Whats your excuse for not liking little girls?
Also favorite age?
7 years old are sexy for me
Whats your excuse for not liking little girls?
Also favorite age?
7 years old are sexy for me
I'm not gay
You must be or just a beta cuck. Have fun with roast beef flaps
You pedos just never learn, do you?!
Disgusting sicko, you are! It breaks my heart there are people in this world that would do harm to a child…
all pedos will be killed soon
11 might bethe best age for me
I say the opposite
You wont live long enough to see it, pedo!
ikr, thats why i always ask for consent tbh
I actively spam anti-pedo comments so it's okay just this one time.
AoA is 2-7 years for me
Prefer them when they are hairless and don't smell
nice b8. You prob fap to cp
Sorry m8 pedophilia is the future. Kids are getting more and more freedom to sexually express themselves. Pedos are coming out in numbers. Soon it will be normalized believe me. Antis will be purged
Favorite age(s): 12 and 50
That's just sick :,(
You're fucking revolting
You have a mental illness. Period.
6-11 are my fav, anything over 14 is too old for me tbh
if people can fuck kids then children should also have the right to carry weapons.
i believe the bar will eventually be lowered from 18 to a younger age when we understand more about a childs mind, but nigger, have fun carrying that burden still. no way they will go below 12, even 14.
Never going to happen. Also the average parent would flip out if an adult was trying to fuck their child whether it was legal or not. It would take at least 3 more generations to normalise it but the elites are never going to do that.
it will if islam takes over
it will be when the collapse happens
the aoc is 18 in only few places, in most places its 16
you are an antipedokike
doesnt age of consent just mean when you are regarded in law to be competent enough to consent to sex in general, but not for adults? like if a 30 yearold fucks a 16 yearold, im pretty sure they will still go to jail.
If AoC is 16, a 30 yo male can have sex with a 16 yo female legally. I think that's what it means ?
I knew a 27 yo who fugged a 16 yo and he never went to jail
Because it was legal, dumbfuck?
it seems like Europe is slightly lower than USA.
Some of these may not be inaccurate currently
Parents will have sex with their own kids and share them how they see fit. its not the elites. Its human consciousness ivolving past the ego into a state of love and acceptance. You cant stop it
The US map is false
very false…
This is from last year
its so fucking funny seeing how they believe its justified due to the addition of one number. fucking hell. 17? thats fucked. 18? thats good man.
how is 17 fucked?
laws changed since i looked at that same map then
Little girl's adorable but you sickos have to ruin everything :(
12 - 14 are the fucking best but anything 6-22 is fine
nigger you autistic cunt thats what im saying.
I am somewhat surprised by Commiefornia being 18 still, considering it's the porn capital of the world.
lol porn is so disgusting sometimes
1 day sooner and she can't yet consent so be careful
6? Don't you think that's a bit low? Why not 9 or 10?
That's about right. Nice mix of little girl + some maturity (mental and physical)
he should speak to a scientist to account for every atomic second to make sure she is ACTUALLY 16.
i have looked at 6yos and found myself wondering what they look like naked, so… guess i am attracted to them. i personally would never do anything with one though
such a redundant claim.
i suppose it is
this is now a pedo bread
i mean who can resist
They were merely in the moment not doing anything. It's the sick pedo mind that twists the formula!
that also turn the frogs gay
that was last night
Nah the little girl's hand naturally folds up! Pedo…
What's this
I thought anyone that molests a child is bad?
honestly, both are nice
girl on the left looks a little young to be considered a pedophile.
Everyones hands naturally folds up, especially mine. That picture was taken out of context and
No shit
diana was a qt tbh
You see, folks, this is some more pedo propaganda used to defend themselves against an otherwise untouchable argument.
Rinse yourself of your sins and say hello to the Spirit in the sky, your friend,
post the based version
jesus was a kike
I've been looking for this clip since forever.
what movie?
I think it's "The House of Spirits" (1993)
Whats it like serving your Jewish masters, mr lemming? Jews promote sluts because they want all white men to turn to cucks to get sexual pleasure. pedoes are disgusted by this and go for traditional virgin attraction as our noble ancestors. This is why pedophiles are forced into chemical castration by ZOG's police state. By genociding the wisest and best of our racer who defy conditing, all that will be left are the docile lemmings of our race… Perfect for Jewish master plan.
But this isn't true. And you can find her attractive without being a pedo y'know..
pls god kill all this sick bastards
just come out of the closet already user
if you find her attractive, you are a pedo
Yeah. It's pretty sad when lolis are the implicit last stand of moral and ethical purity in this post-modern society.
praying to Yahweh to remove the pious gentiles?
She's attractive but I'm not a pedo. Nobody wants to fuck children
Moar lolis pls
are you sure about that?
you (see pic)
dude. you are attracted to a child. youre a pedo. its not that big a deal
I thought we settled this shit long ago!
pedos are gay and deserve to die burning in fire
t. antipedokike
lol you're going to get banned, user
Well.. I am not incriminating myself.
But I am not a faggot like, OP.
anti-pedo kikes are pro white genocide and deserved to be gassed
What are you trying to imply?
I'm not a pedo. I'm not into your shit. Those pictures were normal.
Sonya being dropped
these threads are the main reason to come to Holla Forums tbh
where get sonya swirl collection?
God, Sonya's a dirty little bird. Who taught her such lecherous things?
go go go
she's a russian(?). she was born to be lewd
She figured it out on her own.
Nooo i'm anti-pedo. Just for some reason it's fuckin hard to explain right now. I post anti-pedo. I don't associate myself with pedo
but you are attracted to little girls
How big is his stash honestly?
that's a big butt
you can be attracted to little girls and not be sexually attracted, but that user is definitely hiding the fact he is pedo.
oh, youre that closet pedo who takes meds and is screeches at pedoes online because you need to project yoru own deep dark lust.
cute af. who is this?
god dam
hitting that from the back you could grab her by the hips and probably not even know she was underage
hat's an absolute closet-pedo argument
t. anti-white kike
I knew that was coming
much interest
t.brainwashed normal fag who does what ZOG tells him.
Havent you got some cuckolding to do user?
I was cumming
holy shit u got me i fucked screamed like a little girl omg
I like dresses and hairstyles cuz I'm gay
Why I don't have a boyfriend? Idk I'm ugly or whatever
just wait until they find your loli folder…
Could ask you the same question
just search the onion sites that we all know for "melissa" in the webcam sections.
its quite new and gr8 quality with toothbrushes etc….
No one is interested enough in me to check who I'm following ;)
filmed by herself or was someone filming her?
No one ever grabbed your phone and started lurking all your social media?
You're blessed
I'm not hiding shit. Anyways that's what I think. You can be attracted to em but not be a child-fucker.
Pretty accurate except I don't take meds I just overreact in my anti-pedo posts on purpose
Not a Torfag tbh. Scares me :(
Fuck off back to 4chan you salty triggered moralfag manlet
I just got banned for posting THIS!
who would even do that?
thats illegal in most places anyway if you have a password
havent been on tor in years so… dont know it
mods are niggers tbh
But i make loli friends following them, where else am i supposed to meet those beauties?
By herself…laptop set up on chair i think?
just get a VPN mate.
No, I'm mostly a shut in with a phone only for emergencies. If someone did look at my gram, I'd just tell them it was thotbots or something that automatically added themselves. I put a password on my phone if I'm going to be out for extended periods.
hmu bbys
quit TOR back in 2015
then was going to get back into it but all those arrests happened in 2016 with the big FBI crackdown so I decided not to do it
now its almost 2018 and i just feel it isnt worth it
i lurk a lot so sometimes people post the full downloads on krautchan so thats hw i get my cp now. but its only like 1 file per week if im lucky. not much to live on honestly
And I don' have any deep lust or any retarded shit like that.
yeah, but you are still a pedo?
ya. i really just want to full sonya swirl dump right now. havent seen it in a bit though
they considered it CP because she likely covering her nipples, that's all
I do, but illegal is a line I won't cross
I can't do it, user. It's not worth it
Those Germans are crazy
tor was largely run by the US gov last i checked
I fucking hate the us govt tbh
doesn't everyone at this point?
t. american
No dumbass. It's normal. If I wanted to fuck the child then that's a problem. I'm just not a fuckin pedo
yea pretty crazy but no good quality
last file i got was a 43 second phone video of a boy who looked 10 vaginally penetrating what ooked to be an 8yo on a bed. they were under the blankets and the person filming lifted the blankets. they were embarrassed but went on for almost 30 seconds before the girl tried to hide her face and pushed the boy off her then the video ends
pure shit
no man can live off that
damn that sounds good
I wonder how many of you guys 'became' pedos after being radicalized by imageboards. After seeing so much pedo content, you became one?
The internet perverts your mind
What if the message board is on Tor and the actual files are on random foreign free upload sites?
I value my freedom yet
Im a fence sitting faggot.
I just watch as the chaos unfolds
Mods be woke af rn
pls explain this phrase to a non-native english speaker
I admit the jailbait on Holla Forums back in 2007-8ish was a start, but I don't think I seriously considered being attracted to lolis until I was much older. Some kind of mental intersectionality between sexual attraction to women and a misplaced nurturing instinct that being a childless adult male brings.
Damn makes me sound worse.
can't have a repeat of last night, that's why
interesting observation tbh
seems like a cop out response tbh. no point in denying it, it is what it is
Described it perfectly tbh
Real Talk: How many times can a mod "fuck up" before he is canned?
This past month alone Ive seen various pedo threads, up to around 8, with full on cp that stayed up for hours
Does Jim make them suck his dick for forgiveness or something? From the way you guys talk about him he seems very stern and a bad guy but then all this shit happens and nobody gets replaced
Makes him seem like a cool and forgiving guy
welcome to 8ch Holla Forums in 2014, just how it started
Last night was glorious as a fencefaggot. 4 and half hours the thread stayed up without being pruned. Then boom the thread vanished.
Who else would like tp e mod of this shitty site?
No one, Jim can't fire the current mods because He would not get new ones.
I see threads every week of peope who want to be a mod or the new BO
It wont be hard
Jim needs to get rid of all pedo threads tbh. Sick fucks getting into peoples heads.
There might have been some kind of transfer of power because I was perma-banned on Holla Forums and just out of curiosity tried to post and I'm magically unbanned.
and being a "sexually frustrated" 25+ virgin who is occupied by his desires, whose only outlook is found through the internet
for me anyway
me so i can ban all anti-pedo kikes
fuck, putina grew old now
No shit dumbass. That's all you pedos have to fuckin complain about.
Putina grew old
Putin grew strong
old and ugly
like she isnt ugly naturally
but she did something to her face and all that makeup doesnt help at all
same thing happened to Mara and Lera
what a shame
Mods like their job no matter what they say and everytime they fuck up I'm sure they beg and ask for forgiveness.
yup ;(
Can you give us texts or scripts of exchanges between you and Jim when you had to ask for forgiveness?
Im just curious how it goes down
Ive had to apologize to my boss at work and I almost cried.
Are you seriously trying to achieve something with your cringey moralfag low quality tumblr pictures?
datamine honeypot trap thread.
can we just have some fun threads with good content? Holla Forums is always about pedos and shit. fucking disgusting.
I don't getta
isnt jim a super pedo?
4chan has no pedo threads and is always about traps and dicks and the latest movies
maybe you would be more at home over there?
no one is stopping you from making a thread for your trap or gay content you know?
Same goes for your shitty pedo artwork of the gas chambers. Thanks for getting pissed off
Wait so why are you in this thread
he fucks an old asian lady and goes to strip clubs
the gas chambers pics are nice tbh
You know user, most pedos here are also sexually attracted to women their own age on top of being pedos
Not really.
Little girls are not sexually attractive. I like them 14 and up though. Wish I could just go on xvideos and find hot 14 year olds XD
unironiaclly go back to reddit and kill yourself after your suicide manifesto
back to trap threads in half chan you go
This thread is just pedo propaganda don't let it go to your head :^)
That's tru^^ also what are some good pedo the threads on here
i mean i know there can be the "potential" to be both but im exclusive pedo
I find it very hard on here to think the other pedos on here arent
what with all the women hate threads and
Plus, everyone here is a virgin
Why would a virgin wish to fuck a woman and lower their standards? Its a fantasy. Aim high. Go for minors
I like tits. QED.
What a master troll
Im socially reclusive and have no skills whatsoever
You bet your ass I almost cried. Its a miracle I even have a job. Without this I would easily be homeless. No friends. No family. No way to support myself. Fuck you faggot
Probably living with mum and daddy
What are good pedo threads on here?
the kind where cp stays up for hours
Whos pic related? Is there questionable shit on Xvideos? I've heard there is on PornHub so I wouldn't doubt it but it must take a long ass time to find
I like tits as well and I love little girls
I'm not attracted to old girls tho, just their tits.
Kinda weird.
Okay fuck you guys I'm out
Didn't enjoy this
at most on xvideos i saw a 2yo taking a bath (non sexual) and a 15yo giving a bj that was up for a month
thats honestly as hardcore as ive ever seen there
Just want to see some young girls so I can fap :/
dont forget to pull the trigger
Use google
Jim likely ultimately places the onus on the individuals posting the content and not on the mods unless they're found to be intentionally negligent or otherwise complicit in some fashion. I imagine his concerns are primarily legal in nature (though morals undoubtedly come into play) and what matters most to him is his ability to skirt legal repercussions with his ability to truthfully claim that the site strives to remove any potentially illegal content and doesn't act in any way as a harbor for such explicit material.
That's easy for any dumb bitch to say. Just tell what the problem is, let it all out.
there is always going to questionable content posted on any site that allows people to post whatever they want. just like here. they can only delete stuff once it's reported
dick rate & trap stuff are on the other Holla Forums
probably nothing under teenage ever gets posted there
it would be too obvious. but people try and sometimes succeed posting young teens there as it's sometimes hard to tell
Age 12+ Are my kind of girls
Fuck I'm a nostalgia fag
Stop it user
Nigger there's videos on youtube with ~1k views that have stayed up for years.
What are you proving with the dick rate and trap stuff. Just another dumb bitch.
How can one find such things? Asking for a friend
I second this ^
He's ying to coax you into making a trap thread since we've gathered that was your initial objective but just happened to stumble upon this thread.
pixvenue just has a bunch of random pics, it's not that good.
was just a general statement
too much cuck stuff too
I'm just a closet pedo ):
I just want to be able to beat my meat while I watch underage girls do sexy shit
yt has lots of that
this. YT is loaded with russian girls doing stupid things in their bedrooms
Being sexy isn't stupid tho
tent girl is on there
shes taking a shit
that's a great point ^
Like I want to see them touch themselves and show off their body. Not act like a bunch of idiots
Damn, well okay, had my hopes up for a bit there kek
that is CP (children pooping)
Any good threads on 8ch with some nice videos/pictures of young girls though?
Why the fuck no one is posting anything, fuck you lurkers and fags too pussy to upload underage girls on the internet
they do it themselves
I came here for laughs and jokes not to post lg's
nigger, those photos are tame.
you get banned if you show any arms or legs on girls under 18
Degenerates out
didn't know we were in the victorian age.
They removed my reply entirely which contained jb within minutes but this shit no no lets leave it up for 45 minutes.
she is about 2 steps further that normies consider bad and a creep and triggers the shit out of antis still, after legal girls and starlet celebs
they're a bunch of cuties. if someone is triggered, they are trying to convince themselves that they arent into it.
more propaganda
its true tho
No it isn't. I resist quite easily
how does someone look at harmless images of fully clothed children and somehow conceive the idea that it's bad? faggots overcompensating, thats who.
Nothing like some good old fashioned propaganda at night user
found a rare tara on pix
thanks for that site
They're attractive I'm just not a pedo :,(
link pls
you would absolutely fuck them if society didnt deem it wrong. :)
Seems like a troll. I just don't know anymore…. x(
alternatives to kitty girlfriends?
kitty boyfriends
I suppose you think every anti-pedo is a troll.
chill out user
it isn't wrong to admit you like them soft and petite; pure. when society grows up, you will have your wish. ;)
assume antis are pedo trolls until they have been fully converted to pedos themselves. We are honestly the smartest anons on imageboards because how much shit we put up form normies and also make myself bolder and ramp up my propaganda further ;_;
It's ironic how I go to these threads to spam anti-pedo and come out more of a pedo more and more..
i love you goys
me too :3
this site needs more
it's okay. society basically instills the idea that this is wrong. it's not your fault.
Hmmmmm. I guess so.
It's what imageboards have come to be. However being an antipedo or pedo is boring. Why be one of the two lessers when you can be a fencekike likemyself.
Wanna know a secret? Pretty much what I do, is I pretend to be an anti-pedo, say anti-pedo shit, swear. Then I make my arguments weaker and weaker until a pedo tells me to break my conditioning. Blah blah blah I then proceed to fap merrily at da pictures. It's a really weird kink x(
That sounds strangely familiar and normal af
basically what he said
I doubt it.
was on this shitty pix site thinking
been browsing for like 15mins
then i just told myself to keep going until bed. im glad i did
every line is now like vag shots and ass spreading. im happy now
you basically get someone to "convince" you it's not bad, so you feel better jerking to it.
I wonder how many are
mfw i recognize Sonja's ass before even reading the words in the post
nice. and pic #1 is a nice 'das it mane' pic
that's when you know you're definitely a pedo
Yep. Feel kind of weird talking about it. Whenever I do it it's fucking great tho x(
25% tbh.
I can see the mods have ckme out of hibernation :)
How do we scare them back into their cave?
Dat expresion in the 1st pic!
Makes me wondering what shes thinking in a naughty way
It isn't even the fact she's blowing 3 guys. They looked similar so I assume they are "keeping it in the family." That part is okay
The part that rubs me the wrong way is all 3 using condoms for blowjobs. Meaning they are all afraid or all KNOW this girl has some type of oral STD which was obviously given to her by one of the male family members.
Poor girl never stood a chance. Life is ruined forever
Why do you feel bad she probably consented?
That's quite the conclusion to jump to user. Maybe she just doesn't tolerate the taste of cum
His erect penis has chosen the little blonde on his left.
cool story bro. made me think for a second there…
there are a couple sisters that go to my church that look a LOT like this. Is anyone surprised what a faithful Christian I am?
I wish girls my age could hold a candle to beacons of purity, femininity and beauty that these girls are tbh…because even though their mom knows we 'like' each other, it's slowly dawning on me that it aint really gonna happen.