What's up with the worker idolization by a fair chunk of the left? How do we end it?

What's up with the worker idolization by a fair chunk of the left? How do we end it?

Do people forget that socialism is about abolishing the worker as much as abolishing the bourgeois?

what does that mean can you explain

Wtf are you talking about dude

There's nothing wrong with celebrating hard but necessary work and those that do it

Masochistic revisionism that spawned gulags.

care to explain

Something like this. Capitalism is a process wherein the proletarians and capitalists produce themselves by producing each other. When we talk about getting rid of the capitalists, we don't intend to just keep working like mindless drones, working more than we need to (this is all basic Marx, concepts of surplus labor, surplus value). Workers currently create capital, in the sense that capital is objectified labor which is a force that rules over them. Workers, liberated from the relations of capital, will no longer be workers in the sense that they are lorded over and told what to work on. They will be free creators. I can try to explain more if you want.

so what then hed be fine if instead of worker we said 'free creator'

Technology and automation is making jobs disappear quicker than we can come up with bullshit professions and government actions to keep the charade known as "the economy" going.

Go fuck yourself.

is any of that a problem on 'the left'

and this is why you anarchofaggots need to learn dialectics

no workers means no advance means no technology to replace workers

please, look at the image you posted and tell me, does it look like a technological advanced society which promotes an ideal of a worker?

goddamn you fucking anarchocunts, every fucking time making me so fucking mad i wanna choke a puppy or something…

Romanticizing labor is good because it's the most quintessential element of being human: homo faber.

Labor culture is the only real culture a nation has all the rest comes later in the form of class distinctions.

The laborer and the artist as creator are the only people in touch with nature, and as such transform themselves in their creative abilities. With labor man becomes an active force in nature, he can become God. Science, philosophy and religion all have existed as to direct labor for their purposes. But it is only the rational/scientific understating of the world that makes us able to shape our environment through labor, a philosopher pondering why something exist other than nothing and preexist spreading religious lies, can never do it.

Work is the only divine thing mankind is capable of.

*and a priest spreading religious lies.

Heh, sure. The critical part of being a worker is that you are not enjoying all the fruits of society, because your surplus labor has been appropriated by a capitalist. The idea being that with the removal of porky, all can enjoy the fruits of all's labor.

It's not though.

It's about having the working class wither away, not smashing it in one swoop like the ruling class and the capitalist state.

The only reason the working class do wither away is because the idea of classes eventually no longer becomes a thing.

I need to learn dialectics while you're the one advocating the continuation of the proletariat sans its counterpart?

You're still getting rid of the working class through your actions. Whether it comes through violence or through removal of necessity isn't really important.

I'm not talking about saying that the work they do is unnecessary, but there is no reason to celebrate the idea of being required to do work. It's pure protestant work ethic.

dude like scienctific progress is, like, a spook LMAO
just smoke weed and do nothing all day brooo

This post is a spook.

What's wrong with Gulags?

It's bureaucratic/state capitalism.

Comrade, calm down. We will Gulag the anarchists but we have to wait until the revolution is finished.


Friendly reminder, that Tankies need said idolization in order to promote I D E O L O G Y.

It's just like Nazis. Except for, in the place of "Arians" (that don't even exist) you put Workers (that exist, but the point is to make work not needed, not to have "work" even if not needed AKA CAPITALISM).

And this is why tankies are idiots and socialistic realism is THE WORST SHIT EVER.

As long as we have work, we will have workers.

Once we get to FALC, there will be no more workers.

This is a bait thread.

>>>Holla Forums

Pretty much this.

Work is still a necessity, it is fundamental human activity.

you are one of the worst posters around