God entraps humans by placing the tree of knowledge in the garden and telling Adam and Eve not to eat of it. This is rather similar to placing a toy in front of a child and telling them they are not allowed to play with it. God created us with instinct, rebellion, and curiosity. Soon he punishes us for only doing what is part of our nature. (Genesis 2:16-17)
God then commands that all women must have dangerous childbirths because Eve ate the fruit. In no way shape or form is it just that I must pay for the sins of my ancestors. (Genesis 3:16)
God caused sibling rivalry by favoring Abel over Cain, with absolutely no attempt at justification. This act of favoritism led to Abel’s death. (Genesis 4:3-5)
God intentionally killed every man, woman, and child on the planet except for eight people in the great flood. (Genesis 7:23)
God commands Hagar go back into slavery and bear children for her master though she does not want to. (Genesis 16:7-9)
God burns down a whole city (women and children included) simply because they were supposedly homosexual. (Genesis 19:23-25)
Er, Judah’s firstborn, was wicked in the sight of the Lord; and that the Lord slew him. How was Er wicked? The Bible doesn’t give us this bit of information, only that Er was wicked in the sight of the Lord. (Genesis 38:7)
God murders Onan for refusing to commit incest with his sister in law. (Genesis 38:10)
Exodus 12:29 God repeatedly tells Moses exactly what calamity he will next visit upon the Egyptians if the Pharaoh does not allow the Israelites to be set free from slavery. Then he tells Moses (also repeatedly) that he will harden Pharaoh’s heart, so that he will refuse to allow the Israelites to go, thus bringing a calamity upon his own people, as well as showing him the awesome power of the Israelites’ Lord. This occurs over and over, bringing calamity upon calamity upon the Egyptian people. What is troubling about this verse is that when god “hardens the pharaoh’s heart” he is interfering with the Pharaoh’s free will and ultimately bringing punishment on the Egyptians for something they are not responsible for. As a final punishment god decides to kill all the first born of Egypt. The lord reduced himself to murdering innocent kids when he could have simply freed the Israelites himself with his “omnipotent” power.
God punishes children for the sins of their fathers, unto the third and fourth generations. Punishing a child for the sins of their ancestors is not very just. (Exodus 20:5 & 34:7)
God endorses slavery. He even set up laws as to how slavery was to be carried out, and goes as far as Okaying beating them. (Exodus 21:2-6)
God sanctioned the selling of ones daughter. How can any being tell another to literally sell their child into slavery? Disgusting! (Exodus 21:7)
God orders the death of witches, sorceresses and anyone who practices magic. Sadly enough, this verse was justification for the Inquisition. (Exodus 22:18)