How to scare the: left

How to scare the: left
With one simple strategy:
Pretend huge numbers of "disenfranchised" white men are suddenly converting to strict Islam, because "actually they believe in the same ideas."

"White men are evil"–so if right wing "angry white men" are joining Islam, what will the left think?

At a minimum such a story will jolt and make people stop and think. "What does this mean for me?"

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I like it, they'd have little choice but to short circuit.


This is actually kinda brilliant.

That won't work. Don't be fucking stupid. You and I both know that these leftists hate whites regardless of their religion, and that the only reason they defend "Muslims" is because the majority of them are brown

They're primarily scared of white men. They'll just rationalize your comments as meaning the ignorant white men don't understand True Islam.

Works out better to just laugh in their faces. Fucks with them a bit.

Not if some smart user actually grabbed a few lines of the hadith and koran which has the edicts on fags and cunts.

Showing that you know more about islam would then make them look stupid. Laugh and call them ignorant. Leftists hate being called their own buzzwords and judge them. Flip it around.

Claim they are racist because they believe you (a white) cant be muslim.

Call them islamophobic when you read the verses on women and gays. Call them ignorant because they cant even quote a verse.

Call them a hypocrite for lecturing a devout muslim on his beliefs when they are a white infidel.

C'mon Holla Forums i know you fuckers could pull this off. Just stick to your guns and keep calmly stating "im muslim and i find your views on women and homosexuals haram, unislamic and intolerant.

The fucks will be triggered into trauma.

I`m with double dubs. Beside it`ll be cultural appropriation.

I would like to see this, but think of the muzzies.
How do you think they`ll see it? They will love it!
All these infidels finally seeing the will of allah.
They`ll get even more upperty.

love it

Islam was right.

Islam did nothing wrong.

Women belong in Burkas and they don't deserve to drive, or speak in public.

They'll accuse you of cultural appropriation.

Silly knee jerk reaction.

Think a little deeper. Put yourself into a lefties shoes. You love muslims (without knowing why) and hate whites.

All of a sudden they're teaming up–and the reason for it is the whites agree with the patriarchal right wing values of islam.

The left's hatred for us is irrelevant here. Its the re-evaluation of the muslim values thats important.

retort with: "islam is a religion"

You just ignore them with the DOGMATIC

"Islam is the only culture now–for everyone!"

The koran is the new political correctness, democracy, accepted speech etc.

Allahs word is final, women in the kitchen, homosexual acts are illegal etc

This can only back fire for us

this is a solution

Thats why I put it up here for debate 1st to iron out all the bugs.

Give some reasons why you think it would.


there was a kid in Bongistan named Rockerz that converted to being Muslim and attacked a gas station with a Machete and fucked up a shitskin.

I wouldn't play with that sort of thing, what happens if we accidentally meme it real and do catalyze conversions to Islam?

Or how about we keep telling the fucking truth.

this. reeks of false flag. OP is a huge faggot

It's not just any religion, it's one, like Christianity that actively seeks converts.

Islam loves white converts. It's even in the quran that they have a better perspective.

For years the left has utilised Rules for Radicals to great effectiveness. Now it's our turn to turn it on them.


This. Posting comments like that will provide the left with ample screengrabs to use in arguments against the right.

"See, it is actually racist Whites who are joining Islam who are responsible for all the hate and terrorism."

Still fun to scare leftists


i know, it's a hypothetically answer to piss off a lefty

Been doing this for a long time it's really funny. I started by just pointing out that people who are voting for mass immigration and diversity (women and faggots) will suffer the most while those who fight against it might even gain from this. Then I went to saying that Islam is the religion of white males to actually RPing as a white guy who converted to Islam. It doesn't work that good though it's just for fun. There is a reason that fag gave him a blank stare, it's because the fag was too retarded to see the connection between Islam and the stereotypical beliefs of a homophobic sexist white male even if in some areas (such as homosexuality) the beliefs are exactly the same.

I like the idea OP, it highlights the fact that fags, women, trannies etc would be treated as shit under Islam and that their support of it is flagrantly suicidal.

I'd rather such tactics weren't needed (don't want to give the mud any sense of security) but it seems to be necessary to hammer the point home given the fact that they're so adept at being selectively blind to the truth.

If you can stomach it grab some quotes from high ups in the muslime network that condemn the lifestyle of whoever you're baiting to death or horrific punishment and when they call you ignorant/misinterpreting 'real Islam' you can point them to the chief mud who said it and quite correctly call your target ignorant in return.

It'll be the truth afterall, it really is their ignorance that's allowing this to perpetuate.

Nice work user.

This meme/tactic is sort of inevitable really.

Like water eventually finding the path of least resistance.

That's a good thing though, let them get cocky while noone's actually converted. Much better for them to start pushing their bullshit harder while their numbers are still low and they have an artifical impression of it being higher than it is.

this was actually kind of the case in national-socialist Germany when some higher-up nazis became muslim LARPers because they liked certain parts of the ideology and thought christcuckery promoted weakness (which is true).
Sage because this is probably another slide thread.

then why do they hate Catholics when the majority of them are brown? there's no thought to anything they do. it's just doing what they are told.

Supportive bump. Best ways to build a legitimate looking online community?

I have zero faux accounts

Until it happens for real. Islam will reach out to the "betrayed male" demographic, eventually.

This is brilliant.

We would need to emphasize the alliance between national socialists and Muslims.

anyone who would even entertain the thought of being a muzzy is a sociopathic piece of shit that is not compatible with civilization and should be put down. broadcasting their mental illness is only a good thing if we have the means to combat them.

Just because Hitler said a couple nice things about Muslims didn't mean they converted.

This sounds like a MDE sketch

Christianity got soft.

Islam is still rock hard.


This kind of dogmatic rigidity and inflexibility–can be nice when you have absolute power–however it is incredible stupidity and a massive weak point when you do not.

It is like the holy fool martyring himself for his principles. (when your dead your principles die with you).

The elite Jews are masters of this kind of simulation and flexibility. And they seem to be at the height of power.

The white mans: honest, straight forward, innocent, hardworking approach is out dated.

Pretending to convert to Islam is a horrible idea because charades of this type will always meme themselves in to reality.

Therefore such a pretense is too dangerous to back.

I've been talking about this for years.

I toy with the idea of becoming Islamic myself. For social reasons, not religious ones.

Am I able to make my own sect of Christianity with hardcore values of Islam, mainly the masculinity, straight edge 4 you, remove faggot, and putting women in their place. I'm not a fedora, I just need to be more hardcore spiritually, but I want to do it the right way without getting bannhammered by God.

there is literally nothing wrong with islam


"They're not real Muslims! They're just hateful bigots who embrace Islam as an excuse to practice their hate! (I mean they ain't even brown fam)"

Doublethink is real and these leftist faggots wont even blink while saying pretty much exactly this.

To elaborate more on this, I want to combine Baptism, one of the more hardkore denominations of Christianity, with hardcore values of Islamic Wahhabism. Also I want all the women in my church in Burkahs

This will only work if the most homophobic and misoginistic Koran verses are recited during the argument

I'm sure leftards will take screengrabs and try to argument that it's only white racist that are slanderingt the good name of islam, but if every single screengrab they take has a hatefull verse lifted right off the Koran it will back fire on them
As they will not be able to deny the elefant in the room that the "white men" they hate are joinin Islam because Muhameth allowsthem to be as sexist and homophobic as they want…

You niggers are still trying to push that retarded white islam idea?
Good luck with that I guess.

you're not as half as clever as you think Especially if you consider your picture.

careful now.

Well, ideally, you really should be quiet whilst sneaking up on your victims…

Frankly, I wish we had Islam and they, Christianity.

The whole world would be ours.

Islam is at least better than Christianity tbh. Both are anti-white globalist religions, but at least Islam isn't gay.

Who was the YouTube uncucked ginger, who converted, learned arabic, studied the quaran, and denounced Islam because his western views on how women should treated conflicted with Muhammad's?

Pick one


The easiest way to scare the Left is to never back down or apologize. It's really that simple.

Once they realize that they can't shame you into cucking yourself, they begin to sweat bullets.

They still see it as a white intuition

Trying to beat leftists by converting to Islamic communism only makes them win

kidnap a feminist, bung her into the trunk of your car.
Carve 'allah ackbar' into her chest with a fish knife.

Remove her clitoris, put it in an envelope and send it to her cucked parents.

Leave the feminist naked in some woods on a crisp winter night.


I like it too. Muslims are barbarians, but insidious backstabbing is far more damaging. Telling them you are going to join the orcish horde and hang the jews, own a few virgin girls, and toss the homos off the roof and seeing their reaction is delicious.

Call them an islamophobe you dumb nigger.

Excellent idea

Tell them the muslim community will accept your views which will align with the islamic text anyway which is why you are converting.

And vote.


You will need to organize this move before implementation. That way you know who's in on the subversion and who is legit kebab

I got you fam
"And [We had sent] Lot when he said to his people, "Do you commit such immorality as no one has preceded you with from among the worlds?" QURAN 7:80

Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: If you find anyone doing as Lot’s people did, kill the one who does it, and the one to whom it is done.
Sunan of Abu-Dawood – Book 38 Hadith 4447

I already told you. They love muslims because they are brown. Full stop.

You'd have actual Muslims defending the faux-Muslim whites, then; thus granting the far right brown-impunity (the ones that go along with the ruse, at least).

It's really not retarded. If whites everywhere were to do it, yeah, it'd meme a Muslim takeover into existence; but if a smaller group were to try it to get media coverage and prove a valuable lesson to progressive retards, gays and Jews, it'd be great. Even if it were just a one-day prank type of thing. These morons need a visual jolt to understand what's happening. It'd be like a new KKK. Something to spook the Muslim apologists into realizing the consequences of their actions and rhetoric. It might make them realize, when it's white men pushing the ideology, that it's a very real threat.

Only if it were done in large numbers. A small group like the Westboro Baptist Church doing it would make people think about Islam and its dangers. Progressive sheep might finally see that it's the most extreme right-wing ideology in history. And when they try to bash it, actual Muslims will defend the faux-Muslims. Just hold the Quran, read quotes from it and be sure to praise Allah constantly; there's your shield. Then Islam becomes a real problem for these idiots. Then more and more of them start to see it for what it is.


are you dismissing the tribal Sahel peoples and the Uygyrs in China? How bigoted of you :^)

Islam is a multicultural religion! From Bosnia to Indonesia. Dont you want to be multicultural?

cut it in half and make it work

Yeah, but they're also extremely far right. Being a "right-winger" is worse than being white to them. It's contradictory to their supposed beliefs. This idea would make them realize the threat of Islam when they see white men supporting it. These would not be the same white men as "Nazis" or Christian conservatives. They would have to insult Muslims/Islam; either by discrediting the verses or pointing out that it's far right and even more hateful than the usual right-wingers, Republicans or even Nazis. This would cause a reaction from actual Muslims. You know they cannot just stand by as Muhammad, Allah, and their followers are being criticized. Sure, the usual Muslim mouthpieces would make excuses and say they're extremists or trying to make Islam look bad, but the ordinary Muslims, as we've seen happen elsewhere, would speak out in support of the white Muslims. Those allegedly very effective genocidal white people that the left loves talking about would be joining their team in the most important way possible to a Western Muslim, to spread the word of Muhammad to conquer/convert the West.

This could divide the left even more.

Is there “none strict Islam”?

Islamisation is their objective.

Islam is the anti-thesis to occidental, western, white civilisation.

Islam is a Arab supremacist cult.

They are either Muslims trying to find converts or rather uninformed persons with no clue about the nature of Islam.

They already do this.
I lived in londonistan until last year, and have had many deep conversations with muslims about their beliefs and about the decadence of western society.
I was trying to troll them while planting seeds of doubt regarding the many logical fallacies in their religion, much as I have done to christians since I went to a catholic school.
They in turn ALL tried to convince me that becoming a muslim would solve many of the problems of modern life in the decadent west.
The worst thing is, they are correct, Islam would quickly fix our culture in many ways, from a pragmatic point of view, it makes sense to be a muslim.
1: you can have 4 WHITE chaste, faithful, convert wives, which means
2: Correct the white birthrate decline for the forseable future in 1generation!
3: Governrment favouritism and assistance in housing, clothing and feeding your clan
4: You can bring up your kids completely redpilled without ANY criticism from government or teachers
5: All degeneracy is frowned upon, most of your kids will be non-degenerate, try having non-degenerate kids any other way……

Also take into account that mohammed was WHITE
google it you lazy fuck
and it could be stated without fear of any serious counter-argument, that

Only joking, fuck that sandnigger religion, I'd rather die than convert.
I told you up front I was trolling so don't complain

But it's not traditional

For ultimate Kek, you can claim to be hardcore feminist to protect women from the muslims who only sees them as whores and pieces of meat.

Or you can claim to be a black supremacist because kikes were the ones behind the slave-trade and you're sick of them still controlling the lives of the black people through economics and media.

This, you fucking idiots. This won't change the hate for whites, but it will change the acceptance of Islam if even just a little. Pick your battles and enemies, the left only have as much power as Jews give them. While it's also somewhat true for Islam, liberals don't immigrate then rape your children and blow up your malls.

Yeah I used the koran to practice my arabic and don't remember anything like that. Got some proof?

You would pour our culture down the drain.

Our culture is haram, forbiden for Muslim, because it is not based on Arab Islamic tradition. Notice how all pre-islamic culture is destroyed by Muslims, pre-islamic Arab culture as well, not only by ISIS and Saudi-Arabia, but everywhere Muslims take over. Pre-Islamic culture, our culture is shirk, idolatry, equal to apostasy.

Not even your language is worth anything, only Arab is the “language of God”.

sodomizing little boys is no homo, kaffir


goat rectum is also halal

One easy way to implement this plan would be to:

Make a youtube video (uploaded from behind 7 proxies)–of a silhouetted white man stating these things (mass of white men converting to islam, attracted to "traditional values", new role of women, conservative views, stable families etc) –and getting a mass of up votes for it.

But they facilitate and, in some circumstances, do those things as well. Why is pedo acceptance being pushed now? What is antifa rioting and burning down stores and harassing/beating people in the name of "revolution"?

Leftists are a problem as well, because they help subvert and sometimes actively participate as foot troops for the kikes.

But does Islam address race and racemixing?

You faggots shouldn't be memeing "white" anywhere near any more sandnigger religions. Stop making white Islam acceptable in any way shape or form.

I'm glad you're on our side OP. But don't make anymore threads. This is moronic. You need massive amounts of media power to pull this off. Holla Forums can barely get a hashtag going without it being 4chan tier smut. Plus it's stupid as fuck

Christian, feminist with side of trans.

What are you going to fag up Islam from the inside or something?

No–Im saying that guy I replied to is being ridiculous–imagining "white" has anymore credibility at this point.

Our people are weak, stupid, trans-queer leftists, our borders are open and people are welcoming it.

We have nothing left to lose.

who do you think you're fooling?

Fuck that. I would rather follow a white religion. Just say patriarchal and racist shit and that its ok because of Odin. It's better than acting like some sand nigger and Mohammed stole everything from Odin anyways.

What if we created some kind of masculine society or code?

Like a men's club where young men are taught how to lead, the importance of moral values, how to repair things, maybe philosophy, lifting, business.

Within this society there can be a core set of principles or rules rooted in masculinity, leadership and success.


OP is obviously a faggot, but the premise should not be discarded. It is something to be used for keks at any desired and appropriate moment.

Kill yourself.

All for this choo-choo

Muslims actually want white women to convert. They're clever at it too–eg they use white women on youtube to journal their conversion stories.

They lie about all aspects of Islam, until the women are committed and its too late.

They have been around jews for centuries–they have learned all the tricks. Playing both sides, simulation, deceiving, plausible deniability, false flags etc.

Most whites, including on Holla Forums have no idea how to play dirty.

Whats the worst case scenario–all white men take this seriously, drop one sky daddy for another, grow a set of balls and destroy feminism and become uncucked warriors.

We cant have that.

This thread devolved a hilarious meme into shitty religion D&C. What a fucking waste, thanks Chaim.

Yeah let's cuck ourselves to a different sand nigger cult good idea eh fellow white. Let's cuck ourselves to the one that has taken millions of white sex slaves and murdered and tortured countless white people. Let's cuck ourselves to more sand people it will certainly work out well this time.

Mohammed was white anyways right? We are the real Arabs or some shit right guys?

Just fucking die you race traitor cucks!

Islam is attractive for weak men, gives them a feeling of belonging to a gang of bad boys. Us calling them, Muslims, out what a niggerish ideology Islam is doesn’t change that, it re-enforce their interest in the thug religion.

Dumb idea, delete your thread, kill all Muslims.

Won't work with the Jews around. First you have to kill all jews.

dat pic
it's a bit like saying islam is in favor of the care and protection of slaves because there are instruction on how much you're allowed to beat them

Especially muslim women, there is a lot of butthurt among muslim men about how much their women want to marry reverts (by which they really mean white reverts).

That is an incredibly retarded solution.

Islam is the enemy of the west.

sometimes when I'm feeling a little too positive about life, I head on over to TheBluePill to give myself a nice pick-me-down and remember how cucked most people are, but sometimes I find a gem of a post that makes me kek hard.

they scare themselves most of the time. lolz

Pick one.

Soon as they stop fucking goats, mutilating genitalia, indoctrinating children to become murderers, committing rape and random slaughter you might have a sliver of a point.

Also it wouldn't 'fix our culture' it'd ruin and override it,

GTFO fagrot.

Mud detected. What about the kike chatter? Surely that's 'God's language' or whatever shit they want to call it to aggrandise themselves.

I had this mad dream that i converted but still staid Holla Forumsack and the muslims introduced me into one of their cells and jokingly made me the guy to lay down the bombs for a attack in other words they looked down upon me and made me the designated fall guy.What they didnt know i had went to a muslim ghetto arranged the bombs in a swastika pattern and then detonated them.


You forget the part where they observe and kill you.

The left would just respond with #notallmuslims like they do after every tragedy and then double down on racist whitey programming.