Reminder hillary clinton unironically gave a speech about Trump supporters...

Reminder hillary clinton unironically gave a speech about Trump supporters, calling them paranoid conspiracy theorists while at the same exact moment saying Putin was in direct control of the "alt-right" and in turn Donald Trump

Hillary is rattled lads.

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While it's good she's rattled, I'm actually more concerned with her making it all serve as anti-Russian rhetoric. It vindicates my fears that a nuclear war is inevitable if she wins.

If diplomacy were a tree, Hillary's the type to take a chainsaw to it.

Of course she is.
She was promised some kind of cuck like Jeb! or Romney to campaign against. Instead Trump came in and cleaned house.
Now Trump has put his foot straight through the door and thanks to ours and others efforts online, the kikes and their media puppets are losing complete control of every source of information available to normies.

Rattled is putting in lightly

This does make it easier to portray her as a warhawk. Even more, resurrecting the idea of the draft, especially since they were trying to expand it to include women, one could make a case that the left have been gearing up for a war with Russia for a long while now.

When's the next batch of polls due out?

I'm very interested to see if Americans were stupid enough to buy this or if they're going to surprise me and see this for the insane ramblings of senile old woman that it is.

The problem is that the polls have been rigged for a good long while now. Two recent ones showed her slipping, making one wonder how bad must she really be doing if she can barely maintain a lead with rigged polls.

Glad you asked, here's the latest poll with the demographics included

This was one where hillary is +7.

It's over for them after this rambling incoherent schizophrenic speech.

I wonder how much of that is the bradely effect in action here, especially since those numbers don't add up to the total.

Who's Ferrage? Is bet he's related to that SO-dam guy the Bushes were on about or the fictional "ASS-ad" made up by Nick Clegg?

What a transparent way to demean someone deliberately inflecting his name wrong.

Well I am a paranoid conspiracy theorist.

Well, rest assured even hillary can out theorize you

See that cup?

Putin put chips in the glass to make it spy on you.

WTF i love Hillary now

Was that something in the closet?

People are not actively Hillary supporters, the main thing is anti-Trimp. Even my bible thumping grandmother who is a christian thinks that they're trying to scare people to not vote because he's already lost. It's total bullshit to anyone who isnt paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to say Trump is losing. The "Monster vote" is a real fucking thing, and I fully think it'll come out like the black vote for Obama did in 08. Most white people will vote Trump when it's just them in the fucking voting booth. And currently we're the majority. It's our last hope and when people say "Oh he's losing in the polls" just say "Who else has a feasible chance in the entire United States to defeat her"

It's quite literally you're for America or you're against America now. Bernie cucks on suicide watch. I'm feeling good and I think Trump will destroy her in the 1st debate easily. She could fucking explode on stage type of destruction.

Source of this photo? If you add up all the democrats, republicans and independants, you only get 1336 people surveyed.

Its the latest poll that has demographics included, I immediately trash any poll which does not show its methodology

Even if for a single moment we believe those polls to be true and even if Trump does loose, we are still winning.
Remember how last year we where hoping and praying for the happening to end all happenings?
Look how far we have come! Someone shouted Pepe! at the cunt`s rally yesterday.
WhiteGenocideTm is being mentioned again in the MSN.
The overtone window has shifted.
We have gone further in the last months than we though possible!
The "alt-right" is becoming hip, imagine the next generation becoming "alt-righters" instead of SJW`s, you better believe that it is happening!
The Alt right is the correct place to keep the normie who is racially aware but not full 14/88 (yet)

Remember that Trump, despite being the God Emperor and supreme rulers of mankind, is a means to an end.
We are the ones using Trump, he is not using us. If he wins or loses it does not matter, we are gaining ground and our
battles are not in vain. We have race wars, race Riots and revolutions to look forward too.
Remember when Trump wins, and by the power of Kek he shall win, then we should keep on pushing.
There is no rest till every non White is dead

And that poll has Trump losing in the South. Total bullshit.

I still can't find the place where those 180 went. I mean you could effectively disqualify for refusal to finish the survey, but statistically they wouldn't be taken into account.

It is like on the one hand they are using a number to lend credibility, but on the other 180 people just vanished.

I get the other parts. They are giving weight to the Democrat turnout based on the past elections.

Am I missing something, because I have taken statistical analysis at University; it may have been some time, but I am not able to figure out some of their numbers. They simply aren't giving enough info.

If I\m an idiot please tell me, because something seems missing.

Samefag here. I would also point out when doing some research on IPSOS they had Remain winning on Brexit 52 to 48.

We are going to fucking win lads

Bump because I think it's relevant that the media has memoryhole'd this entire speech because it makes her look like an actual schizophrenic conspiracy theorist

Muh pootin!!

RT broadcasts a lot of Anti-Trump propaganda.

Wow putin is the leader of the alt-right trumpist movement with the ground generals being alex jones and david duke

Her speech was pathetic. Lies and half-stories spoon fed to the already braindead Hillary supporters.

Nobody who is in any way politically engaged was fooled by any of the nonsense she spouted.

I'm just sick of listening to her whine and bitch about muh racism, sexism, xenophobia, anti-muslims, anti-"immigrant", yadda yadda yadda… she's like a broken record of a fucking retard.

Anyone who supports Hillary is honestly too stupid to vote.

remember, #mentallyHill

My favorite part is when she blamed Trump for school bullying.

What's the next step up from tinfoil?