Lets turn this around and put the conspiracy hat on Hillary. She calls us conspiracy theorist's based simply on the fact that we don't subscribe to her truth's. Those tables can be easily turned around.
Lets turn this around and put the conspiracy hat on Hillary...
Other urls found in this thread:
The first debate is gonna be fun.
this is good, democrats have been using the "le conspiracy" shit for a long time, now it's time to farm it
We need to kick into full meme gear and unleash mountains of OC. I suggest smug anime girls laughing at Cunton's schizophrenic conspiracies for a start
most altright twitterfags are already doing this
God damnit this, hillary sounded like a straight up loony whacko they all claim us to be
Bump because you are highly upset.
I notice not even CNN, abc, fox is mentioning your speech hillary. Is it because it's such an insane bullshit conspiracy theory that you'd rather people forget it happened?
This is a good tactic. The good goy mental conditioning is already firmly in place to reject anything labeled "conspiracy theory".
CIA has providing a useful tool for crashing Hillary's "scary alt-right" narrative with no survivors.
The thread is worthless unless you post relevant information. Try harder.
I was thinking of making a meme along the lines of "What Hillary thinks the alt-right is vs what they really are" showing kkk nazis on the left and smug Anime grills with MAGA hats.
An underground group of online sexist (and oftentimes racist) hackers called "GamerGate" was largely behind the spreading of pro-Brexit propaganda on social media days before the vote?
But wait, it gets better.
Through some leaked emails of high-level "GamerGate" agents we have been able to discern where they obtained funding for their hate-raids and cyber-terrorism.
Their predominate financial backer?
Pic very related.
What is the sound
is it the wind
Top kek. Some journos may actually try and run this theory as a story.
My sister who was a bernout jumped straight on the Hillary bandwagon after bernie supported hillary, not surprising at all tho.
She does nothing but watch racheal madow or that faggot anderson cooper
Not even 5 minutes ago I made a joke about Hillary's catheter bag and my sister went "I bet you believe that conspiracy theory about her seizures and health problems too HAHA FEEL THE BURN"
someone please wake me up
Your sister is a child mentally….let her know.
All of GG was really lead by Putin. He was truly the leader of GamerGate/
Oh that won't work her and my other sister are exactly the same they are ((((educated)))) like ay weed lmao and open borders ((((educated)))). So I can never be right and they are always right, and everything is always a coincidence to them. They are literally the image of the retard leftist meme.
sorry for dablog posting tho
muh putin hides under my bed
bls remove muh putin thats where I keep my dildos
Give her the TPP infographic, the thing Boinie said he was against, which Trump is also against and Hillary Clintoris is 100% for.
She is irreversible indoctrinated at this point even after mention all the contradicting things ect
Also anyone know of some decent software for making shit like these? I have got shaky hands so drawing to select and crop stuff by hand is impossible.
I bet you guys don't live around a bunch of mexicans. The immigration issue is lost on people who dont live in Mexico , USA
There is only one option left for her then
find her a good white man to marry and have him fuck her brains clean, this is all it takes to set women in the right path because they are submissive creatures by nature
Cuck tales
lad stop whimpering and sort that cunt out, you are a MAN
My boss Vladimir Putin is not pleased with our shitposting-levels at the moment.
He want us to go deeper into the squat.
Cheeki breeki, Vlad I must get of more vodka If we am to be of doing extra shitposts.
My sister was the same way.
I just posted every story of muslims raping children publicly on her facebook wall until she blocked me.
Good times.
Get Dimitri on this, he is of shitposting master.
Just tell her she will never amount to anything and that nothing she does will ever matter
we should make troll youtube conspiracy documentaries 'proving' that trump and farage are russian agents with lots of shopped pics with them in ushankas looking suspect tbh
Yeah, totally, Schlomo
Where's the memes dudes.
I'm just a simple meme farmer.
Tending to his memes.
It's ok. We can relax about Hillary. She said after she's elected she'll stop being crooked.
Huma's Weiner is under the bed.
Made this today, posted in another thread.
Works well with:
top jej
I remember when Putin told me that God hates women.
Her vast alt-right conspiracy theory is really a repacking of the old McCarthyism red scare where a former KGB spymaster is behind it all.
Hillary's facial expressions fit the tinfoil thing really well. She needs one with the doctor evil cat though.
lol nice
Only big guys can handle conspiracies
We've been over this user.. Lauren Southern is a kike..
I'll take your guns and shit down your throat if you elect me.