Is this a fucking trend?
"Overly saccharine pink toy character, done in a very self-aware fashion"
Those things are years apart. Normally trends all come out in about one month when Dreamworks decides that they've suddenly got to shit out a fish/insect/animal movie like Pixar and Video BriƱquedo jumps on board too.
yo is this person fucking retarded?
Its always been a thing.
Both of you are.
So where are the overly pink characters today that are not self-aware of just how damn pink and quirky they are?
They kind of did this with Batgirl in the Super best friends shorts and Harley Quinn in that superhero girl academy show. Granted they're not pink but the personalities are similar.
Get down with the pinkness.
The original Pink Ranger?
I wanna fuck that hedgehog.
Amys pink was done because she's feminine
OPs examples are done in a obnoxious way to sort of mock that pinks a expected color but still use it
Submit to the pink.
Yeah that's why I prefer her. Too bad the Sonic Boom show sorta tuned that out and made it ironic or something. Then again she has little to no personality in the Boom show and is voiced by an old woman. Fucking french people dude.
Pink is the thinking man's red.
I want to crush Rosy the Rascal's crazy cunny.
you faggots would like /a/
fucking f/a/ggots.
Hey /leftpol/
Trolls movie was cute and fun tbh
Are you looking for trouble?
You were deflecting the blame on /a/, completely unrelated to the topic at hand. Not anime, not Euro-cartoons, not Mongolian rice paper moving pictures, but a random board on Holla Forums when the topic was on the color pink.
Yes, and make it double. Amy is very underrated tbh, I would fuck her like there was no tomorrow. I wanna go fucking spindash on that ass.
How can I be sure you're not lefty/pol/ flase flaggin?
Im not the one namefagging or bumping the thread.
Fine, not bumping. Why do you keep posting that image everywhere?
Not a furfag but Unikitty is so cute.
At least we know you're new here.
Because its that time of the month again, where a bunch shills decide to shitpost all across Holla Forums. The Election provided some nice relief but its over now and people aren't going to believe shit unless you provide actual evidence. Plus Hijinx recently got re-banned a couple days ago so we have to put up with his shit again.
I've been here since the exodus though.
Lurk moar
Look at the name fag, I know what's happening. I know all the drama shit.
Can we get back to the wonderful pink thread.
You try to lecture me about not knowing Holla Forums stuff but you don't know who Rachposter/Leaningkike/ImKamfy is?
Alright user I'll drop the retardation, for now.
I do, I just don't care faggot. Now lets follow this user's advise
She's got a big hammer
No, go fuck yourself faggot, this is now a shill thread accoding to the faggot trying to downvote.
Good luck namefagging then, have a nice day.
Toy stores and a good chunk of parents literally refuse to buy toys for girls without enough pinkness to assure them that it's 'for' girls. Heck, they had to make Princess Celestia pink because stores wouldn't stock her unless the centrepiece pony was pink. (Which may have been why they made Cadence)
Second one's a bit sexy.
Here's a pink fluffy character.
Maybe it's more of a case of people being afraid of accidentally buying a girls' toy for a boy.
Who gives a shit? If it "looks" boy enough then does it really matter? And no, that's the not reason, there are nerf guns exactly the same as the boy's toys except they're all pink. As a former retail slave I've seen several parents refuse to buy a toy for their girl outside of the 100% pink aisle.
A statistically significant chunk of parents literally think their girls playing with non-correctly-marketed toys will turn them gay, and vice versa. Decades of marketing brainwashing and all that.
It gets to the weird point where Nerf puts out fancy pink guns to appeal to women and from all indications the line is very successful.
Or at the very least, executives are utterly insistent that you need a squeaky pink girl to get girls under a certain age to not recoil in horror from something, and the writers know it and decide to have fun with it.
I've heard that fear about boys but I thought tomboys were fairly well accepted.
Most little girls actually do love pink shit and princess shit though
It's a marketing meme but it actually makes a fuckton of money
It's because of the manufacturing.
it's almost he same manufacturers and when you make millions of toys you try to use what you already have.
AKA= more money with less.
That's why Faust original ideas for FIM weren't accepted to much different colors that aren't made in very big amount.
Honestly don't by these shit toys go see a local hackerspace who posses a 3d printer and ask them if you can make a toy for the person you love bargain a bit with them they are usual very nice (especially with other hackers) the precision/quality of the toy can be much better (especially if they have a lulzbot)
Why are people just posting pink characters, might as well post this faggot
Fuck off and take your donuts with you
Because the thread is trash and OP only wanted an excuse to post Amy smut.
they're accepted by my dick.
People seem to miss this part
Is there a character that subverts the trope?
I don't mean a cutesy character with pink parts that is a psycho bitch or is mean or violent, because that would be flipping it to the other extreme.
I mean a cutesy pink character that is capable and rational and acts like a normal person.
Is that you Richard?
There was Diamondback, Captain America's Tumblr-haired supervillain girlfriend.
Princess Bubblegum, kinda? She has all the trappings of a Princess Peach type, but really only just the trappings.
And there's Array, from Gold Digger, an artificial life form who generates multiple bodies with different powers and different personalities, and a group mind. All of whom have pink hair.
Considering that she has practically taken over the judicial and political systems of the Jade realm, you'd think that the Thundercat-expie Edge Guard who are attempting to battle this one-woman conspiracy would be clued in by the fact that every incarnation of this woman has BRIGHT PINK HAIR.
Either the Edge Guard are really, really dumb, or were-cats are colour blind.
Good answer. Thanks.