You all faggots will walk right into this trap

I am in with a few Soros shills, working to engineer public perceptions through social media.

These aren't well financed Google X type pros. These are useful idiots, who are clicktivist fuckheads, that want to do 'something important' as they are getting a paltry sum of 'support' funds. It is pretty fucking pathetic, these cucks get 'donations' raised by other idiots out basically panhandling around local colleges, public transportation hubs, and financial centers in the hundreds, who say they are raising money… to get money out of politics, and overturn Citizens United, or some other shit. Usually they hit you up to sign a petition, then pitch the 'make a donation' bullshit.

Anyhow, what little organization there actually is, comes from a pretty well structured, pseudo grassroots, culpable deniability, directed network of political strategist and actors looking to create social and political strife that will work in their favor. These fuckers are the pro disinfo agents, with media ties, and such, who look to pollute the public's context of current events and such. And the money or these types does lead back to Soros, and others such as Google, Facebook, Amazon, etc.

So what does this have to do with fullchan Holla Forums?

Congrats, with the recent Hilary alt-right speech, you all are going to be gaslighted in a way. To make the general public who will come to observe for themselves the 'evil hub of alt right online', they will ramp up the 'Day of the Rope' talk to eleven. They will be LARPing as the most hard core Storm fags you could imagine. And get ready for loads of threads supporting a version of nationalism sure to perturb the normies jimmies. Also be prepared for people to unironically use SJW arguments to do this all, as this is the only type of public discourse these minions understand anyhow.

The plan is, D & C like a mother fucker, by driving those capable of having any type of intelligent, and therefore capable of organizing, discourse away in disgust. And use genuine and curious normies to 'document' what a vile and shitty place this is.

Good luck faggots, it is your trap to fall into. I'm headed back to playing normie fag again.

Other urls found in this thread:!kp8DlTgS!xvKO1NgmOZcNtEifQYaUfw

We pride ourselves on the fact that we do not flinch or compromise on our goals, but as you stated that can be manipulated very easily in a way that makes us seem insane. The difference between a shill and a Holla Forumsack is that shills will take things to the most ridiculous extremes (i.e. pretending to be the most insane demonic baby killing nazis that they believe exist in their nightmares) by saying things like all non-whites must be exterminated or that absolutely every Jew in the world is evil(I know this isn't an easily accepted idea, but there are some Jews who are normal people, the confusion comes from the fact that most of these globalist assholes are kikes). Holla Forums is easily fractured due to our highly decentralized ideologies and until we can agree on something and stop fight amonst ourselves, I fear the shills may be successful in what you're claiming, OP.


Inb4 you expect me to keep reading


(((They))) did not manage to destroy us the other times they tried, so why do you think it will work this time?


does she have dreadlocks? >>>oven

for you

we dont comprimise , we double down

They really do have this little respect for your ability to question who maybe posting Holla Forums.

the white race has been gaslit since the 1960s you colossal faggot.
and it's a not-so thinly-veiled PR thread


How are we walking right into their trap when there is literally nothing we can do to stop them from posting here

look at this faggot that missed the original thread when the image was submitted, fuck off you piece of shit

lol bullshit

The general public wouldn't touch this place with a 6 million foot poll. Also, Holla Forums's regular content rustles more jimmies than anything a shill could ever come up with.

Take your larping back to cuckchan, nigger.


Just fuck off.

You wanna off a drunk, keep serving him.

What he's saying is they're going to ramp up the agent provocateurs to the highest possible level.

I can already feel it coming on, we've always said crazy shit on this board before but people will try to manifest it in such a way that not only will the people that might fear it's consequence will fight and D&C each other to death but also make fatal mistakes in the upcoming works of our ideology.

He's basically saying the shills have failed at everything so far, now all they can hope to do is masquerade so hard as one of us to bring us to whatever plan they have to ruin us in either terms of the board itself or IRL consequences.

We'll just have to see, guys. Just keep your fucking eyes open. No need to be all retarded because of speculation and preparation.

The election draws near.


Take a number and get in line, dildo.


The best counter is to go even farther. Gigantic edgyfag shit, the kind of stuff meant obviously to trigger lefties. Wearing cowboy boots made of black leather (made from real blacks!), soap and lampshades, Zyklon B, basically every poster tries to out-edge every other poster.

Normies come in and see it so far afield that they go "This is what the media was so afraid of?", laugh, and leave. Leftists hold a screaming fit that gets ignored. Trump gets elected. Life goes on.

The only compromising thing they can post around here is CP. Massive amounts of CP. Which would be deleted instantly anyway.

This is not a playground. We're not naive kiddies. We know how they think, how they work, how they plan. They made it all too obvious. We can counter anything they have to, or will, throw at us. We control the memes, not them. This is our home turf.

They fear us because we speak the truth. If they're willing to come all the way here into the (((far dark reaches of the internet))) where asocial autistic people meme together that means they're pretty fucking scared by us. And that tells a lot about how weak, silly and desperate they actually are.

The poor fools are attacking the vipers nest.


So what?

We have red-pilled polacks deep inside their organizations from all the other shills that have defected, so somebody will spill the beans.

Some will uncuck themselves and spill the beans, even if the start out with freshly brainwashed shill team each time, so the cucks and the kikes really are fucked this time.

You're a colossal faggot of the highest degree. This board is a decentralized think-tank that never was, nor ever will be pleb-friendly. And it doesn't have to. For every 100 normies who come here and flee in dusgust and fear from all the 'hatespeech' and gorespam, 1 will remain and redpill himself. And it's these hardened individuals who carry the ideal onward, acting as the proverbial tip of the spear. We don't need masses of blind idiots and other stains of human sheep - Holla Forums is exclusionary, meritocratic, and merciless, just like the ideology its adherents espouse. And it's mainly a NatSoc board, bereft of any humanity or compassion - you and your ilk cured us of both.

In short, choke on a bag full of dicks, you clueless newfag.

Dang, got any more from that?

Simply being aware of it is a good start, you can't honestly believe that a lot of our userbase isn't susceptible to infighting, it already happens all the time.

Trumpcucks might be a blatantly retarded thing, other shills have always this smell around their posts where you can just know by looking, but if it gets to a professional level of it, we should at least spread the word to help give people a concentrated idea now that we're coming to the most important era in Holla Forums ever before.

Stopped reading here

Show proof or fuck off.


Me, so, smart, me, no, english

What else but concern-trolling can they do?

lyrics related.

Boo hoo. We don't care what normalfags think. When they feel our memes and operations there isn't a return address attached. The CTR shills yelling at the faggots on 9gag and Instagram for laughing at "8/pol/" memes will be ignored or considered crackpots. Also, aren't we banned from Google? I bet half of the people alive don't even know you can visit a website by typing in the URL.

Instead of worrying we should get back to doxing CTR cucks. That would keep them out.

Nice one, fag

We can

OP, this was obvious from the very second "alt-right" was coined, especially if you had anything to do with Gamergate, where they used the exact same tactics, which ended up backfiring hilariously and created tens of thousands of former left-leaning faggots who were open to the idea of media conspiracy.

They already look completely ridiculous to normalfags for acting like Facebook Frog is secretly Kermit Hitler. There is nothing to worry about.

Erdogan looks he wants to give him the D

Gaslighting is a term the is used to describe when an abuser makes a sane victim think he's insane. Only works on women and retards.

There is nothing wrong with infighting when it's constant background noise to weed out week positions and falsehood.

We also have a bunch of people exploiting the infighting for their own ends or entertainment, so it's going to be hard work for them not to become a prop in other anons propaganda.

Just in case you're legit;
Solution: Drown them. Unless they go on TV to show their faces at which point the background will be easily verified, we'll just spam our quality content.

We're not many, but to hire even 10% of us is a massive investment.

Kill yourself :^)

No, that's impossible. Agent provocateurs fail without exception because regular Holla Forumsacks shitpost content that's more extreme than anything the agent provocateurs can come up with. We also bait each other harder than they can but us and we do it just for fun.

Which won't work because no matter how hard they try to masquerade as Holla Forumsacks, they'll just get outdone by actual Holla Forumsacks.


We've got nothing to worry about. We should prepare our best "redpilling for newbies" materials and subvert them all.

My favorite redpill was the mathematical proofs that the gas chambers/oven in Nazi Germany couldn't have possibly kept up with Holocaust narrative.

We will teach them what they don't want to be taught. They will learn in spite of themselves, and it will be their masters' fault. I can hardly wait.


Maybe it will remind me of the time before halfchan came here.


Also: Remembe that
Gore Posting
is the only tactic to get normies off this board again. It worked with the third exodus and will work now as well.

You're not very good at this, shill

You talk like a fag and your shits all retarded

Our (((mason))) admin seems to think that this will increase traffic, and has made adjustments necessary for profit (news poz).

If anything this is a good sign.

Who knew this alt-right thing is like anudduh gamergate

Honestly now is the time we need a leader, and a manifesto so they can't twist the narrative on us, we can just refer back to the leader and manifesto.

No shit.

gas lighted*

Seeing how much attention this shit gets it should be obvious by know that "alt-right" is a shill term which will be used to discredit various ideas by associating them with elements that the general public finds unsavory.

We should seize the opportunity and spark curiosity about NatSoc , Central Bank ,Federal reserve, Holocaust and other ways of leading them to the kikes.

Its the perfect timing to expose the kikes

kek vs moloch


Degenerate garbage that doesn't belong on Holla Forums you fucking kike.

Kill yourself retard, this shit is exactly why that abortion of a movement got co-opted with zero fucking effort


Be wary of these "we need to organize" arguments

They may not necessarily be shills but they can be used as an excellent tool to divide and subverse us

Sound to me like the cure for shills will be to up the gore and frogs.
It takes are hardcore shill to sift through a gore thread, back by an absorbent amount of shitposting frogs.


Cool. MTM and SRS started out as "ironic" too.

What do you suggest then, because they are talking about us on MSNBC right now about how the "alt right" wants to gas all the kikes.

if anything we should point out we are full blown NAZIS and not this "alt right" meme shit


also, pic related

Oh no guys, we're going to get shills trying to shill on Holla Forums
Whatever are we going to do now

Ooops, forgot to sage

And another sage to offset my initial bump

bloody hell satan

And a quint self checking sage

I know exactly what it does faggot



wew what a fucking retard

Have a sage cum junkie

and have another.

Cant bury this cancer deep enough

Mr Bernstein, just go KYS already

top kek

Why havent you KYS yet?


Also, why havent you offed yourself ye Joe?





And one more in honor of Joe Bernstein



Have a sage, kike






you are going to stop long before bump limit because you are a dumb pussy, and then I'll bump the thread again



What I dont get is people actually deliberately bumping cancerous threads like this.

Almost like you faggots are shilling.

How much Pants of shit paying you homos for each post?

wew lad










Man, it's been so long since I saw someone new enough to think sage bombing works. This is making me feel nostalgic.


Reported for namefaggot and tripfaggot.

Reported for spam.

reported for reporting



you do realize you are achieving absolutely nothing, right?

How are all you dumb fucks missing the point? The most important part is this

I've seen this an increasing amount lately. Over the top annoying Trump supporters, Christians, atheists, etc. That pretend to agree with the things on this site but are super fucking annoying, saging and reporting everything while shitposting. So many people here are getting fed up with the fanatic Trump supporters for example, because of the overly annoying fags who freak out if you say anything negative about him and sagepost endlessly. This is classic D&C, turning Holla Forums against itself. A lot of people are talking about leaving because of the redditor Trumpfags but they can't even figure out how to post here. Bring back noko. OP isn't saying we should tone it down or worry about PR bullshit. He's saying that we've already started being flooded with people who pretend to agree but are super fucking annoying about it, shutting down intelligent conversation with off topic bullshit arguments.

When you see that behavior, report, filter, and move on. Don't engage with them, because that just helps derail the thread.

He switched VPNs for 3 posts and gave up

The speech was a massive failure OP, so get your bitch ass back on the street begging for Shekels you faggot kike.

>>7266650 >>7266687 >>7266730 >>7266793 >>7266818 >>7266838 >>7266845 >>7266860 >>7266871 >>7266884 >>7266892 >>7266912 >>7266934 >>7266945 >>7266948 >>7266961
How autistic are you?

OP seems kind of like a faggot but the excessive sage bombing makes me compulsively want to bump.

sage, then

show proof

reported for wasting dubs



same tbh,

bump then because it triggers you



Sage isn't a downvote, Chaim.




Uh huh, so the brighest guys are going to what? Join normies? Never because they understand all of this better than anyone.

Whoever gave Hildog that babel doesn't even have a small child's understanding of the internet. If you recall, this isn't the first time we've been challenged. Our victims are vast and we'll pound this diaper wearing dementia patient with Parkinson's into a seizure in primetime if they want a fight.

Stop responding to him, dumbasses. That is exactly what he wants and you're helping him hit the post limit in this thread so it dies. Report, filter, and move on.


What do you think each of these saged posts is doing to the thread?

Reported for being a cocksucking faggot.


Burying OP's faggotry



thats not how that works chaim


You're missing the point. They know they can't fight us by conventional means. Their memes are weak, and social taboo does not bother us. That is why the enemy pretends to be a friend but works nonstop to divide the group and derail problematic threads. Of course we will win, but it'll be a lot less shitty if more anons learned to not take the bait every fucking time.


Not when faggots like you keep bumping


So what you're saying is we shouldn't notice any change in the posts here

Good post, but still saging

get…the hell…out


OP is a faggot

That would help. But for now, teach anons to not take the bait. Don't ever respond to shills, respond to foolish anons that swallowed the hook and tell them to report, filter, and get back to the topic at hand.


You have GOT TO UNDERSTAND that…

You can fool some of the people all the time.
You can fool all of the people some of the time.
But you cannot fool all of the people all of the time!!!

And once people find out that they have been snookered, you Social Engineers will hang from every elm and oat tree in Washington!!! Count on it!!!


All Leaks Bundled!
Asia -
Africa -
Eurasia -
Latin America -
Europe -
World Bank -
President's Office -
DDDC Leaks -

user #1's archive:
user #2's archive:!kp8DlTgS!xvKO1NgmOZcNtEifQYaUfw


OP is obvious CTR trying to get everyone to tone police themselves and start D&Cing and acting suspicious based on behavior native to Holla Forums.
It's bullshit. Don't listen to the wall of text typing mama's boy son of a bitch.

I really hope no one was retarded enough to fall for this

that's more like it

Where in there does he suggest toning it down or worry about PR shit? Even if OP is a lying fag, and he probably is, the things he mentioned are legitimate.


This evil prick's days are numbered!!!

It’s not 1998, you stupid fucking kike.

That doesn't even make sense. It isn't tone policing, it's appearing attractive to the normies.

Rule out the outliers (extremists), and push towards a HIGHER UNDERSTANDING.

All the shit he said is about to go on has been going on already.

OP is just some LARPer faggot who should kill himself

okay…then it'll be pretty obvious to tell the difference between an actual angry Holla Forumsack RWDSposting and some fag shill trying to sound like one.

Just report FBI threads and be done with it.
Boom problem solved

You got so butthurt you forgot to sage retard hahahah


have another

and another

Not everyone wanting to problem solve is FBfuckingI, jerkass. You're calling for more
stop it, that's not the answer.
son of a bitch.

You got so blown the fuck out that you had to grasp at straws that don’t matter.

Sage this cancer


keep melting down bucko

Guess what? Someday soon we will have YOU by The BALLS!!!

Illuminati Control More Pervasive than We Think

(Truman discovered his perception of reality had been constructed for him, and was false.)

If John Coleman is right, we can’t trust anything

emanating from the mass media or government.

“The moral, spiritual, racial, economic, cultural and intellectual bankruptcy we are in the midst of today is not some social phenomenon…that just happened. Rather it is the product of a carefully planned Tavistock program,” Coleman writes.

(How the Elite Plays God from April 2006)

By Henry Makow, Ph.D.

Like a cat toying with a mouse, the elite teases us with glimpses of our true predicament. One such peek was the 1998 movie The Truman Show directed by Peter Weir.

Truman Burbank, played by Jim Carrey, is unaware his life is a reality TV show. Everyone, including his wife, is an actor, and everything that happens is staged. In other words, his life is a fraud.

Truman Burbank’s predicament describes our own. According to John Coleman, the elite has been writing the script for almost hundred years at the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations based in London. (Coleman’s books)

Coleman, 81, a former British Intelligence officer (MI-6) , first exposed the clique that dominates the world is his classic Conspirator’s Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300 (1992)

download (30).jpeg
As its title suggests, his latest book is a rambling cry of despair: The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations: Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, Political and Economic Decline of the United States of America. (Pdf)

Have some sage friendo

You got so blown the fuck out that you had to grasp at straws that don’t matter.

You got so blown the fuck out that you had to grasp at straws that don’t matter.

You got so blown the fuck out that you had to grasp at straws that don’t matter.

You got so blown the fuck out that you had to grasp at straws that don’t matter.

In before autistic paid shill responds to all those posts at once

The book is confirmation that a financial elite engineered every war and depression in modern history and continues to condition our beliefs and behavior.

According to Coleman, Tavistock began life before WWI to convince peace-loving populations of the need to massacre each other.

“Those fresh-faced young American boys from Arkansas and North Carolina were sent marching off to Europe believing they were “fighting for their country” never knowing that the “democracy” [Woodrow] Wilson sent them to “make the world safe for” was a Socialist-International One World Government dictatorship.” (42)

Funded by the royal family, the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, Tavistock pioneered the techniques of propaganda used to justify war. Outright lies about German atrocities in WWI resonate down through the decades to lies about Sadaam Hussein’s gassing Kurds and killing babies in Kuwait. Of course the biggest lie of al is that Muslims had anything to do with Sept. 11.

Coleman found that 94% of the key words and phases developed by Tavistock for WWII use “matched up with those used in the Korean War, the Vietnam War and the Gulf War.” (153)

Coleman’s main point is we can’t trust anything the mass media or government tells us, especially not the “News.” He cites Stalin’s propaganda chief Willy Munzenberg: “All news is lies and all propaganda is disguised as news.”

Coleman says society is rotten with institutions and organizations directed by Tavistock to deceive and distort. They are called “elite” institutions because of whom they serve.

The conspiracy reaches right down to the local level. According to Coleman, Tavistock has an “invisible army” of actors found “today in the halls of justice, police, churches, school boards, sports bodies, newspapers, TV…town councils, state legislatures, and are legion in Washington. They run for every office…”

Virtually every important corporation, university, think tank or foundation is linked to Tavistock. (See Conspirators’ Hierarchy pp. 221-253 for a list.) It chooses the entertainers we watch, the pundits we listen to; the politicians we elect. Every US President since Theodore Roosevelt has been under its control. They made examples of rebels like JFK and Richard Nixon.

Tavistock is behind every “spontaneous” social movement of the last century, including feminism, sexual “liberation”, the peace movement, the “New Age” movement, environmentalism, homosexuality, and abortion. Lately, they are behind sex education and the transgender movement.

“The moral, spiritual, racial, economic, cultural and intellectual bankruptcy we are in the midst of today is not some social phenomenon…that just happened. Rather it is the product of a carefully planned Tavistock program,” Coleman writes.

We are constantly studied to see how we will react under stress. Orson Well’s Martian invasion in 1938 was designed to demonstrate the power of the “news” to deceive. Coleman doesn’t mention it but the power blackout in the Northeast was probably another study of mass behaviour. So was New Orleans. Confident of our sedated sheep-like behaviour, Coleman says Tavistock went ahead and massacred David Koresh and his followers at Waco after lying about his activities. (240).

Tavistock follows Sun Tsu’s maxim of “Kill a few; terrorize many.” Coleman calls Winston Churchill’s decision to bomb German civilians “a war crime.” Dresden was “an outright attack on Christianity, timed to take place during Lent,” he says. (188)

According to Coleman, Tavistock is waging war on the Muslim world because Islam represents an obstacle to its control. (151) He claims Russia and China still have a measure of independence.

fucking lol

Is it really shilling anymore when we know what you’re going to do before you do it?

You don't get it. It's not gonna be obvious threads like that. It's posters that rile up shit all the time to make Holla Forums have infighting and people looking for intelligent discussion go elsewhere. You see this all the time, otherwise good threads getting derailed by anime vs nonanime, atheists vs Christians vs pagans, etc. If people wanna argue about that shit they should be directed to make a thread for it, not shit up otherwise quality threads.

The problem isn't just fags being way extremist, it's them doing that while also being fucking annoying little shits while false flagging as one group or another. The goal is to make Holla Forums eat itself because they can't stop us by conventional means. Insult and educate newfags or just dumbfuck anons. If they don't stop their bullshit, filter and get back to the topic.

I gotta admit, Im disappointed in him

I gotta admit that you’re a fucking cuckold.

is it really sagebombing when you are too fucking stupid to remember to put the sage on half your posts?

So you're literally calling for D&C because some people spouting Holla Forumsthink MIGHT be shills?
Nah, you're going to hell.


The only problem with OP's plan is that Hillary already labelled the "alt-right" people - Alex Jones, Milo, Drudge, etc.

Having a bunch of fake role play people come out of nowhere won't be effective, because they aren't those who have already been named the enemy.

Sage because of your first sentence.

You got so blown the fuck out that you had to grasp at straws that don’t matter.

KYS for wasting those dubs on a sage bombing attempt without saging.

That other user is right about you

The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations: Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, Political and Economic Decline of the United States of America.pdf

The only people coming here are BBC readers.
Hillary didn't even name us, like you said.

Bump because it triggers you, even though it “helps” the intl faggot.

you got so blown the fuck out you are keeping the thread at the top of the catalog by yourself, keep it up pal

Where did you get that idea? I'm saying we've gotta stick together.

You got so blown the fuck out that you had to grasp at straws that don’t matter.

Not triggered, youre just letting everyone know how out of the closet you are

Explain how when the mods are paid shills.

you got so blown the fuck out you are keeping the thread at the top of the catalog by yourself, keep it up pal



We are in this jam because a small group of dynastic families have amassed unlimited wealth by usurping the government’s money-creation role.

To maintain this unjust advantage, they need to create a “world government” dictatorship. As in any colonial situation, our national elites are chosen by their willingness to collaborate with the occupying power. Most people will do whatever it takes to be “successful”. Many think they are free citizens creating a better world. Like the two Jewish professors who criticized the Israel Lobby recently, they discover the reality when they stray from the script.

The public is constantly under psychological attack. Turn on the news and we see 9-11 cover-up accomplice Rudolph Giuliani shedding crocodile tears with victims’ families at patsy Zacharias Moussaoui’s show trial. Al-Quaeda hijacker Mohammed Atta “mistakenly keyed the air traffic control microphone instead of the cabin intercom” and is heard talking to the frightened passengers! Sure.

Meanwhile, the bird flu is coming to get us. Someone is burning black churches. Illegal aliens are flooding the country (despite the “heightened security” mandated by the “war on terror.”) Jesus asked Judas to betray him. It goes on and on.

People find the Illuminati to be an abstract and elusive enemy. Look no further than your television, your iPod, your radio, movie or newspaper.

Coleman says 450 of the Fortune 500 companies get their marching orders from Tavistock. This may explain why TV commercials seem more concerned with behavior modification than with selling a product.

I saw this gem recently. A little boy besieges a little girl with gifts. Each time she rejects him. Finally she accepts a vase full of flowers but slams the door in his face. She dumps the flowers in the garbage and uses the vase to gulp McCain’s Kool-Aid.

What a message to send to children! They are messing people up so we are too divided and dysfunctional to resist them.

Like Truman Burbank, more and more people are recognizing the plot. They are testing the elite’s story line and finding it mendacious and perverse. They are walking off the stage to find an authentic life.


Roast in hell, autist.


What do the mods have to do with anons teaching other how to not take the bait and how to avoid derailing quality threads?

Explain how when the mods are paid shills keeping this pro-kike thread on the board.



poo in the loo

Boy, you’re autistic. Just type sage like I do.

This is far from a quality thread user

Man are you purposely missing the point of everything I'm saying or what

And Im autistic?

What you are saying is wrong, so I’m fine with missing your point.

Yep, as confirmed by you yourself.

take a guess



Your behavior is a prime example of the sort of shit OP was warning us about. Being intentionally fucking ignorant and divisive to shut down any potentially problematic information or discussion.

oh no people might come here and see the truth that niggers are a problem oy vey muh pr

Hes right you moron

Hi. Bump.

You're right! They have got you by the balls more than you can imagine!!!

Nah, reported.

21 Goals of the Illuminati by Dr. John Coleman


Alex Jones Infowars posted up the 21 Goals of the Illuminati which came from Dr. John Coleman’s The Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Committee of 300. All of this came about because Professor Griff (from Public Enemy) was on the show last night.

The 21 Goals are posted up on, check it out for more:

1. To establish a One World Government/New World Order with a unified church and monetary system under their direction…

2. To bring about the utter destruction of all national identity and national pride, which was a primary consideration if the concept of a One World Government was to work.

3. To engineer and bring about the destruction of religion, and more especially, the Christian Religion, with the one exception, their own creation, as mentioned above.

4. To establish the ability to control of each and every person through means of mind control and what Zbignew Brzezinski called techonotronics, which would create human-like robots and a system of terror which would make Felix Dzerzinhski’s Red Terror look like children at play.

5. To bring about the end to all industrialization and the production of nuclear generated electric power in what they call “the post-industrial zero-growth society”…

6. To encourage, and eventually legalize the use of drugs and make pornography an “art-form”, which will be widely accepted and, eventually, become quite commonplace.

7. To bring about depopulation of large cities according to the trial run carried out by the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia…

8. To suppress all scientific development except for those deemed beneficial by the Illuminati. Especially targeted is nuclear energy for peaceful purposes…

9. To cause. by means of limited wars in the advanced countries, by means of starvation and diseases in the Third World countries, the death of three billion people by the year 2050, people they call “useless eaters”…


OP wasn't talking about PR, user. At all. How do people keep getting this idea?

It really bums me out that I can't tell if you're a shill or just a dogshit user.

So behind the times…

Dr. Jim Willie Says the US has to Go to War for the NWO/Elite to Achieve Their Goal!

Jim Willie Says Media Blackout! War In Progress!!

A much more calm Dr. Jim Willie talks to Rick Wiles at TruNews about what he sees coming in the next couple of months. It is not easy to listen to, because he is so direct and so knowledgeable and very frightening. Anyone that is not interested in the economy or how the world elite use the Central banks to pursue their agenda through constant war, will not like this video.

I have followed Dr. Willie for many years and he is one of the few people that I am almost 100% in sync with. His knowledge extends well beyond his studies of economics and statistical analysis. He clearly knows the things that go on in the shadows and usually is not shy about addressing almost any topic. In this interview with Rick he stays on point, which I personally don’t care for, because I like to dive into the deep conspiracies that are taking place now and in the past. I thought this would be a good primer for people that don’t know Dr. Willie well and perhaps can motivate them to pursue more of his thinking. His website is Pretty clear from the name of the site that when he does interviews he usually leaves nothing untouched. He is a straight shooter and funny as hell most of the time. I think because TruNews is a religious channel with a huge following, Dr. Willie toned it down a lot. Still the video touches on some of the most important and urgent issues that the world is dealing with. Many of my past videos go much deeper into the issues that Dr. Willie discusses. Look at some of my past videos or go to his site directly.

I'm definitely not a shill, I'm just an user.

But you have got to see there is definitely an intensive program going on constantly to deceive and divide us.

There is an army of people working behind the scenes to destroy America through the Soros think tanks.


10. To weaken the moral fiber of the nation and to demoralize workers in the labor class by creating mass unemployment. As jobs dwindle due to the post industrial zero growth policies introduced by the Club of Rome, the report envisages demoralized and discouraged workers resorting to alcohol and drugs. The youth of the land will be encouraged by means of rock music and drugs to rebel against the status quo, thus undermining and eventually destroying the family unit. In this regard, the Committee commissioned Tavistock Institute to prepare a blueprint as to how this could be achieved. Tavistock directed Stanford Research to undertake the work under the direction of Professor Willis Harmon. This work later became known as the “Aquarian Conspiracy”.
11. To keep people everywhere from deciding their own destinies by means of one created crisis after another and then “managing” such crises. This will confuse and demoralize the population to the extent where faced with too many choices, apathy on a massive scale will result. In the case of the US, an agency for Crisis Management is already in place. It is called the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), whose existence I first enclosed in 1980.
12. To introduce new cults and continue to boost those already functioning which include rock music gangsters such as the Rolling Stones (a gangster group much favored by European Black Nobility), and all of the Tavistock-created rock groups which began with the Beatles.
13. To continue to build up the cult of Christian Fundamentalism begun by the British East India Company’s servant Darby, which will be misused to strengthen the Zionist State of Israel by identifying with the Jews through the myth of “God’s chosen people”, and by donating very substantial amounts of money to what they mistakenly believe is a religious cause in the furtherance of Christianity.
14. To press for the spread of religious cults such as the Moslem Brotherhood, Moslem Fundamentalism, the Sikhs, and to carry out mind control experiments of the Jim Jones and “Son of Sam” type. It is worth noting that the late Khomeini was a creation of British Military Intelligence Div. 6, MI6. This detailed work spelled out the step-by-step process which the US Government implemented to put Khomeini in power.
15. To export “religious liberation” ideas around the world so as to undermine all existing religions, but more especially the Christian religion. This began with the “Jesuit Liberation Theology”, that brought an end to the Somoza Family rule in Nicaragua, and which today is destroying El Salvador, now 25 years into a “civil war”. Costa Rica and Honduras are also embroiled in revolutionary activities, instigated by the Jesuits. One very active entity engaged in the so-called liberation theology, is the Communist-oriented Mary Knoll Mission. This accounts for the extensive media attention to the murder of four of Mary Knoll’s so-called nuns in El Salvador a few years ago. The four nuns were Communist subversive agents and their activities were widely documented by the Government of El Salvador. The US press and the new media refused to give any space or coverage to the mass of documentation possessed by the Salvadorian Government, which proved what the Mary Knoll Mission nuns were doing in the country. Mary Knoll is in service in many countries, and placed a leading role in bringing Communism to Rhodesia, Moçambique, Angola and South Africa.
16. To cause a total collapse of the world’s economies and engender total political chaos.
17. To take control of all foreign and domestic policies of the US.
18. To give the fullest support to supranational institutions such as the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Bank of International Settlements, the World Court and, as far as possible, make local institutions less effective, by gradually phasing them out or bringing them under the mantle of the UN.
19. To penetrate and subvert all governments, and work from within them to destroy the sovereign integrity of the nations represented by them.
20. To organize a world-wide terrorist apparatus and to negotiate with terrorists whenever terrorist activities take place. It will be recalled that it was Bettino Craxi, who persuaded the Italian and US Governments to negotiate with the Red Brigades kidnapers of Prime Minister Moro and General Dozier. As an aside, Dozier was placed under strict orders not to talk what happened to him. Should he ever break that silence, he will no doubt be made “a horrible example of”, in the manner in which Henry Kissinger dealt with Aldo Moro, Ali Bhutto and General Zia ul Haq.
21. To take control of education in America with the intent and purpose of utterly and completely destroying it. By 1993, the full force effect of this policy is becoming apparent, and will be even more destructive as primary and secondary schools begin to teach “Outcome Based Education” (OBE).

I thought that this strategy of theirs was patently obvious. But since it wasn't let me deliver the counter attack which should also be patently obvious:

Do not capitulate in any way. Gas the kikes, hang every single person complicit in this shit… But when you see "greetings fellow goyim we need to be edgemaster supreme kill everyone without blond hair and blue eyes" tier obvious shilling we need to shitslap them in their kike mouths.

I know. Maybe you got me mixed up with someone else? These are me.

Pls an hero.

Dr Jim Willie Says the US has to Go to War for the NWO-Elite to Achieve Their Goal!

Dr. John Coleman Breaks Down The Committee of 300 on Alex Jones Tv

Your failed attempts to fit in are noted.
Back to the drawing board with you.

The goal of gore posting should not simply be to force newcomers away - it should act as a filter for newcomers who could never fit in here.


Don't stop memeing

Never stop dreaming


If Hillary gets elected, there WILL BE NUCLEAR WAR WITH RUSSIA!!!!!!!!!!!

And that is EXACTLY what the Elite want!!!!!!!

All of you WILDEST NIGHTMARES will come true!!!

Holla Forums is banned from Google. These threads do not get indexed. Also, we are not Holla either which will throw a lot of people off.

I know the board owners are tossing and turning at night over the sheckels they are losing over Google giving them the boot, but I honestly think it's the best thing that could happen to us.

Or else we would be as bad a halfpol or god forbid the donald on reddit.

And that why Soros is putting all on the table right now to destroy America, first by psyops and disinformation through his myriad institutes and NGO's.

And guess what? Soros singlehandedly controls the Federal Government! He is the deFacto Dictator of America! That's what FBI user stated a while back!

No shit, I'm honestly concerned that if Hillary wins we'll have war with Russia. Europe will get involved on the US side, and China would end up involved on Russia's side. All the young men would get drafted and they could get back to the status quo again, assuming there's not a nuclear apocalypse, or some bioweapon overperforms expectations and we have another Black Plague on our hands.

Oh my God! Are they okay?

That's the type of bullshit gaymergaters fell for.

This is the way the world was meant to be.

sending shills here to talk to lurk long enough to talk to us in a way we cannot recognize them for the outsiders they are, they have made a critical error.

rev up those propaganda images, and be ready to insert the proper references and language in your posts, for forcing them to know and understand these terms to even attempt to have a conversation with us, (or attract us to baitposts beyond the recognized D&C tactics of religion, traps, and animu-hate) they are redpilling themselves.

bring it on. Holla Forums can take it.

This evil man HAS TO BE DEALT WITH before it is GAME OVER, and everyone is dead or suffering from radiation sickness and famine, or is stuck inside of the 800 or so FEMA Camps across America.

Soros Leaks

Obviously the only things that converts Liberals into Conservatives is the Truth, and Hard Core Reality.

With all their tricks and all their money… in the end they cannot win. The reckoning is near.


Nigga, I ain't clinking that shit.

Ok, now that problem is solved, what's next?

No. Just do what we've always done and mock the ever loving shit out of these people when they post. We're winning because we're funny.

We cannot stay within the confines of comfortable Holla Forums. We have to invade the Evil Empire, and do what it takes to turn the tide. Face it, they have almost won because of everyone's apathy, and in believing their disinformation and psyops.

Everything must still be the Anonymous model, leaderless lone wolves they cannot control nor anticipate. They are experts with dealing with and subverting any kind of organized leadership system.

You mean how /int/ and /new/ as pissing themselves laughing because they convinced autistic polacks to use the christcuck meme and dead kike on a stick?

Yeah Holla Forums fell for that one hook line and sinker and chased away the demographic most sympathetic to them.

You must remember that you cannot do anything without failure without God being on your side. You cannot reject Christ and prosper. The U.S. Military has decided to reject God and go their own way, and will always result in a massive strategic failure every single time. Same with the CIA, incredibly humongous big failures in everything they do because they have decided to go it alone without God. Notice how everything works out better all the time for you when you pray? I do. I cannot live to do my own thing, but must rely on Christ's power to do His will in the Earth.

Shut up retard, and stop with the Russian/Assad dick sucking and conspiracy theory nonsense.

jews run the world and hate white people, this is a fact.

9/11 cannot melt steel beams is a stupid conspiracy theory that chases normies away.



It's almost as if that shitskin cunt is part of the psyop trying to dismantle imageboards

What this guy said ↑


So you mean the next wave of CTR shills will sound just like the LARPer losers like Renegayde Broadcasting, Ropeculture and Sinead who sometimes spam the board with their crap?


I fucking knew those people were shills!

Yep everyone who doesn't sit in the basement and shitpost about the state of affairs is a shill

Fuck off kike, like most of us haven't got here after the first exodus.

you are shills, not every fucking thing is a happening, its just sliding.

I swear Holla Forums,

I see you go to enjoy feast with council, in celebration of your swift defeat of Laius, and taking the crown of Thebes for your own. And still a melancholy sits on your brow, as inwardly you lament how the search for the murderer of a father you never knew should be carried out. I boil inside with your taking the hand of your queen Jocasta, whom you as a loving husband and her king, lead her to your bed chamber to make love. And yet in your wife's loving embrace, you cannot help but despair for never a memory, or clear knowledge, if in your mother's arms and lap, did your head ever rest, before your ankle's were pierced by metal, pinned together, in your infancy, and kept as such that you bear scars of it. Scars that you pondered on many a night as you gazed up at stars, wondering of your fate, keeping watch over the flock of your adoptive shepherd kinsman.

Oh Holla Forums, your greatness only outdone by your tragicness.

"I have no desire to suffer twice, in reality and then in retrospect." - Sophocles, from some tragedy he wrote.

don't associate me with that filth. while there still exist people that label themselves as such, you need to lurk moar realize that the political spectrum no longer exists between those two points, and that differing, credible views exist. alternatives, if you will.

hello OP, nice classical mithology knowledge.

μῆνιν ἄειδε θεὰ Πηληϊάδεω Ἀχιλῆος
οὐλομένην, ἣ μυρί᾽ Ἀχαιοῖς ἄλγε᾽ ἔθηκε,
πολλὰς δ᾽ ἰφθίμους ψυχὰς Ἄϊδι προΐαψεν
ἡρώων, αὐτοὺς δὲ ἑλώρια τεῦχε κύνεσσιν
5οἰωνοῖσί τε πᾶσι, Διὸς δ᾽ ἐτελείετο βουλή,
ἐξ οὗ δὴ τὰ πρῶτα διαστήτην ἐρίσαντε
Ἀτρεΐδης τε ἄναξ ἀνδρῶν καὶ δῖος Ἀχιλλεύς.
τίς τ᾽ ἄρ σφωε θεῶν ἔριδι ξυνέηκε μάχεσθαι;
Λητοῦς καὶ Διὸς υἱός: ὃ γὰρ βασιλῆϊ χολωθεὶς
10νοῦσον ἀνὰ στρατὸν ὄρσε κακήν, ὀλέκοντο δὲ λαοί,


Nigga I just want you to be honest you aint finna kill no one.

beware the 'moderate'