Trump: no pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens

There is no path to legalization unless they leave the country and come back

I was a bit worried about Trump's sudden "softening" on immigration, but it looks more like he wants to incentivise self-deportations as much as possible. If illegals know they can't get citizenship without leaving the U.S., they'll go back to Mexico (or some other third-world shithole) with the idea that they might come back via legal routes. Of course, only a very small percentage will be allowed back in.

Combine that with enforcing existing laws about employment, the use of welfare, etc. and retroactively stripping anchor babies of their citizenship, and you'll have millions upon millions of illegals leaving the country even before Trump's first term as President is over.

Other urls found in this thread:

How do you know that? And don't just say "of course" like it's self-explanatory.



There is a quota for annual legal immigrants. Any slots filled by Mexicans that return home and then apply for legal status are slots that kebabs don't get.

It's clearly for the GaFegs

If we apply immigration laws fairly instead of giving preferential treatment to obvious freeloaders then we'll probably see more European immigration. I hear they have to jump through six million hoops right now.

remember that the alt right is evil and trump is literally hitler!

Why do we even have a quota for legal immigrants at all?

Get rid of it. We're full.

Anyone know what the current laws of immigration are? Will even a 1/10 of the people being sent back be able to apply and be approved to be allowed into the country?

They also have to pay out the nose. I think I recall Gavin McInnes talk about how he had to pay upwards of $10,000 when he first moved here to run Vice.

People want to be able to bring in particular workers and possibly family members. It's hard to say that's wrong.

What is wrong is the current system of giving preferential treatment to illegals by letting them completely ignore the immigration system.

t. welfare NEET

Trump wants to increase European immigration.


Go to around 3:45ish

No, it isn't hard.
No, what's wrong is that non-Whites are in the country, period.

fucking shit here

This is why I never worry or lose faith for one minute with Trump. I stopped doing that sometime around December.

Have faith in the God Emperor.

Notice how hard shills and MSM are pushing the "softening" meme. It's just a talking point

I really wish more Trump supporters would get this and not just eat up the media's bullshit.

Seeing alt right shitposters on twitter panicking as though Trump was changing his position has been annoying.

This, after the Muslim ban I've completely shut my ears to any criticism because it's most definitely shilling.

reminder that trump has jeff sessions and stephen miller working for him. both oppose touchback amnesty and miller wants all illegals gone. i think he's also writing his immigration speech. don't worry, the spics WILL be removed

also very happy to see he won't disavow the alt right. he plretends to be oblivious like he tried to do with david duke. he obviously knows all about us and is probably lurking on Holla Forums right now

This. The media is absolutely pathetic, they're even playing victim now in the hope the people vote for Cunton.

As an Australian the only way I can easily become a permanent resident in America is if I have a Masters degree or half a million US dollars to invest in a business in the US.


Low IQ is a proxy for criminal deviancy, psychopathy and high time preference. Give them IQ tests and reject them if it's lower than average.

Self-deportation is a lot less costly, and the sound of "mass deportations" would scare off some of the undecided Hispanics, women and moderate voters he might still need to pull in.

Most illegals come to the U.S. for gibs, free healthcare and jobs. If welfare handouts are cut off, laws regarding the hiring of illegals are actually enforced, and you no longer give citizenship to anchor babies, then what's the point of staying there?

What's high time preference? I've been seeing that term around a lot lately.

Why? So you can keep importing your curry nigger workers and Asian girlfriends?

We don't need immigrants. We need to get rid of people who are already here, not add to the pile.

I'd like the S. Africans currently being genocided to be allowed in.


ausfag here. i knew a bunch of white south africans growing up. they told me horror stories about their experiences with niggers always trying to break into their houses and kill them. they're the most repdilled whites

can we meme this into reality


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

Even in the current system (without an anchor baby and it's very questionable legality) it takes years (even decades) to legally emigrate into the US and tens thousands of dollars to apply.

t. my wife is Belgian

This isn't bad, even during Operation Wetback more than half preferred to self deport rather than be dragged out of their homes dazed and confused by screaming feds with rifles and dogs to be deported anyways.

But back then, Canada put it's Royal Mounted Police on the border to prevent Mexicans fleeing north. I imagine most spics would rather just go to Canada than home.

It's not uncommon for elderly farmer couples to be viciously attacked and bludgeoned to death by those savages. Whites can get stabbed to death simply when taking their dog for a walk, and sometimes entire families get slaughtered at night without having the perpetrators steal anything at all. They just do it because they want to show the whites who's "in charge", despite the fact that it is still largely whites who keep the country running.


only if you're white. it's extremely difficult for white people to move around the world legally. they will make you jump through every hoop possible if you're white and look for ANY excuse they can use not to let you in

however if you're a head hunter from the congo, a 70 IQ somali, or a paki with 15 kids, you get in no problem

Thing is, Trump even is in favor of doing deportations, but this mostly means just letting our current immigration services do their jobs with deporting those they can . Which includes shutting down sanctuary cities so that illegal aliens that are criminals will be sent out of the country and kept out.

So dealing with those criminals first seems kinda natural to want to do. As well you can shut off their ability to send back remittances and it cuts out one of the major reasons they even want to be here.

I'm a Mexifag and that sounds really fair, go God Emperor!

Legal immigration to the US is very difficult, if Trump cuts off the anchor-baby loophole, then I imagine only a tiny percentage of tacos could legally emigrate back.

Is this from 2013? It's good to know that he's aware that giving citizenship and voting rights to 11-30 million illegals would effectively end the GOP as a national party.

Holla Forums would be on suicide watch as well during the announcement



Genetic lottery has been won, get over it.

I want European immigrants. Like literal EUROPEAN IMMIGRANTS to be let in. Not Jamal or Tyrone who is a "legal citizen" of whatever Eurofuck country he decided to sleep in that day.

White Europeans = okay
Everything else is genetic trash, fuck them.

I mean, by any definition they are refugees and are compatible with our culture.

Once we remove taco, many parts of the southwest are going to be in dire need of workers especially in the farming industry.

Which is perfect for South Africans, skilled at farming even in the unforgiving African soil and they'd be happy with the heat.

OK, now I'm satisfied.

user, if you have tens of millions of unemployed people, you really don't need anymore immigrants.

This nigger is a fucking clown.

Look, the more White people we have the better. Especially redpilled ones.

I mean really now.

For the cheap fucking labor you faggot hypocrites, it's like rental slavery.

That pic implied so many implications that touching on all of them further would give me autism.

Yup. Voodoo fiat jew economics can be solved in a generation.

Miscegenation is permanent.

Says the person speaking from ignorance. Each time a thread like this pops up, I wonder how may people are purposely lying out their ass and how many are speaking form extreme ignorance of immigration laws and how they work. I'm convinced a small number know anything about the process since the shit that is trotted out here by some people is mind-boggling.

Wow you said NOTHING. So, are they too tough? Way too lax?

Do I take your word for it,? wanna post some statures or something?


Wall now. Wall. W.A.L.L.

what is this?

Self deportation is actually a great idea.

Also tax the fuckers, make it economically nonviable to live here and we'll only have a couple to kick out by force after that.

Blame the illegals for mucking up the system.


Pure coincidence I'm sure.

Yeah he's completely aware of what's going on.

Also, check em

wtf i love trump now

>implying I ever stopped I FUCKING LOVE YOU DON MAGA 4LIFE

High time-preference is a PR-friendly way of saying, "r-selected."

Whites should be allowed to come, as was intended.

As a bong it just isn't an option. Either you are rich and buy a citizenship, create a business that expands to America or get hired and sponsored for citizenship by an American firm (which is expensive and a great hassle to said firm so you have to be really worth it).

Oh, or you just marry someone like some sperg I know did.

I know many upstanding individuals yet the only one to leave for America was able to do so because he sat around playing world of warcraft all day instead of working and met some hamplanet who married him in.

Your immigration laws appear to be designed to attract the very lowest of the low from any group.

Okay, that assume we're going to keep the current system, in which case OP's whole paragraph about illegals self-deporting themselves has no weight.

One of Trump's supporters, Congressman Steve King, believes that Trump will use existing law enforcement. Plus, Trump himself has said there will be no detention centers. Trump might deport more immigrants annually than Obama, who has deported 2.5 million immigrants so far, but that's just an elevation of the status quo.

I love the idea of closing any welfare loopholes, but Trump has barely discussed that. He has also said almost nothing lately about anchor babies, although he focused on that more in the beginning of his campaign. He may be powerless there without a massive groundswell of support, since it is commonly believed that it is guaranteed in the Constitution.

No person who has ever been illegally present in the United States for any reason should ever be eligible to return for any reason.

Trump has brought up his "big beautiful door" many, many times, as well as an expedited process for legalization. He might be walking back from that, but know that he discussed it.

Apparently Trump is going to change the immigration laws. I mean, that is the whole cornerstone of his campaign. So your whole post means very little. People want to know what will be different with Trump.

Like Melania Trump?

That's what I mean. We're letting in people who are simply illiterate. And it's not just the Moo-slums.
You can give an English language form to a white American who will have it completed in three minutes. You can then give the same form, but in Spanish, to a middle-aged Mexican who will struggle. I had a woman take 25 minutes once.

Our current immigration laws need to be completely burned to the ground so we can start over with some sane policies. It's really an embarrassment.

The door was supposed to mean that the is not stopping all immigration. The same way he is trying to stop the idea that deportation forces will be kicking down doors and dragging people away, since the media and some people here latched onto this idea and ran with it when he was just trying to shut down all the avenues illegals use to stick around.

The main reason why the current system is fucked up because there is little effort to pursue illegals due to obstruction from the government, no wall to deter less intelligent/connected illegals, the existence of sanctuary cities (a number of people on this board don' even know what this is), the increased funding of sanctuary cities, and so on. Trump has explicitly commented on these issues, wanting to fix each of those. That alone will reduce illegal immigration considerably. Putting pressures on businesses that hire illegals while stepping up deportation by expediting the process will fix a lot of things. This is all stuff he has commented on but some people flip out and act like he never did and even worse, have no idea what he is talking about but will still bitch anyways.

We don't know that but it would be a good trick to increase self-deportation.

>they come back and ask hello can I come in?

>No sorry we're full. Come back in a 100 years, we'll see then if there's space for you.

He ain't wrong

Uh buddy. Africa has some of the best soil in the world for farming, what it lacks is the technical skills and modern farming equipment that we have in the west. Hell Zimbabwe used to supply 80% of all wheat imports to Europe. You know what happened there.

African soil rocks, whites do a fantastic job working it. Literally the only reason Africa isn't the richest place in the world is because it has niggers instead of whites.

expatriation is the biggest flipout towards your people

how much of a shithole is that there's a constant stream of _ people running away from their own people and land?

running away doesn't solve shit.
fix the problem where it is

This is vague. Since 2.5 million illegals have been deported since Obama took office, I'm not sure what you're saying here. Work with facts, not propaganda.

The actual value of the wall and border enforcement by itself is debatable, at least historically:

Yes, they are an issue, and thanks to Trump there is widespread support among Republicans today to cut off funding to them.

"commented on" doesn't mean shit when someone is running for office, especially when that individual expressed the exact opposite sentiment in the last election cycle. You need a comprehensive program. A year later, Trump doesn't have one, and he is still fiddling around with what he plans to do because he hasn't thought this through. He has stated no detention centers, and his example of someone living here for 20 years who should be left alone means that there will be criteria by which some illegals can stay.

Illegal immigrants wouldn't trust Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama on this score, let alone Donald Trump.

I want to fucking kill myself. I'm not scared that I'm going to be deported, I'm ashamed of just being born an anchor baby.

I never chose this, but I did choose to fall in love with American ideals and make the values and principles of the founding fathers my own. I only recently found out about what my parents did and I fucking hate them for it. I fucking hate myself and there's nowhere for me to belong and no point in living this way, even though I'm white. If I kill myself at least it'll make some of you guys happy. Here's to happiness. sage for pathetic blog post

Just throw yourself on the front lines, in the inevitable riots. Take out as many baristas as you can.

I wish he would just shut the borders off completely

After all the shitskins, spics, etc are deported, sure, deport Mrs. Trump

You fell in love with white culture because it's YOUR culture, brother. You're not going anywhere.

'Beaner' is not a shade of white, Pedro.

Why are they going to be given visas in the first place? Especially if they are on a list of former illegal aliens?

what kind of white

Obama changed the way deportation statistics are reported to define turning someone away at the border as a "deportation". That's why he supposedly has the highest deportations of any US President when in reality he's done nothing but hamstring our border guards from actually doing their job.

Any success in stopping spics from flooding into this country is done in spite of Obama, not thanks to him.

Trump would be wise to remain ambiguous about his immigration reform because the average American isn't yet ready to swallow the drastic measures necessary to restore the ethnic homogeneity of the United States. The fact that he's even brought detention centers and mass-deportations into the public discourse means he gives us an infinitely better change of going through with the necessary steps to save our country. Certainly more than Hillary Clinton, wouldn't you agree?

America is a grand experiment in pan-European nationalism. Obviously we've hit some hard times in the past half-century since becoming a vassal for Israel, but taken as a whole I think our country's history epitomizes the boundless ingenuity and unity achievable only by the white race.

Citizenship has nothing to do with some arbitrary piece of paper or your place of birth. Is Rudyard Kipling a poo-in-loo Indian now? If you have white skin and European heritage you are a true America. A spic anchor baby born in Texas never can be one.

Woops I can't believe I replied a politico libshit shill. Stop linking your fucking articles you jewish faggot.

I'm okay with this…

That's interesting, thanks. It's confirmed by this link.

Get a life, you stupid in-crowd faggot.

did that bitch not show her cunt hair or something m8?

I knew it all along. Trump's new sneaky campaign was throwing some chum in the waters for the ultra-low information voters. Most of them won't even know he pulled back to his original position come November. It's sneaky…

You know folks, just leave it to the experts and those anons that have a super-psychic sense on what is going on. Don't get your panties in a bunch until we give you the green light to do so.

Her husband shot a video where she gets a nigger's dick up her ass.


How many lewd videos and pictures are there of her?

It wasn't pornographic (it was a music video).

still lewd shit dude. I would swear on my cock that I've seen her pussy hair.

Kill yourself, coalburner-supporter.

I disagree. Though such occurrences would be rare, illegals who possess strategic information or expertise should have their entry facilitated.

I'm an anchor baby but my parents both went to school to learn English and work. They are citizens now so I don't know abut you but I'm not worried about this at all. Personally, my fight is against the Jew.

What is it with "artists" being completely degenerate whores ?

It's a Jewish industry. If you want to be "discovered" and promoted and have a hundred musicians, sound engineers, and video editors make you look like you have talent you agree to spread degeneracy and spread for Goldberg.

You'd think these people would draw the line somewhere.


Except he promised amnesty in Florida and said no to equaling or exceeding wetback. As well as recanting the beautiful solid wall, he has softened and begun bowing to naysayers.
Full rxpulsion and walling is fully fiscally feasible with nothing more than enacting the program, no congress fight tot of needing to play with medicaid.

i'm actually seriously considering migrating to the USA if i have a chance workwise, recently got my law degree but not really interested in becoming a lawyer or working in a legal department

i just want to work and a lot of places seem uncucked in the USA, unlike the shithole my country has become

Thanks for correcting the record, user. Have some tasty pasta. It's my gift to you :^)

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Oy vey! Enough of Trump!

So what pointing out he is playing both sides, while being played is an issue? How about he spends a fortnight with the minute men and bags 88 illegals?

This "softening" was completely manufactured by media.

When both sides are being told not to vote for him that isn't really "playing both sides", user.

He softened when he refused the big wall for Obama's.

So then his poll numbers aren't rising and he isn't converting Berny Bros?

Not an argument :^)

It's true, my family in ukraine can't even get a tourist visa but any infian or ahmed can get a greencard no questions asked

I'll just leave this here and see if anyone gets it or remembers it

Yeah that was a fun thread, equal measures no stopping and failure to get it by autists.

Here is hoping Trudeau pulls a Merkel and says all illegal aliens are welcome in Canada.

Canadian's get pulled off their "immigration is good" high horse. When their economy collapses from the amount of people requesting freebies.

We get rid of a few million illegal beaners.

I forgot Trudeau is only a master virtue signaler, whose policies tend be rather short sited.

It took me a while, but I got it.

Very nice.

That's all he is tbh the (((folks))) who actually run the country let him pander to the radical left but won't let him do anything that fucking stupid.

Like the "Syrians" we took were actually all well off families who were displaced and living in apartment buildings in Jordan. Of course I disagree with letting even one more fucking shitskin in my country but I digress. He's a virtue signaler and that's all he is.

Visa aren't free, and having a visa doesn't mean you are a permanent resident.


Ah, so this is what they were sliding. First I've heard of this.

Because if he gets too specific with regards to policy mechanics it's an avenue the establishment will relentlessly use to attack him. But you already know that.

And archive your articles faggot.

Germany and the Netherlands are still waiting for the Turks who were imported in the 70s and supposed to go back to self-deport.

We see how that worked out.

Apparently the incentives aren't severe enough.

They are mostly brain dead attention whores that had no financial incentive to mature past age 14.

that's the point. There is only one incentive these animals accept: the end of a gun barrel.

or a country with more social welfare

You realize that any of the illegals, not the visa overstayers the ones who never got one, can be shot on sight and you only get hit for the firearms violation? Check your state on felony bystander laws.

Visa overstayers only get in trouble when leaving on an expired visa. Between an expiration and departure they're kosher workers, you can guess for {{{who}}}

cool story bro

Given you use tor, you are from China, so use a knife or hammer then. Hell go nuts on the rebel island with some earth movers, fucking bury then and sink their island, the put sand over it and call it a navy island.


So then you are saying that illegals are not federal felons then?
Tell me, do you get paid 935 a week?

Kek has blessed me with glory, an internal crusade must start in his green name!

A lot of it needs to be attrition of their numbers from multiple fronts. Border wall, expedited deportations, special focus on criminals, employer sanctions. It's going to take some time but there's no doubt he will get the ball rapidly moving forward.

*forgot to add

Plus ending sanctuary cities and public assistance. But I'll make an exception if we're assisting their asses out of the country.

Fun way, require employers file the certifications and IDs of their employees on their taxes. Pass the IRS a few billion and watch the fireworks as the all cas deals suddenly vanish. I know this part from personally watching a cattle ranch implode after an anonynous tip. If only there were more tipsters and money to follow up on them…


I don't know how to even feel about Trump at this point. Really, what good is he going to do for us? The long term game seems all but lost.


We voted Trump and got Rubio anyway. I can't vote for the Zionist-Wall Street party unless there's something in it for whites.