
Don't you have one of those times when the money is so sweet
that you almost can't resist consuming it?

been working since i was 15 but never was a money man. im 30 and got $80 on me atm and 'maybe' $200 in the bank

really hope i win the lottery

invest that shit nigga

I think i'll pass on that suggestion since
i'm only 16 and i've got like 3 years of school left.
I think i'll rather spend on some personal things.

Invest in drugs then. You don't need a credit card for it.

or bitcoin

I don't think I could own bitcoin without buying drugs with it

enjoy being poor, then

invest it or regret it nigger

How about actually graduating university and getting a good payed job instead?
This is europe afterall instead of 'MURICA'.

it doesn't matter how much your job pays if you waste it all on stupid shit

What do you think i'll do with all of that invested money?
Besides, most of those internet investiments are a scam and if they're not you'll most likely not even make any profit.

I guess my portfolio being up 30% in the past half a year is an illusion then

retire by age 45?

He looks like one of the islamic refugees who didn't bring his wife or children or parents because he "couldn't afford to". All the refugees mysteriously lost their passports along the way, but not their moneys.

What is a normal person with actuall money doing here on Holla Forums?
Seems quite difficult for me to believe that.

who says I'm normal?

The claim that your portifolio has ben up 30% in the past half a year.
Also, might sharing on wich website and how you invested step by step?
Teach me since you're a succesfull invester.

buy low, sell high, put the profits in highly diversified index funds where they'll increase at a slow but steady rate with very low risk

Any website?

that's a lot of cream OP

I think you're gonna need a new of pair glasses since that isn't cream.

buy a property in an area with a lot of section 8 housing and jack up the price of rent to gentrification levels.

wait for those goberment subsidized shekels to roll in on the tax payer dime!

and you thought the republicunts were responsible for gentrification!

nope! thank liberal (((progressivism)))!

CREAM => cash rules everything around me
nigger slang for money

500 euros probably won't buy much land near section 8 housing