Ashekenazi Jew. Didn't find out until I took blood test. Family is farmers. Got redpilled here. These fuckers need to go. I'm on board. Willing to gas kikes. Want a painless death. Deal?
Mudmixes Unite
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it won't come to that
just remove commies first and we'll make some deals later
Guys I'm scared. I don't wanna be semetic.
If I spike kike heads on pikes, do I get a painless death and a pardon for my old family?
If your family were farmers, that probably means they weren't knowingly crypto. Jews are averse to manual labour.
So long as you apologize for killing Jesus, you're good.
It's ok OP
I found out I'm 1/7th Ashkenazi 6 years ago.
Of course. We will strive to give all of the non-white colonists in our lands painless deaths, we will deal with non-white colonists in a firm but humane manner.
We're going to annihilate all these cocksuckers. My folks raised and ate pigs. I fought in two foreign kike wars. These motherfuckers need to be turned into soap.
My great great grandfather came to the U.S. from Germany, he was a Jew that converted to Christianity in his mid-20's, am I safe?
Semites use to be pretty kick-ass, like the Sumerians and the Akkadians.
No. You're not safe. We form front ranks. When the kike fights back, we'll be the first faces he sees. His own kike brethren coming to stab him in the goddamn throat. And we'll pave the way for a better race to develop free of the slime of our shitskin.
Stop believing jew memes. We don't want you dead. No real natsoc anyway. That is a last resort of self defense. There is a place for you. An honorary Aryan.
Don't forget though. You show your loyalty with your honor. Living a heroic life of good deeds.
Go back listening to that Cantwell retard, faggot.
Jews are the problem across the board.
I agree, the essence of being an honorary aryan is putting your own ethnic interests to serve your host country with unending loyalty.
Damn that's some brutal ultra cucking going on.
everyone who's part mud here, if you have one Aryan parent, you have one set of Aryan chromosomes, which in future Nazi IVF treatments can be injected into gametes so you can have children which are fully yours and fully Aryan.
For the rest, you'll probably be happier finding some Aryan family members and getting partly cucked by them instead of raising mud children.
It's your throats or theirs. Choose wisely.
But how?
It's a shitposter thread. Probably some Holla Forums faggot trying to exploit newfags into replies.
Jewish nationalism in none's ally. If we were talking about nogs, spics, gooks or random semitic ethnicities deserving our respect for serving their ethnic interests I would agree but when it comes to kikes and turkroaches they have been historically proven that they cannot coexist with anyone without constantly plotting how to enslave them, slaughter them or/and parasitize on them. and that they are purely detrimental for humanity as a whole. A kike and a turk can't be redeemed by serving their ethnic interests.
Jews don't farm though. How much Ashkenazi are you?
This is fine, but they still can't be allowed to work in finance, media, government or have any influence with politicians.
Probably shouldn't be allowed to work in education either.
We don't necessarily hate jews.
We hate marxists.
Right ring jews are always welcomed here.
In Israel.
Slide thread
No we hate jews
In hell.
Stop responding to this bait, they want outlandish shit, that they'll be able to point to and say look what Trump supporters are like.
I'm willing to compromise on an oven.
Cucking is always a losing strategy. Agree and amplify whatever accusations they throw at us.
Jews don't farm, you are not a jew.
Then why are you shilling Trump 7/24?
I recent discovered that I was 45% West African
send help
I have an explanation for all those Bobby Fischer-tier kikes.
They are simply NOT kikes because they're mostly white and/or their european genes got their upper hand.
Damn… that's gotta be harsh.
Don't trust the test, dude.
I have no problem with them being farmers like OPs family though. If the kikes all stopped Jewing everything in sight and instead started voluntarily choosing to do manual labour instead I'm not sure I could really even call them Jewish anymore, just arabs.
One of Hitler's friends in the SS turned out to be a Jew, so I say you're fine
This is my skin color. Brown/copper hair, dark hazel eyes. Always did well in school. Life is a cruel joke
Sounds like you lucked out m80, at 45% that could have gone much worse.
yea i've been a walking redpill for several years. my suitemates recently put a note on the fridge heiling hitler and talking about killing jews within a list of menial chores
one of the brightsides is that i'm immune from charges of racism no matter what i say
Castrate yourself. Seriously.
Thank fuck I'm not alone here.
I haven't taken a DNA test yet, I'm too poor to do so.
But I took a Google search for my family name, and it turns out that people in around 1800s were Jewish Polacks, who traveled to The Netherlands and Britain.
Best thing I can do is being a self-hating Jew who will remove bagel and kebab, apologize on behalf of my race for killing Christ and demoralize the West.
I should consider myself lucky that I'm not cut and that my European genes are vastly more dominant, so there's that.
Polite sage because blog post.
Thank you for killing that faggot hippie Communist, user. I wish you would of done it at birth so he wouldn't of destroyed the white race.
Damn dude that's so edgy.
The Nazis themselves didn't go after anybody with "one drop" of Jew in them. I shouldn't think 1/7th or 0.8% makes you a hook-nosed degeneracy-pusher.
I don't meddle with the discussions Christians and Pagans have between them here.
Quite frankly I don't think we need such a division at a time like this.
Does Holla Forums hate Jews because of what they do and what they say, or merely because they are genetically Jews?
A lot of big things Jews did in history, was for their own agenda.
Ashkenazis are genetic dead ends. Pushed by the purity aspects of Rabbinic Judaism (the Talmud), they are somewhat inbred.
What Pagan LARPers don't understand is that Christ was around during Pharisaic Judaism. Judaism as it is an issue today refers to Rabbinic Judaism. Christ criticized the Pharisees, and the Jews time and time again have been punished for their rejection of Christ. That's why Jews don't like Christianity, aside it being a source of strength for Europe, the lands which Ashkenazis always seek to subvert.
best alternative in the race and some suffering double think, as long as they snap out of it after the election its fine. Some people are incapable of strategically voting for people who they know have issues.
This seems pretty unlikely. Even if you turned out with unusually white features for that level of admixture you should at least have family members black enough to have tipped you off.
I'm a mishling, could be worse.
I say a lot of racist and mysogynist shit around my hippie friend, and when he calls me out on it I call him an anti-semite and threaten to report him to the ADL.
Lucked out and have a pretty nice nose too.
Having a bit of ashkenazi blood is fine as long as you have a white phenome.
Provide a DNA test and benefit from affirmative action, user. I'd also get another DNA test done because you look way to white to be 45% dindu.
Take you blogposting back to 4cuck, you double nigger.
Learn that this isn't the fucking entry-level board and that there are set standards to what threads have to be about.
Nice trips.