Could this app be the Pokemon killer?!?

Other urls found in this thread:


lets signal amplify this to the normies

As much as I love God Emperor Trump, Normiebook's data mining has turned me away from using social media forever.

More power to anyone that wants to use this though.

this app isn't for us
its for the normies

Do I smell sockpuppets?

It's just for campaign organization.
It's not a replacement for TwatFaceTube.

If I wasn't already sworn off of all social media I would consider joining this

It's not for us, that's obvious.

This. Not for me, and not for us. We alrewdy have this place. Normalfags can go there for a concrete place to dicuss Trump.

This is incredible

Yes, and no. I wouldn't use this as a social media platform, I have no need for that in my life.

BUT, I do think this could be an excellent platform to disseminate normie-friendly memes and subtly move the needle without the threat of shut it down.

wtf i hate trump now


This is just like the "social credit" system chinks have, I thought Trump hated china
wtf I'm a #chink now



Literally nothing to hide or fear because I'm not a kid fucker like you m8



You should seriously consider killing yourself immidately.

wtf I hate Berserk now


I'm not even joking.
If you seriously think its OK for the government to spy on you because "I have nothing to hide" I am very serious that you should actively consider throwing yourself under a bus.
I don't even know how you made it all the way to Holla Forums.


This is something we can stop as end users. The other problem, actual systematic espionage against law abiding citizens, is another level of privacy.

so, which one are you defending? because neither are okay.

There's a difference between defending something and acknowledging its existence and preparing measures for that.

Assuming you are private in this day and age is how you get caught.

who's getting caught if we have nothing to hide? :^)
your narrative is fucked and so is your flight plan.

So nothing then?

Please download the app and then scroll to the bottom where it says confirm invitation. Type in my invite code: GAQK2

My profile is named Moon Man, I want to see Moon Man at the very top of the list for the lulz.

Invite code: GAQK2

How about no

There appear to be multiple threads about this made within 5 minutes of each other.
They're both encouraging Holla Forums to sign up today!
The other one, OP calls Holla Forums a bunch of basement fuckos.
I guess it's just (((pure coincidence))) though.



>tfw send in 5 box tops and get your Dick Tracy decoder ring now!

Why the actual fuck would we NOT be there redpilling normies on the kike menace?

People brag about buying a new bed, but they don't run around telling people when they shit in it.

This, it's akin to Trump giving us the go-ahead… he stuck up for us after that Shillary speech, and now he's letting us return the favor.

He wants more supporters like us, and there's no better opportunity to redpill people than on a relatively unmoderated network full of already right-wing people. They just need to know about the JQ.

downloaded, will report. Made me check off on most of the usual shit like location etc.


so after making an account, very simple but requires facebook, phone, etc, beings you to a home page.

25 AP) Claim Your Daily Bonus
50 AP) Watch: Donald J. Trump Is The Only President Who Can Fix America
500 AP) Check in at a local Trump-Pence Rally!
25 AP) Invite Your Friends
! 100 AP) Donald Trump Action Alerts - 2811 surveys

When clicking on the third line it asks

Help me get my Moonman / Sam Hyde account to the top of the public Leaderboard. For each confirmed invite I get 1,000 points. Invite code: GAQK2


Once you're logged into the app, scroll down to the very bottom, click confirm invitation.

This seems counter productive to me. Your handing the (MSM) a new story on a sliver platter with fresh evidence of trump supporting racists.

It's actually worse than just regular social media.

At best, you're info will be forever owned by the RNC and you'll never be able to get them to stop badgering you with spam/solicitations for donations.

At worst, political opponents will have more than your name on a list.

Let them come

fuck me Trump just weaponized autism.

You stupid fuck


good, we already have their dox.

while i agree with you, it's about time we just say fuck it and fly the black flag

Nah, let's not start that.

Currently at #106 nationwide.

I also see a Ben Garrison account, kek.


You three are faggot cucks.

anyone want to be my friend on here? Is that how this works?

meant for


it sounds to me to be a way for trump supporters Holla Forumsacks to organize without devolving into autistic debates about how much of a honey pot it is

Nice tagline, marketer.

>implying Holla Forums isn't a honeypot

You fucking idiots. I hate you sometimes


I'm guessing you didn't see the Sam Hyde fanfic thing that Weev did


The memes are consolidating to a point where we may no longer be able to contain it.

We should send them a memo so that we can get tendie coupons as a reward for the points.

Pr is a failed concept. Never Capitulate.

Why contain it?


My "Moon Man" account with a Sam Hyde pic is currently sitting at #106 nationwide on the leaderboard. Ten more confirmed invites and it'll be in the top ten nationwide.


looking for this app I just learned there is an america first credit union. hmmm



So is there no interaction?

You can friend people and then send them messages with text, pictures, memes, etc.

What the fuck.

Is Trump going to make a new company to replace each of the current corrupt ones?

Is it actually really good?

It's terrible

I am the Ben Garrison one.


I love it

How come user?


it's top tier in fast food, but it's still fast food.

shame about that country there. got some normie libfuck family that live up in toronto, place is a fucking wasteland.

Same reason literally all fast food is terrible.

Yeah home cooked is best, but if you don't have the time or out traveling, its the best alternative.



Is it possible to use the app in an emulator Holla Forumstech/?
t. nophones

So I got this on my phone, now what?

Yeah, provided the app doesn't have anti-virtualization in effect.

set up profile to bare minimum and then scroll to the bottom of the main menu, add this guy as reference

at least a few people on Holla Forums should be using this app

not only is it likely gonna be infested with shills, but Holla Forums can have opportunities to make the masses more like Holla Forums
i didnt wanna make the matrix reference

you're at #48 now

wew lad

what color tent do you want at the fema camp?

WTF are you faggots, am I the only one in this thread with more than 2 debuggers in this thread?

I hope this app works for old phones. Because Trump supporters use old phones.

Not for me. But GREAT app title.
America First


Hes saying they already got all our info already you retard.

Use my invitation code: ARL5Y

I want to rank up my Jeb account

I don't eat there ever since they sold to a Brazilian company and stopped making their doughnuts locally. The zealotry of using foreigner workers was but icing on the shit filled cake.

I resort to those grocery store plastic bins full of mini doughnuts. Holy fuck those things is heroin in pastry form.

What is the (((media))) going to shit out?
They'll look fucking ridiculous

Get confirms this app will be high-energy

Dubs confirm

Plus, I take solace that when I buy a meal from there a libfag somewhere is crying.

Wew lad.

You had one job Donarodu-senpai.

Guys, this is the account that needs to be promoted.

That's a good idea, lad.

Hey Trump Enterprises/Inc/Campaign, Can you make a high quality frozen Chicken Tender brand? Like the Trump steaks, except more accessible so that user's Mom can find them at the grocery store? It would be a good idea to keep it under 10 bucks(or English pounds).

and perhaps…Make some kind of voucher for free Trump Tenders.(trade mark that shit)

Dr. Piccolo

Code: 62MA4

why live

#28 kek

Excellent idea.

I want to eat a Trump steak at least once in my life

I was just about to post that. How do we get him to the top?

No, that is not how friendship has worked since the first grade. Mature already.

His spell casting must be mighty powerful.


just look further up he posted referral codes to verify with the app

We need the entire board to beat the person with 100,000 points.

Wew you got pretty autistic on me there. I just don't know anyone else serious enough about politics to download this. Calm your tits mate.

im not sure if going all in on day 1 is a good idea
maybe you should be more subtle at first, and do it in lower amounts

Problem #1. You need to be networking. That is the ultimate goal of our effort here. And I don't mean agreeing to meet up with shills and ABC agencies on here, I mean taking your knowledge to close friends and family and spreading the good word slowly but surely.

memes aside, redpill opsec should be known if you've made it to 8, of course procedure is followed

Version 1.2 can access:

find accounts on the device


find accounts on the device
read your contacts


approximate location (network-based)
precise location (GPS and network-based)


read the contents of your USB storage
modify or delete the contents of your USB storage


read the contents of your USB storage
modify or delete the contents of your USB storage


take pictures and videos


record audio


receive data from Internet
Broadcast data messages to apps.
view network connections
full network access
change your audio settings
control vibration
prevent device from sleeping


My friends are very apolitical, in the sense that they know they like Trump but don't care for the daily doses like we do. Family is voting Trump as well. They are in the same camp though, not political junkies.


seconding this, but with a twist
also if you want to indulge in some hermeticism be sure any time you say "god" ie "god bless you" "oh god" etc, replace it with Kek, especially when normies are around.

So far we have the following, with their invite codes:

Sam Hyde - GAQK2
Ben Garrison - XZKDD
Jeb Bush - ARL5Y
David Duke

Mr. Duke, I don't have your invite code yet.

It's Q4LQ5

who's the madman that's going to roll out the Hilary account

also wew lad those digits praise kek

That's way too much. I'm sure Trump didn't make this app himself, but he should make it clear to his tech guys that his internet guys don't like that kind of invasive bullshit, even if it's standard practice today.

Hillary Clinton - 2XPJR

fuck off leddit

our strength comes from our unflinching will and dickheadishness.

Sam Hyde is in the top 10 now, kek.

Sam Hyde - GAQK2
Ben Garrison - XZKDD
Jeb Bush - ARL5Y
David Duke - Q4LQ5
Hillary Clinton - 2XPJR

Invite codes net 1,000 points.

How can you guys change app pic? It's not working for me

Praise Kek

We should focus on making Sam Hyde #1.

someone should make a million dollar extreme account and make it reach #1 for the 2000 shekels

Click on manage profile, then click on the generic profile pic.

Yeah it's just not working, I don't know why.

Ben Carson - 5DA73

I already did the invite code thing for Sam Hyde. Is this on cuckchan yet? This is the sort of thing they'd be good at.

FYI, you can change the name and pic at anytime.

So I can change Sam Hyde to something else if people vote something else is funnier.

Might be a bug. The app seems a little rough, had trouble with the video.

It also seems like you can only add so many friends at time.

I think Sam Hyde is good. The more people see Sam Hyde, the more people wonder who he is, look into him, and watch million dollar extreme. That could mean redpilling a bunch of people, and beating Eric Andre in ratings.

i know this is exactly how they're going to round us all up into the camps.

but fuck it, it's about time we start rallying



upboat this shit to get the redditfag referrals

pretty much this. if hillary wins this app will be used to have us all sent to the loony bin and then FEMA camps once the "emergencies" start happening.

That might not be as good of an idea as (((they))) think it is.

I'd rather take the internment camp and execution than awkwardly navigate a pseudo-marxist hippie dystopia for the rest of my days

All you cowardly little faggots hiding from the government that already knows everything they want to about you

kill yourself poser

My piece of shit samsung tablet isn't letting me change my profile picture


Me too. At least there I can stand with people who see things like I do.

Plus, were not pussies like kikes.

Can I join using the invite code, delete the app, then join again?

try it, might have to use a different email

keep us posted

You can only type in the invite code once you've joined via jewbook, jewmail, or phone number. Good idea though, we probably could create multiple accounts using fake emails, to bump up the accounts we want.

Invite codes:

Sam Hyde - GAQK2
Ben Garrison - XZKDD
Jeb Bush - ARL5Y
David Duke - Q4LQ5
Hillary Clinton - 2XPJR
Ben Carson - 5DA73

what about spoofing gps to check in all over the country?

I think ole Bernie needs in too

Ohh sheeit I just got an invite from Hugh Mungus, kek.

kek, yes he does

oh eat my ass user, we finally have a political platform to stand and talk from thanks to shilldwgs little speech, cant i take a little pride in that and have fun?

or is that not allowed in camp shitpost?

What does any of your post have to do with you attempting to spread the alt-kike label in an effort to subvert Holla Forums

"glory to the alt-right" is cringey is all

I love that Hillary jokes about Pokemon Go-to-the-polls and Trump puts out an actual app.


As a bong I should mention that GCHQ is by far the worst and scariest of the agencies, and because of the way these work it's very likely that burgerbros/Anzacbros are the ones being spied on by them.

They have a program to tap the fibre optic right at the source and aggregate meaningful data in real time which essentially renders all attempts at anonymity completely moot.

jesus user some of us honestly have good intentions, not everyone is a shill.

we have a cartoon frog as the mascot and post a Himalayan rock sculpting board run by a bunch of fags and an actual cripple that fucks trannys.

forgive me if i overstepped in my joy.

Make sure you're armed though, there have already been reports of people robbed using Pokemon Go. I can almost guarantee you there will be some thugs or spics out there dying to rob some wealthier Trump supporters.


that's what the "emergencies" would be for.
reminder that the second half of this plan is population control.

I don't know that this is a good idea all things considered.

I am not hiding from the government, I am protecting my information from greedy kikes like Jim.

Funny, I thought this was East African spin-doctor board.

You obviously don't know how VPNs and TOR work. If you're running a non-compromised distro (ie sans systemd) with OpenVPN it doesn't matter if they sniffed the traffic before it even hit your router. unless the Deep State has access to true quantum computers in which case well all well and truly fucked

Holla Forums has maybe 3% of it's population that would be open to subversion

ie: Thinking Jews are alright and here to help.

Those 3% need to be culled tbh…

it could very well be a southern russian track-suit modeling board.

anything goes really

I'll cull you with my dick

You can use 10 minute mail and it works.

wew kek demands it

50% of the 3% are actually regular contributors on /yidpol/…ahhhh…I mean /britpol/.

$hillary has to pay people to do this stuff whereas Trump just makes an app & has his much larger pool of supporters do it for him.

How much info does this provide? I can easily see rabid leftists using it to find & harass Trump supporters.

sam hyde is now #9 with 23,610 good boy points

You know folks, I'm growing tired of my homosexual admirers on here. They also need to be culled…or at least reduced to 5% instead of 10%. I can deal with getting hit on by creepy homos a few times a year, but this is getting ridiculous.

I have a blank profile, if it's somehow linked to my google play acct in a visible way, I'll delete it

what is tradecraft for 100

How can you be sure?

You two are a couple of creepy homos hanging out in an 1980's replica of the A-Team van. You faggots go straight to the Gas chamber.

Kek, they have the Trump pepe on their page.

Some user figured out how to repeatedly use the invite code, giving the Sam Hyde account +6,000 points in the last 20 min or so, bumping him up to #8 nationally.

Thank you, user.

I suspect that's what the top guys are doing as well

Ben Garrison - XZKDD


Gotta love the high octane power of chan brand autism!

My concern is, even if dox isn't immediately available on profiles, leftists can still use the messaging system to initiate & infiltrate meetups then allahu snackbar Trump supporters.

I think Trump is underestimating the opposition, how crazy / violent they are & the potential this has for them to harm Trump supporters.


What are you trying to express with that pic? Other than being an embarrassing autistic nerd that isn't able to communicate?

I'm volunteering and going door to door tomorrow and they mentioned some sort of app being used to collect survey answers. This might be what they were talking about

I guess Holla Forums will have to be the storm troopers on there taking care of that noise.

My guess, and its just a guess out of boredom:

There should really be sec guidelines for this

Smaller towns/suburbs are safer places to organize than college towns and major cities. The psychos capable of setting up a trap are all in major cities, whereas college town libs are more likely to try and dox you.

Sam Hyde is at no. 2 now. Kek. Jeb Bush is coming up fast.


#2 in Texas, #7 nationwide.

Jeb! is SURGING!


Not redtext because his mom disapproves of shouting

Slow and steady wins the race user

If someone posted this on cuckchan we could have all our novelty accounts in the top ten by tomorrow.

tried, post got slid away

posted in Trump general. Lets see if it helps.

Marshmallow means I only gave contacts permission and since I didn't choose to invite any people I know IRL, and used a fake name, it's not easily connected to me by anyone other than the intended campaign.

bamped it

meme it

That's been my concern ever since reports of that Canadian company claiming they sold three 256 qubit quantum computers to GM, Google, and NSA.

thread dead now

I'll make another one tomorrow if I don't see one up

Good Boy Points?


I have read plenty of reports that claim those computers are overhyped and can't perform quantum algorithms as anticipated but considering that a legit Quantum Computer would be an infosec WMD and could crack RSA, what every bank uses, most government encryption standards, etc. it would be of enormous strategic importance to keep that shit hidden, I can't imagine them willing to give anyone else that kind of power if it was discovered, some bored nerd with a fuckton of cash to spare on a prototype could completely meltdown the world financial system with coordinated breaches and manipulations if they became vulnerable. Fuck, you just made me really paranoid and I have gone to great lengths to harden my network and anonymize myself.

Not quite, every member of the five eyes gives information to every other member. This way any country can spy on any other without technically spying on them.

Network engineer here, you don't tap fiber optic lines, the lines themselves are untapable. You rewrite the firmware for the multiplexor (the box that shines the laser down the fiber, which bounces off the walls of the line) to, basically, bcc the data back to another node that does data collection.


That is such an uplifting monologue.

Sam Hyde is currently at #7 nationwide on Trump's new "America First" app. Download the app, create an account, and use the invitiation code GAQK2 to give him 1,000 more good boy action points. We need to get Sam Hyde to #1 nationwide.

Sam Hyde - GAQK2

Invite codes for other novelty accounts to bump:

Jeb Bush - ARL5Y
Ben Garrison - XZKDD
David Duke - Q4LQ5
Hillary Clinton - 2XPJR
Ben Carson - 5DA73

You can sign up with an email address, use the invite code, delete the app, and repeat as often as you want, till our accounts are in the top ten.

I live in Toronto, it's not great, but I feel it's slowly getting better. More and more people I talk to seem to be leaning further to the right. Just a couple days ago a guy made a joke in my local bar about all the Olympic runners from white countries being nonwhite and how that doesn't make sense and everyone laughed and agreed with him.

I thought of a name suggestion:
Bill Dewall

how did this happen

you are a fucking retard
fuck off back to reddit and also gas yourself

nice honeypot

5d chess.

I diiid it. Sam is at 45k now, almost everyone else is at a standstill right now.

How do you even summon that thing? It doesn't even tell you how many monsters of the same level you need to attach in order to special summon the Donald. Also

Jeb! surge?

There you go, Sam Hyde. Brendan Fraser just put you in 6th place.

Maybe this works on normies (fuck you, okay normalfags, whatever god damn this new meme is you push so insistently)

Point is, gamification like this is not intended for us, if you find it appealing you are that normalfag/normie whateverthefuck the going word is today


We crushed the cuckservives by relentlessly bullying them on the internet.

Fuck off newfag.

To be fair the traditional term is normalfag.


kill yourself cuckold.

Pic related.

Hell is forever!




Sam Hyde confirmed #5

Use any of these tools (use combinations if you are experienced with recovering from possible Android fuckups) to stop useless and invasive permissions:

Most useful tool by far. Download the Xposed framework to have access to it. Not too stable though, it somehow inserted 405 GB of random-ass data to my 4 GB SD card (my SD was a failing mess though anyways tbf). It went away with a reboot, lel.
Very user-friendly tool, never had problems, though not as potent as the first one. Definitely download this (F-Droid).
Blocks some or all network access for specified apps.

Why is this image a gif?'

There's a difference between being ridiculous and being cringy you fucking newfag.

Lurk more or get the fuck out.

What would the deep state even be able to do with real quantum computers?

Well this could be good for spreading some redpills.

I know exactly what he said.
Saying that that makes it ok is sign of a mental defect.

did you create this?

I always operate on the idea that the nail that stands out gets hammered down.

The more you try to protect your data the more eyes are focused on you.

I see many 4cuck users ITT but am not entirely appalled.
Lurk a bit more and know which shitty memes you have to leave at the door.

Fiber is easily tappable - look at how a FID works. But yeah, your scenario is easier at scale. And a FID would show up on an OTDR.

Update: Same Hyde is now at #5.

Download the app, create an account, and use the invitiation code GAQK2 to give him 1,000 more good boy action points. We need to get Sam Hyde to #1 nationwide. We need. to get him above that f'n jew jedediah

Sam Hyde - GAQK2

Invite codes for other novelty accounts to bump:

Jeb Bush - ARL5Y
Ben Garrison - XZKDD
David Duke - Q4LQ5
Hillary Clinton - 2XPJR
Ben Carson - 5DA73

You can sign up with an email address, use the invite code, delete the app, and repeat as often as you want, till our accounts are in the top ten.

repost this msg to cuckcan's trump general

I hope you made that because otherwise the SPLC is fucking dumb.

Also consider making this girl the 1st
Some little girl got drugged, raped and dismembered by spics.

Why, hasn't Holla Forums alread done enough damage to his reputation.

1 more user using the code invite will put Sam Hyde at #4


If you have nothing to hide then why allow yourself to be treated like a fucking criminal? Cuck status: Confirmed.

Jeb Bush is at #4, who knew he was one of Trump's top supporters?!?!


lol the head kike sheldon adeson won't give money to trump unless he goes to israel

Will Trump cuck and bend the knee for Adelson?

I'm loading it.
I'll lurk awhile, & tell you guys what it's worth.


Was he an illegal spic?
If not, then the incident is of no use to the God-Emperor.

Just gave my invite points to Sam Hyde. We're about 90 invites away from boosting Sam to 1st.

the messaging system is broken for me, and I can't get a profile pic to upload

Never said it was ok, just that it is.

This Jeb account's invitation referral code is XZVXB, if you want to bump Jeb up even further.

Sam Hyde - GAQK2
Jeb Bush - XZVXB
Ben Garrison - XZKDD
David Duke - Q4LQ5
Hillary Clinton - 2XPJR
Ben Carson - 5DA73

It didn't ask me for one.
But what I do like is the list of his stances on various issues, I think it's going to come in handy converting some anti-Trumps I know to pro-Trump.

Still playing with the thing, not sure of all its capabilities. The photo thing doesn't bother me, as I didn't give it a real name, anyway.

Daily reminder that you can simply use an emulator for Android and possibly iPhone as well, you don't actually have to get a pocket surveillance system

We truly are a force to be reckoned with on the web. Fucking beautiful


We have to bump Jeb up to #3 in front of Wall Revere.

Jeb Bush - XZVXB

Sam Hyde - GAQK2
Ben Garrison - XZKDD
David Duke - Q4LQ5
Hillary Clinton - 2XPJR
Ben Carson - 5DA73

You can only confirm an invitation for one account per account so why the fuck would you make referral codes for multiple accounts?

You can sign up in the app with a throwaway email, use the invite code, delete the app, and then sign up again with a new email. Easier if you use an Android emulator.

you must be a nigger because you're dumb


Feel free to make forty different accounts just so you can bump each of the accounts by single digits but I doubt anyone here would

Each accepted invite adds 1,000 action points, that's how we got Sam Hyde to #3 and Jeb Bush to #5 nationwide. Please quit trying to demoralize us you faggot kike pleb. Go back to cuckkit.

Leave the trolling to people who aren't complete nigger-tier retards.


We have to bump Jeb up to #3 in front of Wall Revere.

Jeb Bush - XZVXB

Sam Hyde - GAQK2
Ben Garrison - XZKDD
David Duke - Q4LQ5
Hillary Clinton - 2XPJR
Ben Carson - 5DA73


>Hillary with [REDACTED] over her eyes
Wait… Didn't some user a while back say we could use this (admittedly common) joke in the same way we use the echoes, i.e. to name the jew? And there is the matter of her investigation, so it wouldn't be seen as a dog whistle…

Some faggot (((Tim Laubenthal))) is trying to outpace Jeb Bush and Sam Hyde. We need your help folks.

Jeb Bush - XZVXB
Sam Hyde - GAQK2

we could edit wikipedia screencaps with lots of kikes and redact their names, have a link to the article on image and let the normalfags put the pieces together.
"there's something we all have in common and that is [REDACTED]"

War, war never changes but man must change for something and I forget the rest because I'm half asleep at the moment

wow, is this that 4 dimensional chess you guys were talking about?


An oldie but a classic.

The keks are still strong with me when I watch this one.

Kek confirms

I think Jeb! being number 1 sends a more hilarious message.

Fuck, where the bitches be at?

i can't connect with anyone on this app

Trump needs to fix this shit asap


What the fuck? What happened to the original Jeb! referral code ARL5Y?

Which one of you mother fuckers stole my idea?

Did Alexander Hamilton do nothing wrong?

I convinced one of the real guys that was already in the top ten to change their name to Jeb Bush, automatically putting Jeb in the top ten. I'm sorry user.


That's okay, user. I came up with another one. Check out number 8 on the leaderboards.


Spoofing GPS will get you v& and send to pound in the ass federal prison.

Bill Clinton


Jeb should be number 3. Remember "I'm at 42 and you're at 3"?

Yeah, you fucks go right ahead and put your info into this thing. When Trump loses the left isn't just going to mock us. They are sore winners. They're coming after us. When that banshee is elected Trump's supporters are going to be socially and economically black listed. You're going into a database of people who are to be immediately fired, expelled and never allowed access to any sort of income again. You see to them its not enough to win. The fact that they had to compete and that there is opposition is outrageous to them and all of these powerful people are highly angry and more importantly, scared.

Its an exciting time fam. You're going to see shit in this country you previously couldn't have imagined.

Oh no what would I ever do!


Found the anti-Trump shill.

Dude I'm voting for Trump and you should too but I would not go around wearing a Trump hat and being vocal about supporting him if you ever have to ya know pay bills.


Moonman and Sam Hyde are both forced memes from the nu-right shill collective TRS, Red Ice Radio, Renegade Tribune, Evalion, Daily Stormer, Black Pigeon Speaks etc. (inb4 'but some of them are enemies of each other', reverse psychology, faggot)

Without a doubt this is an attempt to get one of their accounts into a position of prominence in order to harm Trump.

Pics related, reminder of who we are dealing with.

You're a faggot.

lol what
they mean changing the emulated GPS settings on an android emulator, pokemon fags have been doing this for months.
nobody's suggesting we tamper with the satellites

Overt support for Trump is part of how we'll win.
You can't expect normies to vote for him, if you're too piss-your-pants afraid to show your own support for him.

Fuck these libcuck dicksuckers, if they want a fucking fight, I'm up for it.

I absolutely hide my power level IRL from people I don't know really, really well, and even them I portray myself as a conservative nationalist and show my Trump hat everywhere.
The only excuse you have for not being an overt Trump supporter is if you live in Silicon Valley or something, they have to stay totally off the radar.

Overt Trump support in a workplace that is about half non-white will probably get you fired. Its clear what the real divide in this election is and a white dude wearing a Trump hat around a bunch of nogs and beaners may as well be wearing an armband. You can't be this blind.

it's because I've nothing to hide that I am free to care about my security as strongly as I want, use blocking addons, remove trackers, use encryption, block scripts, etc
if I'm succesfull and not followed by the pigs, all's fine
if I'm under surveillance, I waste their ressources because I'm clean
if I have a reason to become stealthy in the future, I won't trigger an alert because I changed my habbits
if everybody is under paranoid watch, I increase the number of surveillance targets so that activists and freedom fighters have an increased chance, however small, to escape interception
and as I am not vulnerable to judicial termination, I can afford to learn to correct mistakes I could make in my procedures, instead of needing to be flawless if I needed to rely on them

the "nothing to hide" attitude is self-defeating, because if you apply it, you will never be able to afford having anything to hide

I just use pidgin/IRC/gnu social now

Sam Hyde just got shoahed by Trump.


It was because of the gun you dummies, lugenpresse could easily spin that as "gun nut white supremacist leading on Trump app" I bet you 50 GDP that it would not get shoahed if you used a pic without a weapon.

Pretty sure I know someone starting grad school there, OP.
Having just gotten a B.A. in history and philosophy (inb4 mockery) in May let me assure you that it's not hard to muddle through the bullshit and pretend to take it seriously. Your professors, more often than not, will actually value dissenting opinions, and the ones who won't will not hide it at all–for example, I had an Afro-American professor teach a class on the history of revolutions, and when I offered slightly more nuanced opinions about things like fascism than my classmates had, he acknowledged my contributions to a class that consisted 90% of leftist white girls. The guy even openly admitted that Jews were integral to the deeply flawed Weimar system. If you take the right class with the right professor, you can find something better than the redpill (i.e., critical thinking as a general activity): you can find the principles & facts that allow you to turn critical thought into effective, purposeful action.
At the same time, you'll probably encounter literal lesbian Marxist anarcho-queer feminist professors at some point, and those you'll just have to deal with.
Remember, the purpose of academic discourse is self-deconstruction, not the application of truth to action. Don't take it too seriously and remember that the university is very much an integral part of The System, even as it rebels against The System. You'll be fine.

Wrong thread lol

Instead of agitating for war the Jewish groups in this country should be opposing it in every possible way, for they will be among the first to feel its consequences. Tolerance is a virtue that depends upon peace and strength. History shows that it cannot survive war and devastation. A few farsighted Jewish people realize this and stand opposed to intervention. But the majority still do not. Their greatest danger to this country lies in their large ownership and influence in our motion pictures, our press, our radio, and our government.

I can already hear the Oy Veeeeys

Probably the first DDEES cartoon I agree with.

I just checked, it looks like Sam Hyde is still listed on the leaderboards, though. Jeb Bush and my Bill Clinton account, are not.

why would the bother with any of that when WW3 will get rid of all conservatives anyway?

They also halved the amount of points you get from invitations. It was 1,000, they chopped it down to 500.