Why you kill yourself, lil bitch?
Life is fucked up but once you fully accept that you become stronger.
Those that are weak are those that can't accept that.
Fuck you hanging yourself for, fucking slut.
R.I.P. Katelyn Davis
For Dolly
weird thing about this girl is that she looks EXACTLY like my cousin, who is also prone to extremely self destructive behavior and getting involved with abusive brown men… although my cuz is in her 30's now…
Is there a place to download the full length hanging video?
Who has her nudes?
She didn't have any/
They're easy enough to find I'm not going to do the work for you. Hint: Search her full name and a few extra strings after
No dice user, just random porn stars, you using bing or jewgle?
I have it. It is large, obviously.
Where the fuck do I upload it?
You can see yourself doing that, that's why you're so angry. I congratulate you for giving yourself a pep-talk, don't become like Dolly.
Any feet pics
A real princess.
She actually had a good amount of nudes, and videos of her masturbating on cam, as well as twerking nude. All she sent to some upper middle-class pajeet in New York I think.
dubs checked
i am using bing and not getting anything my dude
"Why kill yourself, when you can suffer instead?" - user 2017
someone post the video already
another victim of nihilistic hedonism
I think you guys are full of it.
Not saying she wasn't off the wall but I have never seen any.
Convince me.
fuck I think I lost the suicide video.
Thought I had it saved.
these two are cute, always saw the first but never the second. is there more?
here it is
lol stupid fucking kids
yeah. she should have found a taller tree and used a taller ladder. strangulation is not fun.
i cant tell if her arms coming back up was her regretting it/wanting it to stop or just a basic instinct of not wanting to die
either way her body flopping around got me to laugh a fair bit,
part of problem with strangulation by hanging is that the knot digs into the cervical spine and sometimes compresses the victim's nerves. she probably was trying to reach for the rope but was not able to.
its a shame then usually learn that too late. maybe if she had at least jumped into it a little it could have been quicker
hopefully the next one learned from it!
So some 12 y.o. slut white girl did nude cam shows for greasy niggers & illiterate pedo Muslims, then hung herself. What exactly is there to be upset over? If more autistic cunts like her committed suicide, it'd be to society's benefit.
I dunno. I got them both from here.
We don't have the recording of it, of course
you mean the nudes or the suicide?
'cause bruh:
the nudes, obviously. im the user just under who was joking about her death, she died an idiot.
litteraly who?
literally Katelyn Davis
are u sure?
Do i look unsure?
hm I don't trust you
u mad?
Not at all. Fight me, faggot.
Ok ur mad
I think you have the story a bit wrong
They're not cute, they're annoying
Nice blog post fag
Such a waste of good loli
Eh, she was getting up there in age anyway.
She suffered more than she had to. The objective of hanging one's self is to break the neck first. You should drop down a few feet instead of just dangling. Even ancient humans knew this when they publicly executed people. Killing yourself like she did is like drowning yourself in water. It's not pleasant.
Yeah, but did you see that dedication? She didn't even scramble for the rope once she realized what she'd started. She kind of flopped around a but, I mean…she didn't even try to stop it once she started at all.
That's…god, that's depressing.
For the 2nd time in less than 24 hours heres a link to the full 40 minute video you fucking retards.
Like i said in the other thread, we already have an archive with the original videos, no need to link to the low quality version.
Also, why do these threads have to be so sexualized. Makes me not want to contribute.
what archive? Webpage archive?
There is a mega archive link there with all the original livestreams, youtube, musically videos, facebook, chatlogs from the livestreams, etc.
The livestreams are under live.me and organized by date.
Am I the only person who finds her music videos cringey?
This tbh. The internet effectively gives the potential for anyone to contact anyone, and as most parents don't control or discipline their children because they're too busy making their boss schlomo rich, they're exposed to all kinds of shit online. This combined with media (((culture))) which encourages everyone to make a sideshow of themselves creates a breeding ground for conflicting emotions and insecurities - particularly in the mind of one so young. 12. Think about when you were 12. Think about how retarded you were. Realise how fucked up this is.
If you can see this without any edgy internet angst and be honest, the death is a tragedy. The idea that she says she's a whore before she kills herself is awful. What does it say about country and society when parents priorities and corporate interests come before the welfare of the children and consideration for the mass of people? Where a young girl could believe this before she takes her life!
A 12 year old girl is never a whore. She's a child. Her mind is not developed and her decisions are not her own. She was a beautiful child. I watched the video, I've seen worse but it hit me hard. Because it related to me; because she was white, like my sisters. Because she spoke english, like my daughter. I could understand what she was saying before she kicked it away and choked to death. And because of this shit culture encouraged by business interests without any consideration of the common good, that spark of the divine was extinguished forever.
congrats satan
all musicaly is cringey as fuck. little girls are dumb and deserve to get fucked and thrown away like trash and so do the parents.frankly she was kinda ugly
You all are just jelly cuz all her troubles have ended now.
There are kids who have become millionaires from that fucking app.
I thought I was the only one who thought this
Thankfully, she wasn't one of them
she's only slightly cute because she an hero'd
Truly, her suicide made her into the perfect woman.