Just wanted to share it so everyone else can download it for shitposting purposes.
New cuck song by libshit Tim Heidecker. Great for bantz
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Wait, does this mean Tim is one of us, or is it supposed to be ironic?
I really want Tim to not be a cuck.
Tim is indeed a cuck, This has been known for awhile, he made this song because he's a butthurt liberal cuck that get triggered by the word "cuck" as all cucks do, and instead of actually fighting back against these claims, he, like many other liberal cuck faggots embraces the term and embarrasses themselves even moreso than they would have if they just shut up about it.
Why do people take offense at the word cuck and point out how we're using it wrong?
No one complains about the word "bitch" or "asshole" being used like this
That's a real shame because I'm a fan of his work.
Sam Hyde needs to bully him a bit maybe.
because the label is correct.
Sam is bullying him by bullying Eric Andre. Eric is basically just a front for T+E
A Sam/Tim rivalry would make for some fantastic content.
I'm a fan of Tim's too, I just try not to let something like a person's personal political beliefs affect my opinion of the majority of their work though. Shit, even the guys from Always Sunny are massive libtard faggots, but it doesn't mean they don't have one of the funniest shows of all time.
Good tune to send to someone you despise
Damn are they really? I remember they had an episode that was pretty pro-gun.
But yeah I agree. I don't like his work any less because he's a cuck, but it's still a bit of souring news to hear.
The Always Sunny guys have some underlying redpill material in some of their episodes, but they also do shit like make hugely pro-gay lbqtbbqlmnop twitter posts and are anti-racist and stuff. They're reddit-tier "redpilled", they're aware that there's a global problem, and that things in this world aren't right, but they haven't made the jump yet to accepting the fact the problems all stem from men with large noses and that the kikes really are trying to completely subvert and eventually genocide the white race because we pose the biggest threat to their plans of total global domination.
What is the exact thought process that brings someone to do this?
2 reasons:
1. It too accurately describes them, usually when these people are called liberal cuck faggots that likely grew up in single mom households, it's entirely true, these people have some innate sense of guilt, usually fueled by the aformentioned single mother households that taught them to hate men and other fun liberal ideologies, and as such desire to reconcile this by leasing out their country, their identity, and their politics to these brown people because it's [CURRENT YEAR], cucks of the highest degree
2. Because of this aformentioned cuckold mentality, their response and retaliation is just as cucked, instead of biting back like a person with a spine or at least a sense of self worth, they "fight" back with self deprecation as if that will do anything other than prove that they are indeed a bunch of cucks that will bend over and get fucked the moment someone confronts them
liberalism rests squarely at the junction of narcissism and self loathing.
Kinda catchy tbh.
Everything he's supposedly saying sarcastically in the song, he actually believes, so I'm not sure how the joke's supposed to work here.
He's just jelly that he's 40 years old this year and MDE is the future, because MDE has no limits on who they mock. But when T&E had their chance to-not even do anything;all they had to do was stay above the political bickering and not completely grovel and signal and sell out to Hollywood, they took sides the first chance they could get. Very disappointing, I've been a longtime fan. I even saw him live a couple months ago, so you know I've already put up with a lot like Decker. That show belongs in 2006.
Tim's going to meme himself into a cuck if he's not careful. He needs to take a break from twitter and get back to making more Bedtime Stories. I think he could better express his frustration through that instead of recording Simon & Garfunkel parodies on soundcloud. If not Bedtime Stories, something. Decker is the laziest strawman of a show I've ever seen, and Check It Out is just 10 minutes of CREAM CHIP CORN CHIPPED BEEF CHIPPED HASH MYERS SUPER FOODS anymore.
The real question to ask here is How long until Sam turns on us for real?
It's a cover with changed lyrics…
He didn't "write" anything catchy.
I hung out with some edgy liberals in college, and was one myself for a while before I discovered Confucianism. I made a distinction between "substantial" and "insubstantial" edgy behavior to try and make hanging out with these socially conscious obnoxious humans more interesting and more bearable. It didn't catch on among them but the conceptual distinction seems important in this context.
Substantially edgy behavior is behavior intended to bring about a change in a system that non-edgy behavior cannot change. For example, expelling the Jews from a country would by some standards be an 'edgy' thing to do; by others, it's just a logical thing to do. When the edgy act is not perceived as having a rational justification by those who have power, but is perceived as necessary by those who do not have it, the only way for those who do not have power to accomplish what they want to accomplish is via 'edgy' behavior, i.e. burning down the Reichstag.
Insubstantial edge masquerades as substantial edge, but utterly fails to cause systemic change because it is not intended to cause systemic change. It is just something that makes people feel uncomfortable or bad or amused.
So a substantially edgy person, at this point, is one who "names the Jew," as it were, by pointing out who owns the media, who benefits from America's wars in the Middle-East, the ethno-religion of almost every Fed chair, etc. An insubstantially edgy person is one who yells about "The One Percent" on a street corner while not asking any questions about race other than "Why are white people so terrible?"
So you can be edgy without really being edgy, and this is what It's Always Sunny boils down to: Mac says something about Jews in one episode, someone says something about a "Jew lawyer" who turns out not to be a Jew–but for the most part it's hella kosher (not to mention the fact that the show is largely a vehicle for mocking white Irish Catholic working class Americans). Slips like these are covered up very quickly diegetically, and are just what a normalfag would expect from an 'edgy' TV show–but who in their right mind would watch a sitcom expecting that sitcom to change their worldview?
Meanwhile, Sam Hyde has had [Adult Swim] air a music video for a song called "Jews Rock!" whose lyrics are pretty much just "Jews rock! I love Jews!" Sam Hyde is substantially edgy where It's Always Sunny is insubstantially edgy.
Nah, not besides Devito. Just because they made some Nazi jokes doesn't mean they're massive libtards. The show has gone out of it's way to be fair politically, when they really don't have to. Plus, those guys seem keep their private lives a lot more to themselves, so I don't really care what they believe. Rob is probably a lolberg. That's how Tim used to be, before he got a twitter.
Does someone have a webm? I'm a dumbfag and don't know how to convert them
not catchy enough
They're all massive libtards. They're simply smart enough to realize what South Park and All in the Family knew which made those shows so successful: right wing humor is funnier in every way. So they have "stupid", "unlikable" characters dispense the jokes, that way they can distance themselves from them as creators.
It's all business as usual. Don't forget that (((Fred Savage))) directed a lot of their funniest episodes. The show is the spiritual successor to Seinfeld, just tweaked for millennials.
South Park is not right wing humor. it is left wing humor that slaps itself in the face every now and then to look "neutral".
That's literally what the post you're replying to is saying.
Simon and (((Garfunkel)))
The fuck? Why the hell isn't Simon typed as (((Simon)))?
Common mistake for some reason. A lot of people think only Garfunkel was jewish.
Try Zamzar.
Redpill me on tv
Who is redpilled and on tv still?
Hard mode: No Lou dobbs and hannity
Sam Hyde and literally nobody else
This is true, here's a video of him being assmad about getting called a cuck.
sounds like he's doing shtick tbh
It doesn't sound like any of his bits that I've heard.
I'm a beta, you're a beta.
With both beta as fuck
What a fag.
Watch any of his On Cinema At The Cinema shows, where he goes off on Greg Turkington. He gets that mad regularly as part of character, while every time I've heard him serious (which is very rarely) he's pretty deadpan.
I'm not saying he's not a liberal, he most likely is some variety of cuck, but I don't think he signals as hard as that. Every other time he goes off like that it's overblown comedy.
It's just agree and amplify. He knows that he's a cuck, and he knows that he will look like a bitch if he protests, so he makes it out to be a joke.
Basically "guys I was just pretending to be retarded."
Yeah. Pretty much this. If he wrote the song as a dig at people on the right, it's subtle enough that it's more likely to piss off lefties than anything.
This is assanges' new hit song!
This is funny. I have the feeling he isn't one of us at all though and is just a memeing liberal.
That's disappointing cause I used to love awesome show great job.
>That's disappointing cause I used to love awesome show great job.
Same, thank fuck for Sam Hyde
Sam Hyde is just eating up that audience. I know one homosexual who likes him (nobody else IRL that I've spoken to has heard of the guy) and he's also a huge Tim & Eric fan. Everything about World Peace is just the next logical step in the progression of their humor once it becomes political.