
Can you lot do your fucking jobs already?

We're all so fucking sick of all the shit you lot let go on in Brit/pol/. Sort the fucking spam and shitposting out already. It doesn't just affect the Brits it seeps out into the rest of Holla Forums and shits everything else up too.

First it was Harris/Anglo bullshit, now they're spamming gore at eachother and if you don't step in it'll end up as a CP fest. Just fucking get on with it and ban the shitposters.

They ARE doing their jobs. They’re paid by the same group that intl is. The site owner helps them and the BO hasn’t posted in years.

the mods are compromised you naive retard, imkampfy himself is the maddow shitposter and behind allowing ctr to run rampant here, and the realmoonman is another goon too.
Holla Forums has been running this board the entire time

I never expected anything different tbh. All these internet hubs are tard corals.

Keep your divide and conquer scaremongering to one thread, faggot.


Not wanting to see bizarre shitposting raids and spam on Holla Forums is D&C? Back to Brit/pol/ you go

This. Holla Forums is like zion in the matrix, it's a second simulation that many truth seekers feel satisfied with. at this point, like many of the places content creators have congregated before this

This thread will be deleted because there is a place they will ultimately force you to express these sorts of greater Holla Forums issues where no Holla Forums user will see it


/britpol/ is a containment thread for all their fuckery.

The lot needs to be gassed, tbh

Good for you friend


This, it's what britcucks always do, first they're arrogant, acting all tough but when it backlashes they cry for help like little girls, lel.


How? Source?

Source? Wouldn't that allow the board to be claimed or a volunteer made BO?

Even if the mods are behind shit, at least they dealt with the anti-Brit/pol/ spam.

pretty much like they did during WWII


fight your own war fucking island jew.

Not an insult.

I personally wouldn't go to brit/pol/ again if you paid me, so I sympathize.

Besides, what I can remember is that when brit/pol/acks get oven'd suddenly every thread is spammed with endless LAD, LADDY LAD LAD WEW WEEEEW WEEEEEEW.

haha oh shit

seriously tho. I have only 2 rules i follow on this Kamchatkan miniature painting board
1) no compromise on the kikes
2) dont talk shit about other whites

the cancer at brit/pol/ makes it really fuckin hard to follow rule 2

I dont know if it was consesnsus crack or jus tthem being faggots since i dont go there often, but when i do its fucking terrible

This board needs urgent:

1. New mods
2. Removal of all fucking trump spam
3. Trump general thread
4. ban all fucking the_donald faggots

mods are the biggest thing

they're compromised, sandniggers or both

we need a few anons who are just autistic enough to run this place

If i was a richfag id set up a Holla Forumschan with salary mods
no shitskins allowed

There are people who have good reputations running other forums etc. on the right. I know a few myself. But getting them to become BO here is not possible as there's no way the cuck will let it go to some new owners.

Also this thread will be deleted because MUH /polmeta/

This, why don't burgers have containment thread for everything related to Trump?


How are you "heh" pills BBC suckers doing today?

by calling it on the deletion means it wont get deleted, was that your plan all along?

Other than Rach-posting mods do a great job. Take your D&C and fuck off.

When did that happen?

Its just the natural state of what happens to generals.

At least the australian NEETS stick to /aus/

i would support this

Trump is undeniably important to Holla Forums but we dont need 20 or more trump threads up at a time

take your own advice

If so, it worked! Thanks user, you forced the mods to actually stop the spam for once.

It's a containment thread for a reason, OP.

its gone from benign tumor to a malignant one is the way lots see it

95% of their bumplocks are good calls. You'll never get a consensus on the correct choices for locking and pinning. If you don't like it then leave.

No they aren't. At this point its used as "delete" light.

most anchored threads are shitposting disasters and shill OPs. Show us the ones that are unjust.

poms are the worst tbh

How new are you? The mods should ban faggots like you who don't take even respect the board enough to follow its rules.

You wouldn't need that, you'd just need to believe in free speech, communicate with them and be willing to listen to users and get rid of bad mods.

You wouldn't even need to have your own site, just make a board here or on any of the other sites, as long as you could convince people to follow you there. That's the big problem, Holla Forums is fast so people stay here.

Stop trying to start an infight with /britpol/ it's not happening CTR

If the mod situation is this bad why can't we muster the agency to start another board? I know we're probably attached to the Holla Forums board name, but the whole point of fullchan is to not have to put up with shit like this.

To be fair the rules are basically "don't do anything we don't like".


And they do it for free

I am Brit/pol/ I had to make this thread and pretend to be an American to get the mods to pay attention and sort out the bullshit that was going on in Brit/pol/.

I want shitposters to be expelled regardless of where they are from or what threads they post in.

The board owner is an ircfag that doesn't care.

imkampfy the Holla Forums goon sucks his cock on IRC so he lets him shit up the board.

What's Wrong With Harrisposting???

To be fair there's a perpetually pinned post that states that all meta issues should be taken to >>>/polmeta/

The mod dilemma facing us has been going on way before CTR.

There is nothing inherently wrong with it when it's an occasional thing but recently it has been done to death twice over and everyone is utterly tired of it and the autism it brings in backlash

He was a shit commander that didn't recognise the importance of precision bombing and instead would waste the lives of soldiers under his command to bomb targets that had no strategic importance.

realmoonman has been caught using vpns to sockpuppet responses to himself so be wary of anyone in this thread defending him and (((imkampfy))).

if heil was an IRCfag we'd have less problems, consider that.
he's AWOL and logs in once a month or so to dismiss bans, left kamphy in charge who uses moonman to delete things he doesn't like
I think both are rachposter

That's a pretty gud K/D ratio tbh lad

Don't fucking start a spam war

he is an IRC fag.

look for faggetts on #Holla Forums, that's "heil".

We are getting blatantly necrobumped to death here.