My girlfriend, and her sister, love the taste of cum but hate Camembert* cheese. I don't get it.
* Not real Camembert because that's illegal in the US.
My girlfriend, and her sister, love the taste of cum but hate Camembert* cheese. I don't get it.
* Not real Camembert because that's illegal in the US.
I hate this gay earth
How is cheese illegal nigga hahaha
I camembert this
Real Camembert is made with unpasteurized milk.
It's not that it's illegal per se, it's that you can't import it.
Get out
so you could make some in America?
There's good pasteurized alternatives being made in the US, but the real stuff is illegal to sell in the US due to FDA regulations about raw milk products.
kek, my sides
You're right. She's actually my wife but I figured you people wouldn't believe that so I said girlfriend.
Does she look like this?
go away.
No. Here's our wedding photo.
sry you have to find out this way man but not everyone here is a virgin
This is my nightmare. Imagine waking up next to that gorilla every morning.
what is wrong with you. this is why im concerned.
You could repeatedly smash her face into pans of molten plastic and sell monkey masks for Halloween.
wtf?! really?
But Camembert is one of the best, if not the best soft cheese. There's only one solution op, start hiding bits of camembert up your urethra. Eventually they wont be able to tell semen and camembert apart
Camembert doesn't taste like cum.
That's like saying your gf likes strawberry shortcake and hates the taste of cum
except no one likes strawberry shortcake
are you telling me there is cum i can buy and eat in a real store
I fucking HOPE so
I'm saying she and her sister love the taste of something disgusting but hate the taste of something delicious.
cooking with semen
a recipe's guide
the best taste is the next meal you make where it isn't full of semen. good is relative.
I work for a major food manufacturer. can confirm that there's cum in at least 1% of our products.
you must be working hard user
Camembert is fucking tastey. Sperm tastes like watery bleach. They probably dislike the idea of it more than the taste of it.
it ain't me. most of our employess are mexicans.
mexican semen is trash tier. please add your own dna to the mix to at least even the odds a bit