thehill com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/293532-bannons-ex-wife-he-didnt-want-the-girls-going-to-school
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tfw Trump is redpilled
archive it, nigger
Low effort OP with pretty irrelevant news. Not even a fucking archive. Here it is you lazy cunt
Checked, at least Kek gave you digits.
Thanks mate
I believe you, man.
Yet who worked with a bunch of rat-faced heebs at fucking Kikebart
This, hence the irrelevancy
grown men can wade through the kike bullshit and know better. innocent youths are not nimble navigators yet. fucking morons, shut your fucking cock holsters.
Why would this be true at all? Tiny Jews don't do bad things. It's when they get much older that they start to turn evil.
I don't want my kids going to school with niggers spics and SE Asians because I did and it was like living in a 3rd world war zone
I'm not sure what Dante has to do with anything.
You're a fucking idiot. There's a lot of that going around tonight.
How's the weather in Tel Aviv Chaim?
If I were Hitler 2.0 I'd work with the jews and pretend to be the best goy ever.
And I assume you don't exactly go around hitting every kike you see and saying the holocaust didn't happen but it will soon yourself, huh, you fuggin hibocrit :-DDDD
This is the kind of bullshit Kikebart publishes.
The fact that he's involved with Trump's campaign doesn't make him, and all of Breitbart, any less our enemies.
Gas yourself.
how's the lack of creative insults pleb?
My limited (prolonged) experience was with two jews in high school and college. I couldn't imagine having to deal with anything more than that, especially knowing everything else about them as a racial group.
They leave a mark on you.
No reason for her to be making shit up at all…
Along with the fact that Hillary is trying to make Breitbart and Milo out to be the leaders of the "alt-right" worries the hell out of me.
Remember what Trump said fellas, we have to be vigilant.
Texas fag here.
I've only met three Jews in my life, and they were all conservative rednecks. They were the most cocky and arrogant bastards I've ever met, it's like they're fucking clones.
Why is this a fucking surprise? The whole label was designed for that purpose.
This is why I'll probably send my kids to Catholic school.
I think the user's point was that going to school with dindus and taco people is a preferable alternative to one with jews, and that it'll expose white children to their subhuman behavior rather than allow them to be misled and brainwashed.
Obviously it would be better to go to an all white school in an all white community. However those are becoming exceedingly rare and require a large amount of capital to access.
May you live in interesting times.
I think the new york publicists tell nice little lies.
So your kids can pretend to be jews and have high regard for them?
Yes they do. They steal and fondle other children.
There was literally only 1 nigger in the entire school.
No kikes, no spics, no loo poos. Just Aryans as far as the eye could see.
And of course the nigger acted like a nigger, but he's much more manageable being the only nigger.
I knew two from High School in Texas. Nobody gave a flying fuck they were jewish but both of them were mental cases. Arrogant, prone to hysterics and barely in control of themselves.
They media have probably been aware of this allegation for some time. They had to wait for Clinton to give her magnum opus on the "alt-right" so now they can say "we told you they're evil, look at this".
He was the only teacher actually nice to me though.
he was going to drain all your goy blood out
I hope you're right. Just found out my son's so-called Christian school has been letting in muzzies and juden and my son is friends with one. Little poop didn't tell me, naturally, because his "big stoopid racist father wouldn't understand." I hope the little shit borrows money and doesn't pay it back.
The funniest thing, though, is that his dad's a jew and his mom isn't, which, if I understand things correctly, means that jews wouldn't actually consider him anything more than a gentile to steal money from.
A lesson to all you underagedb& types surfing Holla Forums: just because you're learning to think for yourselves, that doesn't automatically mean your parents are suddenly retarded.
That's the heretical Catholic version of that pic. Here's the original
you're possibly retarded.
Jewish kids' parents are extremely obnoxious in two regards: kvetching until their little darling's grades are raised, and kvetching until a bunch of liberal shit it pushed into the school in general.
"high verbal IQ" is code for "Mom bitched at the principal until my teacher gave me an A". I've seen it happen.
better version
after i was redpilled i went back through my memories and realized that of the three most irritating people I ever had to deal with in my life, two were Jews and one was a crypto Jew.
We had a New York Jew in our college dorm who literally spent hours writing complaint letters to pizza parlors to get free pizza.
Desaturate, dodge midtones then highlight, and burn shadows.
No need to copy paste wojack face
thanks for the critique. could you help me a little with those steps? I'm an adobePSfag, and still learning
That's jewish as fuck.
(cont) so, right now I'm attempting to lasso to isolate the face in order to desaturate it. that's what you mean, right? also, the hands?
by dodge, then highlight, you mean bleach the midtones then go back in with a black brush tool to accentuate the facial lines?
Yep. I usually use pxlr, sort of online flash based photoshop.
Effects can vary, but usually makes a nice wojack'y face while retaining expression. I never bother to lasso, usually just shrinking the brush to whatever size I need to go around edges.
Oh and no, I mean bleach midtones then bleach lighter tones, so you get that crisp look a blank canvas gives
And now he's taken it over from the jews.
Looks like Bannon stole Breitbart from Jews and preceded to use it to strengthen us.
The age of the Goy is neigh.
So he's like us.
Goys who have learned how to Jew the Jews.
Fair enough.
nm, found the highlight tool, but still having a little trouble separating the light from dark. I see what you're doing now, though. knock out the mid-tones, bleach the light and darken the dark. pretty ingenious. thanks. (hopefully you'll be back to help out more. This is really good instruction for me. thanks again)
oh, right on. see here:
I guess I'll have better luck if I don't lasso and just dodge the whole face, eh?
though, not sure how you desaturate without using the lasso. its seems like that would desaturate the whole picture.
Let's be honest.
Bannon purged Shapiro and a lot of other kikes From Breitbart because they were Cruzmissiles and they cover Israel FAR FAR less than they used to.
I'm no sure at all but I think that Breitbart might be in the process of being subverted by goys.
The political and social opinions of children are typically reflective of that of their parents
What, no sponge tool? In pixlr, which animed at imitating photoshop, it has saturate and desaturate modes
What if I just dodge the light areas and burn the dark? I'm having trouble with the highlight/shadows tool, and making it work properly.
Or perhaps I don't understand what I'm doing.
Am I on the right track, though?
PS. idk, I think I kinda like shooping in the wojack face, though, bc nostalgia. definitely this exercise is going to be very useful for a bunch of reasons, including, for instance, the hands in this pic we're working on.
An example of .illumination in practice
Color replace works wonders too
Weird, can't download
Anyways, just a method
oh nice. yes, PS has one. see here:
I'm still also having trouble with the face since the eyes, especially, are so finely drawn and the pic to begin with is blurry and low-res. I'd almost have to just wipe nearly the whole face out and draw it back in, methinks. idk
actually, I almost take that back. I'm being retarded and not zooming out to see what it looks like at normal zoom. probably won't be bad at all.
My artist friend used to always tell me that art is about tricking the mind into seeing a coherent image, not making everything perfect pixel by pixel. I gotta remember that
new version using new techniques. any user who sees this pls post critiques/comments.
if pxlrfag user sees this, thanks a million. I keep coming back here and wading through tens of thousands of shitposts just bc every once in awhile I come across someone like you. you've upped my PS powerlevel considerably. thanks again. have a good one!
meh.. fuck. needs touchups methinks
Alternative, use the fill-pattern tool thing erase the eyes(tricky), and color replace or paint red on a darkening layer. Instant user.
If your a racist and your son doesn't respect you your doing it wrong.