The US presidential election this November will tell whether a majority of the US population is irredeemably stupid. If voters elect Hillary, we will know that Americans are stupid beyond redemption.
We don’t know much about Trump, and anti-Trump propaganda rules in the place of facts.
But we know many facts about Hillary. We know about her violation of classification laws and the refusal of the Democratic administration to do anything about it. The Democrats prefer to control the White House than to enforce the law, another nail into the coffin in which the rule of law in the US lies.
We know from their words and deeds and material success that the Clintons are agents for Wall Street, the Big Banks, the military/security complex, Israel, agribusiness, and the extractive industries. Their large personal fortune, approximately $120 million, and the $1,600 million in their foundation, much of which came from abroad in exchange for political favors, attests to the unchallengable fact that the Clintons are agents for the oligarchy that rules America, indeed, that rules the American Empire from Australia and Japan, through North America and Western and Eastern Europe to the Russian border.
We know that Hillary, like Bill, is a liar.
We know that Hillary is a warmonger.
We know that Hillary made the most irresponsible statement ever uttered by a presidential candidate when she declared the President of Russia to be the “new Hitler,” thereby raising tensions between the US and Russia to a higher level than existed during the Cold War.
We know that Hillary is allied with the neoconservatives and that her belief in the neocons’ ideology of US world hegemony is likely to result in war with Russia and China.
“If Hillary gets into the Oval Office, I Predict Nuclear War before her First term is Over”
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All we know about Trump is that the oligarchs, who sent America’s jobs overseas, who flooded the country with difficult-to-assimilate immigrants, who destroyed public education, who bailed out Wall Street and the “banks too big to fail,” who sacrificed American homeowners and retirees living on a fixed income, who intend to privatize both Social Security and Medicare, who have given the public killer cops, relentless violations of privacy, the largest prison poplulation in the world, and destroyed the US Constitution in order to increase executive power over the American people, are violently opposed to Trump. This opposition should tell us that Trump is the person we want in the Oval Office.
Some claim that it is all a charade and that Trump is playing a role in order to elect Hillary. American politics are so corrupt that anything is possible. However the ruling elites and their puppets seem to be genuinely concerned about Trump’s challenge to their control, and they have united against Trump. They have used their money to buy up “progressive” websites paid to bring the print and TV anti-Trump propaganda onto the Internet, thus joining the Internet presstitutes with the print, TV, and NPR whores who are working overtime to demonize Trump and to elect Hillary.
The entire power structure of our country is behind Hillary. Both political parties, Democratic and Republican, and both ideologies, neoliberals and neoconservatives, are united behind Hillary.
How much more evidence do Americans need in order to know that a vote for Hillary is a vote for their own emasculation?
Apparently, Americans remain captives of their insouciance. According to news reports, a majority of voters still haven’t a clue about the consequences of voting for Hillary. Polls report that Hillary is well in the lead. Are these real polls or just another presstitute lie to discourage Trump supporters? Why vote when they have already lost?
The propaganda assault against Trump, vicious as it was, did not succeed during the Republican primary. Despite the media condemnation of Trump, he swept the other Republican candidates aside effortlessly.
The current media demonization of Trump might fail as well. Indeed, it is so transparent that it could elect him.
All that is required is for enough Americans to awake from their insousiance to recognize that it is the enemies of their own lives, their own living standards, and their own liberty who are violently opposed to Trump.
If Americans cannot reach this realization, they have no future, and neither does the planet Earth.
The ruling oligarchy hates Trump because he disavows war with Russia, questions the purpose of NATO, opposes the offshoring of Americans’ jobs, and opposes the uncontrolled immigration that is transforming the United States into a multi-cultural entity devoid of unity. The oligarchs are replacing the United States with a Tower of Babel. Oligarchic power grows exponentially among the confusion of diversity.
In other words, Trump is for America and for Americans.
This is why the oligarchs and their whores hate Trump.
The imbecillic Americans who vote for Hillary are voting for war and their own immiseration.
Possibly, a vote for Trump is the same. However, in the case of Trump we do not know that. In the case of Hillary we most certainly do know it.
Of course, it could matter not how Americans vote. Those who program the electronic voting machines will determine the vote, and as the establishments of both political parties totally oppose Trump, the programmed machines can elect Hillary. We know this from our electoral history. The US has already experienced elections in which exit polls show a winning candidate different from the candidate selected by the electronic machines that have no paper trail and no way of affirming the vote.
If Hillary gets into the Oval Office, I predict nuclear war before her first term is over. A vote for Hillary is a vote for nuclear war.
If you look at the forthcoming election realistically, you have no alternative but to conclude that the entirety of the presstitute media and American Establishment prefers the risk of nuclear war to the risk of losing control of the government to the voters.
That Americans permitted the rise of unaccountable power tells us all we need to know about the dereliction of duty of which United States citizens are guilty. The American people failed democracy, which requires accountable government. The American government has proven that it is not accountable to the US Constitution, to US statutory law, to international law, or to voters.
If the result of Americans’ dereliction of duty is nuclear war, the American people will be responsible for the death of planet Earth. One would hope that with responsibility this great on their shoulders, the American people will reject the unequivocal war candidate and take their chances on holding Trump accountable to his words.
The original source of this article is Paul Craig Roberts
Copyright © Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts, 2016
She isn't going to do shit execpt forget to feed her cats
It won't even take as long as 4 years, the moment she is announced as winner, Russia would immediately prepare itself for war. A lot of the ongoing conflicts would immediate escalate as well. Because if everyone knows its inevitable, why bother holding back anymore?
It'll be more like within 2 years.
I like how you saged your first couple replies to your own thread. You have good manners. So here's a bump.
Honestly Putin should just start funding us outright then.
No, it will tell how badly our elections are rigged.
Honestly will Soros let her start a nuclear war? It's not that far out I guess, Putin is down for shoahing Soros.
I've beaten this supposed Phd by 16 months
Same old recommendations:
Do cardio, get an AR-15, get good with your AR, train by adding more weight to your AR so you can build the applicable muscles.
Send out feelers in your neighborhood, and find potential allies.
Last Update 8/15/16 - 22:29 pst >>7146958
2, April, 2016: China about to obliterate the Dollar Standard
More Muslims (I don't need to link this)
More gun control (I don't need to link this)
Prop up NATO and continue NATO exercises
By the end of this year, we’ll have a single-trusted traveler program for all three of our countries…
Obama starting shit in Syria
50 diplomats in state department wanting to start shit with Syria
French military bases in Syria, France was linked to Clinton and Bengahzi
Putin: If it's Hillary Clinton, It's War
China, Russia eye closer friendship amid tensions with West
This can still happen if Syria goes hot or IS spreads (Defcon 3 >>6394109 was initially thought a hoax, but has been verified)
Putin says the world is being pulled to nuclear war
Trump wants to make countries pay for NATO
Trump gets along with Putin
Destroy ISIS with the help of Russia
Setup green zone for rapefugees (Confirmed by rally user)
Stop taking rapefugees
Condemn EU member state countries
Donald Trump backs Brexit and reveals he will fly into Britain BEFORE voters go the polls
Fed is manipulating markets, and crash is yet to happen, so this is still possible.
Trump's GOP wants to break up big banks
2016 Will End With Economic Instability And A Trump Presidency
Brexit, along with a few other exits might be enough to instigate a war.
EU parliament jeers Nigel Farage after successful Brexit
If Hillary is legitimately elected, no rigging. I wouldn't even be mad. This country would just be done, something we've all suspected for a long time anyway, that we were hoping Trump could somehow salvage. If Hillary is president there is absolutely no saving it and there might as well be WWIII now (which there probably will be) how is imminent nuclear winter not better than 100 years of gradually increasing suffering of the population keeping up some ridiculous charade , in that case.
WWIII probably coming no matter who is elected sadly. But if Trump gets in, maybe we'll have Russia on our side.
They are only digging their own grave.
My only regret is it didn't happen earlier.
This. Win or lose. Doesn't matter, in the long run the liberals, globalists, Jews, neocons, etc. are finished.
No fucking way.
IF Clinton gets elected; I hope OP is right about that war.
Just end my nightmare.
>The US presidential election this November will tell whether a majority of the US population is irredeemably stupid. The US presidential fraud (in favour of Illary & Jewish Oligarchs) this November will tell whether the burgers are irredeemably stupid to rise up against their masters
Speaks volumes that a civil war would be less depressing than what we're currently experiencing, which is our countrymen being brainwashed and willingly letting themselves disappear off the face of the earth with no legacy to leave behind.
Funny how the (((narrative))) is going all out trying to project that onto Trump.
Trump is the only one asking for peace.
If hillary is elected, I wouldn't be surprised if Putin says fuck it and tries to use the FSB to rile up Civil War in the US, considering how close we are to it at this point. A 2nd American civil war would basically break the back of the American hegemony, and the fall out would be many smaller conflicts around the world (North Korea/South Korea could cause war war across asia, or at least many smaller proxy wars) but even this is preferable to the alternative of a nuclear obliteration.
killary at work
It's either civil war or global war. Those are our two options at this point.
And most likely, abit of both.
Hillary will suddenly discover that Jordan is America's greatest enemy.
You guys are claiming that if she's elected, ww3 will start but you never mention the possibility of a civil war.
There's a YUUUUGE number of people either voting for Trump or bernies that don't want hillary, adding the current nationalist wave around the world, I think a revolution is possible and retarded to dismiss the possibility.
sorry for sage
have a bump instead, because it was a nice OP
This video is 2 years old. Why haven't I seen this shit before? She is fucking crazy and must be stopped at any cost.
dont forget about the greater yinnon plan for israel.
this is the reason that refugees are flooding europe.
the ZOG by proxy uses "muh moderate rebels" and ISIS to push the population out, preparing the land for eventual state take over in the next 20 years.
I see why Trump is considered the best choice. But why have faith in democracy? It doesn't and will not ever work. I'm not saying you shouldn't vote. Democracy divides the people, forces politicians to lie to the people, gives the illusion of choice and makes far right parties less extreme to have some votes (compromising). What I'm trying to say is that Trump is the best choice within the current system, but I doubt much will change. Don't put too much faith in him.
Found it.
This is exactly what happens if the cunt is elected. Video Related
Afaik Jordan is a good goy controlled by Jewish puppets.
Or, even easier, do everything he can to get Trump elected now.
Hmm, I never considered the fact that the US falling or being heavily preoccupied could lead to other wars.
If Hillary is the first woman president and the first president to start a nuclear war, will this be the end of feminism?
After humanity picks itself up from the radioactive ashes, will we have learned our lesson?
They already are. Last month they accelerated their anti-missile satellite schedule and started putting installations in orbit that weren't slated to leave ground until December. The Russians are actually preparing for total war against the United States, but not as a 70s B-movie antagonist, they are preparing to defend themselves.
If Hillary gets in, which I doubt but it's too close to be comfortable, we may get Defcon 1 with the Russians in the end.
War with the Ruskies is a nuclear war. No matter who wins, we all lose. In a major war, nuclear fallout poisons the Northern Hemisphere, and maybe the entire globe.
Humans would likely survive, but the globalists would probably be eaten.
Well at least we will get something good from her
It is a well known fact that war with Russia,China and possibly all SCO/CSTO/BRICS nations is,and always was,part of (((their))) plan.
Anyone got that long screencap about US involvement in the Arab spring/Ukraine,etc?
All China needs to destabilize is a well placed nuke on Beijing.
Or to be safe, 1 nuke per coastal city
We are in the Pax Americana.
War will blanket the world if no one has to worry about America playing world police.
representative democracy isn't the only democracy.
It's probably a more thorough solution if Russia simply nukes the US and destroys its military and major population centers rather than try and sort through the ranks of patriotard morons and their half-nigger kids.
America's not really worth the effort.
No, it won't.
This may sound horrible in face value, but this will probably be a godsend in the end. Kind of like a soft reboot. A veto by common sense and sanity of the rigged system.
"How I stopped worrying and learned to love the bomb"
From Arab Spring to Eastern Europe to Central America HillBilly is responsible for the overthrow of way too many countries at this point. Nuclear war would inevitable if she gets in.
Abdullah II hates the jews, and is himself a capable soldier. Placed a bunch of missiles and bases in the border too
Thing is he dislikes palestinian muslim refugees too, so no dice to either, he just plays it safe
Hillary is already pushing the argument that Trump is endorsing a "Pro-Russia" policy as if that is a bad thing.
The jews just can't get over their Russia obsession, there really needs to be a final solution to the Jewish problem.
It's the weirdest fucking position, too.
A few months ago all the libshits were shitting themselves that Trump had a short temper and that he'd nuke Russia. But now that he said Russia's alright, they WANT to go to war. Just like how nobody knew what Brexit was, only that Trump supported it and therefore it was bad.
These people have no principles except for "fuck Trump". You even look at her campaign website, and it literally says at the bottom
That they have to add that extra bit at the end is pretty telling of how they actually think. NOBODY supports Hillary. They just want to stump Trump. The dems could've put a bag of dicks up for election, and people would've voted for it just to spite Trump. It's so incredibly petty.