and so it begins
POPE FRANCIS to PROCLAIM LUCIFER as God of One World Religion
Speaking for Eastern Europe, no one takes him seriously or even shuns him. He'll be branded a heretic if he tries to unite the Gods.
Just no. That account if a psyop. Bullshit mixed with pearls, provided by (((them))).
anti-slide bump
Just like last September's Shemitah, right?
Fuck off.
hows your economy doing?
Just as shitty as its ever been.
Economy hasn't been good since the 80s or 90s.
which Lucifer?
Happeningfags on suicide watch.
Something major will happen in October, it is the end of our 300 civilization cycle, either we will all die or we will all escape. It should begin with the breaking of the sky and freeing our true source of light, instead of the fake sun shit we have now.
I tend to avoid Catholic Chruch + alien conspiracy theories, however…
the chances of this being an actual strategic plan of the Globalists is fairly high when you consider Hillary has already tried to use the aliens story to receive a boost in her support. Remember she claimed if elected, she would get to the bottom of the aliens issue.
Also…Scientists claim to have just discovered the closest earth-like planet just outside of our system. Previous, these earth-like planets were hundreds of light years away. This newly discovered planet, which is in the zone allowing complex life to possibly evolve, is only 3 light years away. Close enough aliens with hyperdrive could get to our planet very easily. In fact, humans are already building an engine system which can reach this new planet.
>implying the shemitah year hasn't ended yet
Bump since the catalog is full of slide threads anyway
Good video.
Today, we are on the threshold of a horrifying new epoch of Jewish history. Now, comes the Holy Serpent, slithering from his fiery abode in hell to wreak havoc upon humanity. Jesus once declared, “Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers. How can ye escape the damnation of hell?”
Amazingly, the Jews have proven to be exactly what Jesus prophesied. They are the People of the Serpent, unregenerated hypocrites whose religion is unparalleled in its treachery, its wickedness, and its unbounded filth. The Kabbalah and the Talmud, authored by the rabbis, are the very code of hell, the doctrines of devils.
On the surface, the Jews appear to be pious, humanitarian, charitable, and good. The very picture of saintly human beings, they are said to be exalted and true, God’s Chosen.
But appearances are deceiving. The evil spirits of those who once worshiped Moloch, who fashioned a golden calf in the desert, and who tortured and tormented Jesus Christ are back, and the whole world is in jeopardy.
Making its way on stage is the most colossal devil religion ever. The People of the Serpent have awakened Abaddon and the Beast is rising.
The Holy Serpent of the Jews is on the move and ready to strike.
Freemasonry and Satanism, book review 91 pt 1, Holy Serpent of the Jews by Texe Marrs
Loooonnngg book review.
you wish kike
nice try associating yourself with the REAL Israel….but you are not. You stole their religion and their land, but refuse to follow the laws of that religion.
Jesus was never a jew.
DNA testing proves jews are actually turks
Time to remove Kabob
Do not assume that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword
Look at those who belong to the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Judeans but are liars instead. I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and they will know that I love you
is he going to name the Jew?
I'm climbing the tower, Elohim. You can't stop me.
I remember once in some interviews with rabbi's, one of their tactics to belittle Christianity was to refer to Jesus as Jew. However in the their other books they hate Jesus with a passion. Now I am not a very religious person. But to refer to an individual with such animosity as to place him in your actual bible as a damned individual. Well all I am saying is maybe the key is to find out why he was hated.
Good post.
Antipope Francis.
Matthew 15:24
Matthew 15:29
who cares, jesus is a filthy lying kike
Is that from the Talos game? That's creepy as hell, I have heard about this game for the first time just a few hours ago and now it meets me here, spooky. I read that it is the illuminati mocking us.
Does he lie? or Does Paul? the New Testament is a mix of testimonies. Jesus never wrote anything down.
it doesn't matter because anyone who believes in jesus is taking shelter of a filthy lying jew
Jews tend to not ostracize other Jews. Unless they go against their traditions. An ostracized Jew is no longer a Jew in the eyes of the elders.
Shemitah was a forced meme from Christcucks. My uncle is a Jew worshiping evangelical and was talking about the shemitah, if that tells you anything about the origin of that forced meme.
this tbqh fam
Reported for intl.
Nothing new,we already knew about the apostasy of the Church since Fatima.
2017, 100 years since the apparition. Shit is gonna get fucked.
great response, christkike
being a follower of (((jesus))) makes you a bluepilled faggot loser
In that case you would have to remove vast amounts of Greeks and Italians as well, they are almost identical to Turks.
- bluepilled faggot christkike
ok as long as we get the jews
cut it in half and make it work
Hey, good news! Turns out we don't have to get the italians afterwards! We can just get the J1s.
"Jesus was not a jew" is the christian version of "we wuz kangz"
"Or does he?" …
See, that's a question.
I'm asking questions, Stan!
pull the plug when?
Her husband said the same thing, & exposed nothing about UFO's when he became president.
She's just trying to garner a few more "Alium believer's" votes, just like her crooked husband did.
If anyone would expose the existence of aliums, it would be Trump. Trump has no use for shadow government conspiracies, and loves to be the center of attention…he would love to go down in history as the one president that finally admitted to the world that aliums exist.
It is this aspect of him, among others, that make him impossible to control, and why the head of the NSA said he would be a "security" threat.
Their idea of what "security" encompasses and ours, are not at all the same.
To us, "security" only applies to things that might endanger the nation…to them, "security" means keeping secrets just for the sake of keeping everything a secret.
So… Judaism?
The very first verse of the New Covenant reads: The book of the genealogy of Messiah Yeshua ("Jesus Christ"), the son of David, the son of Abraham (Matt. 1:1). Who were Abraham and David?
Abraham was the first Hebrew. God changed his name from Abram (Gen. 17:5). In Gen. 14:13 he is called Abram the Hebrew. So we can see that Yeshua (Jesus) is descended from "Abram the Hebrew."
According to the Bible, the Messiah must be descended from the tribe of Judah (Gen. 49:10) as King David was (1Sam. 17:12, 1Ch. 28:4) and descended from King David himself (2Sam. 7:12-13, Isa. 9:6-7, Jer. 23:5-6). That is why the Messiah is called Son of David (Matt. 21:9).
Yeshua (Jesus) is from the Tribe of Judah (Heb. 7:14).
In addition, Yeshua was born King of the Jews (Matt. 2:2). The King of the Jews must Himself be Jewish (Deut. 17:15). His aunt Elizabeth was Jewish (a descendant of Aaron, Moses' brother) and His uncle Zacharia was a Jewish priest (Luke 1:5, 36). Yeshua was circumcised according to Jewish law (Luke 2:21, Lev. 12:2-3), and redeemed according to Jewish law (Luke 2:22-23, Num. 18:15). His mother atoned according to Jewish law (Luke 2:24, Lev. 12:6-8). He is called The Consolation of Israel (Luke 2:25) and The Glory of Thy People Israel (Luke 2:32). Jesus was born a Jew.
In adult life, His disciples were Jews (John 1:47, Matt. 20:25-26) and they called Him 'Rabbi' (John 4:31). Mary called Him 'Rabboni' (John 20:16). They sought Him because they believed the Torah and the Prophets (John 1:45).
A Pharisee who had not yet come to faith in Him also addressed Yeshua as 'Rabbi' (John 3:2), as did a crowd of people (John 6:25). A Samaritan woman easily recognized He was a Jew (John 4:9). He taught in the Jewish Temple (Luke 21:37) and if He were not a Jew, His going into that part of the Temple would not have been allowed (Acts 21:28-30).
I thought the Ashkenazim were Khazars?
And yes, there ARE some Semitic Jews, they just aren't the Rothschild-type "Jews"
You boys ready to get cucked by aliens?
How can hu-men even compete?
Is their a bible quote on that?
"KEEP US IN POWER TO UNITE THE PLANET IN ONE GOVERNMENT TO KEEP US SAFE FROM THE ALIENS (that are not a threat)" was the plot twist to Ender's Game.
Judeans were only one tribe out of twelve.
it probably wont happen
Thanks for the slide thread, /x/
Are Europeans.
Jews are Turks.
Jews don't follow Jesus so they aren't the sheep he is talking about.
Jesus ascended to heaven 500 years before Judaism existed.
This shit has been super interesting to me lately, I still can't tell if there is something their or people are just being rused by lens flair.
Shemitah is a legitimate phenomenon that we've seen over and over again. To make it absolutely clear: it doesn't matter if you believe in it. It matters if your enemies do.
That said, I think it was misinterpreted. The seventh seventh is the year of Jubilee, where debts are forgiven and all that. But on that year you're supposed to let the fields lay fallow for twice as long, unlike any other seventh.
I suspect that 2016 will be the year of the great harvest from renewed fields, and based on how the year has been going so far, I'm not being proven wrong. So far.
We'll see what September brings.
I really want to know how in their own book and in the bible god straight up disowns them, says they will pretend to do good but know only evil, says they will deceive people into thinking otherwise and they cannot be trusted, that they will NEVER be repentant and yet NOBODY SEEMS TO FIND THAT EVEN SLIGHTLY BOTHERSOME
its some serious orwell shit where they can read these words they believe comes from a perfect being and say "nope, hes wrong about this one, the jews are great! i know better than my own god does" every now and then i meet a christian who recognizes this, but they ALWAYS claim "but the jews are different people now" and again, god EXPLICITLY STATES that they will NEVER change and they will TRICK YOU INTO THINKING THEY HAVE
this is so fucking obvious i feel crazy thinking about it.
Question is, is it the light of Lucifer, or the light of god?????
make pyramids great again!
the world will not be prepped enough for that before francis dies, the masons really haven't done a good job for the Rosicrucians.
They are so incompetent holy shit
This thread is full of anti christian kikery and the mods do nothing about it, remember the kikes hate jesus.
if any christian ever wants to move to a better board come to >>>/christpol/
no, i mean the christians.
also jeremiah is in the old testament, in fact, all of god's raging happens in the old testament, and god stops speaking to the jew at the end of it, where he finished his dealings with them by threatening them, cursing them, and telling them he will send the last prophet as promised, but that he will ensure they cannot know him.
god becomes incredibly furious at the jews and people just brush it off, i dont get it.
In Malachi God literally says that he's going to put the Jews into the oven. That's why Jews are so afraid of ovens
1:11 For from the rising of the sun even unto the going down of the same my name shall be great among the Gentiles; and in every place incense shall be offered unto my name, and a pure offering: for my name shall be great among the heathen, saith the Lord of hosts.
2:11 Judah hath dealt treacherously, and an abomination is committed in Israel and in Jerusalem; for Judah hath profaned the holiness of the Lord which he loved, and hath married the daughter of a strange god.
4:1 For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.
4:2 But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.
4:3 And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the Lord of hosts.
Yes, go and dont come back, please take rabbi Yeshua with you.
Praise Kek, bringer of chaos and light.
its almost comical how many times during god's series of rants against the jews he curses them in ways that correlate to actual events which occurred to the jews later in their history.
I feel like that is pretty good evidence for his existence, not often do myths make good on promises.
you amaze me. There is a god out there whos entire purpose for interacting with earth is to torture and kill jews, and a prophet of his whos sole mission was to raise a force against them and yet you claim he and his followers are jews themselves.
absolutely fascinating.
Take all of you Christian bullshit back to your containment board >>>/christian/
They dont know that hell is forever, this board ia lost cause ,i wish >>>/chrstipol/ would have more users so i would stay there.
Anyone else noticing this same broken English in multiple threads shilling for /christpol/?
It's almost like they aren't native speakers.
Not even once.
Top kek
can't bother to watch 11 minutes of this shit, but from the name alone it sounds like dumb shit and it's not going to happen
scared of the heat, moshe?
/r/cringe the post
Pro Tip:
Jesus is a myth.
Satan is a myth.
Jewish God is a myth.
Pro tip: reported for intl
yeah it's almost as if there was a book of fictionalized accounts that gave them the basis for their various (((persecutions))) throughout their existence.
Stopped watching this crap right there.
Fuck, don't forget to sage faggots
Oh look, schizo bullshit.
You fuckers have no idea how predictions work. Do you want a prophecy? I'll give you a fucking prophecy:
You will die alone, with shit in your pants.
That is a prophecy.
funny, that's exactly what your boss is going to do live on cnn
Like september 23 2015, nothing will happen.
Septemberfaggotry will start over again next month.
This thread proves it.
Do you have information on that? Turks aren't a race either, so that wouldn't be surprising.
9/11 was gaslighting.
Dear sweet jesus
lucifer is not satan
pleb daboo77 tier disinfo
Kill yourself
Poland the only white Catholic country doesn't even give fuck about him
Fuck him
fool, kek manifested itself for that very reason, the memes have become a metaphysical force reverberating across the world we have been having a happening nearly every week in 2016 and we actually have a ray of hope
Jesus, the son of God, was sent to save the worst in Earth, the Jews
They betrayed him, but many who saw His doings were converted
You sent the doctor to the sick one, not the healthy
look its fucking nothing
Ray, pretend for a moment that I don't know anything about Dragonball, metallurgy, engineering, or physics, and just tell me what the fuck you're talking about.
a kike and an sandnigger walk into a bakery. the sandnigger immediately steals three pastries and puts them in his pocket. he says to the kike, "see how good i am? the owner didn't see a thing." the kike says to the sandnigger, "that's typical of you sandniggers. i am going to show you an honest way to get the same result."
he goes to the owner of the bakery and says, "give me a pastry and i will show you a magic trick." intrigued, the owner accepts and gives him a pastry. the kike swallows it and asks for another one. the owner gives him another one. then the kike swallows that one and asks for a third pastry and eats that, too.
the owner is starting to wonder where the magic trick is and asks, "so what did you do with the pastries?" the kike replies, "look in the sandnigger's back pocket…"
now look to syria.
kikes are the sons of the devil. they say it themselves, so please. can we forget the sliding bs and get rid of these racemixers now? i'm tired of waiting.
So mysterious.
Fake alien invasion isn't going to happen with the internet in its current state. There's 0% chance they'd be able to make it believable with current technology and internet debunking. If it failed they'd utterly expose themselves.
Oh man, South Park called this
if the NWO is a van halen concert I might just be okay with it
Why would they trade a magic Jew for a European God like Lucifer who was never in the Bible in the first place?
The Pope can't be this base. If he is I'm joining them
Actually Thor is the son of God. Because God comes from the Germanic Lombard word meaning Godin. They were the closest to Christianized Rome and the name stuck.
Your diety is Yahway
The rioting is intensifying to the point where we may not be able to contain it.
Reported for hoax.
David Lee Roth is a jew.
most mainstream music is degenerate jewish filth or heavy metal, guy like me can't win and has to listen to animu themesongs all day? get real.
Look at the s&p..
There WILL be something big in september.
The meme is a real thing though.
Lucifer is an antipattern user..
Its not hard you guys are pretty sensitive.
The president has something like 23+ levels of secrecy above him. Sry you are just wrong. Since WW2 the MIC stopped sharing that type of information with the president.
To quote a terrible movie, Independence Day:
"Two words: Plausible Deniability."
It was fulfiled, then what happened?
Parable of the vineyard:
33 “Listen to another parable: There was a landowner who planted a vineyard. He put a wall around it, dug a winepress in it and built a watchtower. Then he rented the vineyard to some farmers and moved to another place. 34 When the harvest time approached, he sent his servants to the tenants to collect his fruit.
35 “The tenants seized his servants; they beat one, killed another, and stoned a third. 36 Then he sent other servants to them, more than the first time, and the tenants treated them the same way. 37 Last of all, he sent his son to them. ‘They will respect my son,’ he said.
38 “But when the tenants saw the son, they said to each other, ‘This is the heir. Come, let’s kill him and take his inheritance.’ 39 So they took him and threw him out of the vineyard and killed him.
40 “Therefore, when the owner of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants?”
41 “He will bring those wretches to a wretched end,” they replied, “and he will rent the vineyard to other tenants, who will give him his share of the crop at harvest time.”
42 Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures:
“‘The stone the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone;
the Lord has done this,
and it is marvelous in our eyes’[a]?
43 “Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit. 44 Anyone who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; anyone on whom it falls will be crushed.”[b]
45 When the chief priests and the Pharisees heard Jesus’ parables, they knew he was talking about them. 46 They looked for a way to arrest him, but they were afraid of the crowd because the people held that he was a prophet.
The holocaust didn't happen, but it will.
The whole point of the holohoax is that the Jews know they're going to end up in an oven at some point, so their plan was to lie about it and say it already happened and the prophecy is fulfilled so there.
One reason the truth here is so heavily persecuted is because were the truth to be revealed, as far as the Jews are concerned the prophecy would be back on again. They view holocaust revisionism as a literal attempt to stuff them into ovens, one reason why they push so heavily to SHUT IT DOWN wherever it crops up.
Of course they did, (((South Park))) is trying to meme the final victory of Jewry into existence.
P-Please worship a jew, p-please
Just like with Bolshevism. The goyim will be the hands and the feet, perhaps even the brain. The jews will be the stomach and the anus.
Don't expect an answer.
This woman is a fucking lunatic.
These people who believe in modern eschatology are actually servants of Satan.
They constantly proclaim that Satan rules the world (he doesn't. he was defeated by Jesus when he accomplished his work on the cross.)
They constantly claim that Satan is going to launch a final battle against God in the so called "end times." (He can't. He is a defeated foe just as stated by the bible.)
The so called "end times" have already occurred. The events of Revelation have already occurred.
Satan wants you to believe that it's all going to be destroyed. Why? Because he is defeated by our lord and savior Jesus Christ. Only YOU can destroy the word. He needs you to believe that it's all going to end so YOU will make the lie of modern eschatology a self fulfilling prophecy.
Finally, what does the Bible say about this woman and her lies and heresy?
1 Corinthians 14:34
And the whole passage:
Finally, modern escathology grew out of occultism and the spiritualism movement of the early 1900's. which was, surprise, surprise, heavily influenced by women dabbling in witchcraft and the occult.
Jumalan Poika, ja Ihmisen Poika seems better, eh?
Fucking burgers, if you want to be subhumans, stay illiterate.
Yeah, I have to admit my faith in the doomsday has been shaken after the 2012 failure. But this time it is an obscure russian theory so I hope for the happening.
What spic? It's Germanic. "God" is a Germanic word for "Godin"
Thor is the son of God
if satan is defeated how can he want anything?
satan is a force not a figure, and if revelations already occurred then where's the whore of babylon, etc.
the whore of Babylon was Venus on top of Jupiter's temple that Cesar built on the "holy temple". Revelations was a spy book from a guy in prison talking shit about Rome.
The four horsemen were on the temple too.
Try Latin or Greek then. I was using Finnish.
[citation needed]
Wrong. Specifically stated as a created being. Not omnipotent. Not all knowing, Not everywhere. Just a limited, created being as clearly defined by the bible.
If your argument comes from anything but the bible you are wrong.
You niggers need to watch the video I posted here.
Stephen Basset has put forward a good case for nigger Obama being the disclosure president who will reveal the ET reality just before he leaves the white house.
Though its been theorized by others (probably Richard Dolan) that if disclosure happens the government might have someother group like say the Catholic church or religious groups in general do it for strategic social engineering/calming purposes and for political neutrality purposes, etc.
Dolan doesn't think the UN will do it (even though in the past it may of been perfect for such a thing) because its lost too much credibility over time and is a shell of what it once was.
Old fag here.
I grew up on the West Coast, in a time when UFO belief became more than a hobby or an off shoot of science fiction. It really became a new pagan religion.
With that said, UFO nuts have been saying for fucking DECADES that the current sitting president was going to be the "guy who revealed the truth."
They're always saying full disclosure is right around the corner. And they've been pushing this line for over 40 years.
Any day now…
Don't hold your breath. Closest thing we have to them is the Shiva statue at CERN, and even that implies gods without capital letters.
The saddest part about these threads isn't how utterly debased the level of intelligence is.
It's how completely dumbfounded and deracinated from their roots and forefathers a bunch of so-called proud huwhytes are.
Well, if they are indeed good ol' jidf, they at least have their inbreeding, insanity and curses to blame.
I always thought this video was full of depictions of degeneracy (not sure the message). I was a child when it came out
Amusingly aliens are just as false as Yahweh. Yeshua was just another poor smuck zapped by the superspectrum to become a mouthpiece for communism and then hung out to dry ("Why have you forsaken me?"). Same story as the thousands of modern "alien contactees." It becomes even more clear when you compare Saul's story to other encounters with the superspectrum. He sees a light and has his eyes swell shut, just like those exposed to actinic rays in encounters with UFOs or luminous beings.
Worshipping a kike on a stick has nothing to do with my roots, Schlomo. In reality bible was first written some 300 years ago, it's all brainwashing shit to turn people into slaves. Look into Piranesi gravures, our civilisation is barely 300 years old.
300 years ago people woke up in Europe in the middle of ruines without any knowledge of history and what happened. We have been cruelly deceived, history books are complete fabrications.
Ah, the revisionism has reached a new level.
Just out of curiosity, do you suppose SJWs knew of this, since they claim that a white Europe has never existed?
Just come to us, cathols
We are the way
Also antichristians are d&c shills
The church is the bedrock of our cultural revival
All Christcucks are race traitors
Looks like I'm going to have to keep posting this one:
"The Third World War (The final war/War of Apocalypse, maybe even) must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" (read: the Jews) between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.
Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…"(War in Europe against the Muslims)
"We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil.
Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time." 4
Looks like they're rushing things along way too fast, wanting to announce Lucifer and all.
Only part of that is partly true
We are clearing house at the minute
But, sure, let's embrace materialism that will solve everything OH WAIT IT CAUSED THIS
Cuckstianity is what caused all this, and there isn't a single Cuckstian sect fighting against it. The Patriarch of the Eastern Orthodox promotes White Genocide alongside the Pope. There is no "clearing house" going on, just Whites leaving your Semitic religion. Only in shitskin nations is Cuckstianity growing.
Even as far back as the murder of pagan priests and nobles which allowed Cuckstian replacements to enslave the peasantry and invest Jews with power in court, all Christcucks are race traitors. Always have been, always will be.
wtf is this?
and no, I'm not clicking on your fucking jewtube vid
go beg for views somewhere else
This youtube account was involved in the massive September Doom psyop (look at the older vids on the account) and has the same "[letter] [last name]" format in it's username that was used by all the main accounts pushing the September Doom.
This is just September Doom 2.0. I don't know if anyone ever came up with any evidence or convincing reasoning as to the purpose of September Doom 2015, but what is well established is that the world didn't end and nothing out of the ordinary happened.
This is dumb youtube bait. If someone could figure out why these accounts are pushing these doom trends that could be interesting, but other than that, this is dumb and should be disregarded.
Illuminati /x/ tier shit aside the "i believe in love" thing is pretty suspicious since love means sodomy these days.
Egypt is the land of the dead. Ya'll worshiping vampiric pyramids.
Aryan symbol is the circle and the cross.
Then why does Revelation talk about a one world government, a one world currency with a mark that you must take inside your hand or forehead, and a one world anti-christ religion lead by the anti-christ in the rebuilt third temple in Jerusalem? Furthermore Revelation talks about global economic depression, warfare, disease, and mass deaths. Then it eventually talks about the return of Jesus Christ as seen in the sky.
This whole "Revelation is about Rome" theory makes zero sense. Nothing in Revelation supports it. Only kikes promote the theory because they're unhappy about Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 declaring them to be the Synagogue of Satan, and the 666 mark of the beast being the jewish hexagram logo.
kikel = circle
So literally a kike on a stick, lel.
Is real?
Fake sun? Any anons care to explain this?
It is a new russian theory, which claims that our planet is concave and we are imprisoned here. In the center of our planet is located the real source of energy, but the parasitical entities who invaded has hidden that from us and created fake sun, stars and other shit. This october should be the end of 300 years cycle, in which they always kill 99.95% of living things, then genetically reeingeneer shit, wipe our memory and force us to reincernate again to feed on our mental energy or something like that.
Sounds like some nice competition for Scientology.
Mekudeshet = "Sentenced to Marriage"
Wat. Why wouldn't day be 24/7?
i really hope the event is in 4k resolution and multiples cameras
i mean we are going to see ayylmaos after all
This shit will never fly with the Orthodox Christians.
According to the russian guy, naturally for us there should be no change of day and night(there would be permament light), and additionally he says that the world before we were fucked with by parasitical forces looked like the one in Avatar. He claims, that Hollywood was created by the parasitical forces for several reasons: to put these movies out before people come with that information so they can be accused of plagiatory and to mock us.
Pretty interesting idea, but there are too many logical inconsistencies.
The planets are closer to us than the sun in this model and would cause constant mini eclipses. That said, he might not be wrong about the parasitical entity feeding off of our negativity.
I am not explaining it in all complexity here, you'd better do to read his site, I have to admit that I am hooked on his theory.
It's as simple as mixing tea and milk, you dumbfuck Ray. That's what it means.
Yeah, I'll probably end up reading about it.
Will google translate provide a decent translation? I don't know any Ruskie
Absolutely fucking retarded, and of course it's accompanied by Holla Forums moeshit.
Fucking ban Holla Forums already, restore this board to normal.
Not him but this board cannot be restored to normal until: Elections are over, someone cleans the mod positions and we kick /r9k/ off with their meme shitpost fests
Dude, what?
Christcucks, not even once.