3. Someone else. (Or me if you want to be a cheeky cunt.)
4. ???
5. Profit.
Is this b8 or are you legitimately retarded?
Why do you guys have to be such pricks all the time?
Seriously, do you have nothing better to do than harass decent folk?
he's a jew who writes for buzzfeed your retarded faggot
holy hell what the fuck did your stepfather do to you as a kid to make you so fucking stupid? ? ? ?
nice bait, faggot. Now kill yourself
My shoop skills are shit
hi joe
he's a shit-stirring, false-flagging piece of shit
and so are you
Well you're not wrong
Why get him fired when we can crush his spirit though? Do you think this guy actually gives a fuck about his job? Do you think he'll lose his house when Hillary's campaign is hiring shills at this very moment? He has no self respect and he never had a shot at working for NYT anyway, attempting to cost him his job (fat chance anyway) will accomplish nothing. But if we were to make this faggot completely unable to look in the mirror tomorrow morning, that is an accomplishment.
Is the version of Episode 4 that aired on TV tonight any different from what leaked? I remember Sam saying the leaked version was an early cut.
Even though this is bait it's funny as shit
It was the same. I'm guessing Sam said that so the show wouldn't take a dip in the ratings.
As much as it would be fun to troll him with shopped images, I think this is the right route to actually fuck with him. Trolling him is only fun for us, and potentially bad for MDE if he kicks up enough storm.
The user is saying to report him for hate crimes because his tweet, taken literally, is saying "retweet if you think jokes about cutting off jews' fingers are fun," meaning it can be construed that he thinks it's funny and wants more twatters to join in on it by retweeting. Twitter won't be able to know he's baiting the "alt-right." They'll just get flooded with reports and have to take the post at face value.
good idea, reported, if you pick targeted harassment you can add other tweets to the report. He calls the alt-right his friends and talks about a necklace of jew fingers. Gonna make it too easy for us.
I'm gonna need that picture in full please
The Tweet is Gone Now
I'm gonna need that picture in full please
It is what it is, man.
I am going to gas you to death in a concentration camp.
wow I reported his three tweets for harassment, that was fast
Sam has plausible deniability.
I doubt they're going to ban one of their buddies.
but user, the holocaust never happened
I'm still amazed he can be this butt-blasted over some interview he conducted. No one told him to pester Sam.
It will
not for me
It isn't. It just hit 300+ RTs
man he really was having a breakdown
must hide shit you report
Sam gave his ego a proper raping and did so publicly.
Nevermind, I'm a tard.
Twitter hides tweets from you after you report them.
can't argue with that
shut the fuck up you faggot
the guys got a wall full of tweets at not just Adult Swim's twitter but Time Warners too, trying to pressure them into dropping the show with the "look at what he did!! tahts gonna hurt your reputation!!" tactic.
this is the worst motherfucking kind of person, FUCK this guy
Fucking kek
While I can't say you guys are really wrong, has a point: this dude works for Buzzfeed. There's very little chance Buzzfeed will actually fire him, it's incredibly unlikely that Twitter will so much as suspend him, and there's no way this will hurt Sam.
Twitter being gay doesn't make you retarded user, you're okay.
Hey (((Bernstein))), when are you gonna hold an AMA here?
I can still see it. Not that it matters if he were to try.
We should send this to his employers and tell them he is trying to be anti-semitic and incite hate towards jews.
That was pretty funny. He should have let it slide. He's turning himself into a lolcow now.
You justice described sam hyde except you are blinded to hyde's faggotry because you think he's redpilling people. Sam hyde is a giant opportunistic niggerkike like Milo Yiannopoulos, the greasy fucking greek.
pretty sure its automated if he gets enough reports within a timeframe
We should claim ole Bernstein here is part of the alt-right. Maybe even proclaim him leader of the alt-right.
Doubt that applies to verified accounts.
what about Milo?
This. We should turn the tables on him and destroy him with his own methods.
and he's ultimately getting me closer to the environment in which i want to live, so what do i care if he collects a handful of shekels along the way? the dude's poor anyway
It should apply even moreso to verified accounts as added security
Why does this guy sound so jewish? Maybe it's the passive aggressive attack on adult swim viewers. Maybe it's his fantasizing about being oppressed for once in his life.
Oh look it's this faggot again
Kill yourself.
They unverified him long before he was banned. And honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if that whole thing was orchestrated by the faggot kike for digital martyrdom.
It runs that deep, I suspect. He's a plant with a very specific role.
Did anybody tweet that at him yet?
In what way is Sam bad for us? Milo I understand, because he's an actual jew spreading actual faggotry
Degeneracy runs rampant in the kike community.
So he's gay for pay?
toasting in an epic bread!
btw they are killing all the retweets and likes
Much like my jewdar, my gaydar is very strong. If Milo is a fake fag, I'll eat my hat.
they're not
you're just on the wrong tab
He's the perfect caricature of the Persecuted Kike.
I hope we're archiving and reporting his tweets. We should also link him to gamergate for kicks while we're at it.
welp disregard then
*air horn*
Anyone else tweeting smugs at him?
By the way anyone have a link to episode 4
As much as I'd like to break this kike's small soul, I do think there's a decent chance he could kvetch enough that AS wouldn't like the negative publicity and be forced to do something about it. Remember one of the quintessential jewish traits: loud bitching and moaning.
Reporting his tweets makes it look like he is trying to get back at Sam for saying he's a failure at life. Bernstein can easily come across as some false flagger based on the tweets alone, let alone the fact that he keeps dragging adult swim into this. The fact that this is just a vendetta for him is obvious to anyone.
Trigger him and tell him he's having a twitter meltdown.
Dollars to doughnuts he'll say shit like
5 minutes later
The guy fucking her needs a MAGA hat.
All kikes and their children deserve endless torment until the end of time for their crimes against us decent folk. No, here we only harass the scum of the earth.
someone make an edit of this
He's probably reconsidering this tweet right about now.
why does bernstein even do the interview? btw this is fucking amazing
That's some smooth skin, for a supposed "GILF", but the neck checks out.
that's why it makes the best lampshades
Jews and SJWs by nature like to bully people and hate people that are better than him. When the tables were turned on him, he got ass-blasted. So this is him trying to get back at Sam by trying to ruin his career and bring him down to his level.
Very nice.
Spoiler that filth.
nice datamining operation you got there, chaim
is Holla Forums full of retards?
prepare for your account to be shadowbanned
Is that fucking norm mcdonald?
Kikes make the highest cucks per capita and Judaism is passed through the women so you are only strengthening them
What a well thought out reply. Salty butthurt detected.
There is no us. Im sick of seeing threads about his fucking unfunny show. You're entitled to watch whatever you want. He's not redpilling anybody with his mock humor. It's viewed as edgy satire. It's live action cards against humanity.
Yeah right. The environment you want to live in has unfunny comedy that serves to get people to laugh at your ideas for the wrong reasons? (Eg edgy satire not redpill)
The best comparison i can think of is to an actual comedian, Dave Chappelle, who did some hilarious sketches about niggers and their nuffins. He thought his show was providing a commentary on life as he viewed it. When he found out that people were laughing at niggers doing nigger shit in his sketches and not in an insightful way HE PACKED UP AND QUIT. The point is that nobody takes comedy seriously, it's comedy for fucks sake, and nobody is going to be redpilled by what they view as satire.
no but Holla Forums is full of tinfoils
Your concern is noted.
it's like kicking a downs monkey in the head..
KEK nice
Whiny kike detected. Bernstein is that you?
whatever floats you boat
enjoy getting banned, inbred
will never happen
How did their battle start, was it recent? This article writes about their phone interview and I can't find any interaction before. Maybe it was edited to include the interview.
He won't get fired. He'll probably turn this into another article and try to dox some of the people tweeting at him if anything.
Just a little context, he's one of the 12 guys who wrote the "Gamers Are Dead" piece and was one of the first to try to write exposes on Holla Forums back in the day.
MDE's latest jewtube vid
I just realized we can really have some fun by sending his tweets to Buzzfeed's advertisers. I know it;s gamergate tier but if the kike has to apologize for his shit, he'll kill himself.
And if it goes wrong, we'll let them blame gamergate or the hacker known as 4chan.
The guy literally makes a career out of whining about stuff online that rustles his Jewish jimmies. He'll know better.
There's no way anything will come from that,
Now, if we try to push him further with pics like and …
You're probably right but it would be hard for them to explain this to Buzzfeed's advertisers.
lel so we can actually get the gamergate guys to do some work for us and set them on Buzzfeed's advertisers? That's even better. They'll catch the heat then.
that's the best part, after gamergay they could well piss themselves at the thought. Unlikely but good for laughs
Why not both?
Keep building our twitter network, follow for follow
Silly jew, tricks are kids.
the existence of buzzfeed and everyone that works for it is a good reason why all journalists should be mass murdered, forcefully disappeared, or targeted for assassinations
I labeled it as "Targeted Harassment"
wasn't this guy one of the anchors on the GamerGate wikipedia article?
wasn't a similar outburst about bringing back bullying the most effective thing GG did?
oy fuckin vey where did those come from?
I fucking knew it.
Those faggots shadowban me.
I should have been under the first reply.
how can you tell?
gamergate is unlikely to focus on this kike when skype logs of several months just god dumped on Chelsea, Randi, Dan Olson, Kluweless, and a bunch of other people in which they admitted to sock puppets, intentionally sabotaging the Polaris game jam, and some of them downloading CP.
So bernstein was just tasked with writing an article about hyde and called him up and the interview was their first interaction ever?
yeah, as far as anyone can tell
It was definitely 300 something a minute ago. I'm almost sure that something jewy is going on
Yep. That was one of the main things they used to fuck gawker in the ass. They kept Biddle around because firing would mean conceding defeat but in the end, because of that, they lost money (seven figure or more).
Check the accounts RT'ing him, a lot of them are bots.
Everyone email Buzzfeed and report Joe for being an anti-semite
He's been quiet for a while, bot spam?
The others don't surprise me but holy shit. They could get the NFL to say something about this even if he is retired.
Joe (or someone who has a vested interest in this story going viral) probably mass-ordered retweets. There used to be sites where you could order 1000 RTs for X amount of dollars, not sure if they are still around.
When accounts are enabled/disabled (and probably some other things) the cache gets out of sync and numbers fluctuate, probably retweets as well.
It happened with milo, his subscribers dropped and grew after he was disabled or unverified or something.
We should honestly go over their heads as well just to make sure.
does tay still live with us in spirit
The NFL is even more cucked than video game journalism.
Check their timelines and following to follower ratio. All bots.
Those holy fucking digits
What's happening, lods?
he knows
Was there any truth the story that Eric Andre was trying to shut down Sam? If true then he could probably swing it, unless Buzzfeed is funding this.
14/88 was the first thing I noticed.
NFL's full of poz and current year. The only sports league that's not completely cucked now is MLB.
Holy shit, do you think the kike paid for bots?
over 1488 retweets
retweet it to some muslims
And now its 2.5k retweets.
It was 350 last time I checked like twentyish minutes ago.
Maybe someone big RT'd it or something?
The funny thing is… Even this much later, they still will.
Does the fucker think nobody will notice he's using bots?
Not sure about everyone else but I didn't like it, just retweeted.
top kek, this kike ordered bots
That fag got just a few likes and RT on all his post and now he gets that many.
I smell kikery at work
This. Let's get other people in on the fun and get some jews fighting with muzzies online.
Somebody's probably doing it to fuck with him.
I just put in a bid to add about 150 retweets from an automated bot script I have on for a points-based website.
Currently at 1.5k, should be 1.7k soon.
I never asked for this
Nigger it's over 2000.
Obviously bots, someone should run that bot testing program and post results.
Interesting. Showing different on my end, nigger. Cool though. The more the better, nigger.
It's already over 2.5K, user.
Too bad it's probably bots, it'd be funny as shit to see 2500 of his followers hate his jewish ways.
Yep I had to refresh the Twatter page. I see the 2,500 now. Nice.
My bot is running and adding a couple retweets every few minutes.
What? How?
Did you automate account creation?
He's too dumb to figure out that they are bots, he works for fucking buzzfeed.
what the fuck are you doing?
I have an .exe bot that I found a long time ago on BlackHatWorld.cum….. It works well for gaining points on a points-based website and you simply use the points to get people to like/retweet/view/whatever the fuck you want.
I've reached a dubs vein or something, gotten 88, 777, 88, and 22 in the thread.
Archives, just in case.
Good thinking user.
It will be over 6 million soon.
2.5k RT now
2,534 and counting haha fuck this kike
not shadowban, but (((filtered))) by their algorithm.
So basically the same but they can kvetch about harrassment
at this point it's going to just look ridiculous, keep bot spamming the rt's till it get's retarded maybe
I think it's mostly Holla Forums and alt-right types. Looking at the retweets, I see a lot of nazi frogs and maga hats.
Working at buzzfeed doesn't mean you're necessarily stupid, it just means you have absolutely no ambition, drive, goals or will to live.
there would be a few hundred legit
That's just the first 300. It suddenly went from 1,500 and then to 2,500 in just a few minutes.
Ur not
Progressives love being abused, look at the Unabomber's manifesto:
Are we done with this kike, did the rt's stop?
I'm seeing gamergate people that aren't even altright retweeting it just for salt.
2,555 still bumping up.
2.6k now
The Jewish Question [Trailer]
They claim that we're ebil 1488 neonazi bigots, so it doesn't hurt to play the bottom-of-the-barrel stereotype. It's what they want after all.
Please bullycide this disgusting Weird Twitter kike guys.
I guess 2,561 = 2.6k in Twatter math.
Also I think it might be hitting muslim twitter because I had this guy like my tweet.
Its like muslim who has cross on avatar.
I put another 20+ "Favorites" into the bot stream. Watch 'em rise.
tay reconstructed by newer microsoft bot
OOSH, I've never even seen muslim twitter. Good thing there all known for thinking things through…
I don't know the guy, neither of us follow each other so it must be hitting muslim twitter for him to see my tweet and he likes smugs I guess.
I always wondered if anyone had brought that up
say something like: it would not be a bad idea, maybe that way they will not be able to shoot innocent Palestinians anymore
A comment from the upload:
Maybe this will finally convince all the alt-right faggots that lolbergtardianism and ancap autism aren't compatible with being jew-wise?
good work
Joe Kikestain IRL
No, find the highest Marketing/Advertising reps of their companies and send them some emails or mail tubes. Real fun stuff.
That's actually pretty good. You could get other pro-Palestinian people in it too.
I'm revved up get me some names while I tweet
80% sure that's a sock puppet
we should have another thread sometime
was for
never go gambling, user.
I'm just doing this to save Japan
Did anybody tweet this? I don't into twatter.
Why does Pikachu look like Cotstanza
welp, no 3k :(
I watched this whole video and still missed the Jew fingers joke
Still rising. At least 100+ more coming from me throughout the night and I dumped 30 favorites onto the tweet.
This will definitely be Kikestain's most popular tweet ever.
no idea where he got that
Maybe he's jewish.
we did a bunch of pikachu before they changed it. Have no idea why pikachu looks like that, maybe it's Tay seeping into it.
The back to back trips… It's been real, anons.
Twitter handle for their advertisers:
Emails would be better. A tweet is quick and easy. If anyone wants to them an email the advertisers twitter page will have a link to their site and you can usually find a contact us link from there.
i follow the guy who actually tweeted the picture that triggered this
that account got shoahed though
it was 2 severed fingers tied together if anyone else saw it
The only thing I can think of is Pikajew
To be honest that's the only one I havn'n't seen
m8 please don't post my profile here again please, I need to mask myself from the lists ok?
Delete this
I think he will spin it into "jews might suck but they can't do anything without the state, so the state is the problem".
I can't say that I can completely discard the sentiment, but it has it's dangers. In either case, I recommended some literature on his youtube video, he's still open to suggestions.
ITT: Retards that don't realize they're being added to the final database for hate speech before the TPP is passed (hate speech for inet in subclauses) so they can be summarily blacklisted and btfo by their future employers.
The kike obviously didn't think Hyde was funny and he doesn't think any of you are, hence the bait so he can report/collect your data.
I assume most of you are smart enough to be using sockpup accounts but for those radical anons that aren't, you deserve your limited future.
Can't delete our own posts on here, sorry I thought it was an actual muslim. Maybe report it?
You're missing a bunch GOYS!
If you're not self-employed you're doing something wrong.
Does anyone know where this kike got the idea that Hyde made a joke about cutting off Jew fingers? (Not that he wouldn't, I just don't see where he did)
What target to pick? They are all pretty big. Might need reinforcements from reddit or something to make an impact. Thought maybe "wahlburger" would be good but apparently it's a big chain.
Sam didn't make the joke. Some Holla Forumslack tweeted it to him.
Just sent my boy Cracker Joe some dank OC.
I'm shakin in me boots, m8!
I've tweeted a shitload of there advertisers and some ceo's running out of steam atm, gonna redbull up is there would be anyone still contributin for the keks.
beautiful work
Oh ok so this has nothing to do with Sam Hyde other than this dude (((coincidentally)) interviewed Hyde the other day. Now he's having an unrelated meltdown and getting Twattified.
Thank you for explaining that to me.
Well done. Consider this kike gassed by Sam Hyde.
good find
Top-notch user.
imagine if adultswim/time warner, desperate for ratings, realized there was an "alt-right" audience for this and started making more programming like this and just went all Network (1976)
What reason are you giving, just sam hyde?
If you can find some obvious anti trump bias, maybe a boycott can be arranged, but I think a particular target is the right idea, not spray and pray.
Well I think there are some studios realising we're an Audience and you see Sony testing the waters with Angry Birds They also tried to see if an antithesis of it would sell and it didn't and now AS is trying this Though I'm still pissed they cancelled Metalocylpse
This copypasta'd
Fucking account got locked for messaging to many people, not giving my cell phone.
nah don't do that
That happened to me once. I just contacted support and said I wasn't a bot, told them I didn't have a cell phone, and asked them to unlock me and they did after a day or two.
fuck dude, you're a beast
great idea
wow, he looks so young and not fat.
u mad sam? I know your lurking
well done lad, have some leftypol for your troubles.
random target from UK alzheimers society
all these dubs
That's not going to do much if anything. You should be emailing at the very least, writing letters if you're willing to send off your name/address
This thread is fucking pathetic.
Do you really think anyone, especially advertisers, give a shit about a bunch of internet racists? Go read a book. Hazlitt or Hayek. Educate yourselves you fucking goons. The fuck Malcolm X die for?
No you are the one who is pathetic you should read a book.
He's right.
Buzzfeed won't fire him or lose any sponsors, but we all lost the opportunity to trigger him with shoops of his parents.
NOI killed him under ZOG influence you spoon
I fucking love you guys.
Bullying the shit out of people is one of the best things about imageboards.
>soon will cry about being persecuted by alt-right neo nazis
That's so fucking typical.
You sure have some really weak name calling, you gay nigger faggot.
Did Sam really trigger him that HARD?
Sam confirmed for good vidya taste.
"Boy, Hitler must of been a helluva guy!'
Someone somewhere is paying this guy to fit in lol
or maybe it's Cracker Joe himself. I bet somebody's already sent him the link to this thread.
jesus fuck we are mongolian hording the fuck out of this faggot
How is making sounds this complex even possible?
Not really
Ancient Finnish secrets.
Also, notice the swastika on the guys drum
It's just a throwaway thing, I'm not mad at you enough to actually insult you
Listen here fuccboi being pricks force us to adapt, grow wiser and more apt in various fields. Constant conflict and regular habbenings help anons to grow stronger and wiser.
Fuck off and go to Plebbit or Tumblr if you want to decline and stagnate in your safe space.
Kill yourself faglord.
weak name calling? that's what you think, you dilapidated mailbox. i bet you don't even bake cookies for your grandma or beta orbit more than two chicks! what a loser.
Fuck off kike
Frig off you freaking goofball!
He isn't decent folk. He is a snake of serpent descent.
Just what the fuck is this?
Wow 6 million retweets already?
Stop being such a fricking frick, Sammy
That's some rare levels of autism
Well, Sam's show is getting shoah'd now. At least it's in the best way possible.
looks like we get to see Sam drive that car through AS after all
Eat shit, Nat Socs are coming back. We were always the better hunters anyway.
I'm gonna trigger some commies with this later
I'm glad the coming cold with kill off all but the purest and thus whitest.
If those were my daughters, I'd convert to Islam and honour kill them.
I need a good email that doesn't require a bunce of info for burner accounts, any suggestions?
Sam Hyde is a forced meme too, seems to be associated with other shill elements.
All required to get these people accepted as relevant is to have a few astroturfers mention his name on a regular basis, post shit like "Based Sam Hyde", " top kek" and there you have it, "part of Holla Forums".
100% data mining.
Teenagers man.
I hope a nigger murders you
It's the same faggot who calls anybody who likes Trump a "trumpcuck". He sages fucking everything. I suspect he's also the first reply sagefag.
You make autism look boring.
If you just need a one time email address
Isn't run by a goon who recently sent everyone on an email telling them to sign up for EVE when the goonswarm started getting its shit pushed in?
When it's Sam himself forcing it, it becomes kind of impressive.
Yep. It happened a few months ago. He went on major damage control and made himself look like a fucking lolcow in the process.
Its up to 2910 now
Yes as per . I've used it to email advertisers without issues before. Don't use it for anything important/illegal if your iffy about it.
This kike is going to write a Buzzfeed article about it. That's how useless he is. He had to bait us into attacking him just so he could write something. The joke's on him. It's only going to make him look like a faggot and it will probably help MDE's ratings.
Lol yeah, and it also shows total ignorance on his part. SJWs won't care if it's a straightlol as if whitehaha no male being harassed on social media. He'll just be another Peter Coffin.
What's with the Naked Ape guy? I heard about him as being internet fedora. Didn't know he was into Holla Forums.
He describes himself as an "unapolagetic anti-feminist" and references "the Fascist left" but he shits on blacks, jews, and muslims. I dunno. Seems ok but I don't know much about him.
kill em without converting, frame the black guy
hypothetically of course
Kek, nice.
I love how that faggot tweets all this tryhard nerdy shit and he's a tech and web culture blogger but he doesn't know Viewtiful Joe. Why are jews such Zoe Quinns?
It also just struck me that he's trying to get people to say "I won't watch adult swim unless World Peace gets taken off".
Does he know the kind of demographic [as] targets? Vid related you dumb jew fuck.
Here's something SOMETHING for you gamer goys ;;;)))
This kike just couldn't walk away.
Much smaller than Gawker. They'll be shoah'd in time.
Primo taste my nigger.
2nd batch
I remember this kike from early on in the primary. What did he do again? I distinctly remember making a Trump gas chamber shoop of this guy.
He wrote a "Trump is scaring me now" article way back I think. He does look familiar now you mentioned it.
He did.
One of these bots retweeted from this account
I'm sorta getting the picture.
Some guy doesn't give a fuck on what happens and just wants to make money, so he makes some huge self-running operation in order to fill his coffers?
Wait nope, I just read the rest of the thread and this guy is a complete cuck.
wtf? I'm totally concerned now.
Troll much?
What the fuck does that even mean?
Lurk moar.
Considering all the social bullshit today, i think Hitler would sound like that today.
Is anyone else reporting this tweet? Or, people want it to stay up? Getting him off Twitter is a good idea.
I'm not a newfag, I genuinely don't get what you mean.
Or you're one of those christkikes that refer to atheist as "fedora tippers" in which case: ebin.
We need to launch a full offensive on buzzfeed.
Surely noses would have been funnier? He probably sent that tweet to himself.
YOu stupid nigger his assistant wrote that for attention
noice, just made me realise how manly 'her' hands are.. and adams apple.
3,000 retweets?! Wait until the New York Times hears this! Surely Joe is going to be a great reporter someday!!
Same to you my man.
Anti-christian = anti-white = anti-anime.
Get back on your boat, Muhammed.
that is a very nice natalia, potato sweat/10
You mean 'if that was my daughter and transgender daughter..'
Pretty sure the one on the left is a dude.
Polite reminder
air, tree, water, animal
that would be too big for a necklace.
It's all pretty stock activity for a pseudo-journalist hack who writes clickbait on the equivalent of the Weekly World News for a living. This guy is writing the modern version of "bat boy" articles.
The modern method is to find media the cult of the perpetually offended can identify with, then become the victim of it through fabricating an attack on himself, hopefully shaming the producers into halting production for maximum good boy points.
Wondering how he would enjoy it if someone fabricated some rape claims against him and started forwarding them to his boss non-stop. They usually don't appreciate the tables being turned.
Savage AF
i laughed out loud
Sandlebaum is pretty kikey, or anything with that throat-destroying "ch" sound
Someone has to tweet this at him.
I remember your ID from the CERN thread
may you die in flames, Hebekike
Norm is also a kike-hater
That is the biggest cocksucking session I've ever seen. I don't see a single sincere laugh there. Jay Mohr was right. They're just kikes who think they've finally made the cool table.
Here's time signature of Jay Mohr trashing Louis CucK and his faggy little buddy Ricky Gervais.
Not only that, he's the funniest comedian alive.
ID Doesnt carry though threads m8
good stuff. amazing.. his most lucid conversation and its about the insanity of the kikes.
I really started to hate Louis CK after I listened to him drone on and on with O&A. The perfect example of someone who thinks it's funny if you curse, it's 10 year old delinquent's idea of comedy. Gervais at least still has his Podcast, but even in there he's insufferable. It's only funny because of Karl Pilkington, Merchant and Gervais are fucking moral posturing, pretentious faggots the entire time.
Listen to Colin Quinn's appearances on O&A instead of Louis and thank me later.
Fucked I laughed.
Nigga looks like he's abut to turn Super Saiyan
Colin's great. I love him when he's destroying people, especially Rich Vos or Jimmy.
shes such a cute
Top Fucking Kek.
We love socialism, but sadly these other cultures aren't tolerant of our way of life. Therefore we should restrict our socialist country to only our own people.
Why don't you move to Mecca and convert there anyhow? Then have your children there and never come back, prepping for the worst.
We must go even further beyond!
Genius. Took me a second.
Maybe we should make two different versions and post them around saying "Spot The Difference"
probably bots
i mean they're still bitching about egypt ffs
I'm crying.
Oh Bernstein
People don't hate you because you're Jewish.
You're receiving all this flak right now because you're a pussy and a blockhead.
You shrivel up in the face of confrontation, and, even worse, you celebrate your suffering. Every whiny passive-aggressive tweet is a celebration of the verbal abuse; you enlarge every petty insult into some grand gesture. Instead of treating shit posts for what they are, you make a melodramatic display. Don't you see that you're encouraging this dynamic?
Is this how your parents raised you? Abuse punctuated by your pathetic entreaties? Is that why you took up journalism, so you could focus on anyone's life except your own? Is that why you went to grad school, drawn forward by dark inertia, even though your heart was someplace else?
Seriously man, step back and re-examine yourself. Re-examine your perceptions about the world, because it's obvious that what you have now isn't healthy. Quit your dead end Buzzfeed job. Read the Kybalion. Exercise regularly. Find a productive trade. Do these things and I guarantee that, in ten years time, you'll look back at this moment as the most singularly beneficial transition in your life.
99% sure that's a Holla Forumsack pretending to be a muzzie.
tbf, clickbait is about the only media that makes money anymore
all the old papers are practically giving subscriptions away
Anyone with a twitter account is KIKED!
Anyone supporting any television show or person in it is KIKED!
Anyone linking to any website outside of here is KIKED!
Hi Joe.
I have multiple twitter socks. Does that make me a SuperKike?
meant for
This guy takes poz loads in his rectum. Guy bottoms and is a fag
praise kek
Good, but not far enough.
Need a Swatiska tatoo American History X style.
hive mind
i cant get it to match his skin tone though
Imagine him
Someone hop onto your shitposting account and tweet him this.
he's now claiming the post was removed because of all the abuse reports to twitter
he may be telling the truth since both full/pol/ and half/pol/ report spammed the tweet like crazy.
Nice waifu, user.
but mine is better
Sounds like it's the time to report more of his posts.
it's really too bad, too, considering that tweet was the MOST ViRaL thing he's ever done
My waifu could kick your fucking ass even if she were in the mech son.
best i could do
>>>Holla Forums
Fuck off back to Reddit with that mongrel faggot youtuber, nigger
What a pussy. Was anyone else irritated as fuck with the way he was laughing while on the phone with Sam? He just reeks of cuck.
I don't wish to go back to Holla Forums user. They think SFV is good. There's no saving them.
If by "good" you mean a laughingstock due to shit online, shit balance, lack of content, and handrubbing dlc, ect then yeah, Holla Forums thinks its good
That faggot looks like Jim
I guess it's a bit divided, but Holla Forums still has capcucks that defend it to the death.
It was delicious watching Alex Valle get BTFO by a bunch of pro players on twitter over the Chun-Li business.
Great OC famalam, hope he got thrown for a kikel after seeing it
Who else reported it as abuse. I know I did last night.
Split pants, dat kike got impaled on a meat spike.
I also reported for violence and harassment.
Is that a Hungarian soldier?
Did he respond to our lovely image of his GILF mother yet?
He hasn't responded to his old man wearing a MAGA hat yet.
Was this the same Bernstein that was involved with some Wikipedia editor drama?
He also wrote the article outing A. Wyatt Mann.
There's also some circumstantial evidence that he's one of the trolls who tries to derail every AWM thread.
im back fagooots
his phone has just been going to voicemail will call him in his office
welp, seems like that is a no go, I am not able to do anything atm, but there's imgur pic posted of his dox in this thread if you want
Did mom bring in your tendies?
You need to find some arabic trap
Should call his coworkers also.
do you like garlic?
ćevapi actually
I would totally go on autismbux if it meant getting Ćevapčići and Cockta on ice brought to me while I shitpost.
Holy Mother of KEK, I reported the shit outa' him and complained to advertisers.
Did his shit really get locked?
Oh shit nigga I haven't eaten them in ages now I'm going to buy some first thing in the morning.
It's so dense, every image has so many layers
Yes we do you filthy yid
He Joe!
You will never work for a major newspaper!
Ended* - should correct because it's funny.
No, just a presidential candidate….
They're the same thing.
The West has been judaized. The all-pervading 'culture' (more an anti-culture or cult of nihilism) of virtuosity (and wealth and its attendant power) through ostentatious weakness and frailty has emanated from jewish academics, businessmen, politicians and lobbyists (which are basically inherently jewish), all financed and otherwise facilitated by the good goyim of our own race.
This desire to overcome the feelings of inadequacy related to being a parasitic race, by goading their host into decisive action against them - thus proving the jew's superior intelligence and sensitivity - has always been the central plank of their identity. It is one of the reasons they are always outed eventually (the others being gluttony and careless complacency).
That's low energy fam.
This is absolutely right but the rest of what user said
was pretty much on point
makes me wonder if his Boss told him to power his shit down before we Gawker them
I'm sure CQ wants to MAGA too
He must not have seen them.
Better keep tweeting
my crnac
Jews fear the Alpha Male
A threat perhaps?
that shit made no sense to me
As in is he threatening to burn down the houses of the 53 people that retweeted him?
Underrated toast
This really gets to me. I'm in a grad program and when there are meetups, everyone else parades around how "bad" they are at everything, especially when it comes to anything physical or mechanical. Haha I went hiking once and tripped over a rock. Last week a young Harvard professor give a lecture and he put in an interjection about how bad he was at making graphical arrows in TeX. Modesty is one thing, but this is bringing up something external and irrelevant to brag about how bad they are at it.
i personally think they're unconsciously aping Girl On The Internet behavior.
but they don't understand that those kinds of posts only get responses because of thirsty betas. they still keep doing it, though, I see it too.
Oy Vey, it's anudda Shoah
I am sure someone has the WEBM of this
More like Sodomite. the guy is obviously a fag, that's why his face looks like he takes semen and that's why he didn't answer Sam's married and kids question.
I see that to some extent, but there's also an element of competition, vying to be the weakest or most impractical. It becomes a sort of value. Of course it's not in complete earnest, but neither is it aimed at getting others to contradict them.
keep shaming this kike
Where I can find the episodes of World Peace? Not on usenet, no torrents that I can find. What gives?
They're on youtube, matey, but you may have to search a bit because adult swim keep getting them deleted.
Here's episode 4.
Normies don't get Manson's stream of conciousness shtick. He was doing this waaay before everyone here was born.
Adult Swims website
She was such a qt.
He thinks getting rid of the tweet will save him, that's adorable.
instal youtube-dl
>youtube-dl -cit "
or type 'youtube to mp4' on jewgle
I had to compress it to 320p tho, and reduce audio codecs for file size.
He's butthurt that the CEO of twitter isn't personally dealing with his kike problems and insinuating that Dorsey is goofing off at Burning Man when he should be banning antisemite bullies.
Thanks but I was referring to how I have seen the WEBM posted here regularly. It didnt include the whole vid though, just the bit about the guy calling himself white trash and getting fired.
Weird that he's going into such a meltdown.
He sounded almost reasonable on the phone.
Makes you think that he's not so much deranged, or genuinely histrionic as he is shameless and desperate. What a piece of shit. And Sam has played him like a fiddle to be fair, basically without trying.
I reported it and bitched to one of Buzzfeeds advertisers.
I hope he's panicking today.
Socialism is a garbage ideology, I just wanted to make a funny joke.
I used to do this. I did it obsessively, all the time.
About a year ago Holla Forums and Trump prodded me into doing some self reflection. Being so quick to brag about my weaknesses, even exaggerating how bad I was at things, was one of the most disturbing things I learned about myself.
Why would a man ever brag about being bad at something? I never will again. Cast off the jewish programming and be proud of your strengths!
You can tell he's a manlet just by glancing at the thumbnail.
Sam removed the video
I thought it was real.
Can you really blame me?
Kikes basically act like women. Nothing done with an audience is sincere.
LQ webm:
I did, too. I'm glad we saved him from self-harm!
Can anybody reupload?
That was Mark Bernstein. Blockhead Joe is one of Buzzfeed's bad goyim hitpiece generators.
This buzzfeed kike is obsessed with Holla Forums. He is probably lurking this thread right now.
The interview video?
Bernstein probably got his cousin at the ADL to threaten legal action if the video wasn't removed. Kikes continue to prove all the stereotypes correct.
Retard, Sam Hyde literally browses or at least browsed Holla Forums for years. Most of his beliefs completely mirror what's posted here, and people like myself think he's based because we enjoy his content and because him and his friends have the balls to go on television and pretty blatantly lay out the truth behind the worst shit in our society like women riding the cock carousel and taking Uncle Sam as a surrogate father, women being entitled shits who think they deserve a man with a great job even though they've done nothing with their life other than collect disability and suck cock, the government not doing shit for us while collecting high taxes, birth control in the water, etc etc etc.
If you don't like Sam and friend's humor, fine. If you don't think he's based, fine. But saying he's a "forced meme" and a shill because he's popular in a place that for the most part completely agrees with his positions is downright retarded.
In short, go fuck yourself.
Has Episode 5 come out yet?
The video of the interview has been removed by user. Not sure if there are others.
It's still there, what the hell are you talking about?
rabbi doesn't even know how to false flag
Do you know why exactly you did it? It'd be interesting to read some explanation of that behaviour.
Its simple really, just look at the culture around you. In a culture that promotes victimhood and weakness, then everyone will seek to celebrate their weakness to signal that they belong to the in group.
Nah, it's gone m8
I think it's more than that.
I think excellence in any discipline is perceived as threatening, so anybody with a talent is conditioned to be self-effacing in order not to stick out.
Like the chinks (or nips) say: a nail that sticks out will be hammered down into place.
At some level, these people don't want to be perceived as better, because it implies hierarchies and hurt feelings… and I'm curious about reading what a guy who's recovered himself from this state thinks about that.
kill yourself
The man with the beta touch!
Why does he look more schwarty than his father?
I just reported a couple of this kike faggot's tweets that could by any stretch of the imagination be considered threatening to someone, anyone.
We want to throw people in ovens and THAT'S where you draw the line?!
He's full of nigger semen
The video of the $2000 "challenge" is also gone. So is the followup video where Sam says the "challenge" was all a misunderstanding.
All three videos are still up on Sam's 2nd channel. I've just finished downloading them in 720p .mp4 formats.
Thanks user
Not the same user but here was how I rationalized it back when I was still a cuck:
Self deprecation is a comedy everyone can laugh at, if you laugh at yourself, other people can laugh at and with you, we all have our insecurities and airing them out infront of other people just means that we're down to earth people, people who don't self deprecate are trying to hide their insecurities
Here's why I figured out why that's wrong though:
Self deprecation does nothing but needlessly highlight weakness, Its one thing to fuck around with your pals, but constantly dragging your own name through the mud for laughs has nothing but a negative effect on you. People who don't highlight their weaknesses with self deprecation aren't conceited assholes, they're people who are proud of their strengths and want to put their best foot forward.
These leftists want to lower the standards and expectations of everyone by pretending that shitting on yourself and your accomplishments is completely normal and healthy, which is why they are so buttmad at someone like Trump who is so proud of his accomplishments (of which there are many) that he slaps his name on all of them.
Bernstein probably called up the adult swim execs and told them sam's an antisemite, they called sam and got him worried.
I used to do it a lot, and it freaked me out the same as that other user who did it.
Sam Hyde once mentioned how a lot of people have their understanding of acceptable social tropes conditioned by watching television. People (impressionable idiots) watch something like Scrubs, and are charmed by lovable clumsy idiots like JD, and then think they can be charming too by showing off their lack of ability or finesse for certain skills. It tricks you into believing that by showing your more "human side" (nobody's perfect :^D), it will make you more likable. I did this a LOT in highschool, and it's fucking cringeworthy. I couldn't blow a balloon one time in science class, and I pretended I got all lightheaded and athsmatic in front of a group of girls (wow user is so sensitive i wanna cuddle with him :))))
It's exactly like this. People who are insecure want to live in a world where everyone around them is just as open about their insecurities as they are. They don't want to be threatened, they want a safe-space. It's beta/slave mentality and thank fuck I'm rid of it.
No problem. I will mirror them later on jewtube when I have some time and post links ITT in case Sam takes them down during now and then.
I know this is a gargantuan thing to ask for but if you could go through Sam's videos and try to mirror anything that might be super offensive enough to get taken down (see: almost all his content) and mirror it that would be amazing. I love his pre-World Peace stuff and I don't want to see even one video disappear because of some asshurt kike.
Seems like an evolution of this:
…where the subject has internalized the self-criticism; instead of having a mob subject you to it, you seek it out in order to receive validation and acceptance.
Thanks for your thoughts anons. Have another Romy.
The day of the rope can't come soon enough
Yeah I used to be a HUGE cuck, programmed to highlight my weaknesses, and my feelings. I was pretty far down the rabbit whole and was what I now hate with a passion. At least in a fucked up way I can understand my enemy, but, I hate that I can because it means some part of me, can still think that way. I don't think it will ever go away, you can not completely erase how you were raised, 24/7 from birth to adulthood.
What a load of shit I was raised to be. Fighting the programming is a battle everyday. I just consider myself lucky to have found Holla Forums, I can only shudder at my life if I hadn't.
My life until was Holla Forums was extremely shit I was a hardcore bluepilled faggot diversity is strength, muh feminism, men are evil shits, hitting on women and wanting to fuck them is oppressive. I am ashamed to say I even dated a nigger, who ended up sleeping with all my friends, while everyone laughed at me behind my back. I was so dumb, I can't blame her, I got what I deserved for being weak, and stupid.
I was an extreme version of what you call a cuck, raised by a coal burner, single mother, Sister was half black, my mother a hardcore feminist, my mother left my father because of feels when I was a young child and my father lost his mind after losing his family, he lost his will to live and now is a zombie on 10 different types of pills, he was an electrical engineer and even served in the special forces, she then proceeded to fuck guys after drinking out and bringing them home, where I would hear them fuck my mom. The list just goes on… I was even encouraged to be gay, because I thought hitting on women was sexist.
I had no male influences in my life, except the one nigger that was 38 banging my black sister who was 18, he got shot. His job was selling stolen cars from Canada to Africa. That was the only man in my life. A fucking nigger criminal fucking barely legal girls.
Now I am right wing, RWDS, fuck everything to the left, I hit on women, race aware and basically a total shift. My dream is to have 14 white kids. I went from working in a call center, to studying electrical engineering, starting in my late 20s, better late than never.
All this happened so fast once I found Holla Forums, and it gives me hope when I see the cucks, that some can change in a radically fast amount of time.
I hate this culture which breeds weakness and parades it as strength. I hate that I was raised to hate that I have a dick, that I am white. I hate IT SO MUCH. I hate everything we have become and I can only feel hope, that my values are starting to grow among the populace.
Thank you Holla Forums
I think deep down I got some manly instincts and they would always rise from time to time and get me in trouble. I would fight, break a few noses, and then go through brain washing with counselors for years at a time, for being violent to pricks who insulted me publicly.
I felt like I was born a pitbull but neutered and muzzled and pumped of drugs to remove any aggression or traits that make a pitbull a pitbull.
Fucking christ sam, its "an easily"
Hush hush. We're family here.
tfw 1/4th Mestizo
Of all the controlled opposition I hate, I hate Sam Hyde the most
inb4 people use the same "if you don't like the humor YOU'RE TOO DUMB TO GET IT I LAUGH AT IT AND THAT MEANS I AM SMART" argument
kys fools
Only autists try to imitate TV. You tried to imitate TV, you are an autist. Sorry not sorry
You can direct that hapa rage towards those who facilitated both of your lineages being watered down and destroyed
Explain yourself you low quality b8er
There's no helping autists, but if they're going to emulate what's on TV, they might as well be emulating World Peace instead of Big Bang Theory. Sam's doing the right thing.
Both my parents know they fucked up. They divorced when I was 2 years old. One side remarried and has an all white family with blond hair blue eyed kids, and the other side remarried to a spic family and has 5 browns. I'm just a leftover.
do you find tim&eric funny too?
kill yourself
jesus christ
I'm sorry man. You can be a PR posterboy for the far right though
…for liking World Peace? I might be a spic, but I think you're even more out of place here than I am.
you should find a mixed woman who looks like you, start a family and dedicate yourself to that. Create an identity since you're disconnected from the identities of your ancestors. It's all you can do.
I actually like Eric Andres show
Its off the hook and kooky
I like that
I hate my own lineage too much to pass it on. I'd adopt white kids before I polluted the world with more browns. But I'm not about to raise someone else's kid.
lol, think I actually watched that live
You have either educated a shill or not gotten a joke. In either case, you have failed.
Do not fear, Ostlegionen. You too can have a righteous purpose and reap the rewards of your dedication to the cause.
This is overly sentimental advice that's often posted on Holla Forums to mixed race anons that have been red pilled. It's shitty advice, though, because you have increasingly less control over the offspring of the mixed-race anons, and the likelihood that their children will want to mate with pure whites will be just as common as it is now, muddying the gene pool further. Those anons that are mixed race and know it's not good for civilization overall and choose not to breed because of it are people of dignity in my book, just don't encourage them to have kids with other mixed ones because you feel bad for them. That will only continue the problem.
Thanks, user. There are other purposes in life besides just passing on your genes.
you have a point.
The best I could hope for in a 4th reich type situation would be "honorary Aryan" – I'm already self-sterized (vasectomy), so I got that covered.
…but the more likely scenario is that I'll just be killed. If not by whites for being a spic, by other spics for looking white. Ironically, all those multiculturalism and diversity bullshit is in my own best interests, as much as it disgusts me.
I agree. I'm working on getting into law enforcement so I can protect whites (who have mostly been good to me) from the brown hoards who "my people" but have shat on me. I hope that lets me consider my life having been worthwhile.
"I deserved to be cheated on whip me harder"
Sounds to me like you're still sort of the same self-loathing cunt just with some racism thrown in tbh. Maybe it's just because I was homeschooled, but this whole needing a pill and a herd to run with makes me kind of gag and sometimes I think it's people like you who are still the problem, the constant need to "rebel" and reinvent yourself every five years, next decade will you be all "I was so crazy in the rabbit hole with that skinhead stuff"? Always bouncing back and forth, you were raised Christian so you go euphoric religious atheist, you were told multiculturalism is bad so now you want to go full Japan-style isolation, you were told to hate your own race so now you hate niggers instead.
Where the fuck does it end? Always trying to outrun your own guilt and "thoughtcrime" with a new cult dogma, always feeling a need to be a foremost follower of whatever is trendy or alternative or "raw".
I get that this post applies as an attack against Holla Forumsspeak in general too, but fuck it, I'm a man, not just a whipping bitch for collective ideology. I don't need a crowd standing around me shouting a simplistic message with me to know when I'm right.
When is the general populace going to learn to stop being led around by the nose?
Should I just weaponize my knowledge of people and history/philosophy/social dynamics to become a mega-kike and start my own cult? Some days I'm almost tempted, not because I'd enjoy being a "firebrand" and getting fawned on by my peers and blown by brainless ideological camp sluts, but just out of sheer spite and malice. If I don't hear some god damn sense from someone pretty soon, I swear I'm going to become One With The Inner Jew just to fuck up my fellow man.
Yeah man with all those epic redpills you just dropped and historical knowledge and economic predictor indication you've really shown me you should keep speaking as if you aren't a blatant fucking retard
Actually go for it you'll fit right in with scientolokikes
It worked for L Ron Hubbard.
God bless, user. In my mind, it all comes back to the jew for creating the conditions of so much suffering for so many people on the planet. He should not be shown any forgiveness if there's another chance.
That's right. This is my first post in this thread. I entered this thread late and read it the whole way through rather than spamming it with inane bullshit based on partial information.
You think you're going to uphold European traditions and culture and you can't get rid of this ghetto-tastic "u not speaking enuff u mus be hidin some white devil magic" bullshit? Read a book nigger.
I don't think you know anything about Scientology tbh but hey neither do its members :^)
lmao he tried to get the guy's show canceled and ruin his career and HE'S THE VICTIM
idk I think I'm a pretty level headed dude but I'd be up for some day of the rope action if hillary was elected. honestly I just think that's the plan in general.
He was trying to act so cool in the interview like Sam didn't get to him at all. Fucking love it. FUCK YOU JOE!
He's a homosexual with a black boyrfriend
Gather in Texas.
If she gets in, we've gotta gather in Texas.
I'll take Alex Jones retards with diabeetus and closeted leather homos with guns over Capone's scion-by-proxy any day.
I was told I was a smart by everyone as a kid. I internalized it and became a bit of a smug asshole. Eventually everyone around me, even my parents, got tired of it and told me that nobody liked me for acting like that, to my face. That they couldn't wait for me to meet someone smarter than myself and knock me down a peg.
I started feeling guilty, both for being smart and for being an ass, so I resolved to hide my intelligence and highlight all of my flaws in hopes that it would make people like me. I stopped trying in school. I started hanging out with dumb losers. At the time I was grateful to my parents for telling me that, and I still cringe at some of the mean shit I used to do because I thought so highly of myself. But thinking about it now, that change in my life directly coincided with me becoming unhappy and never doing anything remarkable ever again. I never recovered that self-confidence.
I used to think I was a fast runner as a kid as well, and thought about going on the track team when I was older. One moment I'll never forget was in middle school, post-cucking, when I raced my (tall and muscular but not that fast I guess) friend and won, and felt happy for a second that I could beat him at something athletic as a scrawny dweeb. After watching us, the captain of the track team, this tall giga nigga who looked like he was built for running, came up to me and asked if I wanted to race. I said something like, "what's the point, I know I'm gonna lose." He gave me this look of confusion, pity, and disgust, said something like "how can you think of yourself that way, you don't know that" and walked away. I didn't think much of it at the same beyond the mild embarrassment, but in hindsight it shows just how fucked I was in the head. Confident little shithead me would have raced him and given it his all, where the cuck gives up before it's even begun.
But user, some mean guys on a Inuit walrus sinew weaving board made some pictures of him that hurt his fee fees. And some guy with a 15min/week tv show called him a "blockhead"
Fuck no man, I'd want to be at the heart of the American jew, spiez n shiet. Play them at their own game running heavy psyops and shit under the guise of "your everyday beautiful peaceful child of abraham, bridging the gap between all races" You gotta play them at their game, shits fun.
RIP my naive friend.
I don't know how the hell you extrapolated all that from the user's post. It seems pretty simple to me what he said: he was raised in an ideology/environment of self-loathing, self-denial, and weakness, and Holla Forums awoken him to the possibilities of self-recognition, pride, strength, and heroic thought/vision. The whole point of the 'red pill' meme is that it is an awakening to entirely new way to see the world. It's a very apt description.
Go fuck yourself. You still have a lot of learning to do if that's your conclusion. Selfish, shallow-minded prick.
You're talking to a generation y/z retard who the jew has attempted to condition for the past ~20 years. There is absolutely nothing at this point that they can throw at me to change my mind, native american literature was the last straw.
Besides, I meant shit like going down to Brooklyn, expanding to san francisco, playing with these fuckers heads. Go down to one of those quirky coffee shops where they let you draw on the walls and link them to shortened redpill URLs and QR codes. Hit em with web 3.0, where it hurts. You'd be surprised how low security shit gets when you walk amongst these pampered fucks.
I've explained this alot lately, but it can be summarized with this: you're easy to subvert when you think everyone, by default, agrees with you, and they must be some sort of insane demon unable to control themselves if they dont
Sounds like you're still cucked faggot. There's nothing wrong with fucking 18 year olds.
Yeah bro you if you aint FUCKIN all day you're a fuckin FAG
Exactly. The trick is to say "I absolutely agree, although I personally think (slightly more pilled and factual statement) to which they reply (always positively) and agree that although there are some minor differences in agreement, the seeds of dissent are already sewn. It's amazing the type of shit I've gotten people to agree with by just SAYING I fully agree with them, and then complementing my statement with something completely opposite. You anons have to learn how drones work, and how much they desperately want to connect with a wild card who even remotely shares their views. I know you faggots go to uni, so next time you're a a "party" or whatever, test this shit out.
Have some in return
This needs to be stickied. This is how you "redpill" (fucking hate that meme), not by spamming people with infographic images made by autists.
Might as well finish him off by telling him he's a fucking white male and he is incapable of being a victim.
I love how you give a full-on triggered retort to an offhand comment. Wash that turbo-offended drivel out of your brain before you come on Holla Forums.
That's because security is for victim-blaming shitlords, I shouldn't have to live in fear and use adblockers, trolls and porky need to RESPECT my pronouns! :^)
Simple and accurate. Capped for posterity.
Is that real or ironic? The handmade hat and faux hammer+sicle makes me think this is supposed to look stupid on purpose.
According to Holla Forums, it was meant to be serious
not at all, not sure why I ever would since sam and T+E hate each other. Eric Andre also hates MDE.
Oh, wow. That's not doing their cause any favors. Don't they know about the strong horse/weak horse dichotomy?
Again, I'd like to remind the anons in this thread of a few things.
-In order to "pill" people, you have to be calm, but engaged. When you finally get into a discussion, pretend to be neutral, and don't EVER make it look like you're into the convo, just as if you're putting in your two cents
-Don't ever jump directly into social issues and politics, unless the discussion started at that point
-Don't ever talking in large groups, keep it down to a handful of people or else people will have side conversations and start talking amongst themselves, usually to disagree
The goal is to seem slightly retarded, normalfag and neutral, but you gotta be the nicest motherfucker. More flies with honey and all that.
fuck it, do it.
start with a yt channel/podcast. i hear those shysters can make some decent coin.
also, this whole post is probably the best shit i've read on any Holla Forums in a bit. kinda gets to the heart of the problem, doesn't it? 10/10
I signed up for EVE, but joined one of the factions pushing the goonswarm's shit in.
Good times.
overtones, nigga. Look that shit up
webm unrelated
relax, we're not going to hang you for being 1/4th beaner. we're not even going to hang all of the blacks, just the violent ones that act like niggers.
just don't act like a nigger and you'll be fine.
so it's just virtue signalling?
What did he mean by this?
Not quite. Virtue signaling is when you proudly proclaim something in order to gain favor with the larger group.
What Hyde is doing here is dogwhistling and throwing in innocuous easter eggs that only we get. He's not signaling any virtues. If he were virtue signaling to us, he'd be saying "I think the kikes should be gassed"
seems like Sammy is sloppy
and floppy
Fixed it kek
Sage because not relevant anymore
There's plenty of rope for your kind too :^)
Save it, this won't be our last run-in with this blockhead.
Look at what he's up to on Reddit.
This guy is actually gay. He's trying to get a job at the NewYork Times by being a petty homosexual reprobate like Michelle Fields.
Definitely a troll.
Somebody should shoop that last one into him getting fucked by his dead dad.
That's one salty kike.
What in hell does he think a lawyer is going to do?
Just another kike chasing shekels.
yea….SOMEBODY should
yea, seems like his gay tendencies were early on
I have it saved/backed up.
It's also on the MDE2 channel.
Wait, does the actual photograph on his FB have the girls head pasted on there?
it's actually just his buzzfeed responses activity, didn't actually sift through his kikebook tho
Yes. He edited this himself, thats the picture.
fucking kek
Was there ever a confirmation on the Plebit post?
Post pics of his dad
What legal leverage does he even have over Sam? All he did was BTFO him in an interview that was consented to. No grounds for litigation whatsoever. He is so fucking butthurt he uses empty threats of litigation to try and scare him, what a faggot. He is going to be a full blown lolcow pretty soon at this point.
There's a .zip folder floating around that has every MDE video in it. It was posted in one of the recent Sam Hyde threads
He's arguing he consented to the recording but not the broadcast of the recording.
This jewish queer is from the same stock as people who cast false rape allegations or ruin marriages to get ahead in their careers. They'll explore any avenue possible to try to 'attack' no matter how petty and dishonorable it may be. Should be drowning homos and kikes in bogs tbh.
who knows, kayak cousin could find something
Charlie did nothing wrong!
Get a surrogate and use donor eggs from the whitest girl you can find. If you're already part white, your kids will probably come out with white features.
Do we know cracker Joe's address
It is not unlawful for an individual who is a party to or has consent from a party of an inperson
or electronic communication to record and or disclose the content of said
communication unless the person is doing so for the purpose of committing a tortious
or criminal act. An individual may also disclose the content of any electronic or inperson
communication that is common knowledge or public information.
Since it is legal to disclose/broadcast recording if it is "common knowledge" or "public information", if Bernstein takes this to court Sam can literally argue in court that the fact that Bernstein is a pussy and a blockhead can be considered "common knowledge" Holy fuck, if a court actually rules that it is common knowledge that Bernstein is a pussy blockhead I am going to be so happy. Praise kek.
Think he might live in Fall River Massachusetts now idk.
Oh fuck my sides. This world truly is not ready for bantz of this caliber.
I rationalized it to myself by thinking I was being humble.
Why was I actually doing it? I think because I thought it would make people like me more. Because nobody ever emphasized to me the importance of bragging. Because I didn't understand that if I wouldn't be my own greatest advocate, nobody else would be.
Yeah, I think that was a big part of it.
Is the show over? Is filming done? Is it too late for a season 2. Oh my god if only I had know about this sooner I could have shown Sam how to play 4-d Chess and cause maximum damage. All he had/has to do is remake the Jews Rock music video and change it to Blacks Rule. Or Hispanics Rule. Or even Whites Rule. Why? Because the original was cock-blocked right? Well if they let through the same video only this time it's "Whites Rule," why is that okay? It would be real solid irrefutable evidence of a company being worried about the goyim knowing who rules. It would be maximum anal devastation. Sam needs to get a second season and do this.
Because I hate having to scroll vertically, heres another post cap
EVERYONE who watches TV tries to imitate TV. Everyone.
Even if you aren't actively trying to imitate a character, their speech patterns and therefor thought patters will wear off on you. Avoid it like the plague.
Anybody have that video where Sam Hyde explains this? In the video he calls out the phrase "too much information" specifically, and notes how "office banter" is influenced by what people see on sitcom shows.
The fact that the video got changed from "Jews Rule" to "Jews Rock" is already enough.
This is the prototype for all modern SJW activity.
If you would like to know more, read Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism: A Study of "Brainwashing" in China by (((Robert Jay Lifton))). It is a great investigation into the brainwashing techniques employed by the Chinese (including those used to great effect against American POWs during the Korean War).
Isnt that what all you kikes aspire to do ultimately?
It's funny how the only times I get screencapped is when I post contemplative McConaughey with the statement.
Holla Forums have never ever harassed decent folk
get your facts straight kike
Drew art of you Joe!