That Dark Crystal sequel is a comic book

They finally realized no one cares enough for a movie

I'm struggling to conceive an idea in which this *won't* be utter shit.

Is there even anything there for a sequel? I don't really even get the first movie all that much.

Wouldn't a prequel make more sense?

A prequel would make a lot more sense and actually be interesting.

The artbook, World of the Dark Crystal described the Skeksis as not being completely evil when they first appeared, but gradually got worse over time.
It'd be much more interesting to see their descent.

But a sequel? The big bad of the world, the Skeksis, are gone and with them the UrRu, and all the Garthim and crystal bats collapse.
What's left?

literally why

Whatever happened to Artesia? I liked that comic.

because they have to ruin everything user.

I think there was already a prequel comic.

Didn't they already do comics for the Labyrinth and Dark Crystal years ago?

Why? The movie had a conclusive ending why continue it?

Manga bullshit with gelflings fighting Garthim with bits of broken pottery.

So all the good guys from film have the crystal now it's turned them evil. Is that what the cover is suggesting? Even the dog puppet thing looks possessed.


all-time worst protagonist of any story in any medium



it's shit

lol, reminds me of this

Fuck off. That could literally only happen if they somehow entice the Urskeks to reverse their sublimation into cosmic beings, and once again get wound up in all that shit that ruined the world in the first place.

Oh, fuck off.

Well he did drop the magical one-thing-that-can-save-the-universe by accident at a plot critical moment

I wouldn't send him on a quest to pick up my groceries

This sounds terrible
The movie had a good ending
Why do this happen? Why does greed control the hearts of man?

Maybe they just want to confirm that Aughra is herm.

Not just countless years, but countless decades!
That's 10x more countless!