I have a real question. What if the Jews are playing us and they really want trump to win?

I hate shills but I think there both puppets of the Jews!! Are we literally fucked?

Other urls found in this thread:


No need to read past there. This is a shill thread.

Oh shit I'm a #shillmissile now.

No I want a real discussion. i was watching rebel media and it hit me. Those cunts are Jews why are they fighting so hard for trump.

i was full trump. but now i just dont know. i think im not going to vote any more.

wtf i hate trump now

Good shills like you shouldn't vote.



Donald Trump is a bigot and a racist

Anne Frank's stepsister compares Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler

If you are a Jew, you should be very afraid of Donald Trump: Trump has always appealed to bigots. His address to a Jewish coalition confirms that he's an anti-Semite himself

Jewish Groups Join in on Bill to Block Trump's Muslim Ban

Six Reasons Trump Would Be Disaster for U.S. Jews, Israel and the Middle East

Trump more psychopathic than Hitler, Oxford study finds

Citing 'Core Beliefs,' U.S. Rabbis Condemn Trump's 'Hateful Rhetoric'

ADL Calls Trump Plan to Ban Anti-Semites ‘Anti-Semitic’

Trump’s Candidacy and the GOP Platform Are as Much anti-Jewish as 'pro-Israeli'

Is Donald Trump’s Inadvertent Anti-Semitism Worse Than the Real Thing?

Attacked by Trump, Mexicans look to Jewish groups for help

Trump, Brexit, ISIS and the Unmistakable Stench of the 1930s

Jewish news organization declares 24-hour ban on Trump content

Time to Form an American Jewish Emergency Committee Against Donald Trump

Donald Trump is Losing Jewish Donors and Intellectuals, But Will it Impact His Bottom Line?

Meet the One Jewish Group that Can Attack Donald Trump

Donald Trump Doubles Down on ‘America First’ Slogan — Whether Jews Like It or Not

Donald Trump Is a Candidate for White Supremacists — Not the Jews

The clan leader of white Americans: Conservative David Frum perfectly explains how the disintegration of the GOP has created Trump

ADL Urges Donald Trump to Reconsider “America First” in Foreign Policy Approach

Oy vey! Enough of Trump!

im gonna start reading. maybe im over thinking it. but its still possible.


We have ID's here, Chaim.

Yes don't vote goy especially don't vote for Trump goy

Shhh it was funny seeing the shill splashing about. Now he becomes less retarded :(.

Certainly, because their are much better alternatives to Trump….


why do you get so pissed? Fuck your like nigger cant look beyond your noses.Fucking faggots.

You're right, man. Take some OC from the experience

Wrong one

you know you can just click the ID and highlight all his posts right?


nice greentext you fucking newfag, go back to shill central

That doesn't highlight the OP

fuck never said, im not op. go suck a jews cock.you cuck fagg.

Turn on color IDs using the option in the top right corner.


your fucking acting like halfchaners.


yeah you are right, thought of that a second after posting

happy now cunts never said i wasnt op.

no, you're just a fucking faggot who needs to go back to wherever shitty place you crawled out of

I can see I’m not the only one with this concern.

been here since summer you faggot.

trump isnt and never will be hitler, but as a lot of other anons said, he's the only one we can trust that will move the country in a good direction, if he doesnt too bad, everythings the same, if he does, well great, it means we are winning

kill yourself OP

thank you for not being a massive faggot.

its possible hes a puppet but save your bullshit until after hes elected. then we go in dry on his jew connections if he begins to fuck us.


fuck if i wanted this massive faggotry i would posted on half chan.

maybe you should go back there then

Or r/theredpill or wherever you came from.

Now stop bumping your shit thread you piece of shit and never return.

No shit, Jews obviously want Trump win. Jews are getting ready for the collapse and are gonna have the German aryan Trump be the fallguy

Its pretty clear what's going on. Jews are going to have Trump to win, have collapse, then have their pet nigs revolt against the phony Trump government and take out the rest of the White middle class.

oh fuck off, if you dont like what im asking,then go to the laundry room and drink some bleach.

So basically

Nice Hasbara copy pasty.

That is a possibility if they can't get the harlot to win. Even if such a scenario were to occur it would still be an opportunity, as long as you can get the message across that both political elite and banking elite are culpable. However one thing to keep in mind that if the internet or power were cut in a venezueala esque collapse, then that message can be highly skewed.

Kek, just dont vote goy

what’s the point if the Jews already have the two candidate’s.

Yes goys, what is the point in voting for someone who might be controlled by us the Jews? Sure it only takes 5 minutes but goys just wait for Hitler please
Seriously just jump in the fucking oven kike

Kek, what a retard outsider, not nkowing the meme and answering to it

wtf i hate trump now

Yeah, turned out that Donald is another jew puppet… guess i'm voting for Shillary now… what a shame ….

wouldn't surprise me if he was plan B or if a different clan was supporting him, but he's certainly the better option.

It surprises me how anyone could support her after all those leaks, unless they are getting paid of course. But you would have to be some sort of scummy, self hating person to be accepting that blood money.

You go in the oven Jew, I'm not wasting my time participating in Jewish sham. Go shill for Trump on reddit.

1. he is going to betray one group or the other can't know for sure till after he wins.

2. we need to be on the spot proving the kike collapse and maybe pre-make memes or at least start thinking about it.

3. idk if we will balkanize or redraw borders or not/ don't even want to debate it but however it shakes down we ALL need to dekikeify our economy with some out of the box thinking. (aka more or less copy hitler)

there will be niggers saying fiat money can't work because it failed this time… the only reason it failed is because of kikes having different motives than the people, and the people not knowing till the very end.

Here is the most important part. never ever ever ever take gold for payment. This is the only way to break the enemy. They have all of the gold already mined in vaults, and are lying about how much they have, just like with diamonds.

If we let kikles switch us to a gold standard and the plebs eat it up we will just be economic slaves again.

the only way is fiat money backed by the will of the volk, it's only purpose being making our lives easier so we don't have to barter all day.

also no fucking usury every again, if anyone suggests it they basically outed themselves as a kike.

oh fuck off you shilling piece of shit.
only you and that other shithead doesn't seem to understand we have ids here.

I agree with you 90%, but gold itself is not a problem. It is the money tricks that rob us. Gold notes/iou's and fractional lending rob us but not gold.




Or just click the ID to highlight all posts made thereby.

They dont care if either Trump or Hillary wins, its going to be the same shit for you and the same profit for them, some jews may get richer than others, just that.