ITT shows that ended before turning to shit

ITT shows that ended before turning to shit.

Getting the obvious ones out of the way first.

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Fuck Futurama, even the movies were a mistake.





here's to praying Nick never tries to revive it.

Posting an obvious one, wish the show didn't have such an obnoxious following though.



This show, duh!


Mandatory pic related

But Jack's coming back. And Idk man the MiB cartoon was always a little too bland for me, and the animation wasn't that good that I remember, mostly because of the coloring and the low frame rate.


I'm surprised anyone else rememeber the Evolution series.

S-sauce? Don't play with my feelings user

Mib wasn't that bad, I really think the plot works better than as a movie, having the weekly monster hunt rather then 2h of the same one is more fitting for the mib environment. You are right the frame was bad and color off but was also made with few cash IIRC

Yes, somewhere in spring 2017, or if it gets pushed back maybe summer. The old crew is behind it, and it's gonna be on AS, so it'll be more adult oriented.

I went to InvaderCon 2 and it was uh it was really something

I think IZ was right on the cusp of going bad though, the later episodes aren't the strongest


Yeah, I'm kinda glad that the show ended when it did. I did enjoy the worldbuilding season 3 was starting, but it was losing steam.

I think GIR is why the show got such a sperglord following. I am curious to here about InvaderCon, though. I've heard horror stories of the place.

they still got some great episodes after the revival, not all of them, but still pretty positive overall

What revival? Futurama ended at season 4

There's no point denying reality user


Satan's favorite show?!

Pretty pathetic, but now once they've ended they can't be brought back anymore in the Current Year, otherwise they'd really be shit.

Nah, that show was always shit.

Fillmore deserved more episodes, honestly. It was ahead of its time.

Well, there weren't irken cosplayers yiffing in the lobby or anything, at least not that I noticed.

Some guy who ran some important fansite (or something) was giving a talk, at one point he gave a lengthy apology for having apparently said, at some point in the past, that the show was definitely over and they should stop trying to bring it back. He sounded like he was confessing before a war crimes tribunal. Like shit dude, you were this close to finally moving on with your life. Get a therapist.

During the Q&A, a girl kept asking Richard Bumpass what would happen if Professor Membrane met Squidward. I suspect she was, in the not funny way, on the autism spectrum.

A relatively sane man was 3D animating an episode that had been storyboarded and voiced, but never completed. It looked pretty good, A for effort.

There were 3DSs everywhere, presumably they were all playing one of those pokoman japanimation games that are all the rage with modern kids, or arranging times and places for irken cosplayer yiffing.

The person I went with kept saying that everybody there seemed like a no-life loser ("you know, *we're* here" I pointed out). It didn't seem all that far out there to me, as these things go, but it didn't exactly draw the spring break crowd.


Would season 3 have been bad?

I don't think so
Is Avengers Assemble anyway connected Avengers:Earth's Mightiest Heroes

There was an Evolution cartoon series?

Not really. I've only seen the 1st 11 episodes and the only reference to AEMH in avengers assemble was a flashback scene in the same artstyle of AEMH. Otherwise they aren't connected.

Was they any point to it at all?

To shut the AEMH fans up?

i respect youre opinion but must kindly disagree with you

aeox flux was trash from the start

fight me, cunt.

you're technically correct, since it was always shit

MiB was one of the comfiest cartoons I've seen. It was never stellar, but it was fun, rarely boring, most of the time had much better humor and writing than the movies, and had a nice overarching thing going with Alpha.


Kill you'reself

I honestly agree with you. It wasn't perfect, and it did go downhill at Season 2, but it was still good.

Dunno why the fuck everyone around here thinks it's cool to hate it.

The school episodes of Ed were pretty lame too

The movie was from the creators of Ghostbusters

Obama? Futurama ended in 2003

And then they released some movies in 2008-2009 and 2 more seasons from 2010-2013.



You're almost right.
The last season was pozzed as fuck unfortunately.

I still loved the episode about the accidental Racism though.

Dammed "Sassy Black Woman who takes no sass"

Justice League was trash
Unlimited was the best anything ever, though

I bet the guy who wrote it made a single tweet in the year 2000 saying he didn't totally hate black people, so Holla Forums despises his show.

Nooo they didn't. You're imagining things

Get out

Season 1 is seriously the worst of the DCAU by far, not counting Static Shock and Zeta because honestly who cares

I love Vascquez, that edgelord bastard.

Their take on "shitty old cartoon parody" cliche was worst, it felt like a cheap version of drawn together.

Look at the creator's twitter.

Yeah season 1 was a little rocky. Most first seasons are. But Season 2? With episodes like Twilight, Tabula Rasa, Only a Dream, Maid of Honour, Hereafter, Secret Society,Wild Cards, Starcrossed? Trash? Fuck you

Let's see, Mabel's character became a full blown Mary Sue who was always in the right and was never called out by anyone on her shit. Dipper became a massive cuck, Ford was a useless character that added nothing to overall story and let's not forget the ever so wonderful anti PUA episode, in which Alex Hirsch teaches kids that if you're a boy and you flirt with girls you're a PUA and NOBODY likes PUA's!

And oh yeah, the ending was rushed because Hirsch cared more about wasting time bitching about shit on Twitter instead of working on a decent finale.

futurama does not belong on that list

you obviously never watched the show
the PUA episode was terrible and what they did with Pacifica after she had development was unforgivable

also pretty much this

all true

Well, they did a Double Dare reunion recently and there is that Legends of the Hidden Temple movie, I think coming out this Saturday. They've got to be desperate since they have very few new cartoon shows holding it up. I think Nick is mainly supported by their live shows like School of Rock, Game Shakers and Henry Danger.

Kill my are self?

Yeah, there were foulups, but Bryke stopped doing Avatar before they could seriously screw ithe franchise. And it's not like the show needs a sequel.

2 stupid dogs

I recently rewatched all of 2 Stupid Dogs. That shit is still hilarious.

trips confirm





Season 3 was a disappointment.

This show stopped being funny the second this "lol so randumb" retard came on screen.