I say we all join and wear the eight of diamonds at local Trump meetups. Who's with me?
You're already on the God Emperor's mailing list, aren't you? What, are you some kind of cuck?
I say we all join and wear the eight of diamonds at local Trump meetups. Who's with me?
You're already on the God Emperor's mailing list, aren't you? What, are you some kind of cuck?
Other urls found in this thread:
sliding again I see?
That's gay. I'm starting my own group.
Every fucking time. You only get half the shekels for such a low energy post though. What's the matter, they didn't tell you what part of this record to correct yet?
It's an app. That the Trump campaign just launched. I wish our slide threads around here were this relevant.
Nice honeypot identifyier
Whoops. Looks like I was too busy sucking cocks to remember that real Holla Forumsacks never interact with any normie platforms at all.
Yeah no. Anyone here willing to attend a rally and wear MAGA gear outside of the basement should be glad of a Trump-specific platform. Any fucking white male willing to publicly endorse Trump has an inner 1488er fighting to get out.
Here's the link in case y'all aren't following Himself on twatter.
user plz
Anyone have the 8 of diamonds pic so I can get it made into an iron-on decal? Even if I don't go to any meet ups I'd still like to have it.
bandanas are for queers…and cowboys..and apparently niggers.
fuck bandanas and steel toed boots go without saying. what are you, some kind of nancy boy who cant life your damn feet while wearing a pair?
This whole thread reeks.
Yeah, OP can suck his usual dick.
I did find my 8 of diamonds pic though. I'm going to make a shirt but just wearing it to work and the bar.
damn, big league unlock is 250,000 points :'(
fuck off government employee
If any of you faggots actually download the app, like I did, scroll to the bottom where it says confirm invitation. My profile is named Moon Man, I want to see Moon Man at the very top of the list for the lulz.
Invite code: GAQK2
We're getting a ton of 'le downboat' shills lately. Cointelpro kikes. They hope to use the same strategy they use with mass immigration in white countries, by making it hard for new Holla Forums "immigrants" to assimilate, by confusing them/ muddling up our customs.
I actually like this idea a lot. (pic related, a shirt I made from another Holla Forumsacks pic here and where around all the time.)
no bro, it's gotta be a Hawaiian shirt with the flame design plastered all over it at different angles.
There is no confirm invitation link
It just makes you sign in thru jewmail, kikebook or with your jewbile number
Yeah you can only type in the invite code once you make account. I went with my throwaway jewmail address.
smh sucks to be you tbh fam
We're not going to flavortown, oven man.
No (((you))).
Yeah, we should all just stay on our containment board. Wouldn't want dank, infectious Holla Forums tainting the minds of our youth.
This is an excellent idea. Got a relatively nonjewed online source? Now I want some.
Hell it confuses me and I've been here since the first Exodus. Not sure why I always sound fucking autistic when I post here.
this, for the love of god
Help me get my Moonman / Sam Hyde account to the top of the public Leaderboard. For each confirmed invite I get 1,000 points. Invite code: GAQK2
Once you're logged into the app, scroll down to the very bottom, click confirm invitation.