Remember all the globalist gloating over Twitter revolutions in the Middle East? Yep, turns out that 'angry white guys' noticed it, too.
Hillary's response to the alt-right proves one thing: trolling WORKS
Now that comment sections are being closed, like NPR's, reasonable normies are starting to notice an agenda behind the censorship.
Hopefully this will lead them to realize the articles are censored for an agenda too.
Reminder that like all things that start on pol/chans the (((alt right))) got high jacked by reddit fags and turned into a much gayer version of what it was.
Pic related.
I fucking hate that kike faggot Milo. He and Breitbart just couldn't prevent themselves from koshering up the alt-right so they could make more shekels off of it.
attempts to define the groups within the alt right is pretty much d&c
That's you, isn't it, faggot?
And by the looks of it, this is just as controlled as the "Arab Spring". Are there newfags who that was legit?
That guy posted a screen shot of his own post
The plebs shitposting in the NPR comments did so under NPR's watch. Now they're going to shitpost elsewhere, and it won't be under NPR's watch.
Uncle Schlomo doesn't realize what he's doing. He doesn't realize at all.
This reminds me of gamergate, really.
This is what redditors actually believe
Yeah, everyone who breaks containment is really working for ZOG. The only way to win is to kill ourselves.
Are you really going to pretend shit like , and people like Richard Spencer and Jared Taylor aren't controlled opposition? There were regular muzzies who bought into the Arab Spring too, that doesn't mean it was a genuine revolt.
is a nigger trying to fit in and incidentally acting as a subversive.
Spencer is politically naive but well-meaning. Taylor is just behind the times.
These fucking people.
And "the meme team"
Get the fuck out they don't make the fucking memes we do.
The alt right is to pol what "we are le legion anonymooose" fags are to regular anons.
Nah, Taylor is a legit shill for the Jews.
If he is, it's not working, because the Jews still hate him.
And he was invited to Milo's "Twinks for Trump" event…
At best, he's closeted narcissist working solely for his own personal gain, worst, he's working for the jews.
Nope. Taylor is 100% working for the enemy. And anybody who's closely affiliated with him (that includes Dicky and Grindr Greg) should be viewed as highly suspect.
Spencer may be closeted and self-centered and have dumb ideas, but I think he's sincere.
If he was, he'd be more successful. He's just a pussy on the Jews.
Taylor's a lot more successful than he should be all things considered. His kosher message just doesn't really resonate with people.
The comment sections getting shut down says a lot.
Too many bad goys committing thought crimes.