We are under attack. The light of the mainstream is being cast onto us. BBC has linked to us. No doubt others will follow soon. Especially considering Hillary's attention to us, and apparently Soros as well..
I've seen threads trying to prepare for the influx of new users but I don't think that these will reach through to people. I think we are going to get so many users pretending to be us and posting to misguide our views and make it look as though we are skinhead radical terrorists and idiots.
I posted a thread earlier about the number of anti-christian and anti-trump threads and it ended up being shilled into an anti-christian thread. I am in no way implying that we shouldn't question beliefs but none of these threads are argumentative or productive.
Note the shill formula usually looks like this: Heavy unironic use of the word kike and cuck in an attempt to emulate us.
Threads and posts simply to disrupt the board and provoke pointless argument instead of intelligent debate.
What do we do? The floodgates are opening and I feel as though there is little time to save the board and keep our base together. I know we can.
You already have a lot of butthurt shills, OP. I wonder what it is that's triggering them so badly?
Jayden Smith
I don't think they want anyone to realize what is going on, but they can't control themselves so instead they try to drown out discussion. Most of them are probably from Reddit and just shitpost like those first couple few but there are also many who are better at concealing they are shills and can actually subvert us without us even knowing.
Jaxon Watson
Dylan Hughes
Contrary to what you christkikes think, your kind is not welcome here, you have become the new Holla Forums: constantly spamming your retard kikery and derailing entire threads with your retardation beliefs. You have your own board, go talk about your religion on there, not on this politics board.
Ryder Wilson
*retarded beliefs
Joseph Wilson
As long as they support the Great One, one of the greatest sons Europe has ever bore in over 1,000 years, Adolf Hitler, and with him the ideology of truth, sanctity, and our salvation I do not care.
I am what I am, a staunch defender and supporter of one of the greatest men to ever grace the earth, everything else is petty in comparison.
Nathan Foster
What, get tired of getting blown the fuck out in the other threads?
James Ramirez
Shitposting and ruining threads is not "blowing people the fuck out", christcuck. One last thing: christcuckery wouldn't actually get as much hate on here as it currently does if you stopped making christian-related threads non-stop.
Christian Morales
Pfft, one thing you do not want is to give us exposure.
It's not like we are going to change our opinions because a bunch of newfags doesn't right get it yet.
They will come around, not everybody but some off them.
Mason Collins
>Christian has a board in >>>/christian/ your semitic faith with anti.Trump shills
Weak 0/10
Isaiah Nguyen
Your autism is already a third of this thread. A thread you could have hidden or ignored. You're bad at this, Moishe.
Blake Watson
Kayden Brooks
The autism is showing
Jeremiah Rogers
Dylan Moore
Owen Phillips
OP here. I'm not even sure if I believe in the Christian religion. Anyone reading this should really be aware this is not a post to defend Christianity, it's a post to highlight the number of shills who post nothing but provocation, as seen in this thread already.
Christopher Gonzalez
Jesus Christ you're a fucking nigger
Alexander Brown
OP is right.
This is the same kind of tactic they used (and still use) on halfchan. Altough they managed to subvert it to some degree, they haven't fully succeeded. You just can't artificially destroy a community of this type.
8ch/pol/ will be a tougher nut to crack. Don't give in, be vigilant and wise.
Adrian Watson
Seems like they're still pushing the anti-christian thing even though this thread is obviously not even about religion. Make a note of that, as it'll make it easy to find outsiders and shills just by alluding to Christianity.
Noah Garcia
Dylan Johnson
fuck off back to reddit, newfriend
Kayden Martin
That post wasn't even about Christianity either Chaim. Do plus signs hurt your eyes too +?
Julian Bennett
You have your own board in >>>/christian/ keep lumping supporting trump with being christian to fracture the board, and then call us shills
Ayden Scott
It all kind of clicks when you realize that "Christian" is one of the criteria for being labelled a terrorist thread in the United States. Our enemies clearly see a threat in it, even (especially?) if they themselves disbelieve it.
Joshua Hall
Camden Bennett
Did you even read? He does again a thread lumping supporting trump with being christian to fracture the board.
This is blatant shilling and D&C and i will keep calling it out
If you want to discuss christianity go to your own board in >>>/christian/
Tyler Ramirez
They're clueless about this place and this thread shows it. So desperate and pathetic.
Camden Butler
You're the one using sage as a downvote, you fucking Redditcuck. Kill yourself
Gabriel Thomas
It's kind of like watching a Jap speak Engrish. The words are coming out, but they're so obviously wrong you can't help but feel silly listening to it.
Josiah Carter
Now they're hiring street-shitting Pajeet as shitposters? Sad! And they said they wouldn't take our jobs.
Jack Cooper
I don't think you belong here friendo. Sage only have one feature on this website, which is not bumping a thread.
Dylan Baker
The only lumping of the two was the fact that they have been very prevalent recently and unusual on the board.
Side note though even though I myself am still wondering if I am Christian. I don't see how being Christian fractures this board as most posters are already most likely Christian or have been, or are already decided. It would be pointless for me to try and convert people here if that was even my goal.
It's just a shill. He's not arguing in good faith, and you're wasting your breath trying to reciprocate that expectation.
Hunter Perry
I don't think they even realize how much they expose themselves in such fashion. Real smooth disinfo skills.
Nicholas Stewart
I wouldn't really expect much more from someone with a nigger-tier IQ.
You're the one using sage as if it were a downvote. Replying to people with "sage" doesn't doesn't do shit-all. The only point of sage is to reply to a thread with a comment without bumping it, but if your whole comment is informing people that you are saging, then the comment is useless in the first place.
You replying sage to people saying shit you don't like is basically the closest thing one could come to a downvote on this site.
So basically you're a fucking Redditor who needs to hang himself.
Charles Roberts
Hey everyone! I'm new here. How do upvote posts? Can I buy people Holla Forums gold? What's up with that green grinch guy?
Landon Kelly
The posts aren't for him. The posts are for the many lurkers who are confused about what's going on recently and any legitimate newcomers looking for guidance. It is easy to get caught up and confused and I think we need to steer even those we can't see in the right direction.
Jaxson Russell
Back to square one again. You reddit cucks really don't understand how this website works. There are no downvotes, it is in fact impossible to downvote a post on this website. kek Sage because doing otherwise slides the catalog with a D&C shill thread.
Grayson Torres
Carry on then.
Nolan Martin
Everybody note how this shill actually stole 's argument and is trying to use it against him. also called him a Redditor and now is calling him a Redditor in retaliation.
Isaac Peterson
Are you an actual nigger? You don't seem to be able to read.
Matthew Lee
Colton Cruz
To clarify. Shill 0694fc is literally emulating the argument of his attacker in an attempt to defend himself.
This is how we stop it. We study their tactics and uncover them.
Ryder Reyes
Oh shit.
We may have an actual kike in here.
Daniel Howard
Why are you projecting your familiarity with how reddit works here?
Jeremiah James
Gott mit uns, user.
We've always been a christian-friendly board. The shills can't change that. Don't get discouraged by their shit.
You can pray to Jesus, hail Wotan or praise Kek. As long as you have a spiritual life, you're okay in my book.
Ethan Carter
Joseph Hall
Come fellows christian to our Pro Trump and Christian board >>>/christpol/
This board is lose but we can regroup.
Bentley Butler
Daniel Garcia
Alexander Ward
We already get this. We trash their lies just as we trash the legitimate arguments of the bluepilled libtards
And every one us that are true Holla Forums are well aware that NOTHING flies here unless it is sourced. It is second nature to us, while the libtards rely only on "feels" and unsubstantiated "consensus" to support their feeble arguments…and when that fails, they yell and scream, which doesn't work too well on a message board.
When they have had enough of being discredited because they're relying on so-called "truisms" & "common knowledge"…such as "why, it's common knowledge women & minorities are discriminated against!"…and they can't back anything up with any legitimate facts, they'll start to leave.
In the meantime, they'll all be a perfect opportunity to redpill the normies that come here because of curiosity, and find that most of everything they've ever been told is bullshit.
Brayden Clark
Wyatt Scott
What did your post accomplish?
It's so obvious you're not from here.
Colton Phillips
Easton Anderson
Also note how attempts to argue "Why are you projecting your familiarity with how reddit works here?" because the poster mentioned downvoting.
When he (the shill) said something about Reddit spacing earlier. WTF even is Reddit spacing??
Cameron Wood
Jack King
James Scott
You fucked up the link >>>/christpol/
David Rodriguez
Sage doesn't bump but it doesn't remove bumps, you're bumping by proxy
Samuel Moore
Typing sage simply doesn't bump the thread, you Redditcuck.
James Collins
Leo Flores
Holla Forums's PPH and active users are within its usual range, so there is no newfag/shill influx and you're a disingenuous faggot
Adrian Gray
I am still trying to find my identity. I would like to be closer to God but sometimes it is hard to really believe, I used to be a fedora atheist trolling on Facebook and a huge commie to boot. Now that I have swallowed the redpill I'm trying to salvage my life from the propaganda that made me who I was.
Adrian Bell
Benjamin Lewis
Brody Cruz
I would add that sage also contributes to the reply count, and I think many Holla Forumsacks are naturally attracted to the threads with the fastest increasing reply count. So really if you want a thread to die, saging isn't the best option.
Eli Smith
Jordan Thompson
Holla Forums's active users sits at 2400, it's at 2600 atm. Since you're a shill I guess you didn't know top board is Holla Forums unless we're gettings shilled
Jacob Gutierrez
Brody Garcia
This. The people starting the fights here are just trying to drive us apart. Holla Forums never really cared what religion you might be, I remember a time when the subject rarely came up at all. Fedoras were disliked because they'd throw a fit any time anyone mentioned god or their religion, but those that simply shrugged it off and said nothing were not disliked.
Religion has little to do with what we argue about here, with the exception of Islam, which is not just a religion but also a governmental institution.
Juan Adams
Do you even know what "sage" means, or how to use it?
Hunter Turner
Ayden Wright
This is like that clip of Eric Andre trying to troll the Breitbart editor and that other dude. You should be fired by whoever is paying you. If you're just autistic and not being paid maybe you should consider reading about ways to improve your life other than trying to D&C an internet board.
Justin Sullivan
Landon Robinson
Ethan Perry
Brayden Jones
Oh look, first two replies are from a shill, who would have guessed.
Thomas Nelson
Come on user, at least pretend to be from around here
Lucas Sullivan
quality bred op
This infighting is always stoked up before major events. Remember before the Iowa Caucus when >TRUMPCUCK >CHRISTCUCK >KIKE ON A STICK >[insert overly-aggressive trying to fit in D/C here] was literally the first six pages?
le downvote :DDD
Isaiah Hughes
Yes the shills are out of control mods needs to do something , im tired of fedora atheist and larpaganist .
we may need to emigrate to >>>/christpol/
John Reyes
Evan Gutierrez
Yes, goy, migrate, divide yourselves, that's how you win :^^^)
Jordan Walker
Gas and ovens await you. Saging a thread about shilling the board gives you away, not knowing our users is the gold star
Matthew Thompson
Christian Torres
Jayden Long
Josiah Carter
Chase Sanders
Asher Nguyen
Yes, goy, don't you know, Holla Forums has always fought eachother over triviolities that get brought up when intl comes to town
You shouldn't let a SINGLE D/C BAIT go unanswered, goy.
Nathaniel Rogers
Maybe this is a bot like Tay. It emulates us but you can tell that it has no idea what it is saying. The user said earlier it's like a Jap speaking Engrish.
Bentley Price
Jason Brown
Faith is not trivial , heretics like you will burn in hell
Carson Reed
Bump. OP is a pretty cool guy.
Dylan Martinez
This seems to always happen after a big happening. Shills try to drown out discussion. It is either that, or to hide discussion of a new happening.
Any idea we can stop this kind of shit? I mostly just wait it out until they run out of shekels to give to shills.
This looks like an Holla Forums divide and conquer type of deal. Sort of reminds me of what they tried with /tg/.
Leaving a board because of shills/useful idiots
Lincoln Torres
Jayden Peterson
Report and ignore. Easiest thing to do.
Gabriel Johnson
I read a post a few months ago when they were exshillimenting here.
"Strange. You use our words, yet don't sound like us."
The shills don't know how to be friendly, because they want us to hate eachother. It's impressive how transparent they are.
Yes, Holla Forums has always been a radical christian board xDDD, did your director tell you that we were southern evangelicals?
They've tried it 100 times before. /politics/,/polpol/, etc etc etc. Always, always, saying the mods are compromised.
We've waited it out before and we can wait it out again.
Kek. Now THAT'S some D/C if I've ever seen it. Is brit/pol/ your new target?
Joseph Jenkins
That doesn't look like spreading the good news user! Love is slow to anger, after all.
Elijah Phillips
Levi Stewart
It would make sense that they would spam anti-christian threads and then under the ruse of a solution attempt to get us to move to a new board. The sad beauty of it is that many of our actual users would not know what to believe. So that would end up in in-fighting and the real shills would get lost in it all.
Jace Cooper
all we have to do is keep the discussions intelligent so we dont looks like retards and everything will go smoothly. Also a reminder to ignore shills and bait
Camden Sanders
Seconded, the religion arguments have gotten so damn tiresome, and it definitely smacks of D&C shilling because those shills used to be so routinely mocked on here. Usually the controversy boils down to whether or not a belief is innately vulnerable to subversion, is jewish, or is fabricated and not part of european tradition. The answers to any one of those are pretty complicated and full of caveats, and really, we just have to trust in the common love the true Holla Forumsack has for the European races.
David Scott
you too user.
Robert Green
William Wilson
William Price
Silly shill,you're filtered!
Sebastian Miller
BBC can fuck off.
Elijah James
Easton Robinson
Adrian Peterson
Easton Edwards
i don't even understand why they are trying to say Holla Forums is atheist at all. just a week ago, we praised kek and wodan without a single person trying to tip their fedora at them. that there are people now suddenly m'ladying the place up or trying to say it's a purely christian board and heathens should gtfo is so disingenuous that it's funny.
Andrew King
I'm done replying to you.
Cooper Perry
If you've been on this board through 2016 at all, you've seen shillkriegs before. None of their alternate "non-compromised" boards ever get traction.
Notice something, too. It's not like we DIDN'T have religion threads before 2015. /Christian/ was created to stop the incessant religious infighting on Holla Forums, and we simply agreed that we've already talked about it, and to stop talking about it. These religion threads get posted all the time, but they usually get ignored.. Except during a shillkrieg.
I'm 90% sure it's just shills arguing with other shills in those threads to keep them on the front page longer at this point. Maybe a few legitimate Holla Forumsacks but little substantial.
Charles Barnes
user I doubt he even speaks fluent english let alone that he knows what filtered means in the context of the boards.
Zachary Wood
Leo Collins
Disprove the Holocaust and introduce them to the truth about WW2 and the Jew World Order
Christians isn't Holla Forums user and you know it.
Lucas Turner
Oliver Rivera
Sebastian Scott
For the love of God, moonman. B& obvious plebbits and their shitty vernacular at least.
Samuel Price
im tired of larpaganist projecting . we need to emgirate to >>>/christpol/ posting in polmeta doesnt do anything.
Chase Stewart
Mason Roberts
Bentley Phillips
That's true, and I wouldn't doubt that shills take both sides of the argument rather than simply baiting. I think it's happening right now in this thread actually.
Grayson Davis
We wouldn't have that problem if the mods weren't shills and shitskins instead of actual Holla Forumsacks. I still patiently await for the day we move somewhere that has actual quality moderation.
Anthony Evans
I think part of the tactic is that they play both sides or at least slightllllly different arguments in order to get actual Holla Forumslacks to argue with themselves.
Yuri Bezmenov explained it like a karate move, if something is much bigger than you then you simply redirect it and let itself fall by its own weight.
Adrian Jenkins
Who the fuck cares? It's an anonymous imageboard. Those who don't belong here won't stay for long.
If you want a "safe space" without shills, you can go to Ironmarch forums.
Thomas Lopez
Why are you so butthurt over Jesus, Shlomo?
Julian Green
This. Daily reminder that Goldberg had a couple dozen accounts on multiple sites, each with their own personality and history. And through his shilling he actually got the Daily Stormer to let him write articles, do not underestimate how autistic shills are willing to get just for the sake of getting those $0.50. If Goldberg did this shit for free then we can only imagine how autistic they would get for money.
Carter Gonzalez
Black Walter Hudson is a little smarter than the average MSM airhead in that he's actually found out about our anti-Enlightenment philosophies
You've been trotting this line out for ages. Now you're just trotting it out with a religious tone.
Who's running these people?
Which is why they're seizing on religion, I believe. When they were doing research, we were arguing about religion, and it's the only topic save various forms of purity spiraling we really have ever had major flame wars over.
Interestingly, I think they've been doing the same thing with the "Is Holla Forums alt-right" question.
Luke Peterson
It's the only important argument pleb. Killing Christianity is the last redpill
Lucas Fisher
Part of its probably newfags. Particularly from 4chan after they got kicked off due to the CTR stuff.
Owen Thompson
Yeah, yeah, yeah. We've heard it all before.
Daniel James
OP uses current "media exposure" to claim we are "under attack" or better term if he had any talent "Invaded".
A thread like this is made almost every other day during the "summer". We constantly have "summer fag" info dump/gore threads to prep and weed out the ones unworthy. OP is not wrong that there is an influx of new people to are little corner of the net, but its no any more or less then it would have been with out ShilleryCunton spewing. OP simply wishes to drum up suspense and cause D&C within the older, newers of us. There is no issues other then the same issue that has always plauged us.
Matthew Cook
The people who make anti-Christian threads are different then the people who make anti-Trump thread. Anti-Christian threads are usually Jidf, anti-Trump threads are made by actual users who are concerned about Trumps overwhelming Jewish ties and the very likely chance he is controlled opposition.
Leo Price
Carson Russell
What's Ironmarch?
Nathan Moore
Yeah OP is probably a summerfag but that doesn't change the validity of his argument.
Isaac Lopez
Never mind said anti-trump threads always come in waves just like the anti-christian ones, right Shekelberg?
Owen Barnes
Tyler Rodriguez
keep in mind that i do care for britbongs,
however brit/pol actually is cancer
if i could resume brit/pol in a few words it'll be :
that's pretty relevant to the topic.
additionally i'm not religious but the more i learn about religions, the more i understand the purpose of it.
so have a bump considering that (((0694fc))) is using the same techniques as described by op, exploiting fracture points. d&c.
Carson Thomas
Yes, goy, our alternative board has Holla Forumsack mods, we assure you :^^^)
Just make sure you go there and NEVER RETURN AGAIN EVER
Christian Ward
I think its the other way around Mr.Goldstien.
Parker White
Ryan Wilson
Christians are more cucked than the average person nowadays. Unless we're talking about bringing back crusade Chtistianity and creating some Torah goreah I'm not interested.
Alexander Gomez
Landon Morris
8/10 made me kek
Dylan King
Have you not been around the last 30yrs?
Owen Nguyen
Christianity was better back in the day especially with the Southern Baptist Convention in favor of racial segregation and the Dutch Reformed Church in favor of Apartheid.
"If I had a child, I would want him to be just like Leon Degrelle" -Adolf Hitler
Make Christianity Great Again
Adam Gomez
Christianity was better when it was less true to Christianity
Hunter Reyes
bump because OP is right
Carson Anderson
So letting fags marry, gladly bending over to non-believers and placing them higher than Christians, denying the existance of hell, encouraging people to use birth control, seeing other gods as equally likely to exist and supporting suicide because "lol why wait" is more true to Christianity?
Ian Long
We absolutely all must stick together, and remember why we are here.
CTR, Holla Forums, Holla Forums, JDIF, the personal armies of the DNC, Soros, and the shit posters of Plebbit are crawling in. I don't like the meme, but stay vigilant.
This was going to happen, we've brought the DNC and HRC down to their knees. Our memes, trolling, and investigations have began to affect the normies.
Remember, they will attempt to demoralize us. They will attempt to emasculate us. They will attempt to slide our threads. They will attempt to undo all of our hard work.
Their attempts will be met head on. We haven't came this far to allow our hardwork to be halted or destroyed.
Religious differences are just that. Religious differences. The plight of our people, of our children, of our home lands are at stake. Let us set aside our differences, and shatter the already slipping grip of Das Juden and take back our future.
Stand and fight. Report and filter shills. Reread up on COINTEL tactics.
Chase Lopez
Same thing happened in 2014 and 2015.
Nolan Adams
Kayden Campbell
I sage to slide a shit thread.
No sage on this thread because we are indeed under attack.