Wikileaks has insider information from greenhouse as to exactly how the "Git out the vote!" campaign is attempting rig the 2016 US Presidential election.
Assange also has proof that Hillary has direct knowledge of these plans and that Soros is financing the entire program.
The Greenhouse hackathon and Correct the Record trolls are using every cyber tactic in the book to sway poll numbers so that when the voting is rigged in November it will not look suspicious.
Assange will blow the lid off of the entire operation this week. They know he has this information and that is why there was an attempt on his life recently.
The Greenhouse and CTR Hackers and Shills have all signed "non-disclosure" agreements, But the were infiltrated early in their operation by alt-right activists. And when the ball drops even the SJWs that are working for them will agree to testify to avoid charges. There are thousands of them…
Matthew Ward
since when have the hacked something? it's been nothing but polarizing comments as far as I'm aware.
Anthony Jackson
That's because the hackathon is not where the hackers are.
Matthew Hall
Reminder the official CTR narrative to claim plausible deniability is "hackathon just means coding in general, it's not actual hacking". This is also what the MSM will claim when the lid blows, so be prepared to strike first
Christopher Walker
Parker Clark
That's because it is. Hackatoon are about hipster coding web dev related stuff, ctf event are where the real stuff is.
Kevin Jackson
Bump for Hillary will be declared persona non grata for the USA after Trump becomes president.
Ian Gray
You need thousands astroturfing, when the grassroots support for Trump is at least a million strong.
Brayden Powell
This would explain Hillary's out of the blue speech to attack and discredit the alt-right.
Dylan Edwards
Kill yourself hillary.
William Anderson
Fuck off nigger.
Henry Bailey
Whenever you see "hackathon", think of a faggot web developer who can kludge together some javascript, not an infosec expert.
Julian Stewart
Stuff like this needs to be disseminated from legit sources. Anything that comes from us or Breitbart or whatever will be tossed off as "right wing conspiracy".
Sort of like how mobs have legitimate fronts, it might be a good idea to don the mask (figuratively) and do a little selective "concern trolling".
Connor Ramirez
You're trying too hard.
Lucas Walker
That's what I keep explaining but some know nothing fags keep on calling everybody that says that is a shill.
Dylan Gutierrez
Yes goy, it's just a bunch of kids attempting to make scripts to help hillary, this isn't a call for hackers or anything I promise goy see we used the term hackathon :^)
Jacob Reyes
You see ?
Angel Ramirez
Your plausible deniability gambit doesn't work on people with two brain cells to rub together.
Xavier Evans
I don't mean to be a dick, OP, but are you just making this up?
Adam Gutierrez
You do not have two brain cell and there's no plausible deniability. Capture the flags are where the hackers are, hackathon always been where web dev go to make the latest cool app.
.t Guy who knows what he's talking about.
Jayden Anderson
top kek
James Long
Why is this faggot persistently spamming muh hackathon shit
There's been 3 threads of the exact format this week from this same autist
Every time OP gets BTFO'd for being computer illiterate.
Josiah Cruz
Hey shills.
Dylan Edwards
I just noticed that her logo looks like a plane flying into the the twin towers and can't unsee.
Cooper Morris
Politacl corprate espionage involving murder, data theft and people with half shaved blue hair.
The world has become a shadow run game.
Xavier Davis
There's nothing of substance in this thread. Gas yourself.
Juan Torres
Dylan Rivera
Bumping. Shills fuck off
Brayden Price
Gabriel Gonzalez
Record corrected
Jack Morales
What source says there are new leaks that are specifically about this?
Ryan Walker
Use this to correct your record instead.
Juan Gomez
what am I looking at here?
William Lee
Hudson Clark
I repeat What source says there are new leaks that are specifically about this?
Post source or go fuck yourself, sliders.
William Martin
Isaac Jenkins
Connor Richardson
OP's dad works at Nintendo
Mason Perez
Levi Martinez
I can see clearly now, the rain is gone.
Adam Adams
have a slightly better one
William Anderson
Elijah Clark
Bumping from what "looks" like a bunch of CTR faggots trying to nuke the thread.
Get fucked
Gabriel Hernandez
Hey man, someone made a claim on the INTERNET! Fuck off with asking for evidence you fucking kike shill motherfucker. Fucked jude who want`s evidence! Oven youself!
Michael Brooks
Politacl corprate espionage involving murder, data theft and people with half shaved blue hair.
The world has become a shadow run game.
Ryder White
I'm not about to believe OP but if Holla Forumsacks take the cunt down then i'm going to laugh.
The international frog wizard cabal strikes again!
Nicholas Smith
What's going on in this thread?
Looks like it deserves a bump so more people can see it to prove whether it's true or false. Certainly it doesn't belong at the bottom, where no discussion can take place about it. I mean, even shills would want an open dialogue so they can prove their candidate's innocence. Or maybe they'd want to squash all discussion about it like they're doing now.
Either way, have a bump, CTR shills.
Gavin Edwards
Hackathon's are simply collaborative programming groups, depending on the concept it can involve actual infosec pros or idiots who need 10+ people working together to make a damn webpage work. Given that we already know about voter fraud and exploits in electronic voting, and that the Election in general was characterized as an "18 week hackathon" by CTR/Greenhouse, we can be pretty sure they would not spend 18 weeks and a bunch of money dicking around solving miscellaneous or even totally unrelated software bugs now would they? What would be the purpose of this "hackathon" otherwise? Elections are contests of popularity and manipulation involving the populace, what the fuck would a "hackathon" have to do with it if it was not involving voter fraud? Granted, there is no hard evidence just by this and plenty or room for the media to spin, which is why I really, really hope OP is not bullshitting and Assange actually delivers.
Levi Richardson
Joshua Flores
We have a ton of new traffic, hello newfags, thus the shills seem to have gotten a bump to their funding.
Gabriel Harris
I'm gonna need a citation, OP
James Cook
software nigger here. this is exactly what hackaton is - web devs "mashing" up javascript shit. just google "hackaton" - hundreds of events.
Brody Jenkins
moron, they will not advertise for random guy for hacking the voting machines - Too many people who could talk. Shit like this will be done one trusted guy or a small team or an insider.
this "hackaton" is about monitoring social media and scripting automated shilling and shit.
Jordan Lopez
Don't bother these retarded fags just going to call you a shill. This is the third thread he made, yesterday he made two and both time people came to explain exactly that.