Turkish military caught resorting to Chemical warfare against both Syrian regular forces and civilian villages.
Turkish military caught resorting to Chemical warfare against both Syrian regular forces and civilian villages.
do normies really still fall for this shit?
I have the worst deja vu right now
But on I thought using gas was the "red line in the sand"? Obama better help out Assad now.
but the wierd thing is
leads me to think it might have actually happened if (((they))) are admitting it
Didn't Saddam actually have WMDs? Or is that just something that military people say to freak out those of us who haven't served?
No, the only chemicals Saddam had was oil.
He did but, they were old Iran-Iraq war stocks.
We gave him those weapons; that's the reason we didn't proudly display what we found.
Petrochemicals don't count.
That would make the most sense. I ran into a guy who's in the Air Force at a party a couple weeks back and he claimed that taking out Saddam was justified because he had something big that we weren't very open about. He also told me to vote for Gary Johnson. It was one of the more interesting conversations I've had this summer to I didn't try to alienate him by going full 14/88, he claimed to have killed "a lot of bad Muslims" so he's more Holla Forums than I am even if he's slightly cucked for ZOG.
With Turkey I don't doubt it.
It's just what Jew-cucked military fags say. They are in denial that they lost their legs and half of their best friends for Israel.
Guy was probably full of shit. I have never heard any real combat vets boasting of their kill count.
Saddam had declared WMDs.
The US wanted to run in as part of PNAC's war on two spots call.
THere was also Haliburton getting contracts and enriching Cheney, and then Bush being too young to say no to an elder.
What I've seen is that Saddam had the ability to give the political table a good hard thrust. Enough to move everything about and knock some stuff over, but not enough to up end it.
It also helped lay the ground work for the current debacle crisis and its abuse. Quite simply, it gets back to being a 20 year plan and the management of it.
The reason you warned off of Trump, is Trump is the next step, a nationalistic leader who will trigger a castle America scenario and bring work back in isolating us. As well, our prompt departure makes the world very suddenly want us back.
PNAC is what is running the US. Kikes helped create it as part of the Yinion plan. Thing is, both can go off and will need to before the shills show up.
Oy vey, what unabashed cruelty in dese horrible crimes against humanity! Dis calls for a good spreading of democracy, freedom and the Western Judeo-Christian values of tolerance, equality and progressivism!
Wait are these militants fighting for or against Assad's regime OP?
How new are you?
He very well may have been, I only know that we have a mutual friend. I ask these questions on Holla Forums because I have doubts about this kind of information when it comes from a person rather than a well-cited book or article. He was pretty drunk, though, so that may have opened some filters.
Not familiar with this acronym but very interested in your theory, could you provide more info about this group or point me in a good direction?
Been here since GamerGate started, tbh.
Maybe (((he))) was talking about the gas chambers?! ;^)
That can't be a real headline.
we went to war with Iraq (the second time) because saddam wanted to sell his oil in euros, rather than sweet, sweet, petro$$$
thank you #based oil cartels
Nah it's nuclear fallout they're immune to, chemical weapons work just fine.
Sadly it is, this is when Jews wanted to get us into Kuwait and were pulling out all the stops in their propaganda. Taking babies out of incubators tripe and what not.
Forgot link
Mostly, I just meant that the idea that there's a paper called "The Jewish Press" is horribly amusing.
The Turkish government supplied poison gas components produced by the Turkish chemical company TEKKIM to Jabhat-Al-Nusra brigades back in 2013.
why are mudshits so fucking edgy
Because they're Radical Moslems.
The whole scary chemical weapons narrative is hilarious to me. If you want to wipe out an army, you don't need chemical weapons. You just need to put planes in the air and conventionally bomb the area until it looks like earth movers came in and professionally flattened the landscape.
This is also of course the only reason Isis still exists, assuming it wasn't a psyop all along. Obongo refuses to just fuel up the planes and get the job done.
Bombing didn't work too well in Stalingrad. What's more, chemicals can be cheaper than conventional bombing.
I'd say it worked very well in Stalingrad. What happened throughout the rest of the war made it meaningless.
I don't care if it's bullshit or not, turkroaches need to be wiped off the planet. Make Istanbul Constantinople Again.
you're not even european amerifat
what's your obsession with turkey
His religion.
Anyone feel an intense deja vu right now
yawn. no one could have expected that.
this is the best one hamas mickey mouse has to cheat in school because the crafty jews destroyed his home, so he wouldn't find his notebook, to make him fail
Rest assured, Byzantium will be restored, and the turkroach blood will be so thick that no amount of yid soap will scrub it out.
You don't have to be European to hate Turks.
funny how in the regions the ottomans conquered, the natives still survived and kept their language and culture
while your white spaniards and anglos wiped out all the natives
you are a kike shill
try harder
you are not european
Let me guess, you are a wild roach?
7 2 7 0 7 2 7
speaks the truth amerifat
you are not european
you are not one of us
before dreaming about retaking constantinople and larping being a german
try retaking your own nigger and jew filled country
start by fixing your own shit first you dumb piece of shit kike
Start an op for it.
Chemical weapons are uniquely scary even though they're pretty ineffective.
by the way you angry fat nerds
today is the 945 year anniversary of the Battle of Manzikert where the turks humiliated the byzantine emperor
stay mad amerifats
Wow a true roach guys, I didn't know we had one.
try being creative or funny
you are uninteresting
Try being a human
You will always be a roach
You are just as boring.
Can you explain your country's contribution to isis and israel?
you are not european
And? Why are you unwilling to answer the question?
fuck off turkroach just because you got constantinople doesn't mean you're european you fucking subhuman.
Are you going to explain your country's actions yet, or are you going to keep pretending you turks are against israel?
lurk moar newfag.
it's you at your family reuinion
Hide and report. Just another mudslime turkroach shill.