The Trump campaign isn't attacking and disavowing us

Hillary's and the media's attacks on racist Trump supporters have been answered by the Trump campaign by doubling down and attacking back. Instead of Trump cucking out he gave a speech saying Hillary is attacking decent Americans that love their country and called her attacks disgusting. Trump's spokesmen have responded in the same manner.

This is an old Alinsky tactic the left has used against conservatives to freeze, isolate and polarize. Historically conservatives have always cucked and went along with it. Not this time. We have the Trump campaign defending us.

Other urls found in this thread:

I would imagine that Trump is well aware of Alinsky or at least the CEO of his campaign is.

They are using a playbook that we also know very well. Rules for Radicals can only work against those who don't know it.

I'll be honest I half expected a cucking. It didn't happen. Trump had days to prepare a response because of Hillary's speech being released ahead of time. The response of the Trump campaign on this was deliberate and well prepared.

The chans/pol aren't on the stage, only kosher controlled opposition characters were named as actors in this theater production, jonestein, jewbart, jeweduke.

Well he knows ,ore than any other group our viral memeing has almost singlehandedly propelled him into the winning position with historically low spending. It makes sense he'd double down for us. We're inextricably linked

Maybe they finally realized the utter retardation of punching right.

Trump needs to do one simple thing and just throw everything back into her face, hard. Her supporters are actually dangerous and have committed rape, murder, violence, rioting, looting, pedophilia, terrorism, and that's being kind.

The biggest question I have is, if Hillary wins (as unlikely as it appears to be), can she survive a single term as President? The amount of stress put on her body as is, is more than most people could cope with.

Was this what she tried? D&C?


It's amazing, isn't it? Not only did the anti-Putin rant make her look like the kind of tinfoil hats she likes to criticise, she couldn't even get Trump to disavow the alt-right.

He just said that nobody actually knows what the alt-right is, and waved Hillary's speech about it off as nonsense.

He's not wrong.

I love him so much.

Hilldog's speech was completely incoherent.
Any normie listening to it wouldn't have had a single clue WTF the harridan was on about.
Really desperate stuff.
Is the media even talking about it?

He's not going to do that because going after a candidate's supporters is retarded. He didn't do it in the primaries and he's not about to start now.

Were he to do so it'd be a Cruz situation where the voters themselves take it as a personal attack and refrain from supporting him.

complete blackout in my country no coverage of american election unlike every other night this week and last week and the week before it etc. just doubled down on blaming assad for chemical wepons attacks, pushing for a no fly zone and had some 'expert' preaching 'muh barrel bombs'.

Nah, he just condemned Hillary for smearing his supporters are bigots, racists, etc.

This is why TPTB are going to lose, this is utterly retarded of them. Trump is right, the average Americans don't know wtf an 'alt-right' even is, so lumping Trump in with it means utterly nothing to them. They'd have been better to going back to calling him Hitler, at least then the population understood what they meant.

They've fucked themselves, they could expose us but then our ideas would be mainstreamed. Since they're desperately avoiding that they're stuck telling the general public
Trump's response is perfect, this way he doesn't need to disavow jack shit and makes the media look retarded even though they're actually telling the truth for once

Since they won't report on us and what we actually believe, they can't smear anyone via association with us. Even if they did, the alt-kikes have already gone and repackaged our ideas into a kosher version that most Americans could get behind without drama anyway. They were trying to coopt and change us to fit their mould, instead they've sabotaged their own attempts to kill Trump by association. As Trump said, if you can't name your enemy you'll never defeat them. And that is the one thing the MSM have found themselves incapable of doing, even if they know damn well what we really are.

All hail dank memes!
All hail smug anime girls!
All hail our clown costumes of righteousness!

I think Trump's reaction toe the alt-right claims was beautiful. He basically said that nobody knows or cares about it, which is true. Hillary's entire speech was basically her complaining about a bunch of anime/pepe avatar twitter shitposters.

Who gave her the idea that it was a good idea to give a speech about the alt-right in the first place?

I guess they thought saying Trump was a racist would work again for the 1000th time.

Trump's strategy is to obfuscate by surrounding the whole thing in a cloud of confusion and deflect which is what the left has always done. It's what the left used to do when communism was taken as a serious threat.

You're right the media is right for once but they've cried wolf so many times that nobody believes them anymore. People are seeing the situation on a microscopic scale and are only seeing things like the double standard of Hillary having meetings with BLM while they're out killing cops. For the normie it's absurd that Trump must disavow some nebulous movement that he has no official ties to.

The nazis are on the march and the media is trying to warn everybody but nobody is listening.


Trump knows what's up.

He has to be a Holla Forumsack or have Holla Forumsack advisers.


They hoped he would cuck out and condemn his supporters because they said feminism is cancer and posted nazifrogs on the internet. Of course he didn't and just swooped it off as nothing.

can i be a nazi if i am a Slav?
Even more fucked up, a Serb?

Sooner or later the media is going to run headlines like "The international user, the worlds foremost problem"

I never thought that i'd get to be part of the new western ruling class by being an unemployed NEET who shitposts on the internet all day.


I suspect some of her advisers have been triggered as fuck by what they read in alt-right circles and jumped way to quickly… not realizing that most normies have no concept of it.

Also the vagueness of the term. Now it even includes alternative media like infowars, so its impossible to really define wtf she is talking about.

As long as you're white user.

As long as you're white

I never figured it out either, anytime the words "alt-right" popped up this year had me go full brain fart, seriously it sound like another of the idiotic and meaningless buzzword. more so when ya got lefties calling us alt-right, while our resident shills are calling kikebart, Alex Jones and Milo the alt-right, meanwhile normies think alt-right mean Trump supporters, and no one seem to agree on what it is, is it stormfront LARPers, jew faggot republicans? southerners? are they extreme right? if so why the support for Trump whose positions aren't even extreme

Sleep snug, smug.

Very funny speech of Hillary. It was not Hillary against Trump. It was Hillary against the people who want to vote Trump.

Trump should go full in on the "they can't attack me, so they attack my good decent law abiding supporters"

I am.

The best part is that people like Ricky boy and Ben Shapiro are right about almost everything they say about us, but the premise is so ridiculous to normalfags that 99% of them wont even bother trying to understand what they are talking about.
Can you imagine a serious political person going on air and saying how everyone should be deathly afraid of anime watching neets that worship an ancient Egyptian frog god of chaos, whose said worshipers have the ability to bend reality to their will simply by posting on an anime imageboard?
Most people would just turn around and walk away or call the cops.
And even better part is that they know it as well, they have the knowledge, but they can't use it without looking like absolute retards to normal people, it burns them so hard which is why Rick Wilson keeps coming back, he can't let go and he wants to get back at us SO HARD that it's eating him up inside, complete with the fact that instead being shamed into submission like so many times before, these people he despises so much actually fought back and made him look like an idiot.




Better update that board title mods. We are now "DECENT AMERICAN INTERNET PEOPLE"

Hmm. Interesting. It might have actually been conservacuck types like Ricky and Ben who went to Hillary, suggesting this would be a great wedge to fuck up Trump's base.

Oh right, that reminds me. Do you guys remember the leaked Soros documents from Open Society Foundation a few weeks ago? He spent 500,000 on research on how to counter Russian influence in European politics, specifically related to immigration. That's probably why Hillary went on an anti-Putin rant; Soros instructed her to do it.

Sometimes I think that Nolan is actually one of us.

I mean he's an Aryan man who hasn't made a single pozzed movie.

Not to mention all his movies are about Strong white men accomplishing great things through force of will.

The ride never ends and I never want off.

please do not associate that hack with "us"

Also isn't it amazing how nobody gives a fuck about economic theory anymore and people are starting to realize that there are only interests?

Times are a changing.

Just saying that he might be an user.

He acted "presidential".

Nobody even knows what that is, it's just a term given, and frankly, there is not unpresidential or presidential.
I'm embracing his common sense answers to major problems.

noblesse oblige

How does he do it?

This does not surprise me. Even more so, she is letting a staff of people put all this shit together. Too many chefs in the kitchen and all that.


Ra's al ghul did absolutely nothing wrong.

It's almost worthy of Hitler Downfall parody video.

Hillary: Which of you fuckin retards suggested I give a speech about the Alt-nobody knows what the fuck this is-Right?! Was it you Steiner? Why the fuck you got on me on stage going on about Putin and Alex Jones and Twitter and the dark web like some tinfoil twat. And fuckin Soros, stick to your color revolution bullshit m8.

Yeah, kinda figured that. Still, nice to know we were right.

So the WASP Aristocracy is making a return in America to restore their birthright and lead the people into a new era of politics.

What a time to be alive.

Junior definitely takes after pops

We do it together.

Hitler had a good taste in waifus, but mine is still better.

I'm pretty sure HRC is just going for the achievement and is going to drop out for medical reasons and Kaine will be pres. And I don't like Kaine.

do you have the original of that first pic by any chance?


Fuck you for you premium account. some of us can't afford that.

That was not money well spent. Russia is getting what it wants in Europe. Next few elections may see a pro putin or at least right leaders take power. Soros and the Immmigration issue lost US Europe. Thanks Hillary.


thank you

Your kidding right? She is going to be a strong independent woman who thinks she has something to prove to the whole world. She will take us into WW3 because she wants to be tough on Putin and prove to the world all the things are hardcore feminist can do. She truly thinks of her self as breaking ever glass ceiling. She wants to be the first female to command the US military.

Has Pat Buchanan said anything about the alt-right? All the 'experts' keep mentioning him but I've seen no indication that he's aware of it.

Absolute fucking madman.What a fucking badass.


Close enough. They're white generic American, culturally AS and Trump keeps going on about how he's a Proddy (Presbyterian to be exact).

Paddy is most certainly aware.

Obama has at least some English blood.

Obama is more American than Trump tbh.

Wogs begin at Calais tbh,

Honestly I see Pat as Holla Forums's collective grandfather.

You must be new here

I hope every nationalist movement/party in Europe take heed of Trump's successes and utilise them in the future.

Agreed. The League of Shadows was simply going to purge all the degenerate trash of Gotham.

This haram, please take down

Always attack. Cuckservatives are always on the defensive.

>"Nobody knows what the "alt-right" is."
His tone was everything; there's no way the (((media))) can make him seem like a goofball now.

Holy shit, the MSM just had their "cry wolf" scenario. Who is going to take Crooked Hilary seriously when she talks about some neo-Vril Society who worships a frog and posts pictures of anime girls on a Laotian stop motion fraternity taking over the Internet? She looks even more batshit insane.

holy shit he even went as far as to point out that alt right is a meaningless kike codeword that translates to "outside the overton window"

Is there a list of strategies or a writeup about how the Alt-Right bullied the fuck out of cuckservatives on the American side of things? I want to know tactics and strategies to help against European cuckservatives.

We called them faggots on the internet

We called them cuckholds, faggots, and attacked their wives' sons.

That was all that was needed to be successful? What about responding to criticism from Cucks?

Call them faggots and tell them to kill themselves.

Also look up any race mixing in their families and shame them for it.

They're basically leftists and you never debate a leftist: you remind them of their insufficiency and laugh at them.

Ok I understand, thanks.

Scots have been here for fucking ever. Germans immigrated here in the mid-19th century.
He's just as American as any American white.

–Like a BOSS–

Glad to help!

If it makes you happy, yes. But Trump ain't a WASP fan… keeps none of them close to him because most are compromised.

Buchanan == Based.

The best part is you're 100% correct and that's just fucking hilarious. I am going to use this line should ever the alt-right actually ever show up in my university in order to spread Kek.

It's actually odd, seeing as how I got caught up in this. I hardly ever realized just how ridiculous I am. But I wouldn't give it up for the worlds.

You anons out here, you're all my brothers.

2nd pic related. We are like midgets in clown costumes showing up and kicking everyone's ass.

Its great. The alt-right is a new term and hasn't caught on. It makes no sense.

As far as I can tell its a bunch of conservatives who oppose immigration, support free speech and gun rights. They are also Libertarian homo Jews who just want less government. They are also neo-Nazis that want to purge the non-whites and talk of white genocide. Its also a bunch of internet misogynistic trolls who support GamerGate, attack women and post cartoon frogs as their calling card.

It is such an amalgamation of nonsense and contradiction that it doesn't work.

This guy is single-handedly responsible for most of my beliefs.

Y-You too.

Shit. I copypasted the wrong link. Meant to post:

Honestly if you're not an Anglo-Saxon then you're literally not even white.

I'm an Anglo-Saxon and I think you're a faggot.

Hey Chaim, get me a bagel. Then shove yourself in an oven.



It's an ideology, not an ethnicity.

webm related

Go away Benjamin Franklin.


Reminder that all Aryans are just light-skinned street shitters.
Asians are the master race. Get over it.

and it fucking worked

Achshuly, the aryan people invaded india from the west.

Actually, I don't give a shit either way. Whites are self-destructive snow-niggers who need to bow down to the slant-eyed superiority.
Asian master race can not be stopped.
But fuck Koreans.

That's what astounds me. Conservatives have been failing ass-over-head for a century plus to stem the tide of degeneracy, to just make it all stop. And they all failed, many of them being part of the problem (like Cuck Wilson and anti-racists)

Yet a small clique of anonymous, internet savvy shitposters on a Cambodian smoke signals imageboard are actually starting to make proper headway into, if not reversing things, than pointing them out in ways increasingly harder to ignore. We put the fingers on the correct issues ,to the point that we're so scary to ((the right people))) that our enemies dare not even name us properly nor our actual goals/desires for fear of empowering us.

And all we do is show up, anonymously call people faggots, kick them in the proverbial dick with smug anime girls, then scamper off to memeworship a frog.

It's actually baffling that this is all conservatives needed to do to win all those years ago (minus imageboards back then, of course). But hey, now conservatives are pretty much dead, and we're all that's left.

Mad nigger is mad.


It's almost like imageboards on their own developed perfect psychological and sociological means of attack and defense unbeknownst to most anons. It's almost like we're all cells of a single organism that's evolving advanced functions on it's own. Does a single neuron understand the thoughts that are routed through it?

I think that we're witnessing the human collective unconscious crossing over into reality through internet anonymity and it's going through stages of development much like how a human grows from a Fetus to an adult.

Let's all love Lain.

I'm not a nigger. I myself am a self-hating white who just looks objectively at the positive traits of the races.
Asians have the highest IQ on average, have strong family units, have great respect for their ancestors and history, put up a collective middle finger to all outside races trying to gain influence in their own countries, and most importantly they are not Jews nor are they easily subverted by Jews. The saying "Jews fear the samurai" holds water.

I am white, but I wish I was Asian, preferably Japanese.


Sure thing, dravidian buddy.

Hello Shlomo.

The JIDF were much better shills then you CTR fags. Just sayin'.

You're literally lower than niggers.

You're above taigs though

Go be a Anglo centrist elsewhere, Holla Forums is the home of all whites, just go by the one drop rule

Let's all love Ippo & Kamina

Don't listen to them. You highlanders stood by us in the fight against desegregation even though you didn't have the diversity problem we had to deal with. Anybody that attacks the Scotch-Irish isn't our friend.

t. Deep South Anglo

What is 'white' though?

Are Spaniards 'white' despite having significant Arab admixture?

Are Greeks 'white'?

Are Russians 'white'?

Are Turks 'white'?

What the fuck does 'white' even mean? Are Arabs 'white'?

The truth is that 'white' doesn't fucking mean anything. It's a colonial label meant to distinguish English settlers from niggers and injuns.

at this point I think Chess is out and he's straight up playing Quantum Mahjong.

Kike [email protected]/* */ fuck off

I know that feel user

No you fucking faggot. It's a valid question. I'm a racialist don't get me wrong, but 'white' means fucking nothing to me.

"White" means every indigenous European except those fucking faggot Turks in Cyprus and Thrace.


Just to clarify, let me answer your question

No, you answered your own question here, obviously they aren't, at least not fully

At one point maybe, now they're all just Turks pretending they're Greek

Yes, I think most people here would consider most slavic people white

No, they're a bunch of sand niggers LARPing as Europeans

hope that answers your questions

Yes Adolf wanted to exterminate them.

National Socialist is code-word for anti-white tbh.

Lowland Scots are Anglos, not Celts. Depending on where Trump's mom is from in Scotland, she very well may be AngloSaxon, just like America's founding stock.

Mostly because they were a bunch of fucking communists back then Shlomo, but who am I kidding its obvious your just getting paid by the hour and aren't listening to me anyway, hope the shekels were worth it.

Trump's mother was born on the Isle of Lewis. Literary as far north in Scotland as you can get.

Nevermind. She's a Gael. Fucking highlanders.

Gaels are just Irish transplants btw. All the actual Pictish Scots mixed in with the Anglo and Viking populations.


Yes. The entirety of the fucking Soviet Union was made up of hardcore Bolsheviks. Even the peasants were communist intellectuals and therefore deserved to be genocided.

It's not as if Russia had been violently taken over by a Communist gang against the will of the people (See: Russian Civil War, Lenin's famines, Stalin's purges)

This is literally the same argument that Britbongs say when they try to justify Dresden.

that looks like a punk jew


All hail the Lord Emperor

Looks more like a humpback kike

You're so reported. I hope you enjoy your last day on Holla Forums. Because I'm rock hard knowing that I got somebody banned.

Red Wall, Red Wall guarding paradise,

Golden rays of the glorious searchlights,
lighting up such a blood red light
Now the Mexicans slowly retreat to the shadows, out of sight.

Arid winds blow across the Rockies,
giving flight to the drones of prey,
In the distance machines come to transform the border, day by day.

Only Trump is with us now,
someone blunt and pure,
Find the jobs within ourselves,
no need for a cure

When the wind is slow, and the desert hot
illegals wait to see what rots
oh how pretty, all the scenery
this is Mexico's sacrifice,

When the air goes through
with a brisk attack
the sombrero ripped from their heads,

when the sun sets,
we will not forget
the red wall guarding paradise~

Aye, we ought to continue being as ridiculous as possible so whenever people talk about us no normie will believe it. It's like talking about lizard people except we'll be the frog people.

He defended us over Chicago.
He defended us as his Internet People.
He will not let us down

The memes, Jack

Yeah I don't think them mentioning 8ch is in the cards ever. The Streisand effect is too dangerously real at this point.

Kaine for prezident?

Listen to "Nessun Dorma" swell as Trump speaks. Video cuts off right before the crescendo. Fucking rhetorical blue-balling!

Where have you been? They've mentioned us multiple times. Time and BBC being the most recent examples.

The cucks got Alinsky-ed, just like they always do. But for once the fire came from the right. The tactics used on them were straight out of the old kike's 12 rules:

Looks familiar, doesn't it? That's Trump's playbook, exactly the same one used by the Right Wing Meme Squads.




Quit misusing this term.

Go back to your containment thread and fucking stay there.

He handled this perfectly.

Supposedly Trump had many speeches written by Hitler on his bedside, perhaps he learned many of his tactics and tricks from the great master himself?

Reminder that Trump got 488 more delegates than he needed to win the nomination.

He's completely right. You see people even here on Holla Forums having different interpretations as to what the "alt-right" really is.
I've always assumed it was what lefties and establishment fags calling anybody on the right that is anti-establishment.

Anyone notice something today about the (((media)))?

Notice on Fox news, ABC, CNN, HuffPo, there's nothing about hillary's epic exposing of Trump's (supporters) bigotry? Notice how they don't even have a way to spin it as a positive except the talking heads on TV who have no soul anyway.

It's not even in print. They know they've fucked up. They're going to memoryhole this entire schitzophrenic speech, unles sshe wins. Then she'll remind the USA that putin through david duke and alex jones and andrew breitbart is out to get them and he must be taken care of personally.

The cunt basically distilled the bullshit the MSM have been spinning about Trump for the last year.
Hearing someone with authority actually say the words out loud made them realise how fucking stupid the whole thing sounds.


It's basically people who oppose cuckservative Republicans and support a nationalist (white) identity. The alt-right is a highly diverse group, and I'd say Holla Forums rides the fringes of the alt-right, with some within that sphere and others on the outside.

Thank you, Trump!

Personally, the 'Alt-Right' is not a term that describes me.

Yeah, but the feels…

Any journalist that did a few days research could see how ignorant she is. The only site considered "alt-right" that sucks putins cock is TDS. We constantly debate over his true agenda and ideology. Breitbart and most youtube personalities complete ignore jewish question, which clearly draws a line between them and TRS, TDS, and us. Leaving us to debate whether or not TDS and TRS are controlled opposition among other things. Cuck/pol/ is just Holla Forums with the faint afterglow the oldfags that came here left behind. It goes without saying how we feel about Jonestein. In her speech she acknowledged the fact that there are multiple groups being lumped under the same banner. She was smart to only namedrop Breitbart and Jones. They are going to surge, but as you can see by the catalog, searching for the "alt-right" doesn't have many stepping stones until they reach us.

We are the source. When they think of their extreme right boogeyman, it is what they find here. From the banners, to the site traffic, to the rules sticky, to the catalog. Even how we react to cucks, shills, and newfags. We have to be vigilant, united, and loyal. This is our tiny reich on the internet, if we lose it we will be sent astray in different directions. It will set us back years.

The_donald claims to be alt right I think, trump has gone on there to do an AMA, so she's not totally without proof.

He should double down and call her a conspiracy theorist

There's no reason to care about or attack Holla Forums because this board is nothing but useful idiots to get Trump elected.

She already went full lizard people with all the anti-russian propaganda. It was a romanian hacker, they intercepted some of this because they were already monitoring him. She will do anything to avoid acknowledging that all of this is her and the dnc's fault. They said what they said and did what they did.

Trump could push this being completely honest to the reality of the situation.

We're loony enough; we might.

“The nation-state remains the true foundation of happiness and harmony."

So we should pick a libcuck, (((stein))), or that criminal witch? Nice try kike. We have few options, one clearly achieves several of our goals. Smashing neocons, pc culture, globalism, and leftists. If he wins, it will continue the chain reaction of nationalism.

Has trump pointed out her Russian conspiracy theory yet? Only problem with calling her a conspiracy theorist, though, is some low info people associate trump with conspiracy theories like 9/11 dancing Muslims.

Who the fuck are you quoting? Trump is the best candidate there is, I'm stating that Holla Forums is a board full of useful idiots to help get him elected. Take any support you can.

But they are faggots. We just stated it as it is. Their faggotry is of their own making.

Some anonymous corner of the internet stating it as it is, that's a threat to them? No…, rather their own corruption is their Achilles heel.

I suspect also a number of people in her camp have been redpilled after being sent to lurk here.

How much does the clinton camp have to pay for some of her advisers and shit to not purposely approve every single shitty idea?

I'm quoting Trump you fucking idiot. Stop being a newfag and lurk more.

Once Trump is in, the useful idiots won't be needed anymore, so Holla Forums can be thrown into the oven.

Look at these huffpo comments and see where ((they)) stand on us.

They think we are brainless and all bark no bite.

They think.

Someone needs to change the banner from "internet people" to "decent Americans".


I love Trump, like all patriotic americans. Holla Forums is a degenerate shithole that will be hanging from the noose on DOTR.

Nein. Degenerates get the axe or hard labor, the rest wont you faggot. Enjoy the labor faggot.


This whole alt-right thing is just an umbrella term that SJW-types can use to shun, label, ignore easily arguments coming from any direction simply by labeling them this created boogeyman that no one knows what it actually is or isn't.

You have to admit same they did with goobergate, tried to make an "identity" out of what they were after and unfortunately it stuck. It stuck because there was no leadership, but with all this it won't stick because there's Trump.

Could be worse, im half-asian.

nice mammaries


Of course he does. If he didn't before (and he's a 70 year old New Yorker, he knows) Ben Carson, Sleepy Negro has certainly been teaching him.

People tried to warn them as well but they ignored it. GamerGate was originally the name of the scandal not a group label.

Blessed Adolf didn't want to exterminate anyone, not even Jews. The wars were not his fault.

Hitler did nothing wrong.

Nice D&C, britkike. You're about as Irish as french fried potatoes.


Normies already don't even believe in this twisted reality. Why bother changing our weird tune for them? It's already beyond their comprehension.

The chans, esp. 8ch, is gonna be one of those insider secrets that keeps growing, where everyone knows about it, but no one ever says anything. Kinda like Jewish power.

Makes hillary looks like a conspiracy theorist.
Garrison needs to make a cartoon about tin foil Hillary.

It's the Russians, no wait, it's the alt right, no wait…

If this was any other candidate the media would be laughing about how paranoid the person was.

And for the record, I think most of us here know, we are not the alt right

I saw a Ben Garrison for president sticker on the back of a white dodge dually.

Made me chuckle on my way home today.

We are out there and things are beginning to change, just keep fighting the good fight!

Here it is, again, in case anyone forgot.

Further fuel to burn her with, as if any more was needed.


I just tried making a fucking twitter account to spread the word of Kek and of fucking course once i follow a few fashy goys and then Trump, my account is suspended due to looking like suspected bot activity" and needs a phone number verification. not a single fucking tweet yet.

What the absolute fuck

How much money will it take for you to help start World War 3?

Imageboards have developed their own rites of initiation where, through skillful abuse and shitposting, newfags enter a state of cognitive dissonance. This is a prime state that needs to be achieved in order to induce a deep psychological reaction, where the newfag sheds his former connection to the outside world, and becomes a part of the in-group. These rites have been a part of spiritual transition since the dawn of time, but the general population of the western world has forgotten about them.

This is why we're here forever, and where our power comes from. It's also why our smugness knows no bounds; and normies can fucking sense it through their computers. It fries the neurological pathways that have enabled them to be successful in the outside world.

In the world of the internet, we are men. The rest are uninitiated bois.

phone number verification is a shit thing they try to get you on. They do the same thing on kikebook to bad goys.

Aka, another way of getting information out of you.

it was 5 seconds after I followed Trump

With just a cell phone number, you can be tracked wherever you go.

It reads like it's all stealth marketers trying to push the meme that the Alt-Right is the same as the fictionalized KKK that Hollywood would have you believe in.

so how do we get around it, because no way is HarveyMoonman giving away a phone number to people who aren't clients.

I hope all the DnC shills on the board see this thread because this is proof that even when Trump might seem like he is softening he is only doing that to gain cuckservative votes. He has NEVER talked down about us or the Alt right

Just embrace the corruption and move on. If there's enough of us, no matter how hard they try to corral us, we win.

they're still trying to pull the Trump amnesty angle and it's getting really pathetic.

It worked because the emperor had no cloths. They are faggots and cucks.

It took anonymous shitposters to call them out. Nobody else had the guts to do it. Everyone else was playing along, but we refused to go along with it. We called them faggots and cucks, and broke the spell.

It's his son Eric.

i see it too

but id say it lookjs less like a punk jew and more like a fragglerock jew

They will never stop too. What trump said in the beginning of his campaign is what he really wants. Anything he has 'changed his mind on' is only to attract your average voter

It's not just Eric. A lot of the young men on Trump's team at least lurk on Holla Forums, if not actively participate.

The weirdest part why how she tried to tie Nigel into all of it.

The year has never been more current, gentlemen.

Relevant picture for newfags

cut it in half and make it work

burner phones exist

I just realized this. Holy fuck are these dumb commies being played.

Scott Adams said Trump is playing out the classic heroes journey, he is in the 'redemption' phase. By playing out this classic story live before them he subconsciously associates himself with the classical hero archetype. A powerful persuasive technique, we'll see if it works.

He could cut it in half and make it work, but we'll see.

Trump said

If only Trump knew….

He's going to be in for an awakening when we start pushing the overton window.

there is no alt-right – its a media fabrication

He should have thrown in a wise-crack about the media thinking that shitposting autists that live in their mothers' basements and masturbate to anime is actually a "political movement," but its probably better that he did it this way.

top kek

The inferiority complex of gooks has no end. The accomplishments of your race pale in comparison to what the white race has produced, and yet you still have the arrogance to claim superiority? My fucking sides.

Don't forget we have bunker/pol/

Enjoy a bullet in the back of your head, matey

stop fucking posting that you fucking dipshit. the time for that is over. after the board is exposed, you shall not name the bunkers

Sleep snug, smug :3

I'm flattered.

And this from Europe too, I'm apparently some American alt-right troll working for Trump campaign when in reality I'm just having lulz and waiting for happenings.

Pretty sure all of her CTR shills have been crying about being found out. The people she is describing as "The Alt-Right" seem to fit the description of her little minion's online bullies. You guys have them so BTFO that they actually persuaded Hillary to incorporate it into her one of her very few public appearances.

Congratulations to you all for officially correcting the record.


I get that the Scotch-Irish were basically white-niggers in antiquity, but how is the racial line being drawn? The Lowlands, from what I understand, had and still have a lot of Saxons.

It's perfect, there is no 'alt-right'.


We are not alternative, we're simply what the right always was before it got taken over by the neocons. That's the line we need to take.


I suppose that's the main difference between gamergate and the alt right. Gamergate wanted to be understood and accepted by the public, the alt right doesn't give a fuck. To be honest Hillary's whole speech sounded like tin foil.

Like as a normie what the fuck am I even listing to at this point?

Holla Forums's influence must be getting powerful. A loosely connected and defined group of shitposters is such a problem for the powers that be it had to be named by a presidential nominee.

88D chess, my friend. 88D chess.

I'm going to copy pasta this post because it's really important for the great Men and Women of this board to know:

I knew it all along. Trump's new sneaky campaign was throwing some chum in the waters for the ultra-low information voters. Most of them won't even know he pulled back to his original position come November. It's sneaky…

You know folks, just leave it to the experts and those anons that have a super-psychic sense on what is going on. Don't get your panties in a bunch until we give you the green light to do so.

Someone get this hothead outta here

Ya'll niggas need to stop pretending. There is no such thing as a Premium account. Ronin is the true path to enlightenment.


What the fuck is a barrel bomb? How does it differ from an ordinary bomb?

It's a bomb.
But it's 1000x more evil because it's made out of a barrel.
Making your own weapons is evil.

You should Photoshop Trump hats on those anime girls

Ronin is the true path to enlightenment.

Extrapolate, please.

you don't [i]have[/i] to follow Trump

shit around just unfollow, duh

Google temporary phone number, can be used to receive texts for things that require that, like making a new Hotmail account

Definitely his son. There's no way "Donald" fits there. Late to the thread, so contributing how I can.

I agree

I have always be and will never be anything more than an user and I don't want to be anything else.

This and the fact that you can see part of the last letter of the name. It's not a D as in Donald, A as in Ivanka, Y as in Tiffany or N as in Barron. It has to be the C in Eric.

Wait for it torbro, November is still 2 months away. Let her expend all of her lying and then drop truth bombs when she is all out of toothless ammunition.


Rules for Radicals doesn't care which political viewpoint uses it, they are rules which work.

They can be countered though, by people who have read the book.

This is fukken hilarious. They've smeared the "nahtzee" meme upon literally everybody who ain't part of them. From lolbergs to neocohens. Now that true National Socialists are on the rise, nobody is taking them seriously anymore.

Feminism IS cancer and anybody who claims otherwise has no place in any position of authority. This should be common sense by now?

Kebab removal is in your blood, user.




He was the "Illuminati" batman is the reckoning, Raza gul the destroyer.. (jew).

Guys, Im loving current year in the Berenstain universe.

He is definitely initiated, he plays dumb in interviews though.

Him and Johnathan know the secrets of the Jew.

Nolan is that you???

Nessun Dorma.

They stepped right on our trap, not know we are the masters of the internet **and the meme universe

Never play your enemy on their own territory first time out.

but Shillery wrote her thesis on Alinsky

Hillary is brain damaged, extremely unhealthy and has trouble figuring out who shes even talking to.

Kek confirms

Does she also have the walking farts?

She's supposedly incontinent so if that's true than absolutely.

Fucking A this is some good shit

Sounds like farage the unbarragable

Did you hear what Trump said at the Iowa speech regarding illegals earlier today?
praphrasing but

Don't fall for the D&C bros.

I could be anything and it wouldnt matter because I look the part of the 6 ft tall blonde haired green eyed white man. I know that I am white though, so testing these things is frugal.


dubs say this is fake

I can agree by saying I've seen this developed over the past ten years even from halfchan

Nice triple time dubs

I've actually gotten a bit curious about the very complex "white" history of the early US.
Came across this which outlines some things I had no idea about, regarding the different types of people that came to the america's, and there affect on it.

If all those years ago, someone had told me this will happen, i wouldn't have believed him.

There's a sphere? It's really a label, and the shillary engine is attempting to build a mythology upon it, such is the way of causing mass hysteria and whatnot. For decades world renounced experts have been warning us all about the radical alt-right extremists, even though alt-right was some bullshit the shillary engine came up with a few days ago. It's pushed in (((mainstream))) like a happening, yet it's nothing but a shiity meme.



I just want to drop this in because our key players seem to be in this thread..

In regards to the other 'pepe photoshop' thread that encourages "nazi" in the title and hosts 300+ images, most of which link pepe "spokesman for the alt-right" (alt-right is a hot media topic r/n)… in a light of him (pepe) being cast as black-killers, pepe being trump, pepe being a nazi, etc…

Just want to remind our sub 100-IQ posters, that there is subversion on 8ch, and Major news networks are begging for material like 'nazi alt-right pepe kill blacks' to further disavow trump. We need to nuke that thread and you guys need to wake up.





i remember when 4/pol/ happily wore the term "alt-right" and most used it to describe themselves. i think it was like 2012ish.

This reminds me so much of the twilight zone episode where the guy keeps trying to warn people about the creature crashing this plane with no survivors and can't help but sound crazy, that is exactly the situation these (((journalists))) have found themselves in.

They are honorary Aryans but we aren't honorary Japs. Sorry to ruin your dreams kiddo. But the reason they have their values it's because they are a handful of decades behind us culturally. We made them who they are. But at the same time they always had that honorable,diligent, responsible streak in them. Good genetics followed by good values. It's one of the few other races I have respect for. And almost all of them are Asian .

Jesus user, it's mineral

You can't drown the double-down

I have no idea why, but that made me kek so fucking hard when he said it.

Sleep snug smug.


He's right, you know. The "alt-right" as a term is just the jews' desperate attempt at trying to classify us as an enemy. That attempt is also a failure, and their only offensive actions, such as shilling and d&c, are comparable to evaporating a lake by using a flamethrower. We might not be a lot, but our chaotic nature is a major pain in ZОG's ass.

Trump will unleash his magick upon the world and then… we win!

Trump is he only candidate i have not hated since I have been alive. Hillary clinton is he whore of babylon foretold by nostradamus.

Let's vote for the giant cock that make the USA great, and fuck the whore to death.

I personally find it hillaryous, regarding the goon shills trying to blend in, how helpless and unable to retaliate they become against someone posting a smug anime face than they are against someone pointing out that jews lost their conection to YHVEE back in 160AD especially when couple of years ago they used anime spam to DnC our userbase.

I can only assume that (((higher ups))) gave them an order to never use chinese cartoon reaction pictures in our chinese cartoon forum out of fear that it somehow empowers our mememagics.

The Alt-Write is actually pretty interesting, I'd recommend stopping by if you have a chance.

Truely glorious times to be alive

If you are reading this liberal "journalist", this is not a sign of patriarchy/racism/bigotry/evil/etc. This is a sign that the tides are turning. A sign that America can no longer stand to decay with your policies. It can no longer afford to be as ignorant and blind as you have told us to be. Now is the time for you to reflect upon yourself, and see; not only what you've been, but what you can become in the coming dawn

no, that's the catholic church
it was in the bible

It will raise too many questions.

That's a perfect description.

