Rachel Cuckdow can't understand why European-Americans would care about Europe. It's so confusing! She just can't understand.
I don't... I can't even
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Yet liberal Americans like maddow had no problem shilling against brexit.
maddowposter > actual maddow
Good point. Why was King Nigger over in UK telling them how to vote if no one cares about Europe? It's so confusing, right, Rach?
is this a thinly-veiled maddow thread?
The news is openly didactic now, they just tell you what the right opinions they want you to have. They don't even bother with a facade of free choice or independence in thinking. They don't even try to lead people to a conclusion on their own, they just tell you what to think.
And they want you to know as a white American that you are in no way whatever connected to Europeans and you definitely should not be concerned about it being turned into Africa and a cesspool of violence and degeneracy. You should know only a """small""" clique (that's why they keep winning?) of Europeans are against this and they are just fascist, racist, evil people with bad thoughts
Rumor is Maddowposter an hero'd.
That's kinda like saying shit with corn in it > just regular shit.
Would be funny if true.
he's right about killary being a would be merkel.
electors may take it differently, but that's a fact.
I thought maddowposter started forcing that whole "vigilance" posting shit. Their posting mannerisms were very similar.
the maddowposter did not an hero, this is just one of the periods where he (or she) gos under the radar so that people will forget that the maddowposter is imkampfy.
Lol… Is this dyke implying that no one at that rally knew what Brexit was or that Americans in general don't know what it was? It dominated our headlines for a week straight. Everyone was talking about Brexit. History was made you dumb cunt.
Lol holy shit she played the PEPEEEE part of Hillary's speech.
come to think of it, realmoonman has been alot more active doing mod duties. Even imkampfy does have alot on him dismissing reports.
imkampfy isn't currently in the mod log so probably not
It's hard to tell whether this kind of propaganda represents what people believe or what they want people to believe.
I'm pretty sure that most American conservatives have no love for the EU, just like the UN. It's only the minority of Trotskyite neocons that like the EU.
isn't, rather
I'm a white American and I don't care about Europe either. It's great that we have white allies to fight against globalism, Jews, Muslims, and non-whites, but after all that is done they're nothing to me. If you're not a member of my country you don't need to exist.
What a beautiful neck she has.
We need to start mocking this in the same way as "can't even." Lefties use it all the time.
It really is. No one fucking likes the eu. Everyone I talked to supported Brexit and those that didn't know what it was, did after I explained what the EU was and why Britain wanted out. The immigration was just one issue when the UK couldn't even fish it's own waters, couldn't enforce their own laws and was forced to follow beurocratic EU mandates that held up the country for ransom practically. Once this was simply explained, the people I talked to wanted the EU to fuck off as well.
This is bait.
It's been interesting to watch the US drift further and further from western civilization. We are no longer an extension of europe, but a lost civilization and a mutt race condemned to hell.
This attitude has destroyed our civilization. The chain between us and 2000 years of history can't be broken.
Anyone else notice the increase of d&c infighting shills?
you're one of the few who have actually produced a trump.
the shockwaves of that had been highly beneficial even here.
americans are definitely not a lost cause.
Europeans are arrogant cunts. Even when you're nice to them, they still treat Americans like shit. Fuck them.
(((Rachel Maddow))) doesn't care about Europe because Jews are rootless parasites.
Meanwhile kikes in America get dual israeli citizenship and create lobbying organizations to promote Israeli interests, a country that they left 2000 years ago. (((Maddow))) goes straight into the oven.
? Huh? Stop being a dumb nigger. We have drifted away from the west Kanye West niggers and consumerism I'd not western civilization
I fucking hope so
And? They are cunts to each other to. You can't abandon rome or the whole of the western world's philosophical history because the mean man on the Internet called you a nigger faggot. Pull yourself up by your boot straps and stop being a pussy.
The propaganda is so blatantly obvious it's almost cringeworthy to watch. It's as if they don't realize that 95% of this election has taken place online, on social media, specifically Facebook and Twitter.
Do these people really think that's how the movement works, or are they outright lying, I think their just delusional.
Report and filter all infighting faggots.
Also, I really enjoy getting fingerwagged, by a kike lesbian.
no shit.
the only thing europeans know about trump is our media parroting american media, even when slandering. with pretty much no dissenting voice.
Clinton even said that she'd emulate Merkel, she's not hiding it.
what a pompous cunt.
How could it be otherwise with American MSM level propaganda about Trump constantly on European media? You Americans at least have a reason to try to discuss the elections whereas most Europeans are just apathetic about some foreign elections.
In general Europeans are very cautious of any American politicians because they have had a bad influence on our continent for decades now. One could say coming to liberate Europe in the wars was bad, but even worse have been the decades after the 60s cultural revolution. American culture is shit, we don't need it. Trump just might be a person who loves traditionalism and maybe cherishes his European roots, but we can only find out.
By the way, the way Trump could let Russia freely work in Eastern Europe doesn't really make people in Eastern Europe love Trump. There's nothing "anti-American" in that sort of view, it's a natural reaction.
How do you see the ban log for Holla Forums? I can only see logs from Admin and when I search for Holla Forums it shows nothing. I remember it was broken a few months back.
Because Americans are the hero Europe deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So, they'll taunt us, because we can take it. Because we's not their hero. We're a silent guardian. A watchful protector. A Dark Knight.
Even for those at the rally who didn't follow Brexit, Farage has a good message about the little people using their vote to defeat special interests. It's not like you need a doctorate in international diplomacy to appreciate his positive message.
What a great time to be alive!
Attention please.
Learningcode/Imkampfy/Rachposter reminds me of milhouse
whatever that means
would love to cut a hole in it and jam my 2 inch erection inside
One final bump. I really want to know this.
The MSM has worked so hard to bury news about Europe's migrant crisis that the anchors themselves are blissfully ignorant. Maddow seems legit confused why Trump & his supporters are concerned on this "non-issue." They probably think the Cologne New Years Attack is the name of a prog-rock band, such is their idiocy.
I would love to cut it in half and make
THANK fucking god
The rumor is obviously wrong, as proven by the OP.
She talk like she doesn't know too much about us, she seems to think that we don't inform each others about what's up in our own countries and share our experiences.
Double post sorry but check at 8:21 they didn't erase the PEPEEE guy.
But I thought (according to the left) we were a vast kkk right-wing racist neo-nazi christian white male theocracy that controls the entire world and positively shits privilege. So naturally we'd be in touch with each other.
that fucking nerd with the glasses yesterday had a kek worthy segment on us
someone find and post it
pls be real