What is last good fiction book you read?
Book thread
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Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond
not fiction but w/e it's good book so this is now a general book thread
Watership Down.
It's basically LotR for bunnies and furfags.
End ur existance dummy
I have never read a book
I can't take those names seriously enough to actually read the book OP, it sounds like, fanfiction tier schlock.
I think he's mocking the book and by proxy the right.
I only enjoy reading high literature
M8, voyage to arcturus is anything but shlock. Myth of sisyphus is patrician existentialism literature
Existentialism only works if you're currently in a crisis, it's only meant to be viewed/read when you yourself feel like you're an existentialist. Now it's even worse.
This book is written in phonetically spelled out working class scottish dialect, it takes like 15-20 pages to get used to, and then it is fuckin' awesome
Better than the movie, and the movie was good as fuck (although admittedly Irvine Welsh worked on the movie too so obviously it would come out good)
I…uh…need to carefully review a copy of that book for my Sunday School class.
existentialism isn't merely some pragmatic sort of code on conduct, m8. idk what your conception of it is.
the focus of the book is to illegitimize suicide by laying out on philosophical grounds an argument for existence despite the conditions all humans must endure. it's really well done and at least worth a read even if you aren't an existentialist
So it's another manifesto hidden behind a story?
wow that takes me back, read that book 15 years ago - the serpent and the rainbow by wade davis is another good book about anthropology (ethno botany to be exact) avoid the trerrible movie though…
picrel - it isnt the last fiction book i've read, but its the last good one…
been reading a lot of /x/ style nonfic lately
the fuck does geographic determinism have to do with the right?
Holla Forums circlejerks to the book a lot.
weird. I would have thought they'd hate it, since it being true would mean that the white race isn't superior
It's a leftist meme which pretends that the niggers and spics aren't genetically inferior, merely geographically unprivileged. Obviously all right-wingers and white nationalists subscribe to that precise view.
Well I mean it wasn't until after they recovered from the dark ages, Africa was literally blowing them the fuck out in terms of society.
here's a good one if you want to learn about the industrial food system and what great lengths they go to not only guarantee the inefficient use of resources, but how to keep you on the tit cancer-tier processed foods and then sell you back diet-based products after making you fat
So far every fiction novel I've read was at least above average. The last I've read was The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, and I was mildly pleased with this novel. I'm reading currently Emma by Jane Austen, and am very pleased with it, especially since it is dialogue-heavy and a well written satire. The prose is also not to be overlooked since it is subtly playful, yet fluently written. Whoever said Austen's novels are chick lit is a degenerate because they are not to compare with actual contemporary chick lit (which souldn't even use the word "lit" at all).
But I think The Vagina Ass of Lucifer Niggerbastard could be more of Holla Forums's taste: archive.org
more proto-existentialism
why would a business try to use resources inefficiently? that's just more money they have to spend on resources
Jesus this entire thread.
All reddit tier shit, quit with the philosophical circle jerk and post actual good fictional books.
No philosophy shit or political shit.
Is there something you want to tell us, user?
it's not solely in the scope of the business, it's bigger than that. shipping fiji apples from china to your supermarket in British Columbia wastes natural resources when the consumer buys that instead of a local ambrosia apple. what happens then, is countries start using the resources of other countries thereby reducing there biomass and carrying capacity of that country, and we get into this huge fucked up mess of wasteful practices of energy.
i could do a better job of explaining it if i wrote it out further, but there's a lot more on the subject. that's mainly what i was referring to. california having a drought problema nd water shortage to the point of putting restrictions on individual use, while at the same time saudi arabi buys like 300 acres of land to grow blueberies in, in which they use tons of water (agriculture is the main use of water) thereby depleting the local resource for californians, and then the fossil fuels used to transport it to Saudi Arabia, etc etc. you get what i'm getting at
no, only that 9 gag is 1,000% better than this shithole
but aight
have some gothic stuff, i found this book when looking for shit in a bookstore when i was first tryin' to into lovecraft. it's hilariously hyperbolic and extreme in every way and worth it if you wanna get into some esoterica type stuff
Sure thing it's pointless to argue with your type.
Can we have something that's just a comfy fun book and doesn't need to have any meaning to it?
Nostromo - Joseph Conrad
Candide - Voltaire
The Faerie Queene - Edmund Spenser
Eden - Stanisław Lem
Ubik - Philip K. Dick
Joseph Andrews - Henry Fielding
this book inspired leonard lake and charles ng (serial killers with body count of 30+ prob more) who built a bunker to keep slaves in after kidnapping them outside san francisco
i've never read it but i've been meaning to, i got a copy of it. think it inspired ted bundy a little to i read somewhere
surely this is Holla Forums's book
This entire thread is shit everyone shut up, I'm going to make one post, and then by law I command you all stop posting and that this thread die.
Fuck you braindead idiots. Allow me to teach you actual quality.
forgot to link footage from some of their tapes
stop being hostile this is a friend only thread
it's time to nut up or shut up, fren
Book related is one of the best books ever made and is a great example on how to do philosophy
and without any sort of "MUH EXISTENTIALISM MUH NIHILISM."
The entire book follows two main characters through a whole conundrum caused by another less irrelevant.
Shut your fucking mouths bilge rats.
As I was saying.
There's a character who's story is presented in the forefront but Chigurh's character is the real concept that should be explored.
The book uses crime and the noir genre which has been hijacked by Reddit to present the ideas, too bad no one else can see it.
Anyways Chigurh is someone who views himself as a divine messenger of god.
Someone who decides fates under the guise of god giving him permission to and he delivers it out to the most random of people.
This is evident in tossing the coin whenever he decides to kill someone.
He lets "God" decide.
Towards the end he doesn't die but arguably experiences a worse fate than death.
His core beliefs are crushed.
He had gotten wounded and injured before but in battle.
Once he got into the car crash and got hurt, almost dying, he realized that he was just as vulnerable as all the people he killed.
That god never favored him.
and he just wandered off aimlessly towards the end because he never really knew what to do after that which is why we never hear from him again after that chapter.
Because he is no longer important to the story.
It's a great book better than all the faggoty reddit shit itt.
Ok I have spoken.
Now no one else is allowed to post.
Good b8
Pic related is cormac McCarthy done right
movie was still entry-level good
pic related everyone in this thread is a faggot including me
Anything of Dostoyevsky should be recommended to everyone, regardless of their (shitty) taste.
The movie was shit.
The book was good.
This thread is shit.
You all deserve death.
Excluding me.
t. Me.
Well said; it was my first time reading his work and I intend to do more so. Not sure which to read next; leaning towards either The Idiot or The Brothers Karamazov.
Stop lying, you barebacking cunt.
Read his grand works chronologically. You see how much he improves and experiments with every new novel of his. Should go exactly like this:
My personal favorites are The Idiot, because Myshkin (the hero) is a man everyone should aspire to become, and Demons, because it is prophetic in regards to the rise of communism and very relevant in these bizarre days we're living in. Demons should be hailed for psychologizing the people who support an totalitarian atheist state, and not this shitty excuse of a book 1984.
Not fiction, but you can skim pic related for a quick chuckle.
Post your tits.
He's either a 9fagger(kek), or rips 9fag shit (somewhat understandable on an image search, but damn man, try to use a reverse image search to find a copy of the picture with no watermark - you know a 9gag watermark is a red target).
see the child, he is pale and thin!
I'm a man.
He was pretty clear about wanting to see your tits, you illiterate.
I have a hard time believing book recommendations because so many people believe any book that preaches to their preconceptions no matter how poorly written.
The name of the wind is incredible if you like fantasy, easily my favorite since I read a song of fire and ice. The sequel, a wise man's fear isn't great though. You can tell the author cucked out about halfway through the book. It's bad
He shall never see my hairy chest.
Well then let me see your tits. I'm a doctor. Free cancer check.
Oh, that's serious. How do they look, doc?
Can comics count? I'm almost finished reading all the original Jack Kirby Fantastic Four/Human Torch stories. The first 102 issues or something (though I plan to continue after that. Great art, great sci-fi, and it's really interesting to see the slow shift from the more crazy early '60s to the relatively grounded stuff 10 years later, despite being the same creators. The Fantastic Four fill a niche that other comics don't attempt, because it's essentially a family sitcom, complete with adding a baby in the 8th season, right before the original showrunners leave.
Perhaps this is one reason it's been difficult to adapt into a movie. It would be suited better to a tv format. You've got the Father Knows Best (literally father knows better than anyone in the multiverse) pipe smoking dad, the out of his league hot wife (who otherwise is pretty boring but gotta have TNA), the teenager for the young audiences to relate to, and the crazy comic relief uncle. Plus lots of good supporting characters like the surprisingly serious Silver Surfer (the parallels between him and Mork from Ork on Happy Days seem obvious, but I'd argue he's more like Stephan Urquelle on Family Matters), Black Panther (gotta have that one black friend) or The Inhumans (who are kinda like that one family down the street who you know were meant to be a backdoor pilot because they never made any sense, but it never quite took off so now they only show up now and then. Like The Gruesomes on The Flintstones
For all the fights with Doctor Doom or Galactus or the Skrulls, there's almost always a strong element of pure comedy behind it all, aside from when they slow down and have the odd serious moment where Mr. Fantastic laments about how he can't live with the guilt of turning his whole family into freaks. Those moments are like when Will cries on Fresh Prince or something. They're very memorable, but they're not the norm. This is as opposed to something like Spider-Man, which is known for being funny, but really is a very serious soap opera that just has some memorably funny scenes.
Maybe they can't make a good Fantastic Four movie because they also haven't been able to take a classic sitcom and turn it into a good movie either. Maybe The Flintstones, I guess. Someone needs to make a Fantastic Four movie with a tone just a bit more serious than The Flintstones with John Goodman.
Also, don't try to deflect from the fact that the movie is obvious shit by saying everyone only hates it because the Human Torch is black.
Also, obviously, there's crazy worldbuilding going on right here that puts Tolkien to shame. The Fantastic Four was the centerpiece around which the entire Marvel Universe was built, mostly by these two guys, and these are the issues where it happened. If you want the full effect you'll need to read their other stuff, like all the Avengers titles, though. And most of them (except Thor, I'd argue) aren't as good. I still say Thor was the best stuff Lee and Kirby made together. And Lee/Ditko and Lee/Romita Spider-Man was even better. I will admit that I prefer the later parts of these runs more than the beginnings, though, because of the more modern sensibilities, such as moving to longer stories, with strong underarching subplots between issues. But the early issues are essential for anyone looking to see the origins of all sorts of classic Marvel characters and concepts, since these guys were around before anyone else except for a couple Golden Age guys.
I am unclear what message this is meant to convey. Are you insinuating that I am a spinster/cat lady?
Letters from Earth
not a fedora-tipper but Twain does make some good points
Comics are not books
This site is the worldwide hub of autism, and comics are the most autistic books there are. Can't expect someone to not bring them up.
Lol, random fact, grew up down the street from Lake's mom's house, possibly his childhood home. That place was fucked. Was sheer with a 200 foot cliff due to erosion, baced right up to the fence, and every time I'd run down to the corner store for some milk or something her little yippy dog would freak the fuck out at me and I'd always catch this rusted out swingset from the corner of my eye. Place always felt a bit ominous, even if the lady was fine, but I didn't find out who she was until I was an adult and had moved cross country. Went back to visit 2 years ago, place is shadier than it ever has been, surprised it hasn't fallen into the river yet…
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