A new ISIS video shows children executing five men. The children are from Egypt, Britain, Tunis, Uzbekistan & a Kurd.
Should we stop sharing their imagery?
Are we unwillingly promoting ISIS with these pictures?
A new ISIS video shows children executing five men. The children are from Egypt, Britain, Tunis, Uzbekistan & a Kurd.
Should we stop sharing their imagery?
Are we unwillingly promoting ISIS with these pictures?
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you're kidding, right? you fucking cuck!
I'm not okay with forced child soldiers, but I think if you train boys to fight from childbirth, that's fine. I'm torn on on how to feel about this.
Yes, we should PLEASE DELETE THIS.
We should also censor wikileaks. After all, we don't want to promote Hillary's corruption.
uhh, no?
Not the same event but here's an older one of the type of shit
That boy is white goyim. YOU are responsible for this. SHAME ON YOU
I've got that one already.
Fuck off, edgy 14-year old. The grownups are trying to discuss strategy, moral values and ethics.
Good. White people need this.
And what if we do?
The stronger ISIS gets, the more victims they kill massacre, the more terrorist strikes in Europe they commit and the SOONER it happens the more it increases our chances to have Mother Europa and her children abruptly awoken before it is too late.
In fact, a few of those kids look pretty white.
No, can't stop the signal, Mel.
Instead, turn it.
Children are like women: they will absorb anything an authority figure tells them. Show them how these ISIS kids have just fucked themselves and their families for the rest of their lives.
The only way to beat ISIS is go at it directly, go for the jugular. The Islamic State must be completely destroyed, or else it will grow, like any of the other Abrahamic religions, through the centuries. Kill it, kill it now.
It needs an analysis in the neutral spectrum.
What is the purpose of this video.
Who are the children.
Who are the executed.
What do they represent.
What is the message.
Who benefits from this phenomena, etc.
they're not even trying..
Doesn't matter, they are under shitlam, an inherently anti-white ideology, he will killed as soon as his usefulness is up, if not in war before. Islam is never our ally, kill yourself if you ever think anything else semetic desert goat fucker
Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny.
Hey OP have you considered killing yourself?
What? No. Liberals should have their noses rubbed into what they have created.
Christianity is inherently anti-white, too. Do you propose we cut off the majority of whites just because they are Christian?
They are just much less shitty version of Arabs and kikes with some Greek, Crusader and Sumerian rapegenes in it.
Islam a shit and all sandniggers must die. Other religions are irrelevant in this conversation.
nice try chaim
Why? I know they counter argument is "NOT ALL MUSLIMS!" But Islam is a peaceful religion, which means that there should be no pictures of them killing people and enacting sharia law.
So whose hearts and minds do you think are won by posting this?
he video opens by showing the devastation caused by the ongoing war in Syria.
Included in this opening montage are destroyed buildings, graphic imagery of dead bodies and rescuers attempting to save people.
Shown next is life under the Caliphate before a montage of world and Arab leaders.
Up next is a montage of past executions, dead bodies and war footage from various ISIS battles.
Now the terrorists show five executioners standing behind men dressed in the infamous orange jumpsuits.
One of the executioners delivers a speech before four "opposition fighters" are cruelly beheaded while one is forced to watch.
This portion ends with the the fifth and final fighter being executed by handgun.
The video moves onto showing Barack Obama, the desecration of soldiers bodies and more battle footage.
After the battle footage, the savage scumbags show foreign children carrying out the handgun executions of five Kurdish captives.
According to Site Intel Group, the children were identified as being British, Egyptian, Kurdish, Tunisian and Uzbek.
Returning to the devastation caused by the war, the terrorists show more victims of so-called "coalition" airstrikes (without providing evidence, naturally).
Also shown is a compilation of battlefield kills and corpses of fallen soldiers.
The video ends by showing four senior citizens carrying out the handgun executions of four more opposition fighters.
This was published to ISIS channels on August 26, 2016.
you sound like one of them sodomites from that reddit site. go on and kill yourself before you make yourself look even more ridiculous
Excellent rebuttal. You must be an adult.
Don't forget what happened to the 5yo recently, nits make lices.
Never forget that when you have a gun on the head of one of these niglets and second thoughts are coming.
Need link OP, and possibly archive.
That could be intersting to post on normiebook or something, I think.
Are the jews showing these ISIS killer children to Americans? Is the (((mainstream news))) broadcasting these images?
No. Evidently the jews do not want Americans to realize the full horror of what is going on over there. Therefore, we should get these images in front of as many American eyes as possible.
…what happened to the cute one?
i thought the second image was a collection of snapchats.
….oh shit, someone photoshop that, please.
Who the fuck in their right mind would watch these atrocities?
Who among your friends is still on the fence on ISIS?
berry-picker as fuck tbh
Training them to fight isn't the same as forcing them to execute motherfuckers.
You can easily do the first without the second.
Working with children is rewarding.
As opposed to "lol ehjee"?
Nah, this should be spread as much as possible. Fucking child soldiers executing people? It's exactly the kind of sick shit we're fighting against.
Imagine if Germany won WW2, they would have put the brown hordes in their place. They would have never stood for this, they would have promptly destroy their capitals and sites of worship, and then force their Imams to submit to their demands and repent and ask for forgiveness.
That's the world we could've had, and we can still have it, but only if we honor the spirit of those honorable and heroic men who died fighting for what was right and just. We must organize propaganda and we must begin enlighten the unwashed masses of their betrayal by their elites and the international clique of people whom they naively gave home and shelter to out of the pure kindness in their hearts.
I watch them sometimes. It's good to understand what we are dealing with.
Colossal homosexuality. You must be a gay niggerfaggot.
meant for
I enjoy their propaganda, reminds me how low humans can go.
I have to admit, this is high tier, even my hardened senses are disgusted not as hard to watch as the 12 year old getting beheaded. So far that is the hardest thing I have ever watched by ISIS.
All the people in the west, having never seen these images don't understand the nature of the threat. These videos should be played on, national television. I don't get why the elites, don't want an arab-white war. War is profitable and allows for much more room to implement your agenda.
Anyone know why we trying so hard to not have an Arab - White war? The MSM tells me that is what ISIS wants, but I want it too. Why don't the elites?
I had never truly hated ISIS till I started seeing these videos.
People think I'm sick for seeing them. But I didnt comprehend exactly what kind of problem these people were till seeing their propaganda for myself. I think other people take for granted how causally they think about ISIS.
You have O bama saying he wont say "radical Islamic terror" because he doesn't want to create more propaganda for ISIS. When THIS is their propaganda the idea that him using words would make it worse is insane.
I think more people should see what they're doing. Making HD snuff films in slow motion with bollywood level production.
I think it would open up a lot of eyes.
So you and ISIS both want people to see this.
Doesn't that bother you?
ISIS believes it would rally people to their cause
I believe it would do the opposite
So no
Contextual whiplash. Someone from the suburbs in America will have a 100% different reaction to seeing this than somebody that grew up in the Sharia Sandbox.
ISIS killing Kurdish commies. Who cares? Assad with the help of Putin and maybe Trump will wipe up Syria soon enough and ISIS will meet a similar fate safe to say.
OK. You feel Suburban America will react as America would have reacted in the 50's - with disgust and gung ho let's-get these-sonsabitches.
But what if Suburban America reacts as America today - please don't kill us, I'm sorry I wasn't sensitive enough?
Glad the neocohens are out in full force to preach their moralfaggotry otherwise I'm sure some would be utterly corrupted by this devastating vid of obvious ISIS youth engaged in 'acts of terror'.
If you cunts actually believe that these are children soldiers for ISIS and not child actor stand ins paid for by McCain, CIA, Mossad and co. then you need to gtfo the board.These videos continue to dupe the WASP demographic due to their inherent attachment to their progeny vs other sub races.
All of you faggots thinking that this is absolutely abhorrent should just kys and let your children die in the ZOG-induced clusterfuck (Iran) that's been in the making for some 50 odd years. I can't wait for ISIS to bomb a school on American soil (officially) and hear you bastards preach your bullshit about wanting to head over to M.E.N.A. and die for your country.
Good day, and don't forget to kys :^)
These are the only sensible anons:
Izzat you?
So much incoherent rage. But thanks for playing, kid.
don't forget to change tactics
lol no, especially not with the cucks visiting us more
Enjoy war with Iran Moishe.
I'm trying to have a discussion on the merits of sharing vs not sharing ISIS propaganda.
Your sperglord input is "lol", "cucks" & other mouthbreathing "le current maymay".
No argument, no discussion, just shitposting. Is that what you want? If so, why?
There are no merits of not sharing ISIS propaganda. There's nothing to discuss except maybe how many cocks you suck for breakfast
Again, no arguments, just "suck cock for breakfast".
It's as if you were paid to slide.
As if you wanted the thread to go to shit.
Hmm, now who would want that?
I don't see why tbh
You're promoting them as the worst of the worst among the groups in the Middle East.
Unfortunately, the real problem is maybe less than 10% of the population of the United States knows a fucking thing about the Middle East. If you were to show them pics of these ISIS scumbags and tell them
they wouldn't believe you. Americans think they are all just one big group who kills Westerners because Allah.
I don't get it. How does spreading ISIS snuff videos promote ISIS? And if it is promoting ISIS, why would that be a bad thing?
The more that non-whites highlight their cultural and genetic differences from our race, the quicker that the kike narrative of human equality will dissolve. The endgame is the complete extermination of non-whites from the planet, kebab snuff videos only harden the resolve of mainstream cucks and give us an opening to advocate for a necessary genocide.
So you think Average Joe would be repulsed and angry, not scared and submissive?
You seem to have very much faith in the moral backbone of Americans.
I wish I could be as sure as you of my fellow man.
where do they get those orange jumpsuits from?
if your reasonable political discourse is not pragmatic in terms of convincing people and attracting followers, what part of it is reasonable.
There's a reason why rhetoric is a separate (but still useful) thing from logic.
IMHO, it makes the average American livid. The main problem with that is that this type of anger coupled with American ignorance falls into the hands of neocons and Israeli-first conservatives like Ted Cruz, who will talk about "carpet bombing" ISIS. Oh, while also opposing everyone in the region who also hates ISIS, whether that be Assad's government, Russia, Iran or Hezbollah.
are you from cnn or some shit?
what's with the fucking moralfaggotry?
I hope Trump drone strikes schools in the middle east. it's the only way to get rid of this filth for good.
Okay, Israel.
Fucking weak piece of shit.
Isreal's also in the middle east you know.
if evolution is real why didnt the gays grow wings??
checkmate atheists
Yes, not being an edgelord is weakness. It's all so clear to me now. Thank you, young user.
yeah, goddamn liberal conflict-of-a-century war starters
and you must be a le wrong generation teenaged redditor. have you killed yourself yet?
its a common reddit train of thought. muh streisand affect, muh dont gloryify mass murderers like brevik because its what they wanted and you will bring them glory by talking about them.
surprised the glock grenade didn't blow up in his hands
so when is the ball about satanism dropped? when will the sickos be exposed who took based paganism and turned it into an edgy-competition?
i sometimes think these ISIS videos are symbolical for what happens under the surface and anyone who is opposing polical islam in the middle east is instilled with fear.
Anyone suggesting that the viewing of these leads to recruits or somehow strenghtening these goat fuckers is beyond retarded.
Speaking of dumb cunts, lots of obvious shills the past two weeks desperately pushing 'sage' on perfectly valid threads worthy of discussion.
after 5 years when IS is destroyed these kids are going to come to europe as poor muh feels refugee
Arabs like the negro are a pawn for the jews to toy with.
A very pesky pawn at that.
OK, here are some sources that claim ISIS propaganda does indeed have an effect, contrary to your "nope, that's retarded"-argument.
But I guess links like these don't matter, since you don't give a fuck about anything else than your feelings. And those feelings, whithout anything whatsoever to back them up, tell you … nope.
That's it.
Your argument is based on "no, they don't because muh feels".
You are saying they're ISIS all this propaganda just for shits an giggles. Because to think otherwise is, in your words, "retarded".
It seems you have a lot of emotional investment in this "just nope"-theory of yours. Otherwise you wouldn't sperg so intensely against those who disagree. Why is that?
Why do you need for ISIS to be right?
Wonder if that guy ever got laid, or at least got to watch.
lol of course not. That fuels our hate and gives us a taste of what barbarism is like.
First of I think you meant to say unwittingly.
Whats the alternative? Ignore it? Try to repill people but not have any evidence of ISIS' brutality? Just walking up and claiming: Hey you know those Radical Islamists, oh boy they sure are mean! But I don't want to show anyone these examples because you might like them.
People would just stop listening. Besides, anyone who even thinks about wanting to join ISIS is already a white hating shitskin or a self hating white. ISIS does tons of its own promotion of these videos and the less mainstream news sources use them as well, people will see them whether we post them or not and I really doubt normies will just stumble upon this board and suddenly decide to train their children to kill people.
Saging because I don't think this thread should be bumped.
I realize I have been unclear.
When I ask "should we be sharing ISIS propaganda/atrocities" I mean should we be sharing the horrors to Joe Average on Twitter, Facebook etc - not that they shouldn't be shared on Holla Forums.
I agree that pictures can have an enormous impression in redpilling people.
What the fuck did Holla Forums do to me? I didn't even flinch watching this video. I can still remember getting nervous before watching a beheading. But now? I'm used to seeing that kind of stuff.
And all the West should too. We all lived for generations in a bubble of comfort and peace and we forgot our roots. War was always savage like this and civilization only comes through some war now and then.
SITE special effects are getting better.
They don't want war they want genocide. Whites are to be wiped from existence by interbreeding. At least for now. First they reduce our numbers then I'm sure things will be stepped up.
The way to deal with the muslim threat is to stop being nice. They cut off heads, return the favor. The problem ends. They only respect violence.
We should just bomb them all, to be honest.
B-but Hitler admired Islam and poo in loos
Yes, in their own countries.
He didn't have to see how awful they were all the time.
So one of the kids is British. Why isn't anyone talking about this?
How did a British boy end up in ISIS?
This is where your taxes go.
Even more ratlike and honourless than shit kikes get up to. Kid is just a tape playing repeated noise.
The effects and shit are a bit much it's like they're editing an episode of Scrubs.
The fuck is the white kid?
I fucked up.
All I have to say about this.
gotta say that is kind of cute
The elites do want that war but not yet. It would still be too easy for whites to win. Wait until Arabs are the majority of nearly every city in Europe then the elites will let war happen.
Nigger kids do worse every day, only difference are the tone of the unintelligible shouting beforehand and the co-ordinated camo outfits.
Imagine being such a bitch that you appear in an ISIS video, those dudes are in decent condition, even bound they would be able to at least spit in the camera or launch themselves up, could probably crack the kids in the chin with the top of their heads if they had a micron of balls left.
The submission to their demise without resisting continues to amaze me.
Yeah whatever, you do everything you can get yourself killed before suffering this level of ignominy or you might as well be on their payroll for being an obedient little dog.
I thought I recognized some of the songs
it would rally people both for and against ISIS. The elites would rather people remain asleep.
within 2 years those kids will be in sleeper cells in Germany
That's pretty much exactly what their CIA handlers want you to feel.
So Obama funds ISIS to take out Gaddaffi. Was that for Israel? They created ISIS to create the pretext to have more war?
Well ISIS isnt new at this point. Obama refuses to acknowledge it as Islamic terror and we don't really fight them.
So how does all this shit fit together?
Ha. Get out.
Child Killnography. (((Who's))) behind the camera?
never forget ISIS is not about islam
isis is about sunni arab NATIONALISM and expansion
the kid you see in the picture was brainwashed and blew himself up as suicide bomber, failing killing no one but himself if i remember correctly
like in judaism converting to islam will not save any european
the north african and gulf arabs, use european converts as cannonfodder and brainwash them into doing suicide bombings
That's how you do it.
Go hunting some day, faggot.
What's this from?
Do you think the lugenpresse will be plastering this image on all of their front covers?
I dont want to crawl through all these retarded replies and shills, someone tell me if the webm was posted yet
Pr is the cuck go-to strategy
Ok heres the deal. PEOPLE NEED TO SEE THIS.
They just think "Oh its just some meh group doing bad stuff here or there" and then they push it out of their mind. Its the same shit with that kony2012. Everyone knew it was bad but they didnt really grasp the true horrid nature of it. So they just did slactivism thinking that it was something that would be solved "by spreading awareness". Every single nigger thinks now adays the best way to fight something is it "spread awareness". Every time I see someone post something in that form about raising awareness i want to beat on them until their head caves in. WHY? Because it doesnt do fucking shit and if anything is detrimental to getting the problem sovled.Its the same shit they do on social media sites about breast cancer and child abuse. It makes them feel good inside that they fought the problem by letting other people know about it. Assholes, we already know about this fucking issuse. The problem is no one knows about the severity of the issue. You want to know what REALLY spreads awareness? Getting shit done or showing them what the fuck these assholes are really doing.
No one really knows that they are getting children to line up behind pows and shooting them point blank execution style. They think "oh yea these people are bad but they arent so bad that its inconveniencing my life"
Yes we need these vidoes to spread. The entire "it gives them what they want" excuse is fucking childish and does fucking nothing but cock block dealing with the issue.
The world has become so desensitized that this is the shit we need to force people to look at in order for them to wake the fuck up and actually wan these faggots and the entire middle east wiped off the map. This is the shit they want to bring over to every single country.
So the entire point of posting these videos in front of people who sit there and act like its not that bad or just cover their eyes and ears is to make them give a shit. Force them to say "Ok we need to stop this now".
We dont have enough support for actually burning these faggots to cinders.
A rather on the nose example of a 'useful idiot'.
They're rather hemmed in by surrounding states much as they might try to grow. Besides it's not like the ones over there matter it's the ones in Yrop and Burger that need dealing with.
ISIS propaganda is so stupid and ineffective. Who in that group had the grand idea to imitate Hollywood-style film techniques? People are so accustomed to Hollywood gore that these dumb ass videos have absolutely no affect. Their video is so crisp it doesn't even feel real. Also this shit with the children is so cliche I just want to stick my face in the palm of my hand. Did a teenager think it up? Oh man, so shocking! Fucking faggots… There's literally nothing they can put out that hasn't been shown to some degree in a Hollywood gore movie already that didn't look completely real.