Other urls found in this thread:
I may be saging, but that's actually a beautifully sculpted hammer and sickle. Truly, a gorgeous work of confectionery art. Meanwhile, aut-right kekistani sperglords crap out undisciplined, asymmetrical shit like
Holla Forums hates leftists so much because they fear them. They're very quickly losing the counter-culture (which they so desperately claim they have dominion over) to the left. They're shitting their swastika-laden underoos in sheer terror.
Holla Forums is LOSING.
You butthurt confirmedā¦..sweet
P.S leftypol IS the establishment you can't be the counter cultureā¦.stay mad fag
Where the hell do you niggers even get these pictures of autists holding shitty political cakes? You people save the dumbest shit on your picture folders i swear.
Thus is your mind on Holla Forumseddit
This is your brain on Holla Forums.
Low energy, like all leftist "memes." It doesn't even make grammatical sense or sound right. You could have called us Holla Forumsacks or something that actually flows, but instead you just appropriated the term "leddit" and clumsily smashed it into Holla Forums, because gypping others' ideas and half-assedly modifying them is all a leftist knows how to do. You literally have no capacity for creativity.
Which one is it Cletus?
t. Establishment stooge