Posting here because /metapol/ is dead.
Posting here because /metapol/ is dead.
Why did this post sink almost to the bottom in like two minutes even after getting a few bumps?
mods should delete all country/pol/
Until the brit/pol/ threads become equal to or exceed the number of threads about the US election, no, doesn't make any more sense than making the US move to /trump/
You're cancer and you know it. Cheerio old chap.
I'm not british.
I think that would be much more suitable for half chans Holla Forums to be honest as that's the primary thread currently on there but 8chans Holla Forums gets much more diverse with it's threads even as a brit pol poster here I type this.
hey lets be civil now solidarity is key to our movement.
look at the screenshots especially pic 3.
Yeah. They're too racist for Holla Forums, tbh.
Hold the fuck up, you nigger.
You're sorting the catalog by post amount.
Sort it by bump amount and 10 old dead full Brit/pol/ threads are on page 15-25.
You're pushing a narrative here and you know it.
What does it have to do with spamming over a thousand shitty threads? If there's something worth discussing you can just make a thread about that. It's circlejerking and faggotry in there nonstop.
Well I think they just appear to be spammed but maybe because they just filled so quickly by other posters it just appears that they get spammed out, but I don't wanna see them get their own board that would only fracture the traffic for pol and unity is the key for the ideal movement.
pic related
I think we should have a referendum on country threads. They truly are awful. I think it would be a wonderful board on its own though.
The difference being, that Trump threads are about politics and Trump, whereas the Brit/pol/ threads have 3 links to political subjects and the other 750 posts are circle-jerking faggotry
They need to go.
They are using shilling 101 to put whites against whites. Anglos vs Gemans, Slavs blah blah blah.
Not only that, shilling aside most of their board culture is different than Holla Forums, they talk about feelings and their personal lives. A lot of name fags too. Go in their threads and see the difference between a Shillary thread and an brit/pol/ one.
How about taking country/pol/ threads to /int/ like was intended?
They shitpost completely off topic. Their general is filled with degeneracy, and "bantz" against everyone else on Holla Forums
Just kill it with fire.
t: fellow brit
Regardless, his point remains valid. Most users, really hate the country threads. They destroy Holla Forums have them make their own board on go to Holla Forums like it was created for.
Shut the fuck up.
Brit/pol/ is a staple of Holla Forums for sometime now and has produced from great OC. It also provides moments of levity and keeps us in contact with real shitposting.
Such as?
they should fuck off to cuckchan
Like fucking what? Civ Nat posting remains the most annoying thing ever on this website. Oh and 'mummy may' and ginny posting, so great. It's not a coincidence that brit/pol/ has a thread up on 4chan at all times too. You wanted to know how the board gets flooded with cuckchanners? There's a bridge for migrants right there.
German/pol/ and french/pol/ are okay tbh, but brit/pol/ is fucking complete and total cancer, every single ID that has posted there should get a 6 month ban off Holla Forums
Can we just create a new Holla Forums without the annoying christcucks and where mods actually ban shitposters?
It's time, /britpol/
I actually like the German one to be honest, but if I had to pick none or all I would pick none. We don't need to be balkanized.
I posted this in other threads as well, obviously the catalog looks different now but it's still relevant , we're slowly turning into our cancerous little brother 4/pol/.
I supremely hate generals in all forms but OP is a misleading POS.
There is room for 375 threads at any given time on this board and Brit/pol/ eats up 15 at most and almost all of which are fully saturated threads which then take time to fall off the bottom of the catalog (unless you want thread traffic to be THAT fast).
I have more of a gripe with some threads here which serve no purpose and get necrobumped for months on end or that shill threads get bumplocked instead of removed.
Given the absolute shithole that /int/ is, I don't mind Brit/pol/ here. I'd rather have the traffic and users. They are the one and only country thread that has enough anons to remain active and stable.
They need to cleanse their tripfags though.
If the mods or any admin pruned the old threads there would be as many threads bitching about the deleted.
D&C shills detected
I agree, necrobumping should be a bannable offense. I think we all remember that Idaho shooter thread that kept getting bumped.
Yes ban them from American internet entirely
Fuck off christcuck
as a brit pol and regular pol poster I concur
Look at these threads.
There is no reason these should continue to limp on as are.
Unlike Brit/pol/, these generals should not exist here as they do not have a large enough userbase.
I'm still on the fence about Deutsch/pol/ as they can only crank out about 1 thread a week.
But that's all my opinion.
Also Necrobumping is bannable when the mods do their job right.
I know that fucking feel, why does britpol have to be so fucking cancerous? What the fuck is wrong with them?
Unlinke Brit/pol/ none of them are degenerate nigger lovers and civic nationalists.
No its time britpol was destroyed
Dail reminder
This. Dutch/pol/ and Kraut/pol/ are 99 % ethnic nationalists/ natsocs
Nobody is saying Brits have to get out, just that these cancerous threads, which are filled by the same dozen or so fucking faggots that are an embarrassment to Great Britain as a country, need to be gone.
Post based stuff twice as hard and shame your fellow countrymen for their faggotry. You'll be all right, we know that Brit/pol/ threads aren't an accurate reflection of every Brit, and that's why everyone wants them gone.
They generate traffic for Holla Forums
and the lads are my only friends
I genuinely think they got I nfiltrated by some sort of antifa group. Multiple members have admitted to being mixed race, jews, and traps. There is probably not even any brits in britpol and they are busy shitting on every other european people so it's like london on the internet.
What a mess.
Gas yourself Islandjew
This divide and conquer against Brits must not be tolerated.
Anyone who is anti-brit/pol/ is a D&C shill who wants to split Holla Forums apart
Go browse britpol right now and tell me what you see. I believe the theme of the day is shitting on slavs
The general theme of britpol is shitting on everyone who isn't an anglokike. Look at their fucking thread titles
You know you can just filter brit/pol/
Fuck off shills
Except now with the home page active thread thing, britpol will be first on the list always and that is a problem.
I'm more annoyed that the britcucks abandon threads at 600 replies just to make the newest thread.
When the fuck is cuckmonkey going to give us catalog filtering? That external catalog for 4chan ( I think) had that feature 6 years ago. It would solve everyone's problems. Hate Trump? He is gone. Hate brit/pol/? Gone. But segregating ourselves into smaller community groups will kill us. Containment boards are death.
They should just make brit/pol/ a cyclical.
cut it in half and make it work
This, please do it. It's even worse when they won't even speak English, and then complain that anyone who does is "cucked". They should either setup their own board or create an /intpol/.
Britkikes are cancer and have contributed absolutely nothing to this board. Even the 5 something Romanians here are more useful. In the single one Ro/pol/ thread we made, we already planned to make and fund an anonymous legionary newsletter.
I keked
It's time for you to get out from under the eagles nest /britbongs/
You need space to spread your wings and fly.
That feature is broken though. Or perhaps it gets broken after 300 posts or so, so they always set them low.
Except most of Brit pol is just shilling white vs white hate, which is a 101 shilling technique to divide the board.
I am convinced they are professional shills, read their threads and judge for yourself.
They divide the board the board with attacking a countries whiteness to demoralize and silence actual productive discussion. They turn threads into an emotional brawl filled with insults instead of reason and logic.
This is all well documented just look up the shilling techniques for cointel. It quite effective. The fact that the mods openly let this happen, just increases my suspicion that they are part of the problem
I would love to hear a mods reponse of why Brit Holla Forums is allowed to DC Holla Forums
We got some new mods, or at least new mod aliases and no public introduction on who are why they were selected.
I am telling you this board, is fucked, but, where else can I go.
All the bunkers are fucking dead.
We got some new mods, or at least new mod aliases and no public introduction on who are why they were selected.
I am telling you this board, is fucked, but, where else can I go.
All the bunkers are fucking dead.
Just make a Brit/pol/ cyclical and be done with it
This. Generals are cancer enough, let alone perpetual/enumerated generals. Only newfags can't see it for what it is: Incestuous circlejerks spawning identities and socialization, modeled after the subreddit with the character of a stagnant, degenerate infiltrated irc.
Ban all country threads
The Eastern Europeans, are leading the white nationalist charge and are at the moment extremely red pilled compared to the west and are way more productive.
Most of the imageboard bunkers are hosted by Eastern Europeans. I suspect discrediting them and ensuring they don't feel welcome is part of the shilling strategy by the Jews.
Create artificial differences that have no merit to stop any meaningful dialogue and projects from coming to fruition. It's surprisingly effective.
People should either commit to participating in Holla Forums or gtfo. Brit/pol/ is a safe space for mixed race civic nationalist fags, and they are not welcome, even occupying just a single thread.
t. Englishman
This. Ever notice that when a Russian user posts they become inundated with posts saying
Couldn't they just post British stories that we can all participate in instead of having their own faggoty containment thread?
Same should go for the Scandinavians with their Nord/pol/.
I agree though I hate them less because there isn't 30 threads up at any one moment.
In my opinion it's simple, if a recurring general thread is able to sustain itself as a separate board, they should create a board for it. French/pol/ and German/pol/ or any national general which would probably go dead if it was a board, having different dimensions than Brit/pol/ and being far less obnoxious, should remain.
Kek, pic 3.
you yanks confirmed for having no bants, unless this is a brit/pol/ lad then you rused me
I'm not even british but this really is some whiny shit
Not sure why you lads don't like us
Here's our latest thread 4U
Then they can make europol and just put their national threads on that. As a rule, all boards on Holla Forums should be in English. Otherwise, that harms any chance of unity.
Brit/pol/are ethnic nationalists as well you fucking rem that's why they don't care for other ethnicities
Most of us don't hate you, we just want you to either fuck off to a new board or leave your safe space.
Also shut down brit/pol/ I don't even care. It's fallen so far since the exodus. Been co-opted by shills. Shills always make the new threads that are always d/c. It's fucking pointless.
speak for yourself i fucking hate euro fags.
Doesn't that just mean you want us to leave so you can have a safe space???
deutsch/pol/ also spews the same vitriol about Americans as the brits do, but you never want to put them on the spotlight
We all wish they were permbanned. Sadly, mods decided they had to stay. It's shit. They should have been permbanned and each time they ban evaded, another permban should take place. Brit/pol/ to Holla Forums is what niggers are to Europe.
Make it and we'll come. There's a lot of flaws with the current moderation and no way they'll ever change it, since most cucks keep posting despite disagreeing. We need a leader to start the next exodus, since it seems like most of us are followers who won't do it ourselves.
not surprised that island kikes are too retarded to figure out the slippery slope
It's called irony you thicko
Holla Forums is too big to fit the definition of a safe space. We would all benefit from your collective removal though. You're like the niggers you see lurking around the mall, no one wants them there, so it is a bit of a wonder why they remain.
Yeah all the time, mostly I notice they tend to use the language of brit Holla Forums
Any anons who avoid intelligent discussion, by using emotional and insults as arguments I consider to be shills, or men of such poor caliber that their thoughts are meaningless.
The sad part is the insults do work, and are hard to fight without support from the mods. To be honest I think the shills have Holla Forums on lockdown. I think they even compose some of the mod team, I already see them working on the imageboard bunkers, to make sure they don't grow influence that is out of their control.
They can be hard to spot at times. Anyone know of a bunker which has a mod team that is interactive and talks with the community?
A while ago there were frequently two new threads made, but they always opted to use the same one. So don't blame the OP when the users choose which thread to use.
We'd flatten london with flying gas pipes to save a single German hair.
Stop being a fucking retard. They don't post that shit to normalfags on twitter, and most people itt seem too autistic to realize irony. Holla Forums used to be good.
It's a general. The catalogue is large. Their threads will stick around a while. If you don't want to see them, filter them. There's not even any point in mods pruning them after they hit the bump limit to make room, because you know they'll disappear more quickly if people are making other non-Brit/pol/ threads… It's not like they have more than one going on at the same time sliding other stuff. Like I said, just filter the term and don't get so ass blasted.
This is more D&C. And before anyone says they D&C in their threads, stop being so ass blasted by the clearly ironic memeing meant to trigger soft autists who visit their threads who LARP as Nazis. It's the UK general. What do you expect the response to be other than pics of Dresden?
It's better to have them than not have them and have more threads about individual British news that aren't that important or interesting to non-Brits like a big election.
Sure faggot didn't work out so well last time did it?
whatever you say cunt
No, don't fucking split up the board, you cunt.
If the mods would actually remove the brit/pol/ threads that obviously have bait in the OPs this wouldn't be a problem.
Also deleting the threads at 751 posts (or whenever they're vacated) would solve the issue of the board spam.
There was one guy giving some useful intel about the frontlines of the Ukraine conflict. I think he gave up when all the replies were just GTFO Ivan tier.
While I agree that brit/pol/ is fucked up, all you anons talking about banning all country threads don't understand that we need a place with our countrymen where we can discuss issues not related to Trump which has been 90% of threads since months ago, so don't whine about countrythreads and not understood by Americans.
Frankly, when we're trying to discuss issues about our national consciousness and race we don't need hordes of shitposting americans fucking around.
Honest question: Why do any of you that dont like the threads open them?
I see a rach thread in the catalog, I dont click on it.
I see a thread about 'Redpill me on the holocaust guise", I dont click on it.
What the point of looking at the threads you know will piss you off?
The board is already split. Originally it was any ideology, now it's not.
Just look at the audacity of this fucking Inselaffe
Brits are subhuman
Furthermore, you idiots that keep going into threads which are bait (keep in mind, NO ONE other than this shill likes Bomber Harris) and arguing are just as bad as him.
You get nowhere, and shit up what is already on the track to being a complete shitshow.
Saying britpols don't DC Holla Forums says to ignore them when brit Holla Forums people spam non brit/pol/ threads.
The shills are hard at work trying to make sure brit Holla Forums stays around and the shilling continues.
That is where you are wrong.
A small intelligent minority is better than having a lot of users that don't post anything of substance. They should take their 4chan tier culture to cuckchan or an other board.
To be honest, this board is already fucked, and the mod team sucks and isn't aboveboard. They actively allow rachposting and shills to operate.
Anyone know of a good bunker with mods who talk to the community?
Hide the thread and stop being a triggered faggot. At the end of the day they still want Trump to win and for Euros to be well off
Let me guess, nord/pol/? I recognize that undeserved tone of arrogance.
Not that I disagree with you, as I would very much like to understand something of that fucking frogspeak in the french generals but, on the other hand, language is a very important part of national identity, something that Holla Forums should cherish (when limited to some unobtrusive national general thread, of course, not when we are talking about a topic of common interest).
island kike detected
Who mentioned Twatter here? You island kikes are so fucking retarded. The memes and jokes that a clique makes eventually integrate into its worldview.
No thanks.
This time we'll be sure to send deuterium/tritium pipes instead of TNT pipes.
Mods are compromised therefore D&C shilling has a good chance of fracturing the community.
Brit here btw.
It really is kind of hilarious that they're too racist for Holla Forums if I'm honest.
The guy on 16ch seemed pretty cool but I think the board is already dead.
The funny thing is brit Holla Forums aren't Anglos for the most part, they are shills and international users. I see a lot of based Anglos on Holla Forums they just stay away from brit Holla Forums. Too bad we don't have flags, even though flags are useless with VPNs.
You will see them identify themselves in these type of threads, saying im a brit and even I think they are fucking cancer. You also see them occasional on the board, when they identify their heritage on various posts. They are good posters.
Wow good job Sherlock
Nice anti-white shilling going on there, this is a English speaking board comply or leave
Yeah going back there he killed it.
Dutch/pol/ has the most interesting conversations I've ever seen in my time on Holla Forums, it seems like you're just a bit butthurt because you can't read or partake in it, you seem like the kind of faggot that sages every thread that isn't related to your presidential candidate.
See proving my point in post
Around 2 years ago, it was suggested that we have a mod for brit/pol/ specifically (because someone was spamming the threads with offtopic pornography), this was ignored.
If Brit/pol/ were to have its own mod (I have no idea how this could be endorsed logistically) shitposts in the threads could be removed, and the threads could be sanitised of the shit state they're in now.
No, and it has nothing to do with arrogance, americans simply have nothing to do with and don't understand any of the problems that reach my people, I don't want to discuss Trump 24/7.
They have a board, they won't leave.
I meant
See proving my point in post
Spoken like a true Communist.
thanks for your input schlomo
So put in some effort and explain it to them. Maybe they'll support you.
I'm not british you fucking retard. You can't seriously expect memes to have a mystical quality about it that changes everyone's opinions on things can't you?
Can't win with you lot.
brit/pol/ isn't going anywhere, deal with it. And stop falling for obvious bait.
Confirmed for a Britkike, national barriers get in the way of these things just like language. We need a white super state
They never talk about anything of any worth, think there shit don't stink, make outrageous claims upon lose as shit "facts" to hold them selves as "the jews of whites" when they are clearly lesser then even Slovs, Krouts.
amerikike that doesn't understand europe detected
Can someone please explain to me why Brit/pol/ gets so much hate?
I haven't seen any evidence of that browsing lately. Can you give any examples? It seems a contradiction to your (valid) point about it being a bit of a socializing circlejerk as well. There indeed are many who just browse Brit/pol/ and not wider Holla Forums. They're not just not posting in other threads, they're oblivious to them. Others that stray out are usually the good contributors to Brit/pol/ (yes there are a few) and to other threads. I suspect unprompted Harris posting in a thread about Trump is going to get anons doing that banned quickly. Or it should.
It's even more cancerous than Holla Forums at the moment but the guys who run /politics/ here regularly talk with their users. They made a sticky recently about wanting to make the place more serious and asking what people want (IDs or not as well as moderation rules). It's basically a new board. Could go somewhere, could not.
What you mean by this is a lie, a lie, and probably "no fun allowed". See above anyway.
Found the brits.
Hey retard, it's not just Brits that want to see their ethnic and cultural identity upheld through borders.
/r/ thread to be beleeted.
If they want to be more racist than the rest of Holla Forums whats the issue?
I do not speak nothing but english, you fucking globalist kike, language is a white nation's pride, world language is moishe's wet dream.
literally shill-tier answer
Cherry picking and spamming the worst of it by people who hate Brits regardless. Forced group consensus by retards who can't tell what b8 is, even if you tell them THIS IS BAIT a thousand times.
Idiots who are happy to be puppets on a string.
Fuck off Britkike we need to preserve the white race, I don't give a fuck about your tea
Sure is divide and conquer in here.
There's a shitload of pages on this board. Let them have their threads, they have been perfectly behaved about keeping it organized.
Jesus Christ you really will never understand the continent will you?
You can uphold the white race without melting the whole fucking thing together.
To the anons tired of the constant shilling
Head over to endchan, the mods actually communicate with the community and deal with the shills.
endchan . xyz/pol/
So my argument all along has been to encourage more activity in greater Holla Forums when you can, and if you want a slower moving discussion with "your people", create a europol board and post all the country/pol threads there.
The EU election was pre-Exodus, idiot.
Fuck off faggot
Thank you user.
Brit here.
I gave up trying to push Anglo/American/Germanic/Nordic solidarity a long time ago.
this is the perfect reason why you brit faggots have to go
Spotted the kike
There we go with more anti-white shilling
As long as the thread topics aren't of low quality, there's no problem. We want MORE people, not less. It's far easier to redpill everyone on a single board.
Again, mods really need to clean up the obvious shills or anyone who uses redditumblretard shit like "le".
Oh and get rid of the Dresden shit. It used to be unanimous in agreement that we made mistakes regarding the war and now the older generation regrets it (post that picture).
You don't seem to understand my point precisely, convincing americans on Dutch issues literally has no point, because they are not a part of my people, it'd be nice if they supported them and all, but honestly it's of no consequence.
It's not like with american politics, because we all have a stake in that, with your (((occupiers))) ruling most of the world directly or indirectly.
All this stuff that you always talk about like the "white race" has no bearing on us and is excusively a colonial term that only applies to colonies with a multi-ethnic immigration policy such as yours, it has no meaning to our Germanic race or our future; a "white" superstate or race would only mean the destruction of ours.
And that's just one example of ideas most Americans follow that we just don't comprehend or recognize.
Europe does not exist as an entity and "europeans" are not my people, a Greek is far closer to a turk than to a Germanic person, why does that have any bearing on us?
Found the anti-white Brit/pol/ users
get these civic tranny lovers off of my fucking board
Did I say otherwise?
Thanks for putting words in my mouth "Jew of whites"
You really should read the thread next time faggot
You replied to my post that replied to this
we know your games shitskin
how the fuck can you preserve the white race without nations, betcha with your unified language you also want no-borders and Tyrone fucking your wife.
Why do you want to get banned?
I have not collected any examples at the moment. I will do so going forward. So that makes my point null about them spilling over at the moment.
Do you have a link?
If you are referring to polmeta? I see no board owners actively identifying as such and talking as mods. Most of the threads just go answered, or are answered by anons. No one acting in any official capacity.
Do you have any suggestions on what should be done? You seem to advocate to let the obvious shilling and DC threads continue that brit/pol/ seems to encourage.
DC whiteness is of particular concern to the health of the board and meaningful dialogue as well as regular mod interaction. You say they are no good bunkers but endchan is good, although, the DC whiteness shilling can be found there as well. The mods actually interact with the community and are aboveboard.
Sigh the shills have successful turned this thread in a DC whiteness thread.
By someone with one post in the entire thread linking to the new d&c one.
kek. When will you learn.
Again, putting more words in my mouth.
I don't mind you fucks having your "discussions" about what ever useless shit you guys like to spam about. Simply move it to your own bored.
Why is it that you fucks even need your own containment threads, let alone 3-8 of them. Because you fucks talk about nothing of worth, then spend 400 of the 751 posts bantering among your selves. No talks of doing anything, no "happenings" nothing.
You've got to go back Britkike
US "yanks" are not going to save you white niggers again. You need to die
Memes are the modern version of propaganda, if you were here for any period of time, you'd notice that the average worldview that exists in all boards today were what they were joking about a long while ago.
it's just white globalism at this point
Maximum kek. Listen to yourselves, you stupid little puppets on strings.
Same could be said for you fucks.
Even Krouts laugh at how pathetic you fuckers are.
It's just banter lad, no need to get so upset
Ask if they like traps and oppose white immigration. /britpol/acks won't be able to resist attacking you for questions like that.
Important poal
The other half are americapol. Stop d&c faggot
This is exactly why we don't want to deal with you guys.
Look at that graph I posted, can you point out what is white? How come turks and albanians aren't "white" but greeks are, even though they're genetically extremely similar? How come you don't recognize the difference between the races historically recognized by pre-WW2 anthropology, how can you not see the difference between a Spaniard and a Russian as significant?
We don't really see a difference between the Greeks and the Turks, we don't see ourselves as being similar to the slavic or southern races, like I said before, "whiteness" is literally a product of American immigration policy, and it's fine if you follow it, but keep that shit away from my people.
Christ, discard.
I should stop shitposting well drunk.
That's because we were advertising them to normalfags on social media. What the brits say on Holla Forums has no bearing on the positions normalfags will take as long as they don't post any bomber harris shit on twitter and facebook
I'm British m8, I can tell the difference between banter, irony, d&c and people legitimately sperging.
fuck you d&c shill
Okay, you are officially a DC, nobody of sound mind on Holla Forums would vouch for the destruction of white nations' cultures, also, I'm not a brit, you imbecile.
You don't know anything about those islandniggers. Brits have never believed that they are part of Europe because they're a few dozen km away on an island. The English have never felt that they are like the rest of Europe and there history shows it.
Apparently not every time
You care more about your nation then your race, clearly you are anti-white, we're going to delete your general Britkike.
i forgot to sage so i'm posting again just to sage because fuck you for trying to divide us.
fffff FUCK and i messed it up again SEE WHAT YOU MADE ME DO
I don't really give a shit what they think about themselves, stop being a triggered faggot and hide their thread
I got you're "it's just banter" perceived brit/pol/ cop out reference, very good lad. I'm on about the other posts.
Your only 80% white. Your on a tiny island with nowhere to go and no one to trade with. No chance of balkanizing into a new country. France has a larger navy then you. Your people are the ugliest most effeminate in europe. Your women are the easiest in europe and in many cases are literally fuck slaves to Pakistan men. There is nothing you could say that could possibly put you in some sort of advantage or greater position then the US. We have 200 million whites more then the UK has people. We are going to survive, you are not.
You have the same fucking tone every time you type. You're legitimately a D&C shill
Some nations take there fall with dignity, England is not one of them.
You're not English, or you were raised abroad. Or you're autistic.
Nah, there have been a lot of people that tried to do that and their board always dies in the end since most people are just too lazy to leave this place. There was also that one time when people tried to start an exodus to "dot pl" because they were sick of the mods allowing shitposters to create duplicate threads but I'm pretty sure that entire site is already dead.
Also, if I actually would create a board there would be a chance that someone would tried to doxx me and I don't want to take that risk.
Are you fucking retaded you dumb burger guzzling cunt?
You have more whites in numbers as well as more minorities……..That's why we're talking percentage you fucking lard arse
Your population is going to become a minority in less then 10-15 years WITH OR WITHOUT TRUMP
Your country will go dark, the main language will be Spanish and your children will no longer look like you.
Adios you fucking shit stain on the west
And I bet you want to keep Brit/pol/, get fucked anit-white Britkike
Except there's nothing funny about spamming about mummy or ginny. At the very least there needs to be a purge of your tripfags, at worst country threads are going to go the way of the dinosaur. I would suggest you join the chorus for mods to ban your own shitposters before the entire board turns against you.
You must be retarded if you think the board demographics on Holla Forums will shift so dramatically due to memes.
Here's your (you)
But user, the "Argentinians are white" meme turned South America white.
I'm a NATIONAL socialist nor a white nationalist
You'll be gassed.
I'm a kraut.
None of your polls shows up for me you cunt
Guess was right, we are being attacked.
You faggots need to stop whining. if anyone is retarded here it's the American 14 year olds pushing the hWhite Nationalism meme
Agreed. Thankfully that's all but died out since we gassed them last time.
Some are OK and contribute, some are completely unnecessary but they can just be ignored. You may as well petition mods to get rid of the name field as that'd be the only way.
Half the entire board are fucking retards who can't tell what's obvious b8 and are gleefully happy to act like mindless puppets. Better inter-board relations would be nice but I won't lose sleep over it.
Yep, I guess Holla Forums's been bad goyim. :^)
Except your civnat posting is not confined to your own threads. It bleeds over very often. Why do you think this thread is up if people weren't already on board with banning brit/pol/?
Well I don't don't you're a kraut, you sure are autistic like one. Also I'm an American show some respect for your superiors yuropoor
Holla Forums is rightful British clay.
0/10 made me reply
also britbongs need to brush their teeth
sure thing, Amerikike.
Your mother is rightful German clay.
Reported for spouting anti-white sentiments
reported for spouting anti-nationalistic sentiments
You're just taking liberties at this point Hans.
Seriously, what the fuck can I do about that? I know all the civ nat stuff on brit/pol/ is 100% ironic, I've not really seen it elsewhere but I imagine it's the same? (and I wouldn't trust anyone here to be able to detect irony anyway so I'd have to see it for myself to judge). Honestly the only way you'll defeat it is by recognising it as a shitty ironic meme and not paying it attention. The onus is on you really.
It doesn't matter, that's simply not going to happen no matter how much people bitch.
Yes, for Gods sake bugger off!
How can you care more for your country then race? I know why, it's because you're a Britkike
Hurr it's just bantz m8. No need ta get cheeky, just 'ide our ~20 threads.
All non-Brits need to die. Oi, settle down, don't get triggered. You're just sensitive.
Yes, It's time. Containment threads don't work. They need a dedicated board where they can have general threads about gennie and all that other bullshit.
Stop falling for obvious b8 and lurk moar.
God damned british people sound like such faggots. More so than any other country i can think of besides sweden. You should fucking hear your faggy selves talk and type. The eternal faggot located in all of your brits is a weird thing as a White southern American
Wednesday we had there Nige and The God Emperor on the same stage. It was fucking GLORIOUS, maybe I'm still aglow with Anglo Pride World Wide but this all strikes me as some D&C bullshit.
"You're my friend forever"
You guys do make too many threads tho tbh fam
We should kill all the Britkikes, never once in history have they been useful to the white race.
My god, there's an awful lot of kikes, SJW's, retards & faggots on this thread.
Did somebody leave the septic tank uncovered again?
Looks like we'll have to get a truckload of Zyklon-B & fumigate this place.
Always bothered me, is the guy in the first picture wearing a jewish hat?
Oh no, please don't spam our thread. The horror!
What's the deal with capoids? I mean, how did they end up looking like that?
Framing the Trump/Farage pic, it's going on my wall.
And you call others cancer. kek
I think it's some Greek thing, hell, I don't know.
People other than kikes wear skullcaps.
you do realise that it's shill that do all this shit the only reason its so bad now is because the mod's have done nothing for the past 300 threads ban the fucking civic and bomber harris posters and it will be fine
Not sure what can be done about people too lazy to leave. The admins aren't going to just take the board off its current mods, so that's a problem that needs an answer…
A new site is harder to move to. Far easier to be able to follow a >>>/direct link/ to a new board, even if a different site could be better in principle.
How could that happen if your careful? Only admins can see your IP. I know other BOs have been identified, but I assume they were careless.
fuck off shill
Give them a cyclical thread or have them fuck off to >>>/britpol/
How the fuck do you figure that?
Reported for being anti-white
t. Pablo DaMarcus Hernandez, White Nationalist
can mods just bomb this thread into oblivion already?
Found this: "The calotte (plural calottes, French from Provençal calota or Italian callotta), is a skullcap worn by students at catholic universities in Belgium. It originates from the skullcap worn by the Papal Zouave regiment around 1860." – wiki
lol yank/kraut/froggie, what are you racist?
t. kike/pol/
no but being so fucking abrasive as turn natural allies into enemies is you fucking mong if you give a shit about britain knock off the harris posting
The fact you have no idea about all the OC we've made over the years shows how little you actually pay attention.
And you're also a retard in general.
Ignore him and he will fuck off eventually, it's not difficult.
The Germans are not our natural allies.
The only real Americans are WASPs.
There's nothing wrong with caring about your country above all others, I think it's great.
But that doesn't translate to turning your back on your own race. That's what the Ashkenazim did, so they've been classified non-white.
How can you stop people randomly posting stuff?
You can't.
How can you control yourself and recognise b8?
When will you realise you are the problem? You are the cause.
Do a favor to yourselves and filter these obvious DC shills.
Fucking Germans are the ones who brought this rapefugee crisis to Western Europe.
There are cucks and SJW dupes in every country, it's true.
But our REAL enemy, all over the white western world, is our governments.
They've sold us out, they are our mortal enemies, they seek our destruction to make their shekels.
Our governments need to be dismantled and rebuilt…as they stand now, they need to be destroyed.
Good one, you'll probably get a 0.15 shekel raise.
i have ignored the bate for the past 300 threads and now we are about to be kick off pol because the yanks cant take the d/c anymore. we do something about him or we get kicked out
The mods on Holla Forums are useless, and the only way I see to properly fix this is to have brit/pol/ have a mod specifically for the thread.
I see a myriad of ways that this can go awry, but it's the only solution I can think of that caters to people CONSTANTLY taking obvious bait.
Either a D&C shill, or maybe a cancerous SJW dupe, or simply a faggot.
Which are we dealing with, here?
m8, we've had this thread countless times before. Nothing is going to happen because Holla Forums would drop off the top of the board list without the brits adding to the user count
Then tell them to stop being retards who fall for obvious b8 then. It's the only solution that will actually work.
brit/pol/ will not be banned so all this sperging is pointless.
Because brits semi-regularly raid other country/pol/s.
this is the conclusion everyone come's to every time these threads come up tbh
we need are own mod.
I wouldn't want them to leave, anyway.
I like the brit/pol/ threads.
I loved the night we all stayed up to see the brexit results, and the Brits were there with us when Trump won the primaries.
I have no problem with brit/pol/ at all.
We do. Most of the board is filled with autists though
Give a current example. What are you defining as a 'raid'? One person saying something you disagree with?
its in the yanks blood to take the b8 lad
Burger here, hopped on to britpol today on a lark, it was severe shilling. They told me it was near raid level but not quite. My guess is between Brexit phobia and paki behavior their CIA, called GCHQ, is going overtime. My guess is also that separating their stuff will not keep GCHQ off of general Holla Forums because they now identify burger polacks as a threat.
Had a nice discussion about tea flavored ice cream and related snacks though tbh.
Just a few weeks ago they attacked Neder/pol/. They have also raided /lippe/.
britbong here; the only good time brit/pol/ did anything was during brexit.
Make your own board, faggots.
What exactly did they do then?
I do wonder how many brits on Holla Forums never visit Brit/pol/.
Its just we watched the votes live. it was an exciting time, AND it was the only time I feel like brits visited brit/pol/.
All the trap and tranny talk and the other cancerous memes were not so obvious as much during brexit.
Was that the thread with OP full of "kill the anglo-kikes" stuff by any chance? If I can grasp why foreigners shitpost in bomber Harris OP b8 threads you should be able to understand why that might've attracted some brit/pol/ people. You're being very hypocritical and disingenuous.
It was literally one fucking autist and I'm pretty sure not even a Brit.
So brit/pol/ didn't actually do anything useful. It was just good to have a thread for that event. Like every other major event.
In fact it would probably have been better to just have an EU ref general at the time, without any brit/pol involved.
No, I don't subscribe to your fucking retarded claim of white ethno-nationalism. So I should be rejected from the board? You retarded stormfronter fuckbags need to shut your asses. This board isn't a hugbox for muh white nationalist shit.
Pretty Much. It was pretty much just the designated happening thread.
They are not brits; they need to fuck off to their containment board.
Cry more you pathetic faggots. You just refuse to learn or be reasoned with, fucking babies.
When have people outside of Britain ever said 'lad'?
lad I don't think I'm better than everyone here. but a trog like yourself? aye lad.
/brit/pol is not one entity
/brit/pol is not one entity
every european culture is different to some extent. there is no such thing as a homogeneous ethnic or cultural european bloc. britain's cultural and social difference primarily emerges from it being an island nation and having evolved a unique set of customs as a result of that
Get off Holla Forums, asshole.
You don't belong here.
Grow a Thicker Skin Trap fucker.
Just giving you good advice, fag.
Brit/pol/ is shit because the mods won't get rid of the shit posters
Literally too racist for Holla Forums.
Lad I hope you don't think whites are better than blacks, that would offend blacks, after all we are all humans. :^)
of what i know that's mostly banter. probably a few idiots think that, but for the most part we just enjoy reliving our old european rivalries for the keks.
But without brit/pol/ the phrase "tbh lad" would have never entered my vocabulary. They've got a really unique way of meming, like they took the meme revolution from [s4s] and took it to its logical extreme rather than veering off at some point like the rest of the internet did; they're the paragon of being ironic and sincere and neither all at the same time. It's memecraft at its apex, and the threads are worth lurking for that reason alone.
Also, a lot of Holla Forums has this idea that individual nations don't matter, and that only race does. This is wrong. The White race needs every single individual White nation to keep its unique, national White culture alive in order to keep being the best. Brit/pol/acks do a good job of keeping this anti-national nationalism in check, and kicking them off the board would result in fewer of them lurking here to suppress that retardation. That's not to say that Poles and Germans are inferior or not White, as some brit/pol/acks would insist, but that all three nations should keep their populations within their own borders for the preservation of their cultures and genetic legacies, and that's something that Holla Forums needs to get through its head.
It's like ponies all over again.
I was holding back on it but now that you mention it, all non-english correspondence on Holla Forums should be banned as the mods cannot read it.
They've been cucked by the "Latin" pacos into believing the "Mediterranean" meme, they think they's Romans and sheeit.
It's literally one giga-NEET who does this for fun. He's very good at it.
Jumped to the conclusion this thread was about the provocative anti-german OPs.
Why do you all enjoy being such easily manipulated puppets?
Fresh from Brit/pol/
>ONE post in the entire thread
Watcha doin.
What the fuck? I hate Brits now.
You're all so fucking pathetic.
Fresh from Brit/pol/
I missed that. No need to samefag.
yes. Whites are a single race with many smaller regional ethnicities.
hes talking about >>>/politics/
There's every need. As has been said multiple times, the responsibility lies on you to not be so easily baited and falling for blatant d&c. Checking post count is an essential part of that unless you enjoy being a puppet.
Guess how many posts the OP of the current thread made in the last one? That's right one. The link his d&c OP.
How many posts of the current thread has the OP made? A grand total of two posts including his OP. He's sitting back and laughing at all you dumb cunts who attack brit/pol/ on his behalf, his little puppets.
I'm sick of you dense cunts.
the Holla Forums here is run by the Holla Forums goon imkampfy.
better off using 4chan Holla Forums or twitter.
If the posters didn't agree, they'd move to a different thread.
We've already gone through a period where we keep making a second non-D&C thread every time one is posted and reporting it. Mods do nothing and the autist just keeps spamming in our non-d&C thread.
Now the mods are allegedly pulling their finger out we'll see what happens.