What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
Common Cuck pls go
fuck your viral marketing you fucking wigger beaner christcuck
I am, I'm on the way to Syria to remove the degeneracy with my new religious brethren in arms
Next show will cover how keeping ruins like those in Palmyra standing encourages pagan degeneracy
I think it's just some assblasted sodomite from TRS who wants us to go to war for him. Either way, it doesn't matter.
Keep your autism on the TRS forum, faggot.
Why are you here?
CF is anti-white because he's so pro-white he doesn't want to see your race hurt itself. CF knows what's best! CF even knows better than Jesus!
t. CF cuck.
this thread is shit tbh, stop making it.
we all get CF's shit tier logic and still aren't going to raid him or whatever you're not-so-subtly asking us to do.
Fuck off with this bullshit. Nobody needs to spend time wondering what this faggot means
Yeah Beaner Filth is an anti-white retard what's your point?
Yes people who consider themselves pro-white or white nationalist should not be listening to some spic commie retard trying to make some easy shekels off of some fag haters. If you're a Jesus freak anti-white niggerfaggot, by all means support your own.
don't care
If you want to keep talking about him compile your cringe screenshots and take it to >>>/cow/
You know that's an interesting concept, Beaner Filth as a lolcow. Definitely some potential. A supposed fag hater, who TOOOTALLLYY hates the gays, so much so that he goes through hours and hours of gay porn for "research" into the gay illness.
Definitely some potential.
Could we sick the feds on him?
Not a bad idea. Think they'd bite?
He meant kill him and then yourself in a murder/suicide
I'd think so. /cow/ isn't really known as a white nationalist board, so they'd really have no bone to pick outside of him doing homosexual shit while simultaneously being against the fags.
But you'd have to find that supposed tweet of his, posting gay porn then later deleting it. I don't have it, just heard it from an user from a while back, took it for face value because that sort of shit wouldn't really surprise me.
Funny,maddow thread is still going but this shit got anchored fast as fuck
It's because Imkampfy is LearningCode is Rach
thread bumplocked
Eat shit, you nigger-loving christcuck
Better a godly nigger than an atheist white cuck
t. Beaner Filth
Nope they still cling on Holla Forums like ticks
I don't think they were ever chased out
That's the only group that was chased out, but you still see some lolbergs around.
/cow/tists are notoriously non-political.
I am one of them, we don't like politics on there because it takes away from collecting that sick julay.
There's at least a few other nazis on there, we'd all flock to a CF thread. He'd be a good cow because we can bait him by doing what we already do, and he relentlessly delivers.
Activate it, I'd love to see some caps of Beaner Filth chimping out
his most recent video is all salt
finally unsubbed. can't take the whining anymore
whatever you nigs are doing, it's getting to him