Is legendary hitman Hit faster than The Flash?
Is legendary hitman Hit faster than The Flash?
Dragonball Super is shit.
Everything after Z is mediocre at best
The answer is yes, unless Flash is trying, then it's no.
depends on which character the writer prefers. also jesus christ super is so fucking bad.
Yknow i cant really tell 'good' dragonball from 'bad' dragonball, why did this shit catch on
Doesn't the same happen in JoJo though? The way a jojofag once explainted it to me, is that japanese lenguage flows differently that english, and that's why they say a shitload of stuff before making their next move.
No payoff in comparison. You get 90 seconds of powerup and throw planet destroying beam vs. 90 seconds of powerup throw a really fast punch.
is takamura faster than mr satan?
Think one of their biggest mistakes with super is the overly ambitious art. One Piece is from the same animation house, but the posing and animation are considerably better… why? Because One Piece as well as older animes usually only have to balance three things between character animations. The line art, the color layer, and the shading layer (usually only doing highlights on a closeup). This frees them up a lot and they are able to work on things like scenery animation and the motions…. with Super they have lineart, color, highlight, and up to 3 layers of shading at most, usually 2 at the least. All of those things they have to balance and keep consistent between frames… That's enough to burn anyone out. I think it's also keeping them from making the poses to extreme as they are so worried with everything else being consistent. The irony is that it leads to some pretty "quality" stuff…
I was wondering about that, if these guys are strong enough to kill Darkseid with their eyelid muscles in base form shouldn't there be planet-shattering shockwaves every time they throw a punch or something? All those seasons of grinding for XP just to end up looking like a couple of street levelers?
Even then, they still take tons of time talking, time where someone could have easily attacked. So it doesn't really matter if this is true or not.
It does happen in JoJo but it's actually really annoying in that show too. It's more forgivable since the show is way nuttier and doesn't take itself as seriously, which makes things like the bad guys giving a full lecture on why they were able to land a hit funny instead of infuriating lots of the time.
There was a really dumb addition to the manga, where beerus and goku's punches were so strong, they were going to rip the universe apart
*addition in the anime
Pure weebfag. British football comics used to have people in the crowd having entire conversations in the split second before a shot arrived at the goal. A faithful cartoon adaption of that would look equally ridiculous as the lecture-filled fights of shonen anime
it's because they try to crap ~25 pages of stills into 25 minutes of animation. it never, ever ever works. the Dragon Ball manga is seriously one of the quickest reads ever and a complete 180 of what the show is known for.
DBS is literal garbage that is aimed at Narutofags
Hell if you look at all these fucking youtubers who talk about DBS episodes every week you will see they have shitton of shit uploaded about Naruto and other cancerous anime and only reason they are bandwagoning to DBS now is because Naruto finished airing so they need new retarded anime that catters to their "otaku" ways
it really does copy Naruto's greatest flaw of revealing a super strong character way too early and not doing anything with them forever. Imagine if Piccolo showed up in the first episode of DB but didn't actually start fighting until when he regularly showed up.
it's just bullshit teasing that cheapens everything the characters do.
I think what dissapointed me the most about dragon ball super are the retcons
I personally got less than 10 chapters in, saw notFrieza and just immediately gave up. This isn't a new series, it's a reunion tour with annoying guests.
But is he faster than zoom?