I used to have a problem with you fuckers turning Pepe into some kinda god, since I have no use for idols (praise Christ!).

But now I get. You wiley cunts really put one over on me! But I forgive you. And now I'm totally okay with it now that I know what it really means.




Pure genius guys. Pure genius.

I'll still worship God. But I'll definitely praise KEK.

I'm just staring into your hideous soul, shill.


I know you are.


this is a shill thread but don't let that get in the way of admitting we want to murder every jew in the planet


How so?


nice larp, shlomeboy

It's not nonsense at all.


Easy to understand, no?

The actual origins of it is beyond you, shill.


whoever smelt it, dealt it. Fuck off, kike.

Some other thread died for your shitpost.

Not at all. Origin isn't the factor here. Morphology is key.

A concept's genesis is realized through a gestalt of elements that aren't necessarily related, but maintain an inherent relation by virtue of collective consciousness. And when the universe aligns in such a way that this concept can be realized, it's as though it falls into place as a single harmonious unit through the conscious agents that conceived it.

You really think this is a coincidence?

You pagan-types associated KEK with meta-related prophecies. I never bought into it because I don't like idols. But now that I see what was really going on in the background, and what it really means, I'm cool with it.

You stupid nigger.

Although Kill Every Kike isn't a bad meme, you dun goofed by going on a mastabatory mini rant on how you will still be sent to heaven because "lol ya'll just joking ya'll don't really believe that shiiiizzzz - I'm just gonna pretend ya'll don't really believe aiiighht" Fuck off with that shit.

OP is desperately trying to participate in something that goes way over his head. Look at him cough up some made up bullshit that let's him enjoy the spoils of memetic warfare while staying cute and cozy with his christian worldview. How convenient.

It's like that faggot in high school who wants to fit in so he gets drunk with the JV Wrestling team on the weekend "b-but Jesus drank wine! S-so I guess it's ok r-right?" Completely throwing away his values for a token of participation and making shit up along the way to excuse his actions. Gay.


I wonder what these upstanding (shills) gents could be so afraid of.

kiss every kike

Like I said: morphology is key. Memes aren't designed to teach or contextualize. They're designed to frame.

I already post here regularly. I belong just fine.

The fact that you haven't caught on to what's really going on here though identifies your own ignorance….or perhaps your pro-D&C.


They are just annoyed their shifts got longer. Maybe get a less kiked job next time? :^)


every time.

sorry didn't mean to respond.

You're clearly not familiar with how Christianity spread….

OP, that's not what it means at all. It is simply the name of one of the Ogdoad, Kek. Kek is not a hidden meaning for something else, but His own being. Diminishing Him is insulting.


Here's the linguistic history of "Kek"
LOL → Laugh out loud (beginning of time-present)
LEL → Variation on LOL (Many years ago-some years ago)
TOP LEL → Variation on LEL (Many years ago - some years ago)
HEH → /sp/ Variation on LEL (some years ago - few years ago)
KEK → Variation on HEH/LEL (some years ago - present day)

It can't be a coincidence because you literally just made it up. Fuck off retard, I'm fine with christians but not with stupid newfags who dont lurk.

World of Warcraft made it with the text filter…


Do not stop memeing

Praise kek

I have no doubt that Holla Forums-pagans have gone all Alan Moore on the image of Pepe for the purpose of farming ideoplasms. But in his own words, (meme) magic is a science of consciousness. What Holla Forumslack, who constantly uses the word "kike" in conjunction with "KEK", could not–on some level–realize what was really going on or why this particularly meme seemed so comfortable above all else?

I realize that some people are fearful of distinguishing an idea from the image, but…then again, that's how the meme came to be.

I guarantee you that the JIDF dislikes this distinction more than anyone else here.



Not a christfag, but didn't the kekfags basically do the same thing?

at least bait the hook Goldberg

To be fair, it doesn't really work otherwise. What's the point of identifying a hidden meaning if it doesn't repurpose the root idea?

I see what you're doing OP. Clever enough, but I don't think it's going to catch on. If you pitch it to /Christ/ or /Christian/, you might have more luck.

I see through contemplation you've been able to delve more deeply into the mysteries of KEK. Continue on your journey and turn your discerning eye toward your own religion.

See you on the other side

This guy gets it


Nice try Shekelstein, but I refuse to let you make Kek about the jews.

I didn't imply I was new. And this isn't D&C. Quite the opposite.

Uuuuhhhh….people already think that KEK worshippers are anti-semites. You're missing the point entirely.

The endeavor is in hand.

Where? Prove it.

What point? To give Kek an invisible antisemitic connection? You made that quite clear, Goldenblat.



It's not invisible at all. It was there the whole time. Right under our noses.

first day on the job? did you get initiated yet? I hear they make you wear a flashlight up your ass so the BBC is easier to take.

go back to reddit with your shit tier meme. You are not even using dat boi right you cuck.

Kill Every Kike was thought up a long time ago and somehow Holla Forumsacks kept their mouths shut and laughed to themselves, the great reveal happened today.

I Bless this day by killing jews,
for killing jews is what I do.
Nor rain, nor snow, nor lightning strikes,
shall halt my aim to kill the kikes.
No gang of feds shall ever stymie,
my daily toils to kill the Hymie.

The Rat In the Vat by Dr. Jeuss

seuss was a huge kike

Yeah, and now I'm ridiculing the kikes legacy while I rub the top of your mother's head.

That was as homage to their earlier starcraft game. WoW was a late addition and a weak imitation to its original lulz.

We didn't turn pepe into a god. Kek was a pre-existing god/natural force, pepe is a 'reality-echo' (for lack of a better term) of this greater thing.

get the fuck off my board

Reddit, please return to your containment area of the internet. I'll give you an upvote if you do.

An aspect of the divine, if you will. Like Loki for the norse. Good post though,

That's bull shit. I've been lurking Holla Forums for at least 8 months and I've never seen kek used as op described.




Jews are running scared.


I referred to the mind palace of etymological records for a few seconds and recalled that it is a Korean nerd neologism for "lol" that memetically infected 4chan along time ago.

Get fucked.

That's one aspect of it, yes.




Meant to respond to

clearly you are new or pretending to be retarded. Next time bait the hook.