I am in with a few Soros shills, working to engineer public perceptions through social media.
These aren't well financed Google X type pros. These are useful idiots, who are clicktivist fuckheads, that want to do 'something important' as they are getting a paltry sum of 'support' funds. It is pretty fucking pathetic, these cucks get 'donations' raised by other idiots out basically panhandling around local colleges, public transportation hubs, and financial centers in the hundreds, who say they are raising money… to get money out of politics, and overturn Citizens United, or some other shit. Usually they hit you up to sign a petition, then pitch the 'make a donation' bullshit.
Anyhow, what little organization there actually is, comes from a pretty well structured, pseudo grassroots, culpable deniability, directed network of political strategist and actors looking to create social and political strife that will work in their favor. These fuckers are the pro disinfo agents, with media ties, and such, who look to pollute the public's context of current events and such. And the money or these types does lead back to Soros, and others such as Google, Facebook, Amazon, etc.
So what does this have to do with fullchan Holla Forums?
Congrats, with the recent Hilary alt-right speech, you all are going to be gaslighted in a way. To make the general public who will come to observe for themselves the 'evil hub of alt right online', they will ramp up the 'Day of the Rope' talk to eleven. They will be LARPing as the most hard core Storm fags you could imagine. And get ready for loads of threads supporting a version of nationalism sure to perturb the normies jimmies. Also be prepared for people to unironically use SJW arguments to do this all, as this is the only type of public discourse these minions understand anyhow.
The plan is, D & C like a mother fucker, by driving those capable of having any type of intelligent, and therefore capable of organizing, discourse away in disgust. And use genuine and curious normies to 'document' what a vile and shitty place this is.
Good luck faggots, it is your trap to fall into. I'm headed back to playing normie fag again.